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Messages - Loaf

Pages: 1 ... 939495 9697 ... 124
The Flood / I am not actually drunk
« on: June 20, 2015, 03:13:24 PM »
Hi. I know I just made a thread saying that I am drunk, but I wanted to recant that. I don't want people to have no notion that I was actually drunk, I feel that there's a little ambiguity of how people could interpret that thread. Some people may think that I am just being silly and I am not actually drunk, some people may think I am just saying I only had 1 beer but I actually had more. I assure you that it's the former, I don't want people getting the notion that I am the kind of person who actually gets drunk :)

The Flood / Re: hahahaa omg I am so drunk
« on: June 20, 2015, 03:10:26 PM »
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The Flood / Re: hahahaa omg I am so drunk
« on: June 20, 2015, 03:06:27 PM »
Oh my god, shut the FUCK up, loaf.
cool story bro.

The Flood / Re: hahahaa omg I am so drunk
« on: June 20, 2015, 03:05:04 PM »
loaf are you drunk?

The Flood / hahahaa omg I am so drunk
« on: June 20, 2015, 03:02:24 PM »
guys I had like 1 beer and I feel soooooo silly ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho I knew this would be a bad idea but I did it anywayyyyyyyyyyyS!!! But that's okay because I am a cigarrett and I am smoking!!! inhale and exhale the fuuuuuuuuuuuuumes. I love guinness.

The Flood / Re: Quick type the funniest thing you can think of!
« on: June 20, 2015, 12:46:20 PM »

The Flood / Quick type the funniest thing you can think of!
« on: June 20, 2015, 06:29:02 AM »
Decomposing dead bodies exploding with gas.

The Flood / Re: Do you think intelligence is determined by IQ?
« on: June 19, 2015, 10:05:25 PM »
No, IQ is an indicator, and a pretty arbitrary one at that.
To be honest I don't know why I made that the title of the thread, because this thread really isn't about IQ at all. I just have to think of something to name the thread, that was the first thing that came to mind and there really isn't much of a reason behind why I named it that.

The Flood / How is intelligence determined?
« on: June 19, 2015, 10:02:17 PM »
Intelligence and convictions are overrated. If focusing on that shit is making you unhappy, then you're missing the point.
It's not the arbitrary level of intelligence I place on myself that I am concerned about, it's more so the fact that I just constant look on the things that I say and I just think they seem so stupid, I can't even get over the fact that I will never just be a more intelligent person. I am not saying that anything I said on this website is making me sit around thinking I about how stupid I am, because I am just gonna take a jab here and say that's probably what people are thinking. They're probably thinking "oh my god load said stupid shit on this website, now he's confirming what we already thought". No, if you think that you're fucking retarded and you should just stop reading everything I say all together, or just keep reading it and responding because it's fucking hilarious seeing how idiots interpret what I say. Otherwise yeah, what I said in the former part of this post, before I started talking about people on this website.

The Flood / How is intelligence determined?
« on: June 19, 2015, 09:56:00 PM »
I don't feel very comfortable telling my IQ to people here, but I have been thinking about something more big picture. I am always trying to imagine ways that I could be more intelligent, but sometimes I just feel like there is a limit on simply how hard I can think and how fast my mind can process information. So I have been feeling quite a bit of disparity over this fact, because I honestly feel inadequate in my intelligence. I look at the intelligence of other people and I can feel a little reassured sometimes, but I still can't can't get over how stupid I feel. I don't even know why I crave the self satisfaction of being proud and intelligent, why I am having this constant struggle to be intelligent and ultimately failing, then just feeling inadequate. I don't know how there can ever possibly be a way that I can find some self respect for myself. Does anyone have anything to say about this that's appropriate and isn't mean?

The Flood / Re: This video is actually awesome
« on: June 19, 2015, 03:57:27 PM »
I mean she was stupid and annoying but that dude physically attacked her and she got arrested? Lol wut
She was getting too close to him, she was backing up into his face. He pushed her away which is respectable, then she just completely bitched about it. Considering she should have never been in their face in the first place, then making a big fucking deal about the people who she was provoking, it's justifiable. Then she gets in their face even more, the guy understandably shoves her away again, she falls over and starts crying and acting completely immature. Just seeing the look of righteous indignation on her face, the way she acts worse than a little pig just makes me so happy that the video played out like it did.

