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The Flood / Re: compiled list of gay stuff
« on: April 18, 2015, 03:58:31 PM »

The Flood / "Black lives matter"
« on: April 18, 2015, 10:43:50 AM »
So I see a lot of people saying the cops are racist because they're killing people on the street. I have a theory though, do you think any of them have tried not committing a crime in the first place? That's probably a good way to avoid the police if you don't want their attention, you can never be too sure though. Another things, how the fuck is it racist, just because the people they shoot and strangle happen to be black? Sounds to me more like a coincidence, but I agree that criminals should be stopped with non deadly force, if they're not attacking an officer or doing something to threaten others. So yeah that's a nice little slogan that "black lives matter" but it seems like a farce to me, because it's just looking at things from this crazy assumption that the cops are just racist.

The Flood / Re: This is how people work
« on: April 15, 2015, 11:46:16 AM »
Fucking jews.

The Flood / This is how people work
« on: April 15, 2015, 11:44:29 AM »
People won't like you, they will feel insulted and threatened by what you say. So instead of getting you to change your mind because they know they're not smart enough, they will try to diminish your self esteem and confidence. That way you will feel like trash every time you try to do whatever it is you do. That is the human defense mechanism, the mind games and psychological warfare of the common human.

The Flood / Re: How does it feel?
« on: April 15, 2015, 11:35:06 AM »
I remember when I was a miserable edgy teenager
He can't come up with a reasonable comeback, he writes a disparaging insult. He expresses his perceived wiseness by insulting his adversary. Folks, here we have a true Christian.

The Flood / How does it feel?
« on: April 15, 2015, 09:58:58 AM »
How does it feel knowing half the world follows a fake psycho? Jesus Christ got a bunch of people to follow him saying he was god, he was a true scam artist. You wonder why they crucified the fucking bastard because you're stupid.

The Flood / Just want to give a shout out
« on: April 11, 2015, 02:53:03 PM »
I support rape and pedophilia. True lust and perversion is a gift for those strong enough to reap it’s sweet fruits. Everyone who rapes a tender juicy child is a hero, a master of the art of perversion. The one who gets away with it is a genius of forensic aversion and pleasure. I want to give a big shout out to all the rapists and pedophiles who were never caught, may many, many more victims lay in their wake.


You’re a nigger, a stupid smelly nigger. You’re so oppressed by society we know, the society you built in your own head. You’ve built your illusion of racism around your delusion that everyone around you is racist. The fact is you want everyone to be racist to make up for the fact that you’re a worthless fuck. You wouldn’t do anything right if you wanted to, if you wanted to get past your pathetic drug peddling job. You little life sucking detriment to the society you live in, introducing drugs and sickness into our world. You’re the carrier of the disease. You’re the rat infestation nigger that is spreading all this poison into our world. You love money, but you love more the taste of the sweet pity and white tears. Lick up those tears big boy, lick up those juicy white tears while you count your bills. Big white boys tears, you lick them like icecream.

Your religion. Your weak crutch, your existential crisis. Your parents taking you to church to believe in god every sunday, you believe in religion just as your parents wanted you to, just as everyone else wanted you to. You have been fooled. You think you’re so dirty and broken on the inside, needing forgiveness, begging for forgiveness from the will of your god. Do you talk with him? Do you want him to intervene in your life? All that time studying the bible, interpreting what it means to fit your unique way of life. A follower of cult convicting you of thought crimes, feeding it money to keep you satisfied and less afraid. You’re so scared, so afraid of life and death, it must be so nice to think there’s someone right there next to you, holding your hand. Your delusion can take you so far, up until the day you die you will be waiting for you afterlife. The big cycle of keeping you and all the rest of Jesus followers happy. Your lie, your delusion, the bullshit being fed to the masses keeping you stupid and insane.

I just want to say how much I hate rape victims. I don’t give a fuck that you were raped. You have become a really obnoxious person, spewing your emotional baggage on every single person that you ever encounter. Like I am supposed to be sympathetic to it, what it really is a form of psychic vampirism. You sap the life out of everyone with your stupid guilt trip. You’re so sad that you were raped, you take it out on everyone else you stupid prick. Getting raped doesn’t sound that bad anyways, just lay down and take it and then go out and tell someone it happened. It shouldn’t be that hard to just tell someone, but you’re so worried about your own pride you wouldn’t want someone to think you were weak for being raped. You’re a pathetic little worm, you’re sucking the joy out of the planet with your existence. I hate how they call you rape “survivors”. You didn’t survive shit, you just got fucked and you probably enjoyed it. You deserve to have someone piss on your face.

