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Messages - Loaf

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The Flood / Re: Why is your consciousness shaped by your senses?
« on: January 23, 2015, 10:27:26 PM »

The Flood / Re: Does it amaze you how much people project?
« on: January 23, 2015, 05:24:44 PM »
Do you get these from some sort of copypasta archive, or do you write them all yourself?
All me.
It must take quite a bit of creative effort.

The Flood / Re: Does it amaze you how much people project?
« on: January 23, 2015, 05:17:57 PM »
Do you get these from some sort of copypasta archive, or do you write them all yourself?
All me.

The Flood / Re: Does it amaze you how much people project?
« on: January 23, 2015, 05:14:00 PM »
God just go have a wank or something
If you have nothing to contribute then stop spreading this toxic anti intellectual mentality.

The Flood / Does it amaze you how much people project?
« on: January 23, 2015, 05:10:59 PM »
So I have finally really realized what it truly means to project? I think it's fascinating to think about it. When people have their own ideas of what you actually think, or what they think your intentions are, they will project what they think on you. I think that that is one thing I want to focus on more is how people project their own fantasy on you. I think that I will be much better off if I realized that most people really don't have tight logic. It's something I really need to work on is looking at everyone from the perspective that they are all objective. Most people have a very very loose grasp on reality. It is so true that life is as fleeting as the morning due. So I think that it is important to realize the fragile nature from the human consciousness. It is hard for me to look at comments as not a mount of knowledge, lies, and secrets that I have to sift through and build my own structure that I see in front of me in my own head. It's simple, people are dumb. I know it sounds ironic but I have kind of a hard time looking at people as if they are just dumb.

The Flood / Re: Which user here has the most distinguished personality?
« on: January 23, 2015, 05:00:33 PM »
Loaf wins this

He's just Deci trying to be the MC from Hatred with a tendency to write near-Sandtrapish walls.

btw what ever happened to this deci person? is he gay? is he cute? is he ever coming back?

The Flood / Why is your consciousness shaped by your senses?
« on: January 23, 2015, 04:08:24 PM »
I was laying down on my bed. I closed my eyes and it felt like I was on a swing set. I could envision rocking back and forth and I almost sort of felt like I was. I tried to stop thinking. My mind took me back every time. Every time you think about not thinking it would take you away from the serenity of the lack of conscious connections. The thoughts of the world take you further away from your own consciousness. The thoughts sort of drain away. Imagining my own make believe music in my head could disconnect me even further. I may have been laying on my bed for a couple hours. I could only imagine maybe one or two notes at a time with a drum beat, but very complex patterns.

When the consciousness is broken and you come back to reality you realize that the world and sensory stimuli takes control. It seems as though the mind is dominated by the senses and to transcend the senses is almost completely futile. It requires disconnecting from the world around you to feel your inner self on a deeper more visceral level. I feel that thoughts are actually the things that enslave us as human beings. I don't know why consciousness can't be free and why thoughts and ideas have to keep us from the mind. I often think about what it would be like if the world just melted, if reality just melted, if I my thoughts mixed together with the fabric of time and space and the consciousness dematerialized from the body. A sort of celestial pool of consciousness and time.

I think that it's interesting to think of the mind and time as sort of a separate thing, when I do know that they are locked together. I like to think of the mind and body as one. When the mind stops processing senses you lose your own being. I was thinking about how fragile the nature of time and body are when I was masturbating right after I woke up. I woke up from my sort of trance like state and I walked around my room I was sort of woosy and all of a sudden I started thinking of cute boys. I got a sort of erection so I pulled out the lubrication and started masturbating. Then I realized that there wasn't really much warm blood rushing to my penis. It was more of a cold boner which was probably a result of the end of a REM cycle. The cycle your mind goes through when you sleep, which often results in morning wood.

The body is completely dependent on the very gravity of the universe. The very molecules you are made up of are connected to the stars. Down to a microscopic level everything, including logic breaks down. I try to imagine what is happening inside of my mind and I just don't know. It is just darkness and it is sort of like the paradigm between thinking about your mind and just letting it work. Everything is sort of kaleidoscopic and backwards. It is not a fun experience at all. I just go around every single day feeling like my mind is completely warped and shocked, overloaded with the senses of the universe. I urn for a disconnect from all these feelings so all of my emotions could form their own separate ways, and not turn into radio static. The mind is like a fine tuned machine and yet we all treat it like it is nothing more than a person... the greatest of all things you can imagine, a person, is treated with less gentleness than a precious iPhone... the pinnacle of modern day living.

