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Messages - Loaf

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The Flood / Re: Does anyone here like actual heavy music?
« on: June 01, 2015, 06:15:49 AM »
I already listened to stars of the lid. Also, I don't really think it matters if you dislike godspeed you black emperor, because skagos is good either way and a lot like fall of efrafa. Just listen to them.

The Flood / Re: so what is it you don't like about Noise?
« on: June 01, 2015, 06:13:42 AM »
Noise is one of my favorite genres.
Do you like the Stars of the Lid?


They're okay. I never really considered them next level shit. The only drone artist I can really get into is grouper.
Ah. Cool. I really like Drone. Could you recommend some chilled out Noise?
I know that there's bands that do that, like yellow swans. I actually prefer the really heavy stuff though. Definitely check out yellow swans and croatian amor though, they are very chill noise.

The Flood / Re: Does anyone here like actual heavy music?
« on: June 01, 2015, 06:11:15 AM »
If you like Fall of Efrafa, try out the band Skagos. They seem to be very Fall of Efrafa, Godspeed You! Black Emperor, black metal, crust punk influenced.

The Flood / Re: Does anyone here like actual heavy music?
« on: June 01, 2015, 05:58:47 AM »
Meshuggah's 'I' in one sitting


Origin is my chill out Death Metal


This is fucking pansy, child molesting garbage.

I found most of my music and musical tastes pre-internet. I feel like you and jim get all your stuff from edgy music forums like on 4chan where people are competing to have the wankiest music possible. Uhhhm... What about Fall of Efrafa? It's a bit bit lo fi... sorta crusty, sludgy post hardcore.


I really like fall of efrafa. I listened to their whole discography the other day. They have a really godspeed you! black emperor type thing going on. Also you have no idea how shitty the taste of 4chan is. they don't have very good taste in heavy music. I really don't get my taste in heavy music from anywhere in particular. I have just spent so many years exploring for the sounds that appeal to me most. Also, if you like meshugga you have no right to call anyone else's favorite music wanky.

The Flood / Re: Does anyone here like actual heavy music?
« on: June 01, 2015, 05:55:03 AM »
Grindcore is fucking trash
A lot of it is. I am not a fan of nasum, discordant axis, rotten sound. I am kinda so so on bands like insect warfare or wormrot. I really like bands like napalm death, nuclear death, blood, terrorizer, I think I even like repulsion a little bit. Point is there's plenty of good grindcore, but there's a lot of over produced stuff or stuff that has riffs that are just too repetitive.

Forgot to mension Agoraphobic Nosebleed. They rule. I saw them live a couple weeks ago.

The Flood / Re: Does anyone here like actual heavy music?
« on: June 01, 2015, 05:49:37 AM »
Meshuggah's 'I' in one sitting


Origin is my chill out Death Metal


This is fucking pansy, child molesting garbage.

The Flood / Does anyone here like actual heavy music?
« on: June 01, 2015, 05:44:08 AM »
old school lo fi brutal grindcore



crust sludge

blackened punk metal


The Flood / Re: so what is it you don't like about Noise?
« on: June 01, 2015, 05:35:16 AM »
Noise is one of my favorite genres.
Do you like the Stars of the Lid?


They're okay. I never really considered them next level shit. The only drone artist I can really get into is grouper.

The Flood / Re: so what is it you don't like about Noise?
« on: June 01, 2015, 05:10:27 AM »
Noise is one of my favorite genres.

I'm sure you have other qualities to make up for that.
would sucking satan's dick be a redeeming quality?


The Flood / I have a confession to make. I am very unintelligent.
« on: May 31, 2015, 02:28:18 AM »
I didn't want to tell my fans, because frankly I didn't want to let anyone down. Sadly the weight of this truth has been difficult to carry and I can't bear it any longer. I am an unintelligent person `

The Flood / Re: Modern anime is disgusting.
« on: May 30, 2015, 07:31:11 PM »
I honestly don't even find anime all that fun to watch. Even the last anime I watched which was called love stage, I actually really enjoyed it but I ended up putting it down after like 8 episodes because anime in general is just not really worth it to me. I enjoy music and movies a lot more. I don't really know what is "wrong" with anime per say, but I do know that I have never really been that impressed with more than a couple anime I have seen. It really does seem like the kind of thing that was designed for kids like half the time. There's not a whole lot of anime that have a very serious and respectable plot and characters that isn't cheesy and overdone.

