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Messages - Loaf

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The Flood / Cowering and broken, I'm a victim of my evil deeds
« on: March 13, 2015, 07:45:37 AM »
But I don't need your sympathy I'm comfortable in misery

Corrupted by the darkness, now you fall into an endless sleep
Corrupted by the darkness, now you fall into an endless sleep
Corrupted by the darkness, now you fall into an endless sleep
Corrupted by the darkness, now you fall into an endless sleep
Corrupted by the darkness, now you fall into an endless sleep
Corrupted by the darkness, now you fall into an endless sleep
Corrupted by the darkness, now you fall into an endless sleep
Corrupted by the darkness, now you fall into an endless sleep
Corrupted by the darkness, now you fall into an endless sleep
Corrupted by the darkness, now you fall into an endless sleep
Corrupted by the darkness, now you fall into an endless sleep

We are just the painting, we are the canvas, we are the artwork
When we look at in the broader scheme of things
When we realize that we are not our bodies
That the building in front of you is nothing more than energy, just slowed down
When we also realize that we are not seeing everything as it is
Nothing is what it seems a all, a lot of the times this is liberating.

The Flood / Re: So I realize I'm not racist
« on: March 13, 2015, 07:29:14 AM »
You dislike poor people if they're crude and uneducated, is that what you're saying sweety?

The Flood / So I realize I'm not racist
« on: March 13, 2015, 07:26:29 AM »
I am not racist, I just really really dislike poor people. So I don't actually have anything against black people. If a black person comes from a well educated and articulate background then I like them. Same with white people or any other ethnicity. However I think my big misconception came from the fact that I really mainly dislike rap and all the suburban black kids I see around my neighborhood. But I hate suburban white kids too. Then I realized that I really am not like an actual racist person, I don't hold pretty much any of the same views that they do politically. So yeah I am not racist and I like black people as long as they aren't uneducated.

The Flood / Re: Fuck you
« on: March 10, 2015, 07:47:48 PM »
pics fixed

The Flood / Re: Fuck you
« on: March 10, 2015, 07:46:30 PM »
I hate every single one of you. You think it's so funny and it just goes to show what kind of back stabbing society we live in. You all seriously deserve to die and I am sad that it probably won't happen. I wish you would get run over by a truck and have your body parts strewn about the pavement like this.

ayy lmao

damn those pics took a while to find

The Flood / Re: Fuck you
« on: March 10, 2015, 07:36:12 PM »
you calm down.

The Flood / Fuck you
« on: March 10, 2015, 07:29:51 PM »
I don't even give a fuck if people think I am a terrible person. I am not going to get any respect in this world anyways. I wish that I could go and piss off someone to the point where they just end their life. That would be more interesting than having to stay quiet while it pisses me off when other people get praised. I see people getting complements and shit on how pretty they are and people happy with each other. People who go to each other when they are upset and comfort them and shit. I don't think I've felt so much bile in myself after seeing such things. I hate the people of this world and it disgusts me to live in this sad fucking planet. You people disgust me.

I walk down the street and I know that people are like animals. Look at someone the wrong way and they could get upset. They will go and tell their fat husband or wife and they will hate you. People are the kind of vicious chimps that would beat someone up or doxx someone if they felt that they weren't right. I hate the people of this world so much. People with a higher state of consciousness such as myself are more aware of the subtleties of human interaction. I am aware of it which is why I am too subtle and sensitive to cope with it. You people strain my nerves. Every single last person on this fucking planet. I see how twisted this world. You're the subordinate, I'm the subordinate. I day dream about smashing their heads in.

The Flood / Re: So I had a fun experience last night.
« on: March 10, 2015, 06:55:55 PM »
fuck you. go cry to your best friends and get hugs and get over this little experience that you think is impacting your life you coward.

oh the irony
mad or nah?

The Flood / Re: So I had a fun experience last night.
« on: March 10, 2015, 06:53:03 PM »
fuck you. go cry to your best friends and get hugs and get over this little experience that you think is impacting your life you coward.

