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Messages - Loaf

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The Flood / Re: let me tell you why I hate poor people
« on: March 08, 2015, 07:40:03 AM »
Aren't you the ungrateful prick that made a thread bitching because your parents got you a laptop?
really really really really rude. get hit by a truck.
Agreed. How dare they try to be nice by getting you a gift.
it wasn't a fucking gift you moron. I wouldn't have flown to colorado without a computer. A computer is not a fucking toy, it's an appliance. I hate people like you. just because you're so upset with your life doesn't mean that you get to take it out on me. you're a small, insignificant little insect. the fact that I am even talking to an insect such as yourself is kind of weird to me. if an insect irl actually started talking to me I would just ignore it, because it's a lower life form. Except since we're on this website for some strange reason I have actually decided to respond to your asinine bullshit. You're scum. Goofy and stupid scum.

The Flood / Re: let me tell you why I hate poor people
« on: March 08, 2015, 06:48:39 AM »
Aren't you the ungrateful prick that made a thread bitching because your parents got you a laptop?
really really really really rude. get hit by a truck.

except well, what if the part of me that loves life actually died? what if on the inside I have died and I cannot love life anymore? I bet my brain has closed off those neural patheways and shit and made me into a zombie. Like what if I just have lost the ability to feel happy from so many years of just feeling like garbage?

This is my fucking venting time right now. So I am just going to close my eyes and type because I am kinda tired. Before I got this apartment I have felt like my life was just a miserable fucking grind. A struggle to get to the next day and feel anything. I have been waiting for an opportunity to really feel like myself. Except the anxiety and paranoia has kept me from realizing my true potential for years. For so many years I have felt like I just didn't want to do shit because I felt like my life was not my life. I feel like I was meant to live on my own. My parents always wondered why I never contributed around the house and stuff like that, they thought that I just wouldn't even take care of my own place if I had one. Well they missed one fucking thing and that's that I'm not gonna take care of their fucking house, because I literally just live there because they created me and put me there. Fucking stooges can't get mad at me, those fucking cretin.

So yeah I feel bad about this. because I always treat other people like crap, but I also just can't be myself. My parents don't seem to respect this though. They think that i just have a shitty personality and I don't really respect anyone. So they always talk to me as if I am just being childish and stuff and if I am being annoying. It's a different thing from being annoying and a dip shit to actually having environmental factors that are influencing your behavior. It's like everyone is blind to the fact of how miserable it is for me to not have my own apartment. Except they seem to have noticed after years and years of not... noticing. So they went ahead and got me my own apartment. I feel as though it's come too late though. I feel as though this won't turn around my life. I am extremely old. 20 years old is well into adulthood and I can't just get on with a normal life at this age. It will take so much time to just ease into a normal life, to rehabilitate myself after years of what I consider abuse. Not being on my own and having something to smile about. Being miserable and having to live in a fucking place where people expect me to clean up their fucking house. Nuh uh.

I will try my best to take care of this place though. Not because I am obligated to but because I want to. There is an enormous difference between being pressured to do something you don't want to do and then doing something you want to do because it benefits you. So that is basically the lesson here, is that if you aren't doing something that you want to do then it will definitely impact your life in a negative way. I am just happy to finally be on my own, it's too bad that it came a little bit too late. It will take probably a year to become the person who I truly want to be. I feel as though I am still the sheltered little miserable sack of miserableness that was just release from my parent's house. I want that part of me to wake up. The part of me that has been craving the independence. The part of me that wants to do stuff, the part of me that wants to do stuff because it's what I want to do. I just hope that it develops rapidly and sets a new pace for my life. And I would like to tell everyone that I am happy, finally. This is where things turn around for me.

The Flood / Re: so I used my shower for the first time
« on: March 07, 2015, 07:31:06 PM »
Yeah, This will probably crush your hopes and stuff but I am not pretty.

The Flood / Re: so I used my shower for the first time
« on: March 07, 2015, 06:51:58 PM »
edit, I thought I was responding to someone else.

The Flood / Re: so I used my shower for the first time
« on: March 07, 2015, 06:37:41 PM »

The Flood / Re: so I used my shower for the first time
« on: March 07, 2015, 06:23:11 PM »
It was blur to me because I must have ducked and covered my face when it happen (an instinctual defense mechanism).
How hard did your father used to hit you?
not even once.
What a shame. Aside from me being a total dipshit I hope everything goes swell in your apartment my fellow effeminate companion.
lol you know, i actually like it when people call me a dipshit and stuff. It's so much better than being called something demeaning. Because like I know that I have an attitude. That doesn't even phase me when you say that, it makes me feel better because I actually know that and I love it. Muh companion mmmmmmmmm :u thank you companion.

