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Messages - Loaf

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The Flood / Re: whos cuter me or loaf
« on: December 04, 2017, 01:12:35 PM »
You, SecondClass ;)

The Flood / Re: *Low effort poopposting*
« on: December 01, 2017, 02:25:54 PM »
Niggers will not touch my daughter, my pure white blood.

The Flood / Does this make me racist?
« on: December 01, 2017, 01:14:39 PM »
So here's the scoop. Sometimes I love black people, and I think they can be the sweetest people. The unfortunate thing though is that sometimes I see some pretty scary niggers. Like, the super hoodlum gangsters who wanna shoot you if you disrespect them or something. Like, I don't wanna feel that way, but when I see a big nig walking down the street I just think oh fuck, that's kinda scary. Like, I want to not feel intimidated by black people, and there's a lot of black people I really like, but the primal part of me responsible for fight or flight, seems to have innate reactions I can't control.

Gaming / Re: Playing Nier: Automata; fuck this first level
« on: November 28, 2017, 06:41:24 PM »
Maybe play on normal to pass the beginning bit, then turn it back to hard. It's not like Dark Souls at all lol, there is just no checkpoint there.

I swear, you people treat Dark Souls as more of a medium and less as a game. You should stop. A game being "hard" doesn't make it like Dark Souls. The only Dark Souls thing related is being able to find your dead body and get some exp.
Who is "you people"? Only Loaf said that and everybody else mocks people who talk like that lmao
Yeah that was a bad choice of words

uh, I've just heard so many damn stories of people going "*Blank* is the Dark Souls of *Blank*!"

it's annoying
What an incredibly snide, elitist, pedantic attitude you both have.

Gaming / Re: Playing Nier: Automata; fuck this first level
« on: November 28, 2017, 05:48:26 PM »
It's very easy that's why I got bored I thought there would be more challenging enemies

I shouldn't be able to pass every boss on my first try
You must be playing on normal. I only said this game is worse than dark souls above because it was kicking my ass relentlessly. I actually find the game to be stunningly beautiful, and interesting in how it combines every sort of camera angle from top down, to side scroller, to 3 dimensional space. The art style and music are really, really gorgeous too.

I will agree with you though, about the way the game seems very easy once you set it to normal difficulty. I couldn't stop dying on hard mode, but when I switched it to normal I beat the first level on the first try. That is definitely different from the difficulty level of dark souls, which didn't have difficulty levels.

Gaming / Re: Playing Nier: Automata; fuck this first level
« on: November 28, 2017, 11:02:13 AM »
This game is worse than dark souls, because there's a lot longer time before you get to save, and you have to battle multiple bosses to progress.

Gaming / Playing Nier: Automata; fuck this first level
« on: November 28, 2017, 10:10:16 AM »
God fucking damn it. I listened to the soundtrack for this game because I randomly downloaded it off of a list of best albums of the year, and I thought it was awesome, so I saw the trailer for the actual game and I was totally enthralled by it. So then I go to play the game and you just fucking die over and over again like in Dark Souls, but I have to watch the same fucking opening cut scene over and over again.

I'm playing on hard mode.

The Flood / Re: Where are you going to go when sep7 finally dies?
« on: November 25, 2017, 11:24:33 AM »
I'm going to join the niggers and get in touch with my heritage.

The Flood / Re: Objective proof that rape isn't wrong.
« on: November 22, 2017, 05:23:04 AM »
It's subjectively morally wrong.
It is subjective morality wrong? That's not a coherently written sentence.

The Flood / Objective proof that rape isn't wrong.
« on: November 21, 2017, 09:43:20 AM »
I could say "yeah, rape is morally wrong", in those words, in that order, but that won't stop rape. Rape is just a part of nature, and whether or not you think it's "morally wrong" doesn't matter. Because rape is just a fact, something which happens. If I were to say that I don't want it to happen, it's just as much my own emotional decision to say that, as the rapist thinks it's his own emotional decision to do it; because there's no authority but yourself. Because there's no objective morality, which is just an objective statement which you can arrive at yourself if you realize morality is a social construct - then you can realize that deciding to rape someone was never a logical decision, just as much as saying you don't want to be raped is a logical decision; it's an emotional decision. It may be a fact that emotional decisions happen, but you can only say that people do or do not want to be raped; you can't derive an is from that aught, as the philosopher Hume might say.

