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Messages - Loaf

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The Flood / Re: What are the manliest names you can think of?
« on: June 09, 2015, 09:41:21 AM »
chad is one of the cringiest names of all time

The Flood / What are the manliest names you can think of?
« on: June 09, 2015, 09:13:57 AM »


The Flood / Do you like this band?
« on: June 08, 2015, 06:55:10 PM »
Tbh this is one of my favorite bands of all time. The have an amazingly DIY approach to doing music, they aren't try hard but they don't come off as lame either. They're just genuine. I have listened to a ton of music leading up to hearing this band, this band came out of nowhere and blind sided me and I haven't found anything like this since. It's songs are so cute and uplifting, I just cannot deny the incredible awesomeness of this band

The Flood / You're amazing just the way you are :3
« on: June 08, 2015, 06:18:34 PM »

Or you could just be a responsible human being and understand that you gave the game back, voiding your right to play it unless you pay for it.
Go die.

The Flood / please do not tousle my ruffles
« on: June 07, 2015, 08:58:45 PM »
thank you.

can you people please stop spamming my thread?

Gaming / How do you play a steam game with the files, without steam?
« on: June 07, 2015, 03:10:48 PM »
So I downloaded the remastered version of resident evil for my PC. I thought it was really horrible because I didn't like the relentless over powered zombies with no way to kill them, the fact that when you die you basically have to watch the same oversize cut scene over and over again, the camera angle basically sucks and sometimes you can't see enemies when you're right in front of them. So I got my money back and basically they refunded me and took the game back, but I realize that I still have the files for the game inside of my PC data. Do you think there's any way I could still use it if I wanted to? I know I don't really like the game but this would be kind of cool if I could play the game like this.

The Flood / Re: Do I Love You Or Hate You?
« on: June 05, 2015, 10:08:26 PM »
Come find out
Do you love me or hate me or is there an in between? The in between is infested with snakes but is also the missing texture. We are all the missing texture in reality, because the missing texture is everything and nothing. It is all an illusion just as we are an illusion. The real illusion is not the missing texture, because the missing texture is the absence of the illusion, which you can see, but you cannot see.

You're like the fat chick I bang

Not the best, won't brag about it, and I kinda feel guilty

But still getting pussy
what does this mean?

The Flood / Re: daily reminder that this kid exists
« on: June 05, 2015, 09:49:49 PM »
How can people support the religious bigot fuck tard holding the sign?
cool generalization brah
It's literally the opposite of a generalization, you fucking faggot. I am talking about one person in particular. I hope you have a horrible day and your heart is fucking wounded, for no reason other than my spite for you. What's it gonna take to get you to really feel fucking horrible? I bet your eyes are so fucking beady and lifeless, just staring through anything else in front of you all your life, all you really think is "it's a meme it's a meme it's a meme" you pathetic fucking confused animal.

You're the adult who believes in a myth, a fairy tale about a man who fucking died and came back to life, you have no room to talk about me making a generalization about your stupid insipid religion. Just choke on your own fucking vomit for all I care, nigger.

The Flood / I like the game Hatred
« on: June 05, 2015, 04:06:14 PM »
Except unfortunately there's no children to kill in the game. There should be a game called hatred of children and it would be about massacring a school. I would play it.

The Flood / Re: Wat da fack
« on: June 05, 2015, 01:17:34 PM »
If you found their number and then called them up I think they would be pretty pissed off at you for going through their stuff lol

The Flood / GG Allin Appreciation Thread
« on: June 05, 2015, 07:07:07 AM »
It has been about 22 years since our boy overdosed on heroin, after walking around the streets naked with a crowd of adoring fans, only to go to someone's house and meet his unfortunate demise. This is a man who, in 1991, promised to commit suicide on stage and take as many as his fans with him as possible. Unfortunately he was arrested before the date because he was sued by a fan who was assaulted by him, he was sent to prison for a year in 1991, he came back muscular and more angry. His stage antics included throwing shit at the audience, beating audience members senseless, and sexually assaulting them on stage, live during his act.

GG Allin is like no other. He is a legend and his legend of scum baggery continues to live on to this day. He was not only a "shock rocker", he was a dangerous man who used his music as a weapon against a society which he despised. A moment to remember some of my favorite songs by him, "bite it, you scum" and "expose yourself to kids". I think his acts are best appreciated when watching the live footage, here are some of my favorite songs by the man, the myth, the legend, probably the truest of the true of all punk rockers to ever live or will ever live, GG Allin

back stage



hit singles

talk shows

The Flood / Re: marry kill fuΒ­ck
« on: June 05, 2015, 06:46:29 AM »

All I remember is wyldfire the most vividly. I do kinda remember senika the fifth but only that he was a gay furry. that's all I remember, so I guess fuck senika, marry wyldfire, and kill the other guy.

The Flood / I am constantly being taunted by the dullness of life.
« on: June 04, 2015, 05:35:08 PM »
In my life I have become used to being defeated by absolute dullness and stupidity. It's a classic psychological condition called "learned helplessness" that some people embrace and some people are constantly aware, of it's presence. Sometimes I feel like I am deserving of so much more, yet I am always being fed the same crap. I am not garbage and my mind needs to be fed high end mind fuel, but it is just fed the same old crap of this world. I have come to expect it but yet I still reject it, because in my mind there is no escaping the fact that I was meant for more.

The Flood / Re: Can we talk about satan's wrath?
« on: June 04, 2015, 05:16:18 PM »
shit is so cash

are we discussing like a film or music or something?
No, literally satan's wrath.

The Flood / Can we talk about satan's wrath?
« on: June 04, 2015, 10:09:09 AM »
It's so fuckin badass.