The Flood / Re: >tfw philosophy teacher thinks suicide is cowardly
« on: March 10, 2015, 06:50:27 PM »
it is

(>^ - ^)>

I swear to god these niggas don't even know me.


wtf is my "real side" nigga?

Honestly here's what I would do to the kid

-Gore is not permitted on this site outside of anarchy-


here's sum metal for your enjoyment just for no reason.

« on: March 10, 2015, 12:16:16 PM »
SHUT UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SHUT THE FUCK UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

« on: March 10, 2015, 12:14:10 PM »

« on: March 10, 2015, 12:12:34 PM »
Fuckin kid deserved it.

« on: March 10, 2015, 12:09:23 PM »


The Flood / Just keep anarchy there forever
« on: March 09, 2015, 07:51:48 AM »
we need a place like that where people can go to fuck around. It will be better that way.

The Flood /
« on: March 08, 2015, 08:26:09 PM »
I remember the days when I was young. I would search for enjoyment in all the most unlikely places. Always looking for something to find that would give me a thrill, a spine tingling sensation. I used to always look for the next incredible movie, or music, or ideas. Even when I was brooding I would feel as though it was a just a passing feeling. The vast emporium of life’s wonders was going to take effect, progressively. Now that I am older it feels like I will only feel that brooding feeling. That ugly hallow like echo in my head. All the searching for fulfillment in my life has left me wanting, more and more and more. Now I’ve become tolerant of those emotions. I want more but it just leaves me emptier and emptier. I don’t even know what it is, what it is that makes me feel good, but I am searching for it.

The Flood / Re: let me tell you why I hate poor people
« on: March 08, 2015, 08:53:17 AM »
A sound mind in a body of a hypocrite.
If you are independent, don't hate on poor or any other social group for that matter - this world need the variety.
If you hate on poor people while asking mommy and daddy for hand-outs - I hope your sound mind guides you to the conclusion that that's not nice.
Those concepts mean nothing to me. I am simply doing what is necessary to survive and feeling rather good about it at this time. I can say whatever I want to the world, because your brain is just a mechanism that processes my data. As soon as I look at you as a human being then I have sacrificed my own free will. All these arbitrary boundaries that you put down inhibit me.

yeah kiddo, tell that to your landlord when the next rent bill comes.
I don't have to, because my parents pay rent. Dumbass.

Aw, what's wrong? Too poor to afford your own rent?
No, I am, obviously not poor. Poor of the connotation you're insinuating means I have no money. Poor to me means someone who is not well off and someone who has to be uncomfortable and not enjoy the riches of life. Maybe if you were more intelligent you'd understand. I know that this may be a hard concept for some people. You may understand some day.

Update the title to say "Why I hate spiritually poor people". Would get your message across faster. It would be a win-win.
The word spiritual is often linked with religious beliefs, so no. You get the idea though.

The Flood / Re: let me tell you why I hate poor people
« on: March 08, 2015, 08:47:40 AM »
A sound mind in a body of a hypocrite.
If you are independent, don't hate on poor or any other social group for that matter - this world need the variety.
If you hate on poor people while asking mommy and daddy for hand-outs - I hope your sound mind guides you to the conclusion that that's not nice.
Those concepts mean nothing to me. I am simply doing what is necessary to survive and feeling rather good about it at this time. I can say whatever I want to the world, because your brain is just a mechanism that processes my data. As soon as I look at you as a human being then I have sacrificed my own free will. All these arbitrary boundaries that you put down inhibit me.

yeah kiddo, tell that to your landlord when the next rent bill comes.
I don't have to, because my parents pay rent. Dumbass.

Aw, what's wrong? Too poor to afford your own rent?
No, I am, obviously not poor. Poor of the connotation you're insinuating means I have no money. Poor to me means someone who is not well off and someone who has to be uncomfortable and not enjoy the riches of life. Maybe if you were more intelligent you'd understand. I know that this may be a hard concept for some people. You may understand some day.