Serious / I'd like to say a few words about charles manson.
« on: November 20, 2017, 09:08:55 PM »
The life of Charles Manson has come to an end. Putting aside all assumptions of right and wrong, good and evil, and ideological difference, Manson was a huge influence on me as a kid and growing up I listened to Manson's album "Lie" countless times. I still know a lot of the lyrics by heart. I listened and re-listened to his interviews and found him captivating when I was young. The spirit he cultivated in me still resonates in me, of there being no authority but yourself, and the norms of society being ultimately a power game. It's hard to argue with a dishonest man whose philosophies were honest and undeniable. Some may say he was a manipulative man himself; perhaps.

Why doesn't he anger me the same way homophobic Christians anger me? Perhaps because I don't see his philosophy as vacant, and manipulative like I see someone like Mike Pence or Donald Trump. I separate from my judgments about whatever bad deeds he has committed, because his unwritten philosophy can't be denied, for me at least. There has always been a fascination for me, with the so called evil man who contains logic which can't be surpassed. Staring into the abyss, as I sloppily quote from Nietzsche's book I've never read, is what I've always longed to do. That is what real truth is to me; what can't be denied, what can't be argued around; not what ideologies I can most conveniently hold; that there is no authority but yourself, that society is only a power struggle.

I guess I would say I don't believe in judging people at all, at least not absolutely. Whatever I say about human beings out of emotions, ultimately I think that if you want to love and respect nature, you have to love and respect human beings; because all human beings are part of nature, and if you wanted nature to be any other way then it wouldn't be nature anymore. I don't believe there is an objective right or wrong; only a subjective disposition to feel that something is right or wrong. Human beings are simply products of deterministic physical forces, they have no free will. They're no different from a the motion of the planets, or the grass growing, the stars that revolve around the sun and float towards the center of the milky way, or you and I. How could one who doesn't determine their own actions be "wrong"?

Writing this post goes against social expectations; I don't care. There are some who would perhaps not understand my appreciation for a person like Charles Manson, and this is a shame to me, but I would be beside myself to live my life as someone who pretends to conform to the pressures of society.

The Flood / I'd like to say a few words about charles manson.
« on: November 20, 2017, 09:08:07 PM »
The life of Charles Manson has come to an end. Putting aside all assumptions of right and wrong, good and evil, and ideological difference, Manson was a huge influence on me as a kid and growing up I listened to Manson's album "Lie" countless times. I still know a lot of the lyrics by heart. I listened and re-listened to his interviews and found him captivating when I was young. The spirit he cultivated in me still resonates in me, of there being no authority but yourself, and the norms of society being ultimately a power game. It's hard to argue with a dishonest man whose philosophies were honest and undeniable. Some may say he was a manipulative man himself; perhaps.

Why doesn't he anger me the same way homophobic Christians anger me? Perhaps because I don't see his philosophy as vacant, and manipulative like I see someone like Mike Pence or Donald Trump. I separate from my judgments about whatever bad deeds he has committed, because his unwritten philosophy can't be denied, for me at least. There has always been a fascination for me, with the so called evil man who contains logic which can't be surpassed. Staring into the abyss, as I sloppily quote from Nietzsche's book I've never read, is what I've always longed to do. That is what real truth is to me; what can't be denied, what can't be argued around; not what ideologies I can most conveniently hold; that there is no authority but yourself, that society is only a power struggle.

I guess I would say I don't believe in judging people at all, at least not absolutely. Whatever I say about human beings out of emotions, ultimately I think that if you want to love and respect nature, you have to love and respect human beings; because all human beings are part of nature, and if you wanted nature to be any other way then it wouldn't be nature anymore. I don't believe there is an objective right or wrong; only a subjective disposition to feel that something is right or wrong. Human beings are simply products of deterministic physical forces, they have no free will. They're no different from a the motion of the planets, or the grass growing, the stars that revolve around the sun and float towards the center of the milky way, or you and I. How could one who doesn't determine their own actions be "wrong"?

Writing this post goes against social expectations; I don't care. There are some who would perhaps not understand my appreciation for a person like Charles Manson, and this is a shame to me, but I would be beside myself to live my life as someone who pretends to conform to the pressures of society.

Praise lil peep. The man was ahead of his time. I loved his style. It was cute and fresh and 0 fucks given, if you know what I mean. I thought his music was funny, it was as though it was a joke, the sort of joke that's not even funny but just hurts your brain, but those sorts of jokes are like a fine wine. His style was to be appreciated, his cuteness adored. I have nothing but respect for the late lil peep, and I'm sad to see him gone. I think it's terrible to say that he was worthless; what makes anyone worth anything? Nothing, we're all just animals destined for the grave, all the same.