The Flood / Re: What's your list of known trolls?
« on: May 30, 2015, 09:04:13 AM »
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 I was reading the entire wikipedia article of the serial killer Richard Ramirez. It always feels like coming to the end of an epic adventure story, whenever I get to the part about how the killer got caught. I don't know why but I find myself cheering for the murderer in these stories. I really wish that when Ramirez travelled south to visit his cousin he would have become aware of the massive man hunt that was underway for him. It's so unfortunate that ended up getting caught. I bet some of the best serial killers in the world who have murdered the most people got away with it to this day.

The Flood / Re: I actually found good defenses for pedophilia
« on: May 28, 2015, 07:02:00 PM »
Hasn't pedophilia been correlated to brain damage?
I thought siting facts without citation or credible sources was correlated to brain damage? No? I could be mistaken.
that's pretty condescending, kid
Me? Condescending? I think you're a little confused here. :o

The Flood / Re: I actually found good defenses for pedophilia
« on: May 28, 2015, 07:00:17 PM »
Hasn't pedophilia been correlated to brain damage?
I thought stating facts without citation or credible sources was correlated to brain damage? No? I could be mistaken.

The Flood / Re: I actually found good defenses for pedophilia
« on: May 28, 2015, 06:56:42 PM »
I see what you were saying now. Sometimes I get into these situations, I am in such a state of mind, I am just basically registering everything that comes my way as basically an attack. So I basically read you argument as that because I didn't expect it to actually come from a neutral place. I will go back and read it, sorry for the misunderstanding.
well, it REALLY wasn't that difficult
That's pretty condescending, kid. You wanna go play while the big kids talk?

The Flood / Re: I actually found good defenses for pedophilia
« on: May 28, 2015, 06:52:26 PM »
You started off the post by saying "pedophilia isn't wrong, but neither is killing someone". That is an extremely nihilistic point
No, it isn't, which is why I made the distinction between being inherently wrong and prima facie wrong. Killing is generally wrong but there are situations where it may be morally permissible; so it cannot be inherently wrong.

I really don't have any patience for reading an entire argument when I already know where you're going with it from the first sentence.
Well, clearly you don't know, because I made a substantial defense for why child molestation is immoral, which has nothing to do with nihilism.

I find your active refusal to consider different viewpoints very puzzling. Though it looks as though the discussion would have been fruitless anyway.
I see what you were saying now. Sometimes I get into these situations, I am in such a state of mind, I am just basically registering everything that comes my way as basically an attack. So I basically read you argument as that because I didn't expect it to actually come from a neutral place. I will go back and read it, sorry for the misunderstanding.

The Flood / Re: I actually found good defenses for pedophilia
« on: May 28, 2015, 06:46:25 PM »
Nihilistic means lacking morals.

it doesn't

fuck you

nihilists are retards, sure, but let's not misrepresent their viewpoint here
nihilists can lack "morals", whatever those are, but that's not strictly what nihilism is

You're making this pretty easy. Btw your swearing is just showing how desperate and weak your argument is.

The Flood / Re: I actually found good defenses for pedophilia
« on: May 28, 2015, 06:42:30 PM »
That is an extremely nihilistic point,
no it isn't?...
Nihilistic means lacking morals. Killing a person is obviously an immoral act. I really don't have the patience to explain this to you, since you obviously already understand that and were just trying to make a rhetorical argument.

The Flood / Re: Am I gay
« on: May 28, 2015, 06:40:43 PM »
Here's the thing you have to understand about sexuality. I have learned this the hard way. Really the only thing that someone who has had no sexual experience can only create hypothetical sexualities in their head. I can hypothetically say that because I find watching some male porn, I could identify as gay. I could also hypothetically say that just because I find it attractive in the form of porn, doesn't mean that I would actually enjoy having sex with a guy.

Someone put it to me rather elegantly one time. I can sort of speak from second hand, they said that everyone struggles with finding their sexuality. Straight people find that the first thing they are attracted to is the same sex, so they persue intensely these relationships so they can work out their sexuality. Sexuality is easy for no one, but people like us who just theorize about sexuality instead of putting it into practice can never actually know our sexuality, because we don't actually go out and try to work out these complicated problems like some people do.

The Flood / Re: I actually found good defenses for pedophilia
« on: May 28, 2015, 06:35:20 PM »
Yeah not reading all that. I am looking at things from a moral perspective, not a nihilistic perspective. You missed my point.

