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Messages - Loaf

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Probably because no one wants to talk to you.
Probably true.

Isn't that the fucking point of skype is to talk to people? I actually wanted to talk to you! There's honestly people who I would think are interesting to talk to, but then they don't fucking respond! Then there's other fucks who I don't want to talk to who I just feel no desire to talk to, I don't want to fucking talk to you people. wow.

The Flood / Re: Hey religious people, try on this theory for size
« on: July 05, 2015, 12:08:20 PM »
PSU is just a troll.

Oh since I'm religious, I'm a troll? Fuck outta here bro.
You really have trouble deciphering the meaning behind statements, don't you.

The Flood / Re: Hey religious people, try on this theory for size
« on: July 05, 2015, 12:05:07 PM »
PSU is just a troll.

The Flood / Re: Hey religious people, try on this theory for size
« on: July 05, 2015, 12:00:43 PM »
How does one become more intelligent then?

Based on my understanding of it, one doesn't become more intelligent. Everyone has a capacity to apply knowledge, some are more inclined than others. The ones who are more inclined are more intelligent.

So basically, you can be born an atheist?
That is exactly what every newborn is.

The Flood / Re: Hey religious people, try on this theory for size
« on: July 05, 2015, 11:57:59 AM »
Except that's not what happens. You soul goes to heaven or hell. If you scared nigga, go to church.
So basically if you parrot the same line of crap over and over again it somehow becomes true? Sorry, no amount of belief makes something a fact.

Same goes for you bro. If you just say God doesn't exist and there is no afterlife over and over is it true?

I KNOW God exists. You'll find him one day too. Until then, I'll pray for you dog.
No, it's really not the same thing. If I said there's a unicorn behind my garage, then you say that there isn't one, then basically you're applying the same theory. There is no god because it's a silly superstition, you will probably never grow out of because you're small minded, you don't have the capacity to think that deeply which is stunning to me, but sadly true of most of humanity.

Yeah bro I'm small minded. Meanwhile, I have a higher level of education than you...makes sense son.

How could you possibly quantify that? Do you know the OP in-person?

Not to mention, your education doesn't make you intelligent, it makes you knowledgable. There's a difference.
so so so true. this is invaluable wisdom.

The Flood / Re: Hey religious people, try on this theory for size
« on: July 05, 2015, 11:53:25 AM »
Atheism isn't free thinking. It's just a bunch of geeky losers who are shunned by society.

No one chose religion for me, I chose my own bro. If I didn't think it was true, I wouldn't go to church ever Sunday and spend my time there.

The Flood / Re: Why is it that
« on: July 05, 2015, 11:49:50 AM »
Honestly, the stuff this guy says is sort of making my stomach feel a little nauseous from how stupid it is.

The Flood / Re: Hey religious people, try on this theory for size
« on: July 05, 2015, 11:46:38 AM »
No, I'm saying you are making assumptions that I'm small minded when that's obviously not true considering my education. I'd say it takes more of an open mind to be religious than be some clown who says "nope once we die it's over, the end". That's small Minded to me.
It takes a rather big mind to see through all the bullshit, that basically any dumb ass with any education or IQ level can think. I saw an actual mentally retarded man who was devoutly religious, there are many more severely unintelligent people who believe in religion, as well as others that aren't as unintelligent.

When the majority of people around you tell you something is true, the general response is to conform to the pressures of everyone else around you. If you think that it takes more thought to be religious than it does to be an atheist, you thought wrong. religion is basically just going by what everyone tells you then forcing yourself to believe it, atheism is hearing what everyone tells you and deciding for yourself that it's bullshit, which takes a lot more brain power. Atheism is true free thinking.

The Flood / Re: Hey religious people, try on this theory for size
« on: July 05, 2015, 11:40:51 AM »
Except that's not what happens. You soul goes to heaven or hell. If you scared nigga, go to church.
So basically if you parrot the same line of crap over and over again it somehow becomes true? Sorry, no amount of belief makes something a fact.

Same goes for you bro. If you just say God doesn't exist and there is no afterlife over and over is it true?

