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Messages - Loaf

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The Flood / fucking gross
« on: February 25, 2015, 03:34:58 PM »
my dad just told me he was sick. ew. that means he has germs and he's going to germinate all over the house. okay, that is just fucking gross and I am too fucking magical for this bullshit. when he told me he was not feeling well I literally told him "ew".

The Flood / Re: Most of you do not like music
« on: February 25, 2015, 11:19:36 AM »
I just wish I had some pretty girl clothes :p

I also feel really fat today.

The Flood / Re: Most of you do not like music
« on: February 25, 2015, 11:17:23 AM »
PM me pics of you
I took this pic a week or two ago.

The Flood / Re: Most of you do not like music
« on: February 25, 2015, 11:16:31 AM »
Do you only write like this when you have pent up sexual energy?
I already masturbated before I wrote it, and yesterday. So no, I don't think so.

The Flood / Re: Why don't you smoke weed?
« on: February 25, 2015, 11:13:12 AM »
Because it gives me terrible anxiety attacks and hallucinations after two hits and it literally has the capacity to give me a permanent mental illness. Stop advocating it, it is a recreational drug and it shouldn't be promoted.

The Flood / Most of you do not like music
« on: February 25, 2015, 11:11:27 AM »
People with good taste in music are the ones who are not moved by regular shit. I can tell you for sure that I have good taste in music because it is very hard for me to be moved by music that I listen to. I am sorry to all the insecure dramatic cunts who think that their taste is good, saying shit like “I listen to everything” when they don’t even know nor can they comprehend how much time I have dedicated to appreciating music. I know that someone’s taste in music is going to be garbage, I will brace myself whenever I hear someone say these words “I like everything”. It’s usually followed by some garbage that their friend showed them that proves that they haven’t really done much research on music at all. It is offensive to my intelligence when I hear someone say that they love music “too”. It is a really feeble and insolent attempt at coming across as important. Your taste in music is not as good as mine and you are a fowl beast if you come up to me and try to act like you know shit about music and you don’t. I wish I could cut these people in half with one swift chop of a samuri blade.

The Flood / Re: I got another cute pic /^3^\
« on: February 24, 2015, 02:47:43 PM »

The Flood / Re: I got another cute pic /^3^\
« on: February 24, 2015, 02:30:51 PM »
You know what the only difference between you and the people who are kind and tolerant are? People who are kind and tolerant would not assume that this was a troll, or they would not tell me that I am a fag. Either way the outcome would be the same, whether you are nice or mean. You could tell me that it is a cute picture or just ignore me if you are not interested in the picture. Except you choose to come in and hurt my feelings instead of coming in and just being nice. Because whether you assumed I was trolling or just hate me, what is the difference between either ignoring me or leaving a nice comment and leaving a mean comment besides the fact that it hurts my feelings?

The Flood / Re: Witnessed a Police shooting...
« on: February 24, 2015, 01:42:57 PM »
Ok I am currently at work and its cold as balls here. Looked out my window and saw police lights out front and two guys in the street. One of those two guys had a knife and was thrusting it towards the other guy. At that same time, the cop got out of his car with his weapon drawn on them! He then shot the guy with the knife! About 4 frikin times!!!!!

Holy shit!
That kicks ass. Congratulations on being privileged enough to see some real life violence. x3

The Flood / I got another cute pic /^3^\
« on: February 24, 2015, 01:22:37 PM »

please join the gay agenda today.

This brociopath is one of the most pathetic little rodents I have ever seen. You are definitely added to my ignore list.

Dude, I absolutely adore your 'the internet gives them a voice' theme.
Thank you for sharing yourself.
I shave myself, but mostly just my face.

yeah but in seriousness thank you, I am glad to share about myself. I have been told that my honesty and openness is a gift. when people take it and see it as some sort of weakness that needs to be berated then I get sort of offended a lot. It's kinda degrading to me when I see people on this website acting like saying personal stuff about yours truly is some sort of really hilarious or offensive thing. I think people need to realize that I am not their fuckin bitch and I am not gonna fall to my knees for some stupid video game loving dweebs that think they're so much smarter than I am. I do appreciate that some people, if any where able to appreciate this writing that I made. It was an honest effort and I wasn't trying to deceive anyone or be a shyster here. This is just me being me. Thank you.

Dude, I absolutely adore your 'the internet gives them a voice' theme.

lofe listen to this shit


fuck yes jim. digging the voi-vod avatar too.