My post had nothing to do with nihilism, and everything to do with morals.
You started off the post by saying "pedophilia isn't wrong, but neither is killing someone". That is an extremely nihilistic point, which just emphasizes that the statement verbatim was trying to make was purely rhetorical anyways. I really don't have any patience for reading an entire argument when I already know where you're going with it from the first sentence.

The Flood / Re: I actually found good defenses for pedophilia
« on: May 28, 2015, 06:25:23 PM »
You're comparing killing people to having sex with children, when sex isn't even inherently bad.
To be fair that was his point. Killing isn't inherently bad.

Both are prima facie bad, though (child molestation and killing) which is where you need to start. Why is child molestation prima facie bad? Well, the most obvious factor is that it manipulates the autonomy of the child (autonomy which is underdeveloped, too) and to such a degree that it usually causes long-term damage to them -- compared to other manipulative acts, like grounding them for misbehaving. This is not only due to the social stigma of pedophilia; it's due to the social (perhaps innate) value we place on sex in general. Sex has a big effect on people. Regarding nature vs nurture I'm not sure how the scales tip, but either way your problem would have to be with sex as a whole, not just pedophilia.

And even if the child enjoys it at the time, as they mature and reflect on it they are almost certainly going to suffer, from the realization that they were violated on such a personal level.

You say the moral gravity of molestation has been blown out of proportion. Perhaps you are right, but that doesn't make it any more morally acceptable -- it just means we are failing to criticize other equally immoral acts.
Yeah not reading all that. I am looking at things from a moral perspective, not a nihilistic perspective. You missed my point.

The Flood / Re: How seriously do you take your manliness?
« on: May 28, 2015, 06:10:44 PM »
Masculinity is a disease

The Flood / Re: I actually found good defenses for pedophilia
« on: May 28, 2015, 05:53:05 PM »
It kinda is
, because it damages the lives of the people who knew the person, indirectly.
having sex with children damages the lives of people indirectly, too

learn to make smaller paragraphs
You're ignoring key pieces of the arguments that have been made. It's not really worth trying to have this discussion with you if you have no intent of even listening to and addressing the opposing argument. It seems that you've taken a sanctamonious stance on the argument and decided to try to straight up refute everything I say, which is really just tiring and only leads to very low level arguments. I am above that kind of thing, so I will try to just give you some space, because I obviously hit a chord with you. I have no intent of arguing with a person who has no intent in listening to logic, to make a logical argument. That kind of thing can only lead to myself being insane.

The Flood / Re: I actually found good defenses for pedophilia
« on: May 28, 2015, 05:48:44 PM »
You're comparing killing people to having sex with children, when sex isn't even inherently bad.
killing isn't inherently bad either

i literally just said that
It kinda is, because it damages the lives of the people who knew the person, indirectly. It also ends the person's life who was killed, obviously. I am not looking at things from a completely nihilistic vacuum kind of way. I made this thread with the intent and purpose of having a real, down to earth discussion. I think i was pretty naive to have thought that it could go any other way than it already did, but then again I wasn't naive because I didn't expect that to happen anyways. I guess you can call me a bit noble for going ahead with it anyways, arbitrarily. You know that any idea that is non popular can only be fully realized once it has actually become known to the people who oppose it. I don't think that anyone has really ever thought of the opposing argument to why pedophilia is wrong, so I thought it would be interesting to link the article. Maybe now you can think of something you wouldn't have otherwise thought of, which is actually healthy for your brain. It's good to have a broad perspective of the issues you tackle, so you can be a wiser person.

The Flood / Re: I actually found good defenses for pedophilia
« on: May 28, 2015, 05:39:27 PM »
You seem to be ignoring the part of the article that explains that the stigma about having sexual relations with an adult is what makes child "molestation" a bad thing. Sexual contact with a child is not inherently bad, as it says in the article.
i agree

killing people isn't inherently bad, either

but that doesn't change the fact that it's still probably a bad idea 99.999999999% of the time
You're comparing killing people to having sex with children, when sex isn't even inherently bad.

The Flood / Re: I actually found good defenses for pedophilia
« on: May 28, 2015, 05:36:16 PM »
Do you feel pedophilic urges?
Just a bit of charitable advocacy, huh.
Dude I don't usually think about pedophilia, but I saw this article and it seems to make a lot of sense to me. I am not like the average person who just latches onto the most popular "moral" idea and makes that the foundation of their logic. I actually like to figure out for myself how stuff works so I can have an educated opinion. If this was a college classroom then this article would actually be broken down and discussed logically. Believe it or not there is a place in this world for serious philosophical discussion. I, myself, am a fan of serious philosphical discussion.

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