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Messages - Loaf

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The Flood / Re: Pug Skulls Are Fucked Up
« on: January 22, 2015, 02:04:09 PM »
pugs are so cute

Seems odd that a person that thinks little of humanity admires the features created as a result out of our disregard for the health of the animal.
holy crap can you leave me alone? fucking prick. I may need to mute more people...

that's right, give me more reasons to mute more people. I already muted like 4 of you. say something stupid like this again. it's not like you care about talking to me anyways. say something else stupid though and I will mute you and you won't even talk to me again. not like you care, I'm just saying.

Folks, don't antagonize people please.
And Loaf, just ignore people who want to cause trouble. Mute them if needed.
No point in getting in trouble yourself, don't return insult for insult.
I already started muting people.

So get new friends
they're much too difficult to come by.

[/quote] That's just my experience.

I don't think he's creepy--that implies unscrupulous intent. I think he's just really sheltered. Possibly sixteen or younger.

Learn to be alone, meh I can do so I'm sure you can too.
that's terrible advice. I dunno if you're being serious or if you're just another person who I should mute.

So get new friends
they're much too difficult to come by.

If you're feeling on the verge of hurting yourself, call someone to help.
oh fuck off. I'm not even. I just hate my fucking life. you don't even fucking care. you only care because your empathy gets triggered when you actually fear for someone's life. before that all of you don't even give a flying fuck because no one else is your problem.

The tone of your post says otherwise... Also, you wanna know a little secret? I became an EMT because I DO care, and what I do is help others. Strangers, friends, family, whatever. I may not give a shit about this place and I am here for the shits and giggles, but if there's a moment where someone needs legitimate help and I can give some semblance of help I will. My post wasn't condescending in any way, it was only real advice to talk to someone because it's not healthy to think about killing yourself (even if only imagined) over something like that and talking to somebody can really be beneficial. But if you'd rather remain hostile then there's nothing I can do and all I can say is good luck.
Alright I appreciate it.

No because I'm not a creepy little shit.
I just noticed you and the two posts I have seen by you have been disturbingly awful. You're getting added to my ever growing mute list so I can have a more peaceful experience here.

If you're feeling on the verge of hurting yourself, call someone to help.
oh fuck off. I'm not even. I just hate my fucking life. you don't even fucking care. you only care because your empathy gets triggered when you actually fear for someone's life. before that all of you don't even give a flying fuck because no one else is your problem.

And the post above mine is definitely not serious
Please don't interpret it as such.
I muted that cunt a white ago

I don't think you actually want to do that.
I don't know what else to say. I just really wish the pain would go away.

I was friends with a girl who's name is not important all last year. Her and another one of her friends were friends with me on steam and skype and facebook and for a while. Then they decided that I suck and they removed me. I just saw a message on their steam profiles talking about how happy they are and how they ended the year on a good note. They had removed me from steam just a while before. It looks like they are getting along so happy without me. They are the same people who said they want to go to an anime convention with me a little while earlier. I honestly just want to end my life right now. I will never create a good lasting friendship. The people who are good friends with me never turn out to be very good friends for that long. I seriously just wish that suffocating didn't hurt because I just want to walk into the lake just up the street from my house and inhale water and walk to the very bottom until I pass out and die. I hate my life.

Lol no. Whenever I spot somebody mildly interesting I go through a checklist.

Ring on the finger for married.
Mini-van or van for married with kids.
A new car means they're social creatures with lots of friends, involved in parties, and already have a boyfriend.
An old car is similar, except that they live on a farm which means far away from me.
Being in a truck means that they've got damn protective fathers and family.

Whenever I see somebody interesting I turn the fuck around and go elsewhere because nothing will come of that particular person anyway.
That's probably a really good philosophy. I avoid attractive interesting people at all costs most of the time. When I don't I end up embarrassing myself and scaring myself emotionally for a very long time.

The Flood / Re: So apparently my town bar got robbed last night
« on: January 22, 2015, 11:47:02 AM »
that sounds pretty gangster. I bet the robbers listen to rap music.

The Flood / Re: "you have first world problems"
« on: January 22, 2015, 11:21:12 AM »
Please add me to your fucking ignore list, please.
be an obnoxious worthless douche bag scum. you don't get it if you fucking ask because I do what I want. I don't take orders from anyone else.
shut the fuck up deci
try harder
Autistic fat shit who cries about stupid fucking problems that no one cares about.
hahahahaha. you can do better than that. come on. really really let me have it. it will take a lot more than that to make me upset.

