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Messages - Loaf

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He's very poor at public speaking and the way he thinks he's the leader of the alt-right is (I'm not sure how else to put it) cringey.  He's an uncharismatic wimp, and most of the time I wouldn't doubt he's a government plant
That's fine, if you just want to give your two cents about richard spencer. It doesn't address the deeper underlying issue of what I wrote though. I find that's a common problem with society in general, in not being able to read too deeply into things; probably because of the damaging effects social media has had on our brains, with everything being immediate and surface level in the mental processing human beings in the 21st century are used to. We're constantly bombarded with things that we need to make instant judgments of, it is reflected in the sort of discourse you see online for sure. If social media didn't cultivate this sort of mentality, I think the sort of conversations we see online would be a lot different.

Human nature is touches both ends of the morality spectrum. I can't say that I dislike it as a whole, but I do dislike the parts of human nature that are abhorrent.
That's a waste of energy. This is human nature. This is how human beings will inevitably be. You're an idealist, you'll never satisfy what you want.

I don't get the hate for guys like Richard Spencer beyond just tribalism. I don't agree with what he says, but he's level headed and seems like a guy who's honest about what he thinks. It's funny, because he's a guy who thinks the opposite of what most accepting and tolerant people in the united states think, out in the open without apologies. I mean, yeah it's not good stuff he's saying and it makes me kind of tired listening to him. But I don't hate him, I don't know why we have to hate people just because they think different points of view from us. What does that accomplish? You're just angry at the laws of nature; this is what happens when you have people. To get angry at the laws of nature is just a waste of time, you can't change the way people will inevitably be; definitely not by hating them. I wouldn't mind sitting down with Richard Spencer and having a calm talk over a cup of coffee, I'm sure it would be interesting and not unpleasant. He seems like a pleasant guy.

I mean, people think Richard Spencer is hateful, he doesn't seem so from his interviews (he's a bit ironic in that way, I admit). But let's say he was, why is it better to hate those who supposedly are bad because they hate? I guess you can hate for the right reasons? Fascists hate people for simply being people, when you hate a fascist you're doing the exact same thing; you're hating people for being people. I don't see that as much different from adopting their ideology for yourself. Yeah, human beings can be hard to not hate, so maybe that says more about you than it does the Nazis if you're not even willing to try. At least the nazis aren't hypocritical about it.

I couldn't care any less. This is human nature. You either dislike human nature, don't care, or like human nature. If you dislike human nature, you can't change human nature so it's wasted energy. If you like human nature, then that's cool because it is a pretty wondrous phenomena. I mean, why hate that which just naturally exists in the world? It's like a domino set you knocked down and sprouted legs and started walking and raping people through natural selection, after billions of years of biological evolution and mutation happened. You're just watching the playing out of the laws of physics, there's nothing to hate about these rapists. You can love them the same way you look at the stars and feel a sense of awe and beauty, because they and you are a part of it inextricably, whether you want to be or not.

The Flood / You piss fuckers, I will cum all over you
« on: November 08, 2017, 04:29:41 PM »
You mother fucking PISS NIGGERS! I am your mommy and you will cum before me, in the chalice of evermore. You're cute little femboy sluts, you're mine. You're cumming uncontrollably thinking about yourself so sissy and faggoty before my almighty cock. I am pleased at this display.

The Flood / Re: Fuck spanish, and fuck sjws
« on: November 06, 2017, 07:53:37 PM »
Language is just a bunch of meaningless symbols that we collectively attach arbitrary meaning to.
Probably because a group of people speak it as their native language so we attribute it to them???? Lemme get my homeboy Skull Face to tell you why language is important.

Males and females all partake in male and female characteristics. No one exhibits solely traits exclusive to masculine and feminine traits, so therefor basing these concepts on a dichotomy of male and female is absurd. Terms such as masculine and feminine, which can be associated with traits like toughness, and delicacy and daintiness, can be associated freely without the unnecessary dichotomy which implies that one is exclusive and opposite to the other. That's one of the things I'd like to get away from, is this concept of gender, is because it makes everything seem as though it's opposite and drives oppositional, dichotomized, oppressive thinking into everyone's minds.

The Flood / Fuck spanish, and fuck sjws
« on: November 06, 2017, 07:49:23 PM »
Lol banned from a trans and non binary community because I said "fuck spanish" when I was talking about gendered languages. I started a thread that said "that feel when the english language is aggressively gendered", so this mod came in and started telling me about how it's not as bad as other languages like spanish. So I was like, why don't you just not gender the words? And he was like "then you'd be not talking" So I was like "fuck spanish" and someone said that I was being racist LMAO! I'm racist? Language is just a bunch of meaningless symbols that we collectively attach arbitrary meaning to. I am not saying "fuck spanish people", I'm saying fuck gendered language. But no, sjws are fucking retards who can't understand nuance in anything they comprehend. Fuck people who freak the fuck out when you have an individual thought. Fuck mods who act that way. YOU SAID SOMETHING WE DON'T LIKE!!! PURGE! PURGE! PURGE!

The Flood / Re: When did you decide to be a racist bigot, casper?
« on: November 06, 2017, 05:41:25 AM »
I think it's funny that people are totally okay with Casper's blatant unironic racism.

The Flood / Re: Do Nihlists...
« on: November 03, 2017, 03:37:06 PM »
I believed in hammer smashed ball sack.

The Flood / Re: When did you decide to be a racist bigot, casper?
« on: November 03, 2017, 03:35:48 PM »
How are you a racist and an art student?
How are those related?
Art students are supposed to be liberal.
Why am I supposed to be? I'm an individual
So you're saying you're a special snowflake?