The Flood / Re: Which user here has the most distinguished personality?
« on: January 23, 2015, 03:44:03 PM »

The Flood / Re: Which user here has the most distinguished personality?
« on: January 23, 2015, 03:35:24 PM »

That question alone should get thinking "yes it is". If it doesn't though I really have to wonder why. It concerns me how people have this notion that everyone is just straight all the time, unless there is an anomaly special occurrence. I don't think people understand that sexuality is a spectrum and some people really like guys, some people like guys and kinda like girls, some people like girls and guys, etc. I can't wait to see the day when no one has to "come out" that they like guys, and liking the same sex will be seen as normal. I just think we need to stop the stupid people from breeding because they always breed the most. I am talking fucking eugenics up the wazoo.

The Flood / Re: I dont understand why the hate for
« on: January 22, 2015, 09:51:51 PM »
see no problem with just looking at child porn. it really doesn't hurt anyone. I think the rules against looking at it are pretty stupid.

The Flood / Re: I dont understand why the hate for
« on: January 22, 2015, 09:18:10 PM »
yeah I actually agree with OP. I would have no problem with having a pedo friend. I actually do have a friend online who looks at child porn. I really don't care and I think it's great that they found something they like.

The Flood / Re: I know I'm right, but I feel wrong...
« on: January 22, 2015, 09:07:24 PM »
this is how I imagine talking to secondclass

The Flood / Re: I know I'm right, but I feel wrong...
« on: January 22, 2015, 09:02:52 PM »
You take this forum way too seriously. I know it's hard for you to interact with people because of your condition, but maybe you should read over your posts before you submit them. It's actually pretty hard to become generally disliked on this site, but you seem to have done it quite quickly. That's something to take notice of. Change your posting habits.
Lol you think I'm taking you seriously? I was being sarcastically serious. Learn the subtleties.

Oh my god...this is some Deci level cringiness.
Who the fuck is Deci? Fill me in.
The most laughed at, autistic, and cringy poster in Sep7 history. Well, until you came along.
I don't think you understand my way of life. Would you step this way to a black guy who came in here? It seems to me that you are nothing more than the equivalent of a racist to individuals.
It's not about who you are, it's about how you post. If a black guy came in here and talked like a normal person, he would be welcomed. But when you join this site and immediately begin making super whiny posts that just make people feel embarrassed for you, you're not going to be liked. That's not just true here, but in the real world. I'd stop getting so defensive and actually try to learn something from this if I were you.
It's no different from you telling a black guy to stop acting black.
It's actually extremely different. You aren't forced to make posts like this, but a black guy has no choice but to be black.
Same thing. You're discriminating against me because I'm different. Please start being sarcastically nice again. You see I see things in conversation. I am like neo when he becomes one with the computer world and he can see everything as ones and zeros as his eyes were gouged out. I am just so effective at seeing the conversation around me that I have transcended it and discovered my own ways of approaching it. These different methods may not seem apparent to you because you're just conjugation of though.
Oh, god. Are you kidding me? If you're seriously not a troll, then you're truly the worst member here. This is fucking hilarious.

The Flood / Re: I know I'm right, but I feel wrong...
« on: January 22, 2015, 09:00:17 PM »
You take this forum way too seriously. I know it's hard for you to interact with people because of your condition, but maybe you should read over your posts before you submit them. It's actually pretty hard to become generally disliked on this site, but you seem to have done it quite quickly. That's something to take notice of. Change your posting habits.
Lol you think I'm taking you seriously? I was being sarcastically serious. Learn the subtleties.