The Flood / Re: so I used my shower for the first time
« on: March 07, 2015, 06:13:01 PM »
It was blur to me because I must have ducked and covered my face when it happen (an instinctual defense mechanism).
How hard did your father used to hit you?
not even once.

The Flood / so I used my shower for the first time
« on: March 07, 2015, 06:06:29 PM »
so I got into the shower and I started trying to make this faucet work. at our house we have one leaver that turns counter clockwise that gets hotter as you pull it down. It's so fucking rustic here, we have to use this double faucet thing that you have to adjust until the temperature is right. So I got in there and I finally started getting this thing working, right? So I was like "let's turn up the heat!" and I turned up the heat pressure and I tried taking the shower head off of it's little holder and the shower head literally disconnected from the hose and it started spraying water everywhere. It was blur to me because I must have ducked and covered my face when it happen (an instinctual defense mechanism). So I shut the water off and I realize that the hose does not screw on. The shower head is just inserted into this hose.  So I can't turn up the water pressure very high at all. I don't know why the fucking thing isn't a screw on at least! But here's what I discovered... the nozzle that hooks into the shower head is literally the perfect shape to put inside of my butt. So I could give myself an enema any time that I want (which would be especially helpful before any kind of anal stuff). So yeah it's almost as though this was meant to happen. And I know that you gotta put luke warm water into your butt and not the fucking hot water, not the fucking cold water, bitch I aint about to shock my internal organs with temperatures! I am too fucking real for that shit.

So yeah I took such a long shower. It was alright once I got the shower going and stuff. I think the people who live near me like if they can hear the shower and stuff then they're gonna be thinking that I take really long showers haha! We'll they're gonna have to deal with that because I am not trying to take some little shower and then call it quits. I am not trying to live some stupid ass rustic lifestyle. Bitch this apartment is like 100 years old, but it's got a new kitchen and new carpet and paint. It looks fucking gorgeous. It's pretty big too. I got a huge ass closet, short little hallway leading into my bathroom. A nice large living room and a small bedroom. The walls rotate so if you want the side with the really nice old cabinet or the flat side you can rotate it. there's another rotating wall too that you can rotate to make the bedroom area exposed to the living room. All the cabinets and dressers have skeletons key locks. So yeah it's fucking gucci. Except there's a fucking steam heater right in the bathroom and the valve that is like burning hot is less than a foot away from my knee. So yeah that is not going to fly. I am going to have to find some sort of thing to wrap around that.

So yeah this place is rustic and stuff, like kinda not all the way up to date (we had to install wireless internet in here today), but it's cool because it's really pretty and stuff and it's right on the main street which is just miles and miles of restaurants and family owned shops. This city has like 50000 people in it. 

The Flood / I am in my new apartment! eeeeeee!!!
« on: March 07, 2015, 04:43:55 PM »
so um yeah I am here :3

I am sooooooo happy. I have my own place no to do whatever I want >:3

I have quiet, tranquility, no disturbances or people coming around to interrupt me or bother me.

It's sooooooooooo cool :3

The Flood / My fingers are cold
« on: March 07, 2015, 07:02:28 AM »
Can someone please warm them for me? I don't like having cold fingers. I am very sensitive :u

The Flood / Re: why do you hate homosexuals so much?
« on: March 07, 2015, 06:50:16 AM »
Everybody hating gays? That's strange, seeing how at least half the people here have homo-erotic tendencies.
just so you know i'm not gay.
You're just sexually attracted to the more feminine men?
I guess so.
Well, you must understand that homosexuality is defined as "the romantic attraction, sexual attraction or sexual behavior between members of the same sex or gender. As a sexual orientation, homosexuality is "an enduring pattern of emotional, romantic, and/or sexual attractions" primarily or exclusively to people of the same sex."

The fact that the men you are attracted to just so happen to not be the stereotypical bearded, hairy and bulky manly men, doesn't really change that.

Ever considered you might be bisexual?
Please don't imply I want anything to do with woman and not cute guys. That doesn't make me gay though because I probably will never do anything with a guy. I just like gay porn.

The Flood / Re: why do you hate homosexuals so much?
« on: March 07, 2015, 06:44:45 AM »
Everybody hating gays? That's strange, seeing how at least half the people here have homo-erotic tendencies.
just so you know i'm not gay.
You're just sexually attracted to the more feminine men?
I guess so.