I KNOW God exists. You'll find him one day too. Until then, I'll pray for you dog.
No, it's really not the same thing. If I said there's a unicorn behind my garage, then you say that there isn't one, then basically you're applying the same theory. There is no god because it's a silly superstition, you will probably never grow out of because you're small minded, you don't have the capacity to think that deeply which is stunning to me, but sadly true of most of humanity.

Yeah bro I'm small minded. Meanwhile, I have a higher level of education than you...makes sense son.
Education level has nothing to do with the actual argument we're having right now. You're just saying "oh look I have diplomas, that makes me more right". It actually has nothing to do with the conversation we're having right now. Going by your logic you could basically say anything you want and then wave around your diploma and say you're right. Do you really think I'm stupid enough to believe that? If you do then that makes you the stupid one, buddy.

The Flood / Re: Hey religious people, try on this theory for size
« on: July 05, 2015, 11:32:52 AM »
Except that's not what happens. You soul goes to heaven or hell. If you scared nigga, go to church.
So basically if you parrot the same line of crap over and over again it somehow becomes true? Sorry, no amount of belief makes something a fact.

Same goes for you bro. If you just say God doesn't exist and there is no afterlife over and over is it true?

I KNOW God exists. You'll find him one day too. Until then, I'll pray for you dog.
No, it's really not the same thing. If I said there's a unicorn behind my garage, then you say that there isn't one, then basically you're applying the same theory. There is no god because it's a silly superstition, you will probably never grow out of because you're small minded, you don't have the capacity to think that deeply which is stunning to me, but sadly true of most of humanity.

The Flood / Re: Hey religious people, try on this theory for size
« on: July 05, 2015, 11:28:45 AM »
Except that's not what happens. You soul goes to heaven or hell. If you scared nigga, go to church.
So basically if you parrot the same line of crap over and over again it somehow becomes true? Sorry, no amount of belief makes something a fact.

The Flood / Re: Bad Craigslist ads
« on: July 05, 2015, 11:27:52 AM »
I'll start

Holy shit look at thus monstrosity
That's so stupid. That addition on the back looks completely useless.

The Flood / Re: Hey religious people, try on this theory for size
« on: July 05, 2015, 11:26:39 AM »
It's kind of funny how many people (including religious ones) who believe that Christianity says that you go to heaven directly when you die. At least from what I can recall from religion class, no one will go to heaven until Judgement Day. Until then they're just dead, without experiencing anything.
that's pretty wishful thinking. I hope your wishing pays off for you.

The Flood / Hey religious people, try on this theory for size
« on: July 05, 2015, 11:19:01 AM »
So you believe that when you die, you go to heaven. Imagine instead, if when you die your body decomposes, including your brain, which is responsible for your consciousness in the first place. It's kind of like when you leave food in the fridge, it starts to rot, like a dead carcass or something. You will rot and die and there is no heaven. I won't be happy with religious people until they get this through their heads.

The Flood / Re: I'm just gonna leave this here.
« on: July 05, 2015, 11:07:46 AM »

The Flood / Re: I'm just gonna leave this here.
« on: July 05, 2015, 10:53:38 AM »
Ew what the fuck?  Can they get someone who wasn't whacked with a shovel to be Ariel?
Like, Jesus Christ.
btw that blog I linked in my last thread with the weird white power post, that guy's picture wasn't all that was in that blog. It's a femboy dedicated blog
Yeah I saw.  I didn't like him.  Weird face and he tries too hard.
no, I'm saying the blog is not dedicated to just one guy. it's a ton of pictures of different guys.
Well now I'm confused
all of these pictures are from the same blog

Including that other guy who I am currently obsessed with who I posted in that other thread

These all came from the same blog, it's not just one person posting himself over and over again. The owner of the blog is a fatass white power emo.