Oh my god...this is some Deci level cringiness.
Who the fuck is Deci? Fill me in.
The most laughed at, autistic, and cringy poster in Sep7 history. Well, until you came along.
I don't think you understand my way of life. Would you step this way to a black guy who came in here? It seems to me that you are nothing more than the equivalent of a racist to individuals.
It's not about who you are, it's about how you post. If a black guy came in here and talked like a normal person, he would be welcomed. But when you join this site and immediately begin making super whiny posts that just make people feel embarrassed for you, you're not going to be liked. That's not just true here, but in the real world. I'd stop getting so defensive and actually try to learn something from this if I were you.
It's no different from you telling a black guy to stop acting black.
It's actually extremely different. You aren't forced to make posts like this, but a black guy has no choice but to be black.
Same thing. You're discriminating against me because I'm different. Please start being sarcastically nice again. You see I see things in conversation. I am like neo when he becomes one with the computer world and he can see everything as ones and zeros as his eyes were gouged out. I am just so effective at seeing the conversation around me that I have transcended it and discovered my own ways of approaching it. These different methods may not seem apparent to you because you're just conjugation of though.

The Flood / Re: I know I'm right, but I feel wrong...
« on: January 22, 2015, 08:55:12 PM »
You take this forum way too seriously. I know it's hard for you to interact with people because of your condition, but maybe you should read over your posts before you submit them. It's actually pretty hard to become generally disliked on this site, but you seem to have done it quite quickly. That's something to take notice of. Change your posting habits.
Lol you think I'm taking you seriously? I was being sarcastically serious. Learn the subtleties.

Oh my god...this is some Deci level cringiness.
Who the fuck is Deci? Fill me in.
The most laughed at, autistic, and cringy poster in Sep7 history. Well, until you came along.
I don't think you understand my way of life. Would you step this way to a black guy who came in here? It seems to me that you are nothing more than the equivalent of a racist to individuals.
It's not about who you are, it's about how you post. If a black guy came in here and talked like a normal person, he would be welcomed. But when you join this site and immediately begin making super whiny posts that just make people feel embarrassed for you, you're not going to be liked. That's not just true here, but in the real world. I'd stop getting so defensive and actually try to learn something from this if I were you.
It's no different from you telling a black guy to stop acting black.

The Flood / Re: I know I'm right, but I feel wrong...
« on: January 22, 2015, 08:54:14 PM »

Found you something concrete.
Math is an abstract idea just like anything else.
Yet your entire universe will always continue to follow it, regardless of how you feel.
Lmao it's still an abstract concept. You can fry an egg too. I'm sure that that equals 2+2 two too to to

The Flood / Re: I know I'm right, but I feel wrong...
« on: January 22, 2015, 08:53:18 PM »
I still legitimately can't tell if this is just one big ruse or not.

The Flood / Re: People who blow smoke out of their nose...
« on: January 22, 2015, 08:51:25 PM »
[font=comic sans ms][size=36pt]SOMEONE IS MAD[/size][/font]

The Flood / Re: I know I'm right, but I feel wrong...
« on: January 22, 2015, 08:49:57 PM »

Found you something concrete.
Math is an abstract idea just like anything else.

The Flood / Re: I know I'm right, but I feel wrong...
« on: January 22, 2015, 08:47:18 PM »
You take this forum way too seriously. I know it's hard for you to interact with people because of your condition, but maybe you should read over your posts before you submit them. It's actually pretty hard to become generally disliked on this site, but you seem to have done it quite quickly. That's something to take notice of. Change your posting habits.
Lol you think I'm taking you seriously? I was being sarcastically serious. Learn the subtleties.

Oh my god...this is some Deci level cringiness.
Who the fuck is Deci? Fill me in.
The most laughed at, autistic, and cringy poster in Sep7 history. Well, until you came along.
I don't think you understand my way of life. Would you step this way to a black guy who came in here? It seems to me that you are nothing more than the equivalent of a racist to individuals.

The Flood / Re: I know I'm right, but I feel wrong...
« on: January 22, 2015, 08:40:07 PM »
You take this forum way too seriously. I know it's hard for you to interact with people because of your condition, but maybe you should read over your posts before you submit them. It's actually pretty hard to become generally disliked on this site, but you seem to have done it quite quickly. That's something to take notice of. Change your posting habits.
Lol you think I'm taking you seriously? I was being sarcastically serious. Learn the subtleties.