The Flood / Re: I kill sex... again
« on: June 04, 2015, 06:40:10 AM »
Kill in what sense.
It doesn't seem you've watched the video, friend.

The Flood / I kill sex... again
« on: June 04, 2015, 06:38:31 AM »
Have you guys heard the new pop sensation that's sweeping the nation?

The Flood / Why isn't there that many songs about pounding boipucci?
« on: June 04, 2015, 06:11:07 AM »
I mean there's a ton of songs about pounding female pussy, boy there is not many songs about pounding boipucci except for that one rap song and some shitty rap artists like cakes the killa. I mean you have some pop punk group like pansy division doing it, but that's their entire gimmick is making songs about gay sex. I guess there's just not that many artists who are gay considering it's a minority of people and probably not many of them are actual professional level musicians, let alone willing to go out and try to make a band with someone. It's really a shame that our culture is so heteronormative.

The Flood / There's a new death grips album and it kinda sucks
« on: June 04, 2015, 05:59:03 AM »

It's not hardcore at all and it doesn't even seem to have MC ride on vocals at all. Most of it is just instrumental electronic music.

Are those dudes? Gross
You reek of weakness, cunt.

First guy looks okay but the makeup is ehh. Second one is too gay looking.
Fuck you, ignorant little sniveling shit. Do you have to go around acting like a little bitch? Is it my attention you want? Here you go mother fucker you got yourself some grade A attention right here. Rub it into your fucking belly and absorb it's power.

The Flood / Re: I just thought of a really funny joke
« on: June 03, 2015, 07:41:26 AM »
Never tell your password to anyone.
✿ Daisy πŸ‘Œ: I love this song so much omg
β˜…βœ© entered chat.
β˜…βœ©: hi..
✿ Daisy πŸ‘Œ: hi
✿ Daisy πŸ‘Œ: song
β˜…βœ©: . . .
✿ Daisy πŸ‘Œ: I'm a bump some freaky ship in this hood thang my yo yo
β˜…βœ©: not really that type of music..
β˜…βœ©: i hate rap...
✿ Daisy πŸ‘Œ: party hard!!!!!
✿ Daisy πŸ‘Œ: unc unc unc unc unc unc
β˜…βœ©: i dont feel like... partying...
β˜…βœ©: more like dying..
✿ Daisy πŸ‘Œ: :O
✿ Daisy πŸ‘Œ: there's an akon song you would enjoy then
β˜…βœ©: i dont like rap..
✿ Daisy πŸ‘Œ: yo
✿ Daisy πŸ‘Œ: it's about feeling like dying tho
✿ Daisy πŸ‘Œ: we bumpin in this hood yo
β˜…βœ©: thats not akon thats lil wayne.
✿ Daisy πŸ‘Œ: yeah I forgot lol
✿ Daisy πŸ‘Œ: it's been years yo this is some retro ship
✿ Daisy πŸ‘Œ: you should like it though, because it's about feeling like dying
β˜…βœ©: your not fucking helping..
✿ Daisy πŸ‘Œ: :(
✿ Daisy πŸ‘Œ: sorry, sometimes when I am sad I put on a sad snog.
✿ Daisy πŸ‘Œ: song*
β˜…βœ©: i think you dont understand. im fed up. im tired to the point i want to cut myself. if only i knew were the razor was... -_-
✿ Daisy πŸ‘Œ: oh
✿ Daisy πŸ‘Œ: I'm sorry to hear that
✿ Daisy πŸ‘Œ: I really hate myself too sometimes, I am in a really good mood right now for some reason. I don't wanna end up hurting your feelings or something, I am sorry if I said something annoying.
β˜…βœ©: its fine. you dont know whats happening in my life..
✿ Daisy πŸ‘Œ: I sure don't.
β˜…βœ©: just dont make my life more miserable than it already is.
✿ Daisy πŸ‘Œ: I wasn't?
β˜…βœ©: im just saying not to.

The Flood / Re: I just thought of a really funny joke
« on: June 03, 2015, 07:28:36 AM »

The Flood / I just thought of a really funny joke
« on: June 03, 2015, 07:03:10 AM »
If someone's name was gurt, then everyone someone said yogurt they would be saying yo to gurt every time XD

yfw jive dominates a loaf thread
You can fuck right off. I am not going to argue back to such a stupid fucking argument. You can take your stupid sport of who's right or wrong out of this fucking thread. It's a discussion about appearance, so how the fuck could he be dominating me when he's just making a retarded argument about that stupid fucking jaw line and masculine aesthetics? You're too stupid to answer that question, just like jive turkey and everyone else who supports his retarded crap. You're seriously fucking things up like a pack of barking seals.

fuck you jive turkey.

why would you want to have a jawline like that though

does that really look good to people
No, it doesn't. It makes you look obnoxious like you came from a Disney princess movie. It's not cute or sexy, it just looks like something a prepubescent girl would admire.
Your OP invalidates all of your opinions on aesthetics m8 sorry

A strong well developed jaw is probably the top determining factor in the attractiveness of a face(the other two being cheekbones and eye/browridge).

Google "hot guy" or "handsome guy" (you don't have to lol) and they all share one thing in common, a nice big jaw. Jaws go hand in hand with masculanity, on a subconcious and biological level women and men are going to be drawn/attracted to guys with nice jaws. Obviously they can be too big though

This guy from Lost is constantly praised as one of the best looking celebrities of today. Dat jaw

My only regret is that I wasn't born with amazing jawsthetics  :'(

I used to spend waaaaay too much time looking into all of this a while back, glad I'm past that obsession part of my life now. However the knowledge is still there when I call on it
I really fucking hate the giant jaw aesthetic you fruit cake. Stop making yourself look so fruity, this is really sad.

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