The Flood / Re: It seems like every time I talk to someone
« on: June 19, 2015, 03:53:23 PM »
It's cuz you're not just a faggot, you're an M&S faggot
masochism and sadism?

tfw. i'm the same way. even to the point where, during longer conversations, i start not paying attention because i'm worried about something i said earlier, which then leads me to worry about whether or not i looked like i tuned out and if they think i'm a fuck because of that, and on and on in a terrible cycle. i just can't help it. i tell people i'm bad at conversation, but really it's just because i'm too worried that i said something weird or whatever.
that happens to me too.

The Flood / This video is actually awesome
« on: June 19, 2015, 06:41:58 AM »

Look at how the fat tub of lard falls over, how her stupid sanctimonious feminist ways didn't work, how she cries and blubbers like a retard. This is an example of how you should deal with feminists.

The Flood / Re: It seems like every time I talk to someone
« on: June 19, 2015, 06:33:52 AM »
Go to the space station Lofe.

The Flood / It seems like every time I talk to someone
« on: June 19, 2015, 06:30:50 AM »
I went out to a concert last night. It seems like every time I talk to someone, no matter how casual, mundane, ordinary the conversation may have been, I just have the worst sinking feeling in my head that I messed something up. I talked to like 3 people who were at the show, I was really chill and just said hi and asked them about their favorite bands and stuff. I really tried hard to be as normal, as far from weird or fucked up as I could possibly be. Yet this next morning, all I have is this terrible feeling that I should have never talked to them, that I want to go escape to the space station.

The Flood / Re: There's so many fucking religious people on okcupid
« on: June 18, 2015, 04:25:54 PM »
So far from what I've seen you post you hate fat people, thin people, religious people, and you don't want to talk to girls.

Is there anything you like?
I really like the band death in june, I also like qt guys. I am very particular about what guys I find cute though.

The Flood / Re: There's so many fucking religious people on okcupid
« on: June 18, 2015, 03:19:34 PM »
I am so sick of people believing in god. I really don't want to hear about it ever again, but it is constantly pushed in my face by the world around me. Doesn't it make sense that someone who has this happen to them who doesn't believe in god would hate having it in their face all the time? Think of it this way, you would have no notion about what god is if no one told you about their religion. Religion is just a cult that has taken over culture for millenniums, because our world is filled with naturally stupid people, who are willing to believe whatever they're told. It's sad to me that we live in a world where there's such gullibility.

My non existent respect for you has now gone into the negatives.

You're an idiot.
Nothing of value was lost.

That's the same response from the girls you filtered out. They aren't missing out.
Girls? That's just as well. Whenever a girl talks to me it makes me more nervous than when a guy talks to me. Girls are weird.

The Flood / Re: There's so many fucking religious people on okcupid
« on: June 18, 2015, 03:04:58 PM »
I am so sick of people believing in god. I really don't want to hear about it ever again, but it is constantly pushed in my face by the world around me. Doesn't it make sense that someone who has this happen to them who doesn't believe in god would hate having it in their face all the time? Think of it this way, you would have no notion about what god is if no one told you about their religion. Religion is just a cult that has taken over culture for millenniums, because our world is filled with naturally stupid people, who are willing to believe whatever they're told. It's sad to me that we live in a world where there's such gullibility.

My non existent respect for you has now gone into the negatives.

You're an idiot.
Nothing of value was lost.

The Flood / Re: There's so many fucking religious people on okcupid
« on: June 18, 2015, 02:01:11 PM »
I am so sick of people believing in god. I really don't want to hear about it ever again, but it is constantly pushed in my face by the world around me. Doesn't it make sense that someone who has this happen to them who doesn't believe in god would hate having it in their face all the time? Think of it this way, you would have no notion about what god is if no one told you about their religion. Religion is just a cult that has taken over culture for millenniums, because our world is filled with naturally stupid people, who are willing to believe whatever they're told. It's sad to me that we live in a world where there's such gullibility.