Btw fuck everyone who says that shit like fuck off omg I can't stand cute guys. Do you have any idea how hypocritical it is of you, that you would say that shit about this but not of someone who posts just an average picture of a girl?
So can I please be the second one down?
me too (´・_・`)

The Flood / Re: I'm just gonna leave this here.
« on: July 05, 2015, 10:43:28 AM »
Ew what the fuck?  Can they get someone who wasn't whacked with a shovel to be Ariel?
Like, Jesus Christ.
btw that blog I linked in my last thread with the weird white power post, that guy's picture wasn't all that was in that blog. It's a femboy dedicated blog
Yeah I saw.  I didn't like him.  Weird face and he tries too hard.
no, I'm saying the blog is not dedicated to just one guy. it's a ton of pictures of different guys.
Well now I'm confused
all of these pictures are from the same blog

Including that other guy who I am currently obsessed with who I posted in that other thread

These all came from the same blog, it's not just one person posting himself over and over again. The owner of the blog is a fatass white power emo.

Btw fuck everyone who says that shit like fuck off omg I can't stand cute guys. Do you have any idea how hypocritical it is of you, that you would say that shit about this but not of someone who posts just an average picture of a girl?

The Flood / Re: I'm just gonna leave this here.
« on: July 05, 2015, 10:33:17 AM »
Ew what the fuck?  Can they get someone who wasn't whacked with a shovel to be Ariel?
Like, Jesus Christ.
btw that blog I linked in my last thread with the weird white power post, that guy's picture wasn't all that was in that blog. It's a femboy dedicated blog
Yeah I saw.  I didn't like him.  Weird face and he tries too hard.
no, I'm saying the blog is not dedicated to just one guy. it's a ton of pictures of different guys.

The Flood / Re: I'm just gonna leave this here.
« on: July 05, 2015, 10:25:08 AM »
Ew what the fuck?  Can they get someone who wasn't whacked with a shovel to be Ariel?
Like, Jesus Christ.
btw that blog I linked in my last thread with the weird white power post, that guy's picture wasn't all that was in that blog. It's a femboy dedicated blog

The Flood / Re: I'm just gonna leave this here.
« on: July 05, 2015, 10:21:53 AM »
two nukes not enough
hiroshima bombing best day of my life
if you bomb qts with nukes I will reap terrible revenge on you.
we'll evacuate the cute ones first
fair enough

The Flood / Re: I'm just gonna leave this here.
« on: July 05, 2015, 10:16:02 AM »
two nukes not enough
hiroshima bombing best day of my life
if you bomb qts with nukes I will reap terrible revenge on you.

The Flood / I'm just gonna leave this here.
« on: July 05, 2015, 10:13:59 AM »



I was thinking red necks or hoodlum gangster.

The Flood / Re: How do you truly piss people off online?
« on: July 04, 2015, 06:32:03 PM »
You just gotta be yourself
This is true. Fuck people.

The Flood / How do you truly piss people off online?
« on: July 04, 2015, 04:57:49 PM »
I was thinking just belittle them harshly, even over the tiniest thing. Just relentless barrages of insults. Maybe attack them when they have revealed a belief, so you can hit then hard in an especially vulnerable spot.

The Flood / Re: My laptop keyboard isn't very sensitive.
« on: July 04, 2015, 12:36:40 PM »
You can fix that by going into your Control Panel and typing "mouse" into the search. And then go to "Change the Mouse Pointer Display or Speed".  You can adjust the sensitivity in there.  Took me a while to figure out after I got my laptop back.
Thank you. It's a problem with the keyboard I use to type though. It's just not sensitive enough to even register the keys, sometimes it won't even know I hit a key.

The Flood / My laptop keyboard isn't very sensitive.
« on: July 04, 2015, 09:40:06 AM »
It was making rape jokes.

The Flood / Re: Look at the most recent post of this femboy blog
« on: July 04, 2015, 07:17:56 AM »
Femboys look almost identical to women in some / most cases (depending on what blog you're looking at).

The Flood / Re: Look at the most recent post of this femboy blog
« on: July 04, 2015, 06:42:19 AM »
What are a 100% straight guy like you doing on a femboy blog?
Looking at femboys is 100% not gay.

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