How come every time I think of transgender issues it makes me so sad? Every time I have thought of femininity and myself I have never thought that I was a transgender male to female. I just like feminine things and there have even been times where I have expressed to people that I was transgender on rare occasions and those occasions have haunted me so much, because it is something that you can't just recant without people thinking that you actually meant it. I really hate how words carry so much weight behind them, there ois so much in this world that is not nice and is just a strain on the faculties of a person's mind. It's no wonder that we live in a world of such intolerance and hatred. It's because the world has so much strain that goes into living with social norms that i think some people just don't want to take the pressure. They probably think that pressure, for things besides just sexuality and gender, but things in general like even saying a swear word, these things are pressured to not be done. There is so much about our society that keeps us from truly expressing ourselves the way we want to.

I think of how disgusting it is to me when I think of people who go to their jobs in their suits and try to put on a so called professional face. There's so many rules and standards in this world it is a wonder to me that people in general don't get offended by them. It seems to me that the people who are against these standards are the ones who are smartest, but who am I to say who is right or wrong when there are always people on opposite sides saying that the other is wrong. I don't think that i am going to change someone's mind by saying some things on some obscure corner of the internet, and I don't think that getting up in front of a camera in front of the world would make a difference either. I do imagine myself sometimes in front of the world just saying things. I wish that the world didn't make a big deal out of anything and everything was sort of like a little game and everything was pastel colors and everything was just super nice and warm and friendly. I wish that there was no fear and there was just happiness and friendliness. Except that is so far from what the world actually is.

All these thoughts keep coming to my head and I don't know what to do with them. All these pressing thoughts that mean so much to me that i don't want to bring up to the world around me. The world around me seems so ignorant and more so unconcerned with me than anything else. I know that I have said it a lot on this blog but I feel so alone in this world among all the houses and buildings and businesses. I realize that there are billions of people out there and my one unique story is not a very interesting one. It is not one filled with adventure and self discovery. It is just a sad tail of a boy, who is now 20 and no longer a teenager, sat in his bedroom and thought about how sad the world around him is. There are so many people out there who have a way to live. They have found the rhythm of how the world works. Meanwhile I am just hear and I equate myself to those weaboos who are over weight and masturbate to my little pony and 2 dimensional anime characters. I don't do that but i guess the things I masturbate over are no better. I just feel like why is this world even here to make me feel lonely? What is the point of all this loneliness and suffering? It just feels like all of this is happening and it only adds to that one big over arching theme of life. That it is all so pointless.

I see people talking about it all the time, how life isn't fair, how life is short, how life is all these terrifying things. It doesn't really do a good job putting things into perspective for me. More like it makes me more terrified and more pressured to feel like that is what life is all about is going out and doing things. It seems like life is so much about pushing yourself and being competitive and I wish that it was more like just going around and doing your own thing. Just exploring the world and making giving a stranger a nice warm smile every once and a while, or befriending people. Seeing a beautiful colorful scene of nature on a nice warm summer day's walk. I imagine a fantasy where life isn't a metropolitan hustle to get ahead in the world of business. I imagine just nice fields of grass with cute little homes where everyone knows each other and is open to each other and explores different parts of the world, left unmolested by the hands of people. Just beauty, unlike the strange reality I live in which doesn't make sense. Except in this world that is not what it is like. Instead the world makes me sad and while I am here absolutely starving for some sort of experience in the world that feels real to me, the best thing that all the people around me can do is tell me that that is just the way things are. They tell me that I am weak and sometimes they even tell me that I am annoying them with the things I say.

I guess that is what i get for spending most of my time on chat room forums instead of actually being in the world. I feel like if people actually talked to me in the real world that they would find that i am actually a pretty nice person. Except there is a trade off. In the real world you cannot tell people about your inner layers, your inner thoughts and fantasies and desires. That is why i call the internet the internet and why I call actual human interaction the real world. This is not real, typing to people and them reading what I say, or chatting to someone without that face to face contact. The contact of a person face to face is so much more intense than anything on the internet. In fact talking to people face to face makes me uncomfortable I practically never see anyone to talk to them face to face at all. People ask me why i am so upset when I am practically starved every day of any human face to face interaction. They don't only wonder why i am so upset, but they don't understand why I am so upset, these people who I talk to online. It is only the people who I talk to online who would be so callous to say these kinds of things. I haven't really experienced what it is like to talk to people in person and experience the warmth of what it is like to have someone smile at what i say or inversely see that they are false smiling and don't really care about what i say. In fact most of the time I talk to people in person it seems that there is a very large tension for me to communicate.