The Flood / My perfect world
« on: March 08, 2015, 08:43:50 AM »
In my perfect world everyone would be cute. There wouldn't be sassy negrophiles acting tough. There wouldn't be cold bitterness. Everyone would be sweet and affectionate and kind. There wouldn't ever be any sort of meanness. Just imagine if in a world where anyone had a mean thought everyone showered them with affection instead of hating them. They would be cuddled so hard that all the meanness would disappear out of them. It would be cute and innocent and fun. There wouldn't be prejudice and discrimination. It would just be fun and cute (and sexy).

The Flood / Re: let me tell you why I hate poor people
« on: March 08, 2015, 08:37:14 AM »
A sound mind in a body of a hypocrite.
If you are independent, don't hate on poor or any other social group for that matter - this world need the variety.
If you hate on poor people while asking mommy and daddy for hand-outs - I hope your sound mind guides you to the conclusion that that's not nice.
Those concepts mean nothing to me. I am simply doing what is necessary to survive and feeling rather good about it at this time. I can say whatever I want to the world, because your brain is just a mechanism that processes my data. As soon as I look at you as a human being then I have sacrificed my own free will. All these arbitrary boundaries that you put down inhibit me.

yeah kiddo, tell that to your landlord when the next rent bill comes.
I don't have to, because my parents pay rent. Dumbass.

The Flood / Re: let me tell you why I hate poor people
« on: March 08, 2015, 08:36:36 AM »
it wasn't a fucking gift you moron. I wouldn't have flown to colorado without a computer. A computer is not a fucking toy, it's an appliance. I hate people like you. just because you're so upset with your life doesn't mean that you get to take it out on me. you're a small, insignificant little insect. the fact that I am even talking to an insect such as yourself is kind of weird to me. if an insect irl actually started talking to me I would just ignore it, because it's a lower life form. Except since we're on this website for some strange reason I have actually decided to respond to your asinine bullshit. You're scum. Goofy and stupid scum.
If he's an insignificant insect then why is he stiring up strong emotions like hate in you?

Seems rather oxymoronic.
I hate insects too, fyi.

The Flood / Re: let me tell you why I hate poor people
« on: March 08, 2015, 08:24:13 AM »
A sound mind in a body of a hypocrite.
If you are independent, don't hate on poor or any other social group for that matter - this world need the variety.
If you hate on poor people while asking mommy and daddy for hand-outs - I hope your sound mind guides you to the conclusion that that's not nice.
Those concepts mean nothing to me. I am simply doing what is necessary to survive and feeling rather good about it at this time. I can say whatever I want to the world, because your brain is just a mechanism that processes my data. As soon as I look at you as a human being then I have sacrificed my own free will. All these arbitrary boundaries that you put down inhibit me.

The Flood / Re: let me tell you why I hate poor people
« on: March 08, 2015, 08:02:55 AM »
You live with your parents, your argument is invalid.
I live in an apartment now :')

That's good. Now does mommy and daddy send out rent cheques - or are you actually 100% independent?
use some logic. realize that I am of sound mind and perceptive. you are just belligerent and immature. try to get over that, dear.

Well then, until you let go of the food nipple. I will not take your judgment of society seriously.
this isn't halo 3 my little squishy.

The Flood / Re: let me tell you why I hate poor people
« on: March 08, 2015, 07:58:46 AM »
You live with your parents, your argument is invalid.
I live in an apartment now :')

That's good. Now does mommy and daddy send out rent cheques - or are you actually 100% independent?
use some logic. realize that I am of sound mind and perceptive. you are just belligerent and immature. try to get over that, dear.

" - so be sure to answer the door"

I wanted so badly to be like "this sounds like the plot to a gay porno"

he just installed the new wifi though.

The Flood / Re: let me tell you why I hate poor people
« on: March 08, 2015, 07:48:52 AM »
You live with your parents, your argument is invalid.
I live in an apartment now :')

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