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Messages - Loaf

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The Flood / Re: I am obsessed with this video
« on: March 05, 2015, 12:00:50 PM »
Should I listen to Coil, Loaf
yeah dude, I'm a bit dumbfounded that you haven't already. everything they ever did was fucking awesome. they are literally one of my favorite bands ever. check out horse rotorvator, music to play in the dark volume 1 & 2, the ape of naples, scatology, and love's secret domain (except this album has a couple tracks I am not crazy about but a few really great ones, but you certainly may like them). also check out this

Doesn't it have whatshisface from throbbing gristle in it? That's what turned me off at first, cus I'm not a huge fan of Throbbing Gristle.

I'll check em out
hmm.. dude you gotta like throbbing gristle though. you just gotta. but yeah peter "sleezy" christophersen is in it. give it another chance dude. start with horse rotorvator and the ape of naples.

The Flood / Re: is england safer than america?
« on: March 05, 2015, 11:58:46 AM »
you really love the idea of killing. it's really demented, sick.

What are you talking about? Do I love killing? No. But I'll do it without regret if someone is trying to steal my property.

Were you referring to my hunting? Whats wrong with killing for food?
You keep avoiding the fact that taking away guns will reduce gun related crimes and murders. Sorry that you feel the need to defend your tough guy complex. Honestly, if someone was attacking you with a gun they would get you. You're not some wild west cowboy who would draw your weapon when you smell danger and then start firing off perfect shots. You would be dead if you were really attacked by someone. So yeah, give up your guns and stop fantasizing about killing people.

I'm never giving up my guns. Thats a fact.

Would it reduce gun crime? Right now? No. It would take effect about 40 years down the road? Maybe.

Everyone already has guns. What? You think someone is going to go into homes with guns and take them away? LOL
you sound so sad right now. like a little child. YOU CAN'T TAKE AWAY MY GUNS WAAAAAAAAH!!

The Flood / Re: I am obsessed with this video
« on: March 05, 2015, 11:55:50 AM »
Should I listen to Coil, Loaf
yeah dude, I'm a bit dumbfounded that you haven't already. everything they ever did was fucking awesome. they are literally one of my favorite bands ever. check out horse rotorvator, music to play in the dark volume 1 & 2, the ape of naples, scatology, and love's secret domain (except this album has a couple tracks I am not crazy about but a few really great ones, but you certainly may like them). also check out this

The Flood / Re: I am obsessed with this video
« on: March 05, 2015, 11:51:03 AM »
You should probably kill yourself
another person to add to my mute list.

The Flood / I am obsessed with this video
« on: March 05, 2015, 11:49:26 AM »

The Flood / Re: is england safer than america?
« on: March 05, 2015, 11:48:31 AM »
you really love the idea of killing. it's really demented, sick.

What are you talking about? Do I love killing? No. But I'll do it without regret if someone is trying to steal my property.

Were you referring to my hunting? Whats wrong with killing for food?
You keep avoiding the fact that taking away guns will reduce gun related crimes and murders. Sorry that you feel the need to defend your tough guy complex. Honestly, if someone was attacking you with a gun they would get you. You're not some wild west cowboy who would draw your weapon when you smell danger and then start firing off perfect shots. You would be dead if you were really attacked by someone. So yeah, give up your guns and stop fantasizing about killing people.

The Flood / Re: is england safer than america?
« on: March 05, 2015, 11:40:57 AM »
Wait, wait. You think that was being defensive? hardly.

What point do you think I'm trying to make? To be honest, I just feel sorry for the people without guns in their homes for safety reasons.

As far as the racial thing. YOU are the one who brought up the racism thing in the first place. I'm just letting you know that through sports and my childhood, I have more black friends than you'd think. And I'm willing to bet its higher than the amount of blacks that you've had a simple conversation with.

Legit question: If someone breaks in your home in the middle of the night and they are wielding a gun, what are you gonna do?
I am just saying that you sound like a total moron. you're telling me shit about how big your penis is and how you are badass because you can kill whoever breaks into your home. I think the solution to crime is probably fixing the economy through economic safety nets and better business regulation so that peopel don't have the inssentive to steal things because they are poor. Also taking away the guns in the country would definitely make it safer. Because really, what the hell does a civilian need to kill another civilian for anyways? There is only one reason that someone could possibly need a gun and that's killing things. Your enthusiasm about guns and probably your future argument about game like targets and stuff is childish. Take away the guns, we don't need them. The only people who are into them are wack job posturing tough guys like you.

WHY DO YOU KEEP BRINGING UP MY PENIS? Seriously its weird. Stop.

What do I need to kill another civilian for? If they try to take away my property, or injure/kill myself or my family. Yes, If someone is stealing my TV, I'm going to shoot to kill. Sorry not sorry.

Compared to many people I'm not "into guns". I have a few hunting rifles and a 9mm. Thats really not many guns. Get over yourself. Are you jelly that I can defend myself and hunt my own food? Seems like it.
you really love the idea of killing. it's really demented, sick.

