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Messages - Loaf

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The Flood / Re: Where can I buy this shirt?
« on: January 25, 2015, 06:57:16 AM »

Please don't post pictures of black people looking like they're rapping or something. It is triggering to me.

The Flood / Re: ITT first world problems.
« on: January 25, 2015, 06:32:58 AM »
I think depression and isolation is a very first world problem. I think that no one has the right to talk about how they're lonely and depressed and wish they were dead when they're not fighting for their life to prevent starvation. I think it is really selfish to even say you have any problems at all if you live in a first world country like america. I hope you guys realize that no one actually has real life problems. The only people with real life problems are in africa and if you kill yourself while you're in america then you are doing the planet a favor because you couldn't survive the easiest life of all time. That is the problem with people now a days is that they don't understand what real life is all about. You have to be living a bad life in order to complain about it, and yet you don't see the starving people complaining about it. They take it look good people and they pray to their loving god who serves them well because they know that under god's love they will feel loved. That is how the world should fucking work and any mother fucker who disagrees with me is not a true american.

The Flood / I like to think of myself as an old boat
« on: January 25, 2015, 06:11:04 AM »
This boat has seen some rough waters and it rode them waves like a pussy. You know a lot of fish been swimming under me and I look at them and I know they got their minds, their little fishy minds. I know that this boat will ride along and see a lot of nothing but darkness under me, dimly illuminated by the light of the day. That is the way of the world though. You see only what the light allows you to see and your sight is so dim, and so feable. You know that this old boat is just a sail away from being taken out of the water and sent to the old junk heap. You can try to sink this old boat and you can raise it again. You know that when the old boat is done it's done, just like the way of life. I see myself as just an old boat and I was thinkin about them waters and them fishes. It's all in the eyes of a dreamer.

The Flood / Re: im approaching my 20th birthday and i still need contacts
« on: January 24, 2015, 06:07:10 PM »

I'd take em right out of the womb, bitch.

The Flood / Re: Post legitimately scary music
« on: January 24, 2015, 11:51:18 AM »
I am impressed that you like nurse with wound because they kick ass but no music on earth is scary. That is a really pussy way of thinking about music.

Are you a serial killer or something?
>having stronger morality than others makes you a murderer

Right and wrong isn't subjective; morality is based on factual propositions. People can clearly be wrong about right and wrong, and you should tell them as such.
>morality is based on factual positions
because someone can totally say who is right and wrong. I BET NO ONE EVER TRIED THAT BEFORE.

The Flood / Is anyone else rebelliously racist?
« on: January 24, 2015, 08:48:29 AM »
I am not racist because I have anything against black people. I am racist because I hate the anti racist mentality that mostly comes from white people. It's really annoying how white people are like the ultimate scapegoat for black people problems. You can't say anything racist without someone throwing a huge fit. It's because people have become scared after years of putting up with HISTORICALLY DISADVANTAGED PEOPLE. So yeah, I have had it a long time ago and I am ready to admit that I am REBELLIOUSLY RACIST.


yeah Nagato is getting muted.

Well, it doesn't matter what people think is right or wrong, they'll still have to follow the law. Or, y'know, they could do what they think is right, and get in trouble for it.

Destroying religious objects? I don't get it.
I dunno, I wasn't thinking about how the objects are religious. I just like how they're a couple of heads getting smashed. It is a nice bonus that they're the heads of religious architecture. I think that saying "they still have to follow the law" is a bit troubling because the law is only there to hold you back. That's not a sentiment, it's just a fact.

The Flood / Re: The age of the Nigger Weeb has begun.
« on: January 24, 2015, 08:17:40 AM »

is anyone else feeling kind of annoyed at historically disadvantaged people right now? I can just imagine someone like that historically disadvantaged person in this video actually being real. Some of them can't handle thinking. I had a dream last night where I called a bunch of black people niggers and they all ganged up on me like a bunch of wild animals.

Well, it doesn't matter what people think is right or wrong, they'll still have to follow the law. Or, y'know, they could do what they think is right, and get in trouble for it.

so first I'm being compared to a guy I never met named deci, and no cheat. when will the boogeyman go away?

The problem is that their own version of right and wrong is subjective. A lot of the time it's not even a matter of morality, it's more of a matter that you do or say something that society just isn't comfortable. It could be that you don't follow a certain form of etiquette, you could go against one of society's "traditions" or norms. The thing is that the universe unequivocally doesn't give a single fuck. People act like whatever they think is a law of fucking nature. I think people have a really hard with this concept because they're so busy masturbating over how they're right. There's this mentality whenever someone hears about something they never heard about. They laugh and get all defensive and act like it's so fucking weird. I guess that's to save face over the fact that if they tried to understand the world around them instead of just laughing they may not understand.

I want to live in a world where understanding is just a fluid every changing stream, and whatever enters your mind is being constantly reevaluated. I think that people really like their mind to run on patterns though. Traditional thinking and  love of customs is really just a sign of extreme mental weakness. I see it everywhere I go. Here is my response to this kind of thinking


The Flood / Re: I found a picture of Ryle.
« on: January 24, 2015, 01:21:48 AM »
Finally someone mentions folk punk. good fucking genre.

The Flood / Re: Petition to unban Ryle
« on: January 24, 2015, 01:08:26 AM »

UNBAN RYLE NOW! He is one of my favorite posters ever.

The Flood / Re: Why is your consciousness shaped by your senses?
« on: January 24, 2015, 01:05:33 AM »
Everyone knows you're trolling, bro. Time to leave and return on a different alt.
except I'm not and you have no perception of when I am and am not.


so what's your plan of action now?
I will continue to be slightly embarrassed but still not really give much of a fuck. Go scroll down a bit further and you're in for a nice surprise ;)


lol jim

How do you feel about Christians in particular?
You're barking up the wrong tree kiddo. You don't want to know how I feel about christians. LOL

Try me.
Okay well I can't just take one thought pertaining to religion out of my head without some sort of context to apply it to. Religion isn't just one single piece of fruit that I can fruit ninja in half. If you wanted me to write some really elaborate and totally succinct version of how I feel about religion right before your eyes I'm sorry but you're out of luck.

Well you mentioned you had some particular feelings regarding Christianity.
I was just expecting something on that.
I can't pull something out of a hat. LOL. You obviously are a new moderator or else you would have seen me talk about it in the past. I am much more mature about it these days than I used to be too.


holy shit I see this pic on tumblr multiple times

How do you feel about Christians in particular?
You're barking up the wrong tree kiddo. You don't want to know how I feel about christians. LOL

Try me.
Okay well I can't just take one thought pertaining to religion out of my head without some sort of context to apply it to. Religion isn't just one single piece of fruit that I can fruit ninja in half. If you wanted me to write some really elaborate and totally succinct version of how I feel about religion right before your eyes I'm sorry but you're out of luck.

Apathetic towards specific individuals for specific reasons, but not groups, I don't like to encompass groups under one thing, whether it be emotion, or a judgment.
true, but when I think about them in my head I don't really give a measly fuck.

How do you feel about Christians in particular?
You're barking up the wrong tree kiddo. You don't want to know how I feel about christians. LOL

religious people, etc. I just really can't find the wherewith all inside of me to really give one measly fuck. I do care about lgbt people though. I think I have a lot of empathy for people who are oppressed by others imposing on them. Not so much with racial minorities though.

The Flood / Re: Why is your consciousness shaped by your senses?
« on: January 23, 2015, 11:07:31 PM »
Been through those thoughts already. Ever tried meditation?
I hate meditation.

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