I think that the reason that there is this tension is because I withhold all of these thoughts inside of my head. The ones about sexuality and gender and fetishes and political and philosophical opinions. I am always searching desperately for answers to these questions that I don't see anyone else actively trying to solve. I am grasping for any hint of meaning that I can find in this world and any new perspective or any new feeling that I can muster out of my mind. I want so badly to experience the things in the world and I take my life so seriously. I don't want to waste away, I want to live and experience what life has to offer. Instead I am surrounded by people who seem more interested in just laughing at the world and getting high and not taking the world seriously. Laughing at all the seriousness of the world and deepening their drunkenness so they can escape all of the difficulties of the world. They surround themselves with friends and loved ones and booze and weed and television and all of these things that distract them from the world around them. What happens when all of those things become too stressful to look at for a person? That is what it is like for me. I also do not like doing drugs and trying to mask my feelings. I like being in touch with my feelings. Sometimes there are even people who are so pessimistic and nihilistic that they feel that life is not worth living.

I myself am rather nihilistic, I guess you could say. I see a lot of things in the world that make me feel a deep sense of sorrow. A sense that the world is fucked up beyond repair and there is hardly anything that i can do about it. Except I supposed I am different from those who look at the world in such a pessimistic way that they feel that it is also okay to destroy their own lives in the process. I guess you could say that I am an optimist, because I have a strong will to live and I wish that I could live forever. As far as I am concerned I am only getting off the ground in terms of what I want to do with my life. I wish that I had an eternity to cultivate these thoughts. Eventually if I lived forever I would hope to cultivate some talents, because I am sure after years of living on this planet that eventually i would become comfortable with living and be able to pursue the things that I did when I was younger. When I was younger I did partake in a lot of activities like playing instruments and karate and sailing and skiing and sports. I guess after a while all of that changed when I started feeling like everything in the world was just pointless. All the things that I truly want out of the world are hard to attain and require more effort than a simple google search. I want to experience things so esoteric that they make me feel like when I open my eyes I literally feel differently about the world.

I guess that my perspective has changed since I was a child though. My perspective has changed from simply being a young optimistic kid who was never quite satisfied with life, to a nihilistic and unhappy adult who is still unhappy with life. The biggest different is that now instead of being that young bright eyed kid who was so eager to learn about the world, now everything I have learned about the world has just made me upset. So upset that now I can hardly look at it anymore. At least I still have my optimism though. I just don't know how I could possibly get any worse than I already am. Perhaps I have actually improved, which I know I have. I know that all my experiences have shaped me into a profoundly more intellectual person than I was when I was younger. I have no doubt that my ability to process information is staggeringly larger. Not that that really means anything relative to everyone else's intelligence. I am just saying that my own intelligence in comparison shouldn't be compared to everyone else's. I guess the thing that I was most is to just go down the street some day and look at the world and feel happy. I feel like that is always what I have been missing in my life. Is just a feeling of comfort and a feeling that there is a lot of nice things in the world. I guess that there are people who look to religion to find such things. Religion is kind of transparent to me, it just represents false hope. I don't want that. I just want faith in the world around me.

It seems like no one really has faith in the world around us anymore. So many people turn to religion because it seems that there isn't much faith that can be had in the world. You don't need religion to have faith in something. It seems like no one really believes that the world is a good place. People feel that the people in the world are to blame all too often. I often feel guilty for the things that i say against religious people. Not because it is invalid to say those things, but because I am saying it about people who are all experiencing the same life as I am. The way that I cannot tolerate them, that is almost an instinct for me. It's the things that they say and the way that they act that governs my reactions to the things that they say. I wish that I didn't feel this way and I wish that in some way I was able to view them and just smile. I wish that I could smile at these things and accept them for the way that they are while still maintaining my own ideas and stand to my own convictions. The problem with that is I don't know how. It seems to me that there is a lot that I still could learn about how to deal with this world. Instead of improving I just keep getting worse it seems. It seems that my anxiety and nihilism grows by the day.

It just gets worse and sometimes I even feel like I may be descending into some sort of inherent psychological disorder. I do fear for my life in times like these. It's just that i can feel myself slowly dying and descending into madness. Just the negative emotions. I feel that I am very coherent in my thoughts. I can articulate them very well, except the anxiety and everything will rub my hand, as if my brain was just surrounded by a thin plastic bag and there was nothing to keep the world from touching it, and I can feel everything that I experience all of these feelings and these memories and these perceptions and senses at such an overwhelming level. I guess that is what people would call autism. A neurological disorder that somehow has fucked up my brain. I don't doubt that my brain is fucked up. I always felt that my brain was somewhat fucked up. I feel that I was different in some way. I just can't perform life in the same way as the people around me. It always made me feel sad because I never wanted to be abnormal. I guess at least now that I am it gives me a unique perspective on life. I just wish that all of these thoughts were useful and appreciated by someone. I'm sure that they would be. I don't want to be so naive to assume that there is no one in the world who could appreciate my thoughts.