The Flood / Re: You been banned from facebook like dozens of times?
« on: November 03, 2017, 03:31:12 PM »
>Using NSAbook.
It's a great source of memes and news. Do you know how many news outlets post stories on your feed, and how many memes you can find which are dank as fuck? Facebook is actually really awesome, not to mention the fact it has groups and a messenger. I really enjoy using facebook, and yeah I think it fucking sucks their mods are shit, but I don't give a fuck that it collects all my data. What's it gonna do with that data? Send me more fucking advertisements for folio society? I couldn't give less of a fuck.

The Flood / You been banned from facebook like dozens of times?
« on: November 03, 2017, 03:23:38 PM »
I have. Fuck facebook's nigger mods. They're nothing but whores, I'm problematic privileged scum. But they are the niggers. I will respawn, I will return again and again, and one day, if only god were bidding, I'D SHOVE MY FUCKING DICK DOWN THEIR THROAAAAAATS!!! WOOAAAAAAAAGH!! AND MY DICK WOULD BECOME SO BIG THEY WOULD EXPLODE, AND MY COME WOULD FLOOD THE EARTH AND DROWN ALL THAT INHABIT IT EXCEPT FOR THE ARYAN RACE!!! HUUUUUUUAAAAAAAAGH!!!

The Flood / Re: When did you decide to be a racist bigot, casper?
« on: November 01, 2017, 05:05:12 PM »
How are you a racist and an art student?
How are those related?
Art students are supposed to be liberal.

The Flood / Re: When did you decide to be a racist bigot, casper?
« on: November 01, 2017, 03:06:36 PM »
How are you a racist and an art student?

The Flood / Re: When did you decide to be a racist bigot, casper?
« on: November 01, 2017, 01:26:57 PM »

The Flood / Re: When did you decide to be a racist bigot, casper?
« on: November 01, 2017, 06:19:24 AM »
Hi 2013 ironic SJW shitposting holy fuck you're boring
I actually am a progressive, feminist, black lives matter supporting, social democrat, and an atheist.

The Flood / When did you decide to be a racist bigot, casper?
« on: November 01, 2017, 05:11:24 AM »
Casper I know you've posted about how great it is to be white, and how you're a Trump supporter. I want you to know that the things you say on this website are deeply problematic, and I don't know how you can live with yourself.

White people are less cool than black people
This is your mind on a liberal education. Btw I'm an intersectional feminist, I support black lives matter, and I'm a social democrat.

ask him who it was that brought him to this country he lives in in the first place.

The Flood / Re: Racism for racism's sake is so blasé
« on: October 27, 2017, 03:10:54 PM »
You talk like a retard, OP.

The Flood / Re: It's been a while - Post a picture of yourself.
« on: October 20, 2017, 08:54:19 PM »

The Flood / Re: Will the niggers ever be satisfied?
« on: October 20, 2017, 02:43:00 PM »
They would still be in Africa if they weren't brought as slaves.
That's where they belong.

The Flood / Re: Will the niggers ever be satisfied?
« on: October 20, 2017, 01:33:25 PM »
They're haters Loaf
They're walking turds.

The Flood / Will the niggers ever be satisfied?
« on: October 20, 2017, 12:59:27 PM »
All I ever hear is gimme this gimme that from these niggers. But let me ask you, what have the niggers ever given to deserve all these special rights and benefits that us white folk don't? If you ask me they're a bunch of greedy sons of bitches. The niggers will never be happy, because they're niggers.

The Flood / Yes, misogyny against men is real, and it's very pervasive
« on: October 14, 2017, 06:43:43 AM »
When someone makes fun of a guy for being "like a girl" in any way, this is a form of misogyny, because it's denigrating the female traits in a guy. Also, when a guy is afraid of being girly, or makes fun of other guys for being girly, this is called toxic masculinity. Toxic masculinity and misogyny towards males is a pervasive part of our culture, and it shows just how pervasive misogyny is, not only towards women, in our entire society.

Some of the other ways this manifests is making men repress their emotions, it's often seen as weak to show emotions if you're a guy. This could lead to repressed emotions and feelings of insecurity and shame, and corrode the psyche of the male mind. It obviously has an effect on the gay community, and you see it in cases where guys say "I'm fine with homosexuality, but there's a certain lifestyle and way of behaving attached to it". They're of course talking about the way that some gay guys subvert gender norms, but they could also be talking about sexual fetishes. Either way, it's bigotry. It could also be one of the reasons why men aren't taken seriously when they say they've been raped, and this is what people mean when they say "rape culture".

There's many other ways that misogyny can effect us all, and this is why men should call themselves feminists. I call myself a feminist because I realize that not only should I try to be supportive of the female species, but I recognize that misogyny isn't just a problem that effects women, it's a problem that effects us all. This is why I say, we need to smash the patriarchy; we need to smash the hierarchical structure of the dominance of toxic masculinity. 

The Flood / Re: Blade Runner 2049 Was Fuckin' GOOD
« on: October 14, 2017, 05:43:54 AM »
I'm a nigger.

The Flood / Re: I'm ready for halloween
« on: October 12, 2017, 08:22:56 PM »
lofe send catnudes
If casper sends me his nudes I might send you mine. It has to be full body though, not just his butt, which I've seen.

The Flood / Re: I'm ready for halloween
« on: October 12, 2017, 07:18:56 PM »
I usually don't like saying saying things that are homophobic, but that pic makes me want to call you faggot
That's what we would call toxic masculinity.

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