The Flood / Re: There's so many fucking religious people on okcupid
« on: June 18, 2015, 01:17:25 PM »
People who are this ignorant and intolerant of other people's beliefs are just as bad as them
Not even true. It's called being fed up. I was just thinking a moment ago before I came in this thread to read your reply about how it's hard for me sometimes, to think of a world where things are actually enjoyable. Religious people play a part in that.

The Flood / Re: There's so many fucking religious people on okcupid
« on: June 18, 2015, 12:56:12 PM »
Oh fuck, I forgot the point of the thread. I try to filter all the people who aren't atheist or agnostic on okcupid, then there isn't that many results left.

The Flood / There's so many fucking religious people on okcupid
« on: June 18, 2015, 12:53:40 PM »
I just try to filter anyone who isn't atheist or agnostic. I seriously don't want to be friends or in a relationship with someone who believes in childish bullshit. It's funny to me sometimes how I am actually smarter than the majority of people in this world. I know that sounds like a joke but I honestly think that, I hope you understand, in spite of whatever delusions about the world you may have.

The Flood / Re: Would you date a disabled person?
« on: June 18, 2015, 12:51:25 PM »
Hell fucking no.

The Flood / I want to just live in a large underground cavern
« on: June 18, 2015, 07:21:52 AM »
Completely cut off from the modern world. I feel like it's just too painful for me to have to deal with this place. I really just wish that I could be completely cut off from it, except the internet and whatever I need to live underground. Perhaps a large subterranean garden and large mansion for me to live in underground, completely alone. Perhaps some cave bunnies, or a dog to keep me company. Seriously, I am so fucking fed up with feeling sick of this world. I just want to be completely cut off from it at all. I wish I could be on the space station.

The Flood / On objectivity in music
« on: June 16, 2015, 04:52:50 AM »
I really hate Dancy music. There may be no such thing as “good or bad” music, but that is just because there is no such thing as objective good or bad, universally. What there is though, is music that is made to be more immediate to the listener. There is literally music that is made to be understood on the very first listen, while some music is composed differently so the brain doesn’t get the immediate satisfaction it would listening to something poppy.

There are obviously very extreme examples on either end of the spectrum. The music of mainstream culture is so repetitive, to me it is just unbearable to listen to. It sounds simple, annoying, easy to literally get stuck in your head because it is so repetitive and simple. So you can tell me that there is no music that is objectively good or bad, but you cannot tell me that some music is simply less challenging. Some music listeners are serious about listening to music, so it is frustrating to some listeners who take listening to music seriously. There is a dilemma here, whether you want to call it “good and bad taste” or not.

The Flood / Re: When's the last time you had sex
« on: June 15, 2015, 10:33:19 AM »

The Flood / I am not gay
« on: June 15, 2015, 10:08:49 AM »
↖ I just want to remind everyone that this user does not enjoy dick. I know that I make a lot of jokes about homosexuality, in a homosexual way. That is all they are though is JOKES! I do not actually feel attracted to guys. There is absolutely nothing wrong with being attracted to the same sex at all, in fact I encourage it. Thanks.

The Flood / Re: Isolation, numbness, frustration
« on: June 14, 2015, 08:01:36 PM »
I'm not numb.  I'm frustrated because I can't get to the person I care about.
I am sorry to hear that.

The Flood / Re: Isolation, numbness, frustration
« on: June 14, 2015, 07:28:25 PM »
My head feels so numb oh my fucking god.

The Flood / Isolation, numbness, frustration
« on: June 14, 2015, 07:16:43 PM »
When will it end? So hopelessly detached from it all, the world is just a spectacle and I am an onlooker. I lost my train of thought, because my computer doesn't care and was freezing up. I closed my 10 windows I had open, it started to get speedier again. Nothing else I say would really make any point or sense, but I just wanna say I fucking love the band Dystopia, because it's music about living a miserable as fuck existence, spewing hatred everywhere on the poor record that was made victim to contain this fucked up noise. It's relateable, beautiful. The site slowed down again...

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