The Flood / let me tell you why I hate poor people
« on: March 07, 2015, 06:29:33 AM »
poor people are so used to the simple and difficult life. my life is more involved in peace and discovery and not labor and struggle. That is one of the things I hate about poor people is they think they are smarter if they work harder. I am sorry but that's not how it works. I always get this sense that people think that rich people just don't work hard at all. If you work so hard then why don't you have any money? Probably because you do some menial job and can't afford the nice things that rich people have. The notion that I have everything and you don't is just so retarded.

I despise hard work and I don't like hard working people. To me they represent a people who are not in touch with their emotions. I want to be a sensitive and mindful fellow and when I am around hard working people do you know what they do? They are heavy smokers, they are involved in recreational drugs and alcohol, they really care about insipid things like sports and stuff like that. That's because they spend so much time working their asses off that their minds are too tired to engage in sophisticated things, like just simple contemplation. They have to smoke and drink to numb the pain of having such a stressful life.

So do you really think that I can relate to that? Do you really think that I or anyone else would want to relate to that? You poor people are trapped in a cycle of depression and shit. Don't drag me into your fucking dregs. I don't want to have anything to do with poor people, I want to have something to do with polite and sophisticated people who are educated and have a high class personality. Meaning they are not vulgar and shitty. So yeah, thanks, fuck poor people. Here's a dead kennedies song

The Flood / Re: why do you hate homosexuals so much?
« on: March 07, 2015, 06:23:02 AM »
Everybody hating gays? That's strange, seeing how at least half the people here have homo-erotic tendencies.
just so you know i'm not gay.

The Flood / why do you hate homosexuals so much?
« on: March 06, 2015, 09:49:11 PM »
 I wanna know, thanks.

The Flood / Re: liking femboys is not gay
« on: March 06, 2015, 03:56:58 PM »
guys please stop trolling.

The Flood / Re: liking femboys is not gay
« on: March 06, 2015, 03:48:42 PM »
okay so if anyone is interested I made a thread about it on lgbt on 4chan

The Flood / liking femboys is not gay
« on: March 06, 2015, 03:21:19 PM »
considering femboys are a vanishingly small minority, it's practically not even a sexuality to say you like femboys. Okay? glad we could work that out. I am straight. plus femboys are feminine making the line between liking guys and liking females very blurry. thanks.

You're on the internet.
the internet is free, hence the fight to keep it free that is going on these days.

lmao I didn't know that the post already submitted itself. that wasn't what I meant for the thread to be about. I was writing the OP and I accidentally clicked submit a white ago.

whenever I turn on a television set I am greeted with some paid actor telling me about some product I should buy. Some show that has been regulated by some bureau preaching some crap. All these commercials are so desperately pointless. They're superfluousness distracts us from the fact that all of it is utterly pointless. I actually feel like every time I turn on a television that my mind is being poisoned. The act of becoming distracted and consumed by the television actually makes you the product of the tv. being consumed by it's content. it consumes you, the television is the consumer, and the advertisers who try to make you their product. I think that there wouldn't be so much nervousness and paranoia in this world if people did not become consumed by these things.

Just look at the world around us. It is consumed by things that fill our heads with ideas and pictures and sounds. It's so much like brain washing, the consumerism of this world makes us crave whatever entertainment that they can put in front of us. We are all so helpless under the power of the television and the religions that try to reel us into their structure.I don't know why everyone seems so okay with the world as it is and the televisions that consume us all. I am proud to say that I will not be having a television in the next apartment that I am moving into.

Shut up and stop being predictable.

That's spooky. Isn't the human body amazing? It's as if the muscles of my mouth are connected to my butt when i laugh. The fart was the same breathing pattern as my laugh.

The Flood / Re: I hope I can discover my own genius
« on: March 06, 2015, 12:43:33 PM »
I have never been to anarchy and I don't know where to find it.

The Flood / Re: I hope I can discover my own genius
« on: March 06, 2015, 12:35:19 PM »
thank you jim. I will keep being number 1, whatever it takes. it's a vicious struggle.

The Flood / Re: I hope I can discover my own genius
« on: March 06, 2015, 12:22:09 PM »
honestly how am I bad? please tell me precisely so I can work on becoming worse.

The Flood / Re: I hope I can discover my own genius
« on: March 06, 2015, 11:07:07 AM »

The Flood / Re: I hope I can discover my own genius
« on: March 06, 2015, 11:03:35 AM »
I make a point in googling these posts, and I'm always disappointed you waste your time actually writing these things.

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