The Flood / Re: "you have first world problems"
« on: January 22, 2015, 11:19:27 AM »
Please add me to your fucking ignore list, please.
be an obnoxious worthless douche bag scum. you don't get it if you fucking ask because I do what I want. I don't take orders from anyone else.
shut the fuck up deci
try harder

The Flood / Re: "you have first world problems"
« on: January 22, 2015, 11:18:25 AM »
Please add me to your fucking ignore list, please.
be an obnoxious worthless douche bag scum. you don't get it if you fucking ask because I do what I want. I don't take orders from anyone else.

The Flood / Re: "you have first world problems"
« on: January 22, 2015, 11:14:42 AM »
Stop trying to be Rose
you mean queen of /b/ rose? I wish I was that sexy.

Not really everyone, I imagine living my life with a few people.

I see what you mean though. Without the insane...ish part...
I should have been more specific to attractive people. I edited the title.
depending on what you find attractive in people.
no dip

The Flood / Re: Pug Skulls Are Fucked Up
« on: January 22, 2015, 11:09:31 AM »
pugs are so cute

Not really everyone, I imagine living my life with a few people.

I see what you mean though. Without the insane...ish part...
I should have been more specific to attractive people. I edited the title.

Every time I meet an attractive person I can't just be cool. All I can imagine is what the sex would be like and how romantic it would be. I hate it because I feel this huge pressure when I am around everyone I like to not act weird. Then as soon as I start to like them it's like I just can't be myself anymore. I am talking about irl and stuff because it feel like I have this nervousness all the time. I just feel like every single person is going to have fucking sex with me and I get super nervous and stuff. I know that sex will never happen though >_>

The Flood / Re: Meet my new roommate
« on: January 22, 2015, 10:57:50 AM »
>being room mates with casper

The Flood / Re: "you have first world problems"
« on: January 22, 2015, 10:54:37 AM »
I'm not following you.
allow me to respond with a tumblr quote

It’s amazing to me how stupid human beings are. It’s like they have a thousand little wires that are all sending and receiving signals. Yet not once but in a blue moon do the signals send anything accurate. You try to talk to someone and it’s like watching a fucking toilet trying to flush a giant turd. You stupid insipid pieces of fucking garbage. Update your fucking minds with a smarter brain you scum.

I didn't write it and don't think it's directed to you because it's not. This is all incidental and I am just incidentally leaving this quote here because of an arbitrary little whim. Don't mind me.

The Flood / Re: do you ever have those dumps
« on: January 22, 2015, 10:50:02 AM »
That you just know there's no good in wiping and just jump in the shower instead?

discuss nuclear dumps
that has honestly never fucking happened to me

The Flood / Re: "you have first world problems"
« on: January 22, 2015, 10:43:16 AM »
oh look. more worthless scum that's getting added to my ignore list.

The Flood / Re: "you have first world problems"
« on: January 22, 2015, 10:39:51 AM »
Shut the fuck up Deci
you are officially going on my ignore list. lol. congratulations on being complete scum.

The Flood / "you have first world problems"
« on: January 22, 2015, 10:35:40 AM »
I couldn't think of anything more condescending to say. If you care so much about them then go fucking live with them. You obviously don’t give a fuck about the people who you’re living around right now. You are worthless scum and you have zero value to me and you have lost all my respect.

Holy fuck loaf shut the fuck up.

people are allowed to be assholes.
Well if they weren't I would have probably had to ban you for detailing how you would like to see another member's brutal death. So be grateful. =]
It's give and take, my friend. If I didn't receive so much asshole comments I wouldn't do it back. If it wasn't allowed in the first place that comment wouldn't have been made probably. So don't give me this bullshit. I am sick of seeing all the people on this board be complete assholes. I miss the good old days of where I didn't have to deal with so much shit posting.
It's not really bullshit. It's just that it makes sense not to become the very thing you despise.

Of course, having so much disdain is rather nonsensical in and of itself, as it really serves no purpose to better your life or mentality. But I wouldn't expect something so deep rooted to be shed so easily from a few words of advice.
Yeah okay. Keep serving me verbally, everyone else keep liking the posts. It's so great to know that I am someone who everyone wants to see the demise of. Demonic I don't think you do in particular. I just think that the way people work is once they dislike you they just want to see your demise. There's not really any room for improvement when everyone has already carved a stone tablet that says that I am complete worthless diarrhea.

people are allowed to be assholes.
Well if they weren't I would have probably had to ban you for detailing how you would like to see another member's brutal death. So be grateful. =]
It's give and take, my friend. If I didn't receive so much asshole comments I wouldn't do it back. If it wasn't allowed in the first place that comment wouldn't have been made probably. So don't give me this bullshit. I am sick of seeing all the people on this board be complete assholes. I miss the good old days of where I didn't have to deal with so much shit posting.

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