The problem I have with people picking on autism is that it is more than just the stereotype that people have made up. It seems like people use it as an adjective. They see one cringe video on youtube containing some kid that is described as having autism and then they see that as what autism truly is. It's sad to me because these people don't have any volition in what they say because they are not doctors. They cannot make these kind of determinations about a person without those qualifications. It is nothing more than a pejorative to say someone is autistic without these qualifications. I know that people in general would not say these things and that people in the public wouldn't look at someone and dare say something so rude unless they were deranged and held a truly twisted view of the world. Just from seeing people make fun of the condition of autism on the internet it makes me think of all the people who are bullied and harassed in every day life. I know that it isn't just a feeling that is held in an isolated little part of the internet. I think about how going into the world there are people who may see me as someone in the perspective of these delusions and misconceptions. I guess I should take solace in something I have been thinking about more recently. Not everyone in the world is bad and there are people out there who are friendly and don't care about the bad things in me, or the things that other people see as gross. I guess the best thing that i can do is keep focusing on these positive things. That is what people usually tell me to do when I am upset anyways.

The Flood / Re: How do you feel about this picture?
« on: February 20, 2015, 06:12:26 PM »
I'd fuck him so hard
being gay is morally incorrect
by who's standards? the standards of your church who can't all come together on a consensus? Yeah okay well your church says it's bad and another church says it's right. same with how some people without religion say it's good or bad. so you are just one person out of so many others who thing it is not a bad thing. so you think that because you, some insignificant person on some obscure website say that homosexuality is a bad thing I am just supposed to nod my head as if it was empty or something (like yours)? nah, I don't think so darling. I'd say suck my dick but I wouldn't want someone like you on my cock anyways.

So if it is just a small part of who you are then how come people make such a big deal out of it? I mean it is absolutely important in the long run if you want to have relationships. Relationships are one of the biggest things that any human being strives for. So yeah it is a small part of the bigger part of who you are, because your sexuality doesn't define you in any way. So I understand the feelings behind such a statement, but isn't it also kind of counter productive to say that sexuality is a small part of who you are in the first place? I think in this modern world these kinds of philosophical sentiments are kind of wasted on the minds of the modern person. I think people need to be more concerned about sexuality because I still see people around me making homophobic comments.

The Flood / Re: How do you feel about this picture?
« on: February 20, 2015, 06:07:11 PM »
I'd fuck him so hard

The Flood / Re: How do you feel about this picture?
« on: February 20, 2015, 06:05:06 PM »

The Flood / Re: How do you feel about this picture?
« on: February 20, 2015, 05:59:35 PM »
Bland, boring. No creativity. Doesn't even turn me on.

this is why I need masculinism. people think that the only reason a man can be cute is to turn on other men. yeah, no. please understand that that picture is platonic and only meant to be cute. you are scum if you think that all of this is supposed to be sexual, you are extremely perverted and should seek help.

The Flood / Re: How do you feel about this picture?
« on: February 20, 2015, 05:55:46 PM »
It shows how pathetic your life is.

The Flood / How do you feel about this picture?
« on: February 20, 2015, 05:49:44 PM »

It's a cute boy taking a bath ^-^

The Flood / Re: what do you want from me?
« on: February 19, 2015, 11:44:39 AM »
The autists have been really going at it lately.
It's loaf so what do you expect? His life is complete shit.
hey creepazoid, would you mind not infringing on my life? thanks. it would be really nice if you minded your own business.

The Flood / How can I work on not being so transparent?
« on: February 19, 2015, 10:41:28 AM »
I always come here and people just seem to know exactly what it is I am saying and then have something to say about how I am saying it and why I am either right or wrong. I wish I had that kind of transparent vision when I saw people's writings. It is just really impressive to me that people around here have this astounding ability to just see through the fine lines of everything that everyone says and get to the deeper meaning. I really wish I had that capacity and I just want to know what kind of mental training or strength or predisposition it would take to achieve such an amazing state of mind. I know that some people are not born with it and I believe that I am not fortunate enough to have such a gift.

The Flood / Re: can you even speak a complete sentence?
« on: February 19, 2015, 10:29:02 AM »
Judas Priest is shit.

The Flood / Re: what do you want from me?
« on: February 19, 2015, 09:34:54 AM »
Bitch I'ma kill you! You don't wanna fuck with me
Girls neither - you ain't nothing but a slut to me
Bitch I'ma kill you! You ain't got the balls to beef
We ain't gonna never stop beefing I don't squash the beef
You better kill me! I'ma be another rapper dead
for popping off at the mouth with shit I shouldn't said
But when they kill me - I'm bringing the world with me
Bitches too! You ain't nothing but a girl to me
.. I said you don't, wanna fuck with Shady (cause why?)
Cause Shady, will fucking kill you (ah-ha ha)
I said you don't, wanna fuck with Shady (why?)
Cause Shady, will fucking kill you..
Would you like to fuck?

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