The Flood / Re: is england safer than america?
« on: March 05, 2015, 11:36:27 AM »
Wait, wait. You think that was being defensive? hardly.

What point do you think I'm trying to make? To be honest, I just feel sorry for the people without guns in their homes for safety reasons.

As far as the racial thing. YOU are the one who brought up the racism thing in the first place. I'm just letting you know that through sports and my childhood, I have more black friends than you'd think. And I'm willing to bet its higher than the amount of blacks that you've had a simple conversation with.

Legit question: If someone breaks in your home in the middle of the night and they are wielding a gun, what are you gonna do?
I am just saying that you sound like a total moron. you're telling me shit about how big your penis is and how you are badass because you can kill whoever breaks into your home. I think the solution to crime is probably fixing the economy through economic safety nets and better business regulation so that peopel don't have the inssentive to steal things because they are poor. Also taking away the guns in the country would definitely make it safer. Because really, what the hell does a civilian need to kill another civilian for anyways? There is only one reason that someone could possibly need a gun and that's killing things. Your enthusiasm about guns and probably your future argument about game like targets and stuff is childish. Take away the guns, we don't need them. The only people who are into them are wack job posturing tough guys like you.

The Flood / Re: First world problem of the day
« on: March 05, 2015, 11:23:58 AM »
When I listen to music at work, I only use one earbud so I can still hear whats going on in the office. But the album I'm listening to is in stereo :(
that sucks man. fuck ear buds, how can you even enjoy the music? just don't listen to music unless you on a good sound system otherwise you are just cheapening the experience exponentially.

The Flood / Re: is england safer than america?
« on: March 05, 2015, 11:20:12 AM »
Wah I hate guns wahhhhhh.

Fuck outta here with your bullshit. Someone walks into my crib I'm blasting them. 6 shots to the dome, no criminal is leaving my house alive
man you sound so retarded. all you gun fags get off on a little power fantasy and think you're so badass. just give up your guns and be done with it. get a penis enlarger instead.
And all you libtards get off on trying to tell me what I can and cannot possess.

If I had a penis enlarger, by dick would be 3 times the size of yours instead of the normal twice the size of your small ass meat.

I'm not badass because I have a gun. I'm badass because when a criminal breaks into my home, I can actually defend myself unlike you pathetic liberals. Enjoy having your possessions taken, endangering your family, and being emasculated.
Wow, you sound like an action movie hero. I sure wish that all the liberals would listen to you. Your words are so inspirational, I'm gonna cry.

But I can still defend my home unlike you
don't you have a cross burning to attend to?

I have more black friends than the amount of blacks you've even talked to in your life.
the fact that you're defensive over that just shows how big of a bigoted kkk member you really are. remember johnny rebel? he would say stuff like that all the time, about how he's not racist and some of his best friends are black. except the reality is that you're a posturing tough guy who is trying to make a point to a stranger by telling me your penis is really big and your guns make you badass. btw here's a song you may enjoy

The Flood / Re: is england safer than america?
« on: March 05, 2015, 11:15:17 AM »
Wah I hate guns wahhhhhh.

Fuck outta here with your bullshit. Someone walks into my crib I'm blasting them. 6 shots to the dome, no criminal is leaving my house alive
man you sound so retarded. all you gun fags get off on a little power fantasy and think you're so badass. just give up your guns and be done with it. get a penis enlarger instead.
And all you libtards get off on trying to tell me what I can and cannot possess.

If I had a penis enlarger, by dick would be 3 times the size of yours instead of the normal twice the size of your small ass meat.

I'm not badass because I have a gun. I'm badass because when a criminal breaks into my home, I can actually defend myself unlike you pathetic liberals. Enjoy having your possessions taken, endangering your family, and being emasculated.
Wow, you sound like an action movie hero. I sure wish that all the liberals would listen to you. Your words are so inspirational, I'm gonna cry.

But I can still defend my home unlike you
don't you have a cross burning to attend to?

The Flood / Re: is england safer than america?
« on: March 05, 2015, 10:42:43 AM »
Wah I hate guns wahhhhhh.

Fuck outta here with your bullshit. Someone walks into my crib I'm blasting them. 6 shots to the dome, no criminal is leaving my house alive
man you sound so retarded. all you gun fags get off on a little power fantasy and think you're so badass. just give up your guns and be done with it. get a penis enlarger instead.
And all you libtards get off on trying to tell me what I can and cannot possess.

If I had a penis enlarger, by dick would be 3 times the size of yours instead of the normal twice the size of your small ass meat.

I'm not badass because I have a gun. I'm badass because when a criminal breaks into my home, I can actually defend myself unlike you pathetic liberals. Enjoy having your possessions taken, endangering your family, and being emasculated.
Wow, you sound like an action movie hero. I sure wish that all the liberals would listen to you. Your words are so inspirational, I'm gonna cry.