The Flood / Re: I just thought of the most hilarious shit.
« on: April 09, 2015, 07:32:28 AM »
That's why your mother is dead.

*sips tea*
people who signature their posts like you are retarded. you're a fucking attention seeker, I don't want to even see your posts because of that.

The Flood / I just thought of the most hilarious shit.
« on: April 09, 2015, 07:14:58 AM »
what if someone was drowning and instead of giving them mouth to mouth resuscitation they accidentally gave them mouth to penis resuscitation?

The Flood / Re: do you like this song?
« on: March 22, 2015, 11:07:46 AM »
I asked if you like the song. Please contain your autism.

The Flood / Re: do you like this song?
« on: March 22, 2015, 10:51:06 AM »
i've been waiting to use that


i couldn't get past the first ten seconds without wanting to break the nearest precious object in my room
That's really edgy. It's okay, middle school is hard. The hormonal mood swings will stop once you get to high school.

The Flood / do you like this song?
« on: March 22, 2015, 10:44:44 AM »

The Flood / Re: I am okay with pedophiles
« on: March 21, 2015, 04:46:40 PM »
PS have you ever heard this dope ass song


Oh dude, this reminds me of the band Satan. Pretty fucking cool. That's a lip biting fist clenching kind of song. Definitely a lot of testosterone in this song.

The Flood / Re: I am okay with pedophiles
« on: March 21, 2015, 12:58:17 PM »
You may say that you possibly can't trust a person who breaks the moral boundaries but what is the difference between a person who breaks the moral boundaries and a person who doesn't?
One's fucking immoral, and one isn't. . .

Big difference.
Careful with that big word you just used there.

The Flood / Re: Looking at the reason why people pray
« on: March 21, 2015, 12:53:49 PM »
Honestly, it doesn't matter if God is real or not

What matters is that this belief unites people as a community and has improved their own lives

That's all that really needs to be said
Belief unites people as a community in the name of superstitious nonsense? You don't see it as really lame that people get together over the church which worships things that don't exist? Not to mention the thing religion has against gay people. Church isn't a place where people need to be united over. People can find some common interest in something that isn't really toxic to rational thinking. Plenty of people are raised atheist and grow up to be just fine as people. Just go research successful atheists on google or something and I'm sure if you really try you will find countless. As well as the untold amount of other atheists who aren't famous who are just as good. I think that your notion that we all need to get together over god is a really cringeworthy one to tell you the truth.

It doesn't matter if it's lame or not

People have donated billions in the name of their god and some people have turned from murdering junkies to respectable people through their belief in a god

If their belief inspires them to be good people and come together then why does it matter if it's real or silly?

Of course people can be good without the incentive of a god but would you really want to take away something that gives hope to people and inspires kindness?

Neil DeGrass Tyson makes a good point

Why do atheists even exist?

Is there a group of people who oppose skiing?
Do they come together and talk about why skiing is so bad?
Do they have to state that being anti skiing is a part of their identity?

That's basically the atheist mentality [I'm generalizing here]

To put it out there, I'm an atheist too
Religion is on the way out. In a few hundred years society will be stable and we won't need these kinds of things to keep people happy. People will be intelligent enough to handle the world without crutches like religion. Until that time you can keep going around doing things "in the name of god". It really doesn't make a difference whether you did it in the name of god. The fact is that you did charity work which has nothing to do with god, because god doesn't exist. You did it because there's an invisible man who you believe to be real who you are doing favors for.  If you really give so much a fuck about charity then why don't you care about people who are lying to themselves about things like religion? The world can work perfectly independently of religion if you give it a chance. Just look at bill gates. He's donated so much of his money to charity that he's set up his own foundation. He's an atheist.

The fact is that you did charity work which has nothing to do with god

That's what I'm saying

They did it so why does it matter what their motivation is?

And just because atheists do good things too doesn't discredit the things that religious people do

You can't say that religion is on its way out

It's been around since the beginning of mankind and has been ingrained deep within our culture
Yeah actually humanity is evolving at a higher rate than it has since the beginning of man kind. With the spread of knowledge happening and the progression of free thinking, it's definitely going to be dwindled exponentially in due time. It's much different than it used to be, the people used to be ruled by the church in the middle ages. Now we've separated church and state, we're trying to keep society secular. Our society is basically a secular society and people just choose to go to church. The more people realize how archaic religion is the more they will start accepting different ways of life. Sure religion won't dwindle completely, there will always be the inbreeds who hold on to it, but there will be plenty of people who see that religion is just false in due time.