Oh my god...this is some Deci level cringiness.
Who the fuck is Deci? Fill me in.

The Flood / Re: I know I'm right, but I feel wrong...
« on: January 22, 2015, 08:38:52 PM »
You take this forum way too seriously. I know it's hard for you to interact with people because of your condition, but maybe you should read over your posts before you submit them. It's actually pretty hard to become generally disliked on this site, but you seem to have done it quite quickly. That's something to take notice of. Change your posting habits.
Lol you think I'm taking you seriously? I was being sarcastically serious. Learn the subtleties.


The Flood / Re: I know I'm right, but I feel wrong...
« on: January 22, 2015, 08:23:07 PM »
You're pathetic.
What did we talk about? You said you would be sarcastically nice. This isn't what we discussed  :-\ I like you and I don't want to see this good thing we had deteriorate.
I did? I don't really recall any conversations with you. I guess you're just not very memorable.
You did have a conversation with me and you're going against what you said. You need to grow some integrity.
I'll change my whole life and only post in the name of niceness when you make one non-autistic post. Deal?
You don't get to turn the tables like that. You were going to be sarcastically nice. I am not negotiating with that.
You take this forum way too seriously. I know it's hard for you to interact with people because of your condition, but maybe you should read over your posts before you submit them. It's actually pretty hard to become generally disliked on this site, but you seem to have done it quite quickly. That's something to take notice of. Change your posting habits.
Lol you think I'm taking you seriously? I was being sarcastically serious. Learn the subtleties.

The Flood / Re: I know I'm right, but I feel wrong...
« on: January 22, 2015, 08:14:34 PM »
You're pathetic.
What did we talk about? You said you would be sarcastically nice. This isn't what we discussed  :-\ I like you and I don't want to see this good thing we had deteriorate.
I did? I don't really recall any conversations with you. I guess you're just not very memorable.
You did have a conversation with me and you're going against what you said. You need to grow some integrity.
I'll change my whole life and only post in the name of niceness when you make one non-autistic post. Deal?
You don't get to turn the tables like that. You were going to be sarcastically nice. I am not negotiating with that.

The Flood / Re: I know I'm right, but I feel wrong...
« on: January 22, 2015, 08:12:15 PM »
You're pathetic.
What did we talk about? You said you would be sarcastically nice. This isn't what we discussed  :-\ I like you and I don't want to see this good thing we had deteriorate.
I did? I don't really recall any conversations with you. I guess you're just not very memorable.
You did have a conversation with me and you're going against what you said. You need to grow some integrity.

The Flood / Re: I know I'm right, but I feel wrong...
« on: January 22, 2015, 08:09:11 PM »
You're pathetic.
What did we talk about? You said you would be sarcastically nice. This isn't what we discussed  :-\ I like you and I don't want to see this good thing we had deteriorate.

The Flood / I know I'm right, but I feel wrong...
« on: January 22, 2015, 08:01:17 PM »
I have a problem, flood. I have so many ideas that conflict with ideas that I vocalize against, and since I present so many conflicting arguments I start to lose my mind. I know that I'm right, but at the same time it's starting to feel like there is no right in the universe. I know that that is kinda true in a sort of philosophical way. What I mean is that what does it matter if you're right so much when everyone else thinks you're wrong? It's the subjective nature of reality, it's really starting to make me feel like my own reality is just building blocks. I just want some sense of concrete in the world. All the time it feels like reality shifts under my feet when it is being challenged all the time. It's not that it doesn't feel like I'm right anymore, it's that I'm starting to feel like it's hard to look at the world without it breaking apart. It's like the parts of my brain itself come loose.

The Flood / do you believe in setting low standards for yourself?
« on: January 22, 2015, 02:23:33 PM »
I feel like what i really need to do more is set a really low standard for the expectations of me. that way when people meet me I won't have to withhold a big ass lie for a super long time before they discover the real me. I feel like people are concealing their true face behind a facade all the time. They put on a mask and pretend to be someone they're not. I think what I need to do is really focus on breaking that boundary right from the start. That way it won't hurt more when I have to break it later.

The Flood / Re: What anime should I watch right now?
« on: January 22, 2015, 02:16:20 PM »
I really like boku no piku. no lie.

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