The Flood / Re: is england safer than america?
« on: March 05, 2015, 09:46:22 AM »
Wah I hate guns wahhhhhh.

Fuck outta here with your bullshit. Someone walks into my crib I'm blasting them. 6 shots to the dome, no criminal is leaving my house alive
man you sound so retarded. all you gun fags get off on a little power fantasy and think you're so badass. just give up your guns and be done with it. get a penis enlarger instead.

The Flood / I really feel sorry for anyone who thinks I'm gay
« on: March 05, 2015, 07:09:31 AM »
Let me be clear that I do not find guys attractive and I would never fuck a guy, not even if time ended and there was only post-time. I am 100% pure blood heterosexual. I would actually call myself aggressively heterosexual.

The Flood / Re: this comic gave me so many feels
« on: March 05, 2015, 07:07:48 AM »
you should have said no homo at the end of your post
no homo

The Flood / this comic gave me so many feels
« on: March 05, 2015, 06:08:21 AM »

When you say the inherent depth of a person, do you mean to imply that we have various depths to ourselves compared to each other? Because I say that the core of everyone's being is in the same place, no further away than anyone else's. The seeming difference between how easy it is to get in touch with it is merely created by the amount of what we take from reality to shape our personality and identity.

If more worldly and superficial a person you are, the more of life's baggage you will inevitably carry, and the less likely you are to be in touch with 'the self' and vice versa.
you're making me cringe reading this. If I have to simplify what i say for you then the meaning is lost.

if you were that bunny, would you stick that carrot up your ass?

The Flood / I am having kind of a fart problem
« on: March 04, 2015, 09:22:33 PM »
I had an egg white omelette with a shit load of garlic powder and dried onion sprinkled on it. It is really making some of the most rancid farts one can imagine. I mean I have experienced worse, this is maybe a 6/10 in terms of nauseous smells. Far from the worst, but still to be reckoned with. Anyways just wanted to share.

I think of how intelligence is perceived. Can it be all in the delivery of what you say and the timing? Is it know facts that you know and how you apply them? All of those things. But also I think about being in touch with one's inner self. How to come to terms with the self in a way that is real. I think about how what it actually means to have depth. Not only the delivery and presentation of yourself, but how you organize and collect the thoughts inside your head. I have often struggled with these concepts because they are so abstract. I do hope that some day I can become more second natured in how I carry myself. In this stage it is kind of like a paranoid and awkward dance, very unhinged.

The Flood / is england safer than america?
« on: March 04, 2015, 02:35:12 PM »
apparently they banned all guns and even pocket knives over there. americans reak of ass and they're obsessed with guns. we should put a stop to it, don't you think? take away all the guns.

The Flood / Re: ...
« on: March 04, 2015, 02:19:30 AM »

What we don't see in the fourth panel is the ear splitting, reality bending soundwave of a monster of a fart as that seemingly non chalant ass pillow lets it rip, promptly covering up said person who fell for the trap with a blanket and calling it a dutch oven.

The Flood / ...
« on: March 04, 2015, 02:12:46 AM »

oh noooooooo :o

The Flood / copy and paste this wherever you can
« on: March 03, 2015, 04:50:42 AM »
███████ ]▄▄▄▄▄▄▄
▂▄▅█████████▅▄▃▂          ☻                   We are against
███████████████████         ▌<︻╦╤─           Google+
◥⊙▲⊙▲⊙▲⊙▲⊙▲⊙▲⊙◤         /\                  ( Copy and Paste )

The Flood / Re: the things you think like what
« on: March 02, 2015, 05:02:11 PM »
lofe i fukin told you to lay off the drugs
jim did you just say I am doing drugs? I am not lafin.

The Flood / the things you think like what
« on: March 02, 2015, 03:15:20 PM »
okay so I was thinking about how there's like things we thing. so there's things that we think and things that we don't think. this things that we think are on our mind because they are meaningful to us in some way. otherwise we wouldn't think them. so how come it is that there's some thoughts we think bit we think that they aren't important? like okay isn't every thought that is on your mind meaningful in some way? when you get a true appreciation for what it truly means to have a mind then you start to appreciate how lucky you are to have one. our minds are taken for granted. are you not happy to have a mind? omg ._.

The Flood / let's talk about rape culture, girls
« on: February 27, 2015, 02:57:03 AM »




The Flood / Re: Is tumblr being fair?
« on: February 27, 2015, 02:02:42 AM »

right, sorry lol! I am not usually thinking on all cylinders in the morning.

The Flood / Is tumblr being fair?
« on: February 27, 2015, 01:40:02 AM »

the one who made the drawing is the one responding to me.

I got so much hate male and people telling me I am a worthless scum bag over this little exchange I had with this popular artist on tumblr, it kind of makes me feel like going out and clubbing baby seals.

then after you read that exchange, check out this foe message I sent her, pretending to be one of her concerned fans

I made most of the replies I made to people's hate male private on my tumblr.

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