The Flood / Re: Looking at the reason why people pray
« on: March 21, 2015, 12:46:03 PM »
I understand what the OP is getting at. Pray or Not pray, it is still either going to or not going to happen.
No, what I mean is that praying is retarded and people who pray are superstitious morons.

The Flood / Re: Looking at the reason why people pray
« on: March 21, 2015, 12:40:53 PM »
Honestly, it doesn't matter if God is real or not

What matters is that this belief unites people as a community and has improved their own lives

That's all that really needs to be said
Belief unites people as a community in the name of superstitious nonsense? You don't see it as really lame that people get together over the church which worships things that don't exist? Not to mention the thing religion has against gay people. Church isn't a place where people need to be united over. People can find some common interest in something that isn't really toxic to rational thinking. Plenty of people are raised atheist and grow up to be just fine as people. Just go research successful atheists on google or something and I'm sure if you really try you will find countless. As well as the untold amount of other atheists who aren't famous who are just as good. I think that your notion that we all need to get together over god is a really cringeworthy one to tell you the truth.

It doesn't matter if it's lame or not

People have donated billions in the name of their god and some people have turned from murdering junkies to respectable people through their belief in a god

If their belief inspires them to be good people and come together then why does it matter if it's real or silly?

Of course people can be good without the incentive of a god but would you really want to take away something that gives hope to people and inspires kindness?

Neil DeGrass Tyson makes a good point

Why do atheists even exist?

Is there a group of people who oppose skiing?
Do they come together and talk about why skiing is so bad?
Do they have to state that being anti skiing is a part of their identity?

That's basically the atheist mentality [I'm generalizing here]

To put it out there, I'm an atheist too
Religion is on the way out. In a few hundred years society will be stable and we won't need these kinds of things to keep people happy. People will be intelligent enough to handle the world without crutches like religion. Until that time you can keep going around doing things "in the name of god". It really doesn't make a difference whether you did it in the name of god. The fact is that you did charity work which has nothing to do with god, because god doesn't exist. You did it because there's an invisible man who you believe to be real who you are doing favors for.  If you really give so much a fuck about charity then why don't you care about people who are lying to themselves about things like religion? The world can work perfectly independently of religion if you give it a chance. Just look at bill gates. He's donated so much of his money to charity that he's set up his own foundation. He's an atheist.

The Flood / Re: Looking at the reason why people pray
« on: March 21, 2015, 12:23:04 PM »
Honestly, it doesn't matter if God is real or not

What matters is that this belief unites people as a community and has improved their own lives

That's all that really needs to be said
Belief unites people as a community in the name of superstitious nonsense? You don't see it as really lame that people get together over the church which worships things that don't exist? Not to mention the thing religion has against gay people. Church isn't a place where people need to be united over. People can find some common interest in something that isn't really toxic to rational thinking. Plenty of people are raised atheist and grow up to be just fine as people. Just go research successful atheists on google or something and I'm sure if you really try you will find countless. As well as the untold amount of other atheists who aren't famous who are just as good. I think that your notion that we all need to get together over god is a really cringeworthy one to tell you the truth.

The Flood / Re: Looking at the reason why people pray
« on: March 21, 2015, 12:06:52 PM »
I don't understand how anyone praying affects you.
They could be donating money to charities instead of donating it to their church. They could be doing something instead of sitting there and saying they're doing something. They could be doing things out of the goodness of their heart instead of because they think they're going to be rewarded by god.
>implying churches don't do charity work
I didn't imply that at all. I am saying that people do work for their church which doesn't pay taxes and which takes away money that could be given to charities. They're doing it for their church because they're doing it in the name of god instead of doing it out of their own volition. Basically it's kind of an empty notion that people who do things in the name of god are doing it because they're good people. The way I see it they're just doing it in the name of god because they think that they're serving god and making him happy. Kind of like a job application that you fill out with all the good deeds that you did on earth that gives you more credibility with god when you want to get into heaven. The fact that it is done in the name of the church just seems more like a publicity stunt to me. People will always bring up the fact that churches do charity work but I fail to see the reason why people wouldn't just do charity work anyways without needing to have the organizations operated by churches. I am sorry but I will never agree with that because I don't believe in churches or their religion.