The Flood / Re: Finals shall be upon us soon, my boys
« on: November 20, 2017, 12:42:40 PM »

The Flood / Check out my new stuffed animal
« on: November 17, 2017, 02:21:07 PM »

The Flood / Does anyone else just despise the working class?
« on: November 16, 2017, 07:29:14 AM »
Blunt, crude, ignorant people. That's what those fucking troglodytes are. They live a life of mundane, body deteriorating labor, that some of them even feel proud of. They're not real people, they've been reduced to nothing but sweaty animals, doing petty mundane tasks simply so they can pay others who do petty mundane tasks. They're part of a bleary eyed, lifeless, vitality stripped machine, which only function is to produce more of the same kind. These people are like a festering welt on the face of planet earth, ignorant, bloated, rotting scum, toward whom those of us with minds look at and could only feel disgust.

The Flood / Re: Here’s a word which you liberals will never understand
« on: November 13, 2017, 03:24:07 PM »
Absolute freedom can only be recognized in the absence of the state, God, and ideology.  One day I'm moving to Somalia with naught but a boat and a kalash.
Isn't there a bunch of niggers in Somalia though?

The Flood / Re: Here’s a word which you liberals will never understand
« on: November 13, 2017, 01:51:27 PM »
but liberals understand that word more than anybody

they also understand that it's overrated
Shut the fuck up commie. You'll never take my guns and make me respect the faggots. This country is a Christian nation.

The Flood / Here’s a word which you liberals will never understand
« on: November 13, 2017, 01:42:17 PM »

The Flood / Re: Why do my farts smell like rancid eggs?
« on: November 12, 2017, 08:55:50 PM »
Eat more yogurt
I wish I could afford yogurt, that stuff is so expensive, it's like 7 dollars a container. I need to save my money for things like luxury leatherbound books.

Shrek is a shitty depressingly vapid hollywood fad which is only lives beyond it's death because it's adapted into memes.

The Flood / Why do my farts smell like rancid eggs?
« on: November 12, 2017, 08:12:58 PM »
I've been having this problem for the past few days now. I don't usually have this problem, but it was even worse yesterday. The day before yesterday, I had this huge beetroot which I microwaved for perhaps a little too long (it became soft). I know that what you digest has a direct impact on your digestive system. The next day I made the stupidest decision I could have made, which was to eat almost nothing but oils and prunes. Yesterday I had a sweet potato with a ton of olive oil, a bowl of dried pitted prunes, and a bowl of oatmeal with a ton of crushed walnuts. My stomach was not happy. I guess the bacteria in my gut is off balance or something, your farts are actually a good indicator of your digestive health, apparently.

Shrek is a shitty depressingly vapid hollywood fad which is only lives beyond it's death because it's adapted into memes.

The Flood / Re: Who else is gunna do No Fap November with me?
« on: November 11, 2017, 07:57:15 PM »
I cum bucket loads every day, this challenge is fucking stupid.

The Flood / Re: I stand with George
« on: November 11, 2017, 07:56:37 PM »
I stand with him too, what he did was right. I only wish he would have raped the bitch, put her in her place. That's what women deserve.

Women need to learn where they belong, and Louis CK is letting women know their place. Good. Trump and Louis CK are shifting the paradigm; unpussifying the modern man.

He's very poor at public speaking and the way he thinks he's the leader of the alt-right is (I'm not sure how else to put it) cringey.  He's an uncharismatic wimp, and most of the time I wouldn't doubt he's a government plant
That's fine, if you just want to give your two cents about richard spencer. It doesn't address the deeper underlying issue of what I wrote though. I find that's a common problem with society in general, in not being able to read too deeply into things; probably because of the damaging effects social media has had on our brains, with everything being immediate and surface level in the mental processing human beings in the 21st century are used to. We're constantly bombarded with things that we need to make instant judgments of, it is reflected in the sort of discourse you see online for sure. If social media didn't cultivate this sort of mentality, I think the sort of conversations we see online would be a lot different.
Nigga I just saw Richard Spencer and wrote something.  You really think I'm gonna read a Loaf paragraph, let alone two?
Sadly no. I don't think your comments have any real bearing on what I say, consequentially.

Where does "hate" become necessary though? We can say we want self defense and not have to poison our culture with hate for other human beings. That is pretty much the essence of tribalism, fear and disgust of those who are perceived as a threat. It's literally no different from what they do to those they perceive to be a threat. It is all tribalism.

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