The Flood / Re: I am okay with pedophiles
« on: March 21, 2015, 12:03:14 PM »
You guys act like there's rules to how life should play out.
there are

i've judged my friends for doing things that i disagreed with before

there's nothing wrong with judging people
you're not eternally condemning them

you're just stating your disapproval of their actions
Holy Jesus i was just saying.  It wasn't against you, which is why I say "people."  God forbid somebody throws their two cents in.
well i'm sorry for snapping, but the way your post was worded, it seemed like you were trying to give me some kind of lecture, not just making a general statement
Well look at it this way. There may be rules that are played out but there is no law of nature that governs the way human beings should behave. The way I judge people isn't based on whether or not their actions were good. What i judge them on is how they performed those actions. If they did it because it was a strong desire that is being true to yourself and what you truly think, unpersuaded by how other people think you should behave. Or if it's a foolish indoctrinated action that was performed because someone felt they were obligated to do it for their beliefs or something. People like that don't deserve my respect, but a serial killer or a pedophile probably deserves more respect because they were doing what they did in lue of these hindering factors. The people who commit deeds like rape on the other hand are less admirable because they are doing something which can be achieved through simply getting a date. If they really experience a thrill from raping someone then sure they have a little bit of respect from me.

I guess it also depends on what kind of a person they are besides their rape fetish and stuff. If they are a really cool person who just happens to really enjoy raping on the side of their career and livelihood then they are a bit cooler person in my book. There are so many factors that play into how I judge a person. I can't just say that someone does one thing bad so that makes everything else about them bad. A lot of times as I have stated previously the things that make a person bad aren't even bad to me. I am usually the one cheering for people like richard ramirez to kill as many people as possible. It's like a big hunting game, a show that is entertaining. what's the difference between someone killing a bunch of people in real life as there is in a movie. I look at people like hanible lecter from the movie silence of the lambs and I am in awe of them because they are seriously cool. Why can't I look at ted bundy or ed gien or richard ramirez or albert fish or john wayne gacy or perter kurten and feel the same way.

The Flood / Re: I am okay with pedophiles
« on: March 21, 2015, 11:47:48 AM »
Situations aren't black and white
so where do you draw the line

i mean, putting aside the fact that what you just said is completely morally bankrupt and objectively wrong

at what point is it okay to judge someone else's life
when is the "it's their life" rationale go stale


are all these things okay to you, just because "it's their life"?
It's all relative to you choose to view them. If you're like me and you just don't really care about it then obviously anything goes. You guys act like there's rules to how life should play out. You fail to realize that you're the one making the rules and all it takes is a little know how about how to view the world, how to understand what these moral boundaries are put there for in the first place to realize that you don't really have to care about it. If someone is going to improve your life by possibly being a good friend to you then in my book they are a cool person. You may say that you possibly can't trust a person who breaks the moral boundaries but what is the difference between a person who breaks the moral boundaries and a person who doesn't? Technically anyone could snap and harm you at any time. If I have no reason to believe that someone will hurt me (such as a pedophile) then I don't really need to worry about them.

The Flood / Re: Looking at the reason why people pray
« on: March 21, 2015, 11:44:25 AM »
Religious people generally don't pray because they want something, they do it as a means of  communion and faith.
Right, you're communicating with god, I understand that makes perfect sense. Let me know how that works out for you and stuff. Your faith must be getting you great places, whatever gets you through the day. Your faith is just a sad attempt at making yourself feel secure in the universe that's too complicated for you to understand. Maybe if you actually thought about the universe then you'd realize that with a little observation you can learn a lot. You don't need these archaic lessons being taught to you out of a 2000 year old book to understand it. You don't need to believe in this god that you have to tell yourself exists so you feel more comfortable in the world. It's not that difficult to get over your religiosity of you just put in a little effort to it. When I was a kid I didn't really take it seriously anyways so it was easy for me to realize that i didn't believe in it when I discovered atheism.

The Flood / Re: I am okay with pedophiles
« on: March 21, 2015, 11:41:05 AM »
Even if they did touch kids I don't think I would really care. Seriously it's their life and if the one thing they really want to do in life is have sex with a kid then who am I to judge? Sure that kid will probably be traumatized by it which sucks but it's not my concern. I think it's great that the guy was able to have fun doing what he wanted to do but shitty for the kid that he got molested. Situations aren't black and white.
Lack of empathy is one of the most striking features of people with narcissistic personality disorder. It's a hallmark of the disorder in the same way that fear of abandonment is in borderline personality disorder.
Says the person who has a picture of morgan freedman with dank nugs all over his head.

The Flood / Re: I am okay with pedophiles
« on: March 21, 2015, 11:27:33 AM »
Even if they did touch kids I don't think I would really care. Seriously it's their life and if the one thing they really want to do in life is have sex with a kid then who am I to judge? Sure that kid will probably be traumatized by it which sucks but it's not my concern. I think it's great that the guy was able to have fun doing what he wanted to do but shitty for the kid that he got molested. Situations aren't black and white.

The Flood / Re: Looking at the reason why people pray
« on: March 21, 2015, 11:08:42 AM »
I don't understand how anyone praying affects you.
They could be donating money to charities instead of donating it to their church. They could be doing something instead of sitting there and saying they're doing something. They could be doing things out of the goodness of their heart instead of because they think they're going to be rewarded by god.

The Flood / I am okay with pedophiles
« on: March 21, 2015, 11:06:58 AM »
If someone told me they were a pedophile I would be like okay that's fine by me.

The Flood / Looking at the reason why people pray
« on: March 21, 2015, 10:27:59 AM »
I was thinking about praying. I incontrovertibly think praying is 100% ineffective and stupid. If I pray that anything happens it will either coincidentally happen or it just won't happen at all. I just wonder why so many people think that it's good. I was just thinking about how sometimes when I really want something I hope for it and I realized that that is kind of like a prayer. It's the acknowledgement that you really want something which gives me people more hope. Albeit it's a really desperate and pathetic kind of hope, because believing in these kinds of things to get you through your life is rather sad.

I realize though that to any true religious person it's not about the beliefs that are taught, it's about the lessons that are taught to them in the bible. Because what else do they do inside church all day but listen to their preacher tell them stories that happened in the bible and current events and how the correspond with teachings in the bible. It's a really elaborate system that they have set up for these people. They put them in big churches to make the experience of praying seem more important and "divine". But it's all about being a good servant to god's will which apparently makes you a good person (as long as you believe in god).

So people are basically praying because it feels good to them, they feel that they have a moral obligation to pray because that is how they appease their god, who apparently wasn't going to do something nice for them unless they ask him really nicely. So yeah you have fun with your praying, I completely utterly unequivocally absolutely totally understand where you are coming from. 

The Flood / check this shit out
« on: March 21, 2015, 09:23:53 AM »
 Anonymous  03/21/15(Sat)10:06:12 No.54478184▶
>>54472095 (OP)
Who are these sperm worms?
 Anonymous  03/21/15(Sat)10:07:13 No.54478198▶
>>54472095 (OP)
Who are these boner toners?
 Anonymous  03/21/15(Sat)10:08:09 No.54478210▶>>54478225
>>54472095 (OP)
Who are these gay guys?
 Anonymous  03/21/15(Sat)10:08:14 No.54478212▶
>>54472095 (OP)
Who are these spunk monks?
 Anonymous  03/21/15(Sat)10:09:15 No.54478222▶
>>54472095 (OP)
Who are these cock docks?
 Anonymous  03/21/15(Sat)10:09:23 No.54478225▶
underrated post
 Anonymous  03/21/15(Sat)10:10:16 No.54478238▶
>>54472095 (OP)
Who are these erection ejections?
 Anonymous  03/21/15(Sat)10:11:17 No.54478255▶
>>54472095 (OP)
Who are these dick ticks?
 Anonymous  03/21/15(Sat)10:12:18 No.54478271▶
>>54472095 (OP)
Who are these seed steeds?
 Anonymous  03/21/15(Sat)10:13:19 No.54478289▶
>>54472095 (OP)
Who are these seminal sentinels?
 Anonymous  03/21/15(Sat)10:14:20 No.54478296▶
>>54472095 (OP)
Who are these ballbiting ballerinas?
 Anonymous  03/21/15(Sat)10:15:21 No.54478307▶
>>54472095 (OP)
Who are these dongle mongles?
 Anonymous  03/21/15(Sat)10:16:22 No.54478323▶
>>54472095 (OP)
Who are these scrotum sorcerers?
 Anonymous  03/21/15(Sat)10:17:23 No.54478340▶
>>54472095 (OP)
Who are these weiner cleaners?
 Anonymous  03/21/15(Sat)10:18:24 No.54478357▶
>>54472095 (OP)
Who are these testicle tamers?
 Anonymous  03/21/15(Sat)10:19:25 No.54478374▶
>>54472095 (OP)
Who are these lewd lieutenants?
 Anonymous  03/21/15(Sat)10:20:26 No.54478393▶
>>54472095 (OP)
Who are these orifice officers?
 Anonymous  03/21/15(Sat)10:21:27 No.54478406▶>>54478423
>>54472095 (OP)
Who are these meat majors?
 Anonymous  03/21/15(Sat)10:22:10 No.54478423▶
idk lmao

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