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Messages - Loaf

Pages: 1 ... 8910 1112 ... 124
Yeah I can tell
That's a problematic thing to say.

I've never had sex in my entire life.

The Flood / Re: I have something to say
« on: December 28, 2017, 11:29:08 AM »
Yo, how about you write light novel in anime-esque style?
Since human beings came from apes, that makes us the humanzee.

The Flood / I have something to say
« on: December 28, 2017, 10:42:23 AM »
I don't know about that, but I do know that I enjoy typing very much, I find that it comes very easy to me and it has become quite second nature as whenever I type I don't find that it's difficult for me to type the things at a very fast rate and it is very easy because I can think and type and do these two things at the same time and it is good because I like typing and the way that my fingers just keep typing words is because because holy shit it is like I need to stop and take a second to think about what I have to say next because it's like I was just repeating the same thing over and over again and now that I have taken a second to think about what I want to say I find myself just saying a bunch of meta reflective things about the process of writing itself except you know how sometimes oh how do I want to say this sometimes when you're righting it's like what you're saying is just what they call "stream of consciousness", but when you think about it when you write in a normal way with punctuation and stuff like that and you take time to think about the things that you want to say it's almost no different besides the fact that you construct things which make you stop and reflect more but really in the end it's like we don't really have any more answers than we started with I think except I sort of wonder about that sometimes, like when people say that we don't have more answers than we started with because I think that there are certain answers to questions that we have answered and I think it's annoying because that sort of talk seems to negate science and stuff like that and it seems like the only stuff that we can truly say we're ignorant about is the stuff that we're still trying to find out more about. So I don't think that plato was right when he said that all the material world is illusory and that we really can't know anything, because that point of view is pre science nonsense.

The Flood / Re: I am a feminist
« on: December 27, 2017, 06:51:41 AM »
You are a rapist
lmao you are dumb. I am not a rapist.

The Flood / I am a feminist
« on: December 26, 2017, 07:35:28 PM »
Destroy the patriarchy


The Flood / Re: >he thinks masculinity is good
« on: December 26, 2017, 07:34:43 PM »
Just imagine. If masculinity was destroyed, we could say goodbye to wars, sexual assault, violence, and crime, for a large part of it. The world would be a vastly better place if masculinity was destroyed, masculinity is just a defense mechanism for the insecure.  It's an entirely oppositional, posturing act.
World would become muslimified.
Muslim men are pretty much the prime example of toxic masculinity though.

The Flood / There is not only two genders
« on: December 23, 2017, 08:16:31 AM »
There is not "only two genders" as people like to insist. That is an over simplification of something much more complicated than it is. Gender is at best a spectrum, where what defines gender can be looked at as endless series of combinations of masculine and feminine. I personally see these dichotomies dichotomies of masculine and feminine as arbitrary, which reinforce roles and stereotypes that society impose on people so they fit into a false dichotomy of assigned roles based on their genitalia, simply so people can feel more comfortable with familiarity. The concept of masculine and feminine are inherently based on a binary, genitalia based concept of gender, which I see a social fabrication. Maybe in the future the concept of gender will be eliminated.

The Flood / Re: >he thinks masculinity is good
« on: December 22, 2017, 06:13:27 PM »
Just imagine. If masculinity was destroyed, we could say goodbye to wars, sexual assault, violence, and crime, for a large part of it. The world would be a vastly better place if masculinity was destroyed, masculinity is just a defense mechanism for the insecure.  It's an entirely oppositional, posturing act.

The Flood / Re: Please just tell me cool stuff that I could buy.
« on: December 12, 2017, 01:07:15 PM »
Sexy costumes for cosplay.
That's one of my goals is to have sexy girl outfits, but I have no idea where to find them.

The Flood / Re: Please just tell me cool stuff that I could buy.
« on: December 12, 2017, 01:06:43 PM »
Why do you have so much stuff lmao i feel like it holds you down. And if all that doesn’t make you satisfied why would you think MORE stuff would?
I love my stuff.

The Flood / Please just tell me cool stuff that I could buy.
« on: December 12, 2017, 09:12:00 AM »
Here's some stuff I own

-Blue Yeti Microphone
-Brown switch mechanical quick fire cmstorm keyboard
-Bernie Sanders action figure
-Hatsune Miku, Kasane Teto, Yawane Haku, Felix Argyle, Chen, Cirno, Lain Iwakura, Doom Guy and Cacodemon plushies, as well as a few other non character plushies
-Vibrating butt plug
-Bad dragon dildo
-Fender Stratocaster guitar
-Fender Precision bass
-Roland electric drum kit
-My grandma's old electronic keyboard
-A nice collection of leatherbound and buckram-bound books (and paperback and regular hardcover)
-Some pair of cambridge bookshelf speakers w/ cheapo 100 dollar amp
-Samsung Galaxy Tab Pro
-High end duel SD card digital audio player Fiio X5II (with faux leather case)
-Magni and Modi headphone amplifier and digital to audio converter by schiit
-Sennheiser HD650 headphones
-Crocheted panzer tank slippers
-Wacom drawing tablet

Several pairs of high end earbuds
-Shozy Zero
-Echobox Finder x1
-Trinity Atlas
-Trinity Phantom Hunter
-Meelectronics Pinnacle P1

A couple portable headphones
-Sennheiser Momentum
-Denon ah-mm400

I have money and I want to buy cool stuff, but I don't know what to spend it on. I feel like I already have everything that I could want. I have a computer with shit loads of extra storage space (over 16 terabytes). I am planning on building a new computer eventually, but right now I want to buy other cool things.

Stop making threads and kill yourself already for fucks sake
I usually have you blocked, but I unhid your message to see what you had to say. I wanted to invite you to play a game of slap a nigger, and you'll be the nigger.

I just posted this thread on /r/ feminism so that people can see the truth.
No link?
I don't even know if it appeared on the front page.

I just posted this thread on /r/ feminism so that people can see the truth.

I've watched the discovery channel, and I know from documentaries that in the wild animals will court the female by fighting with other males and then taking her, and in the documentaries she just takes it like a bitch. The problem is that because of feminism, women have decided that they want power over men, and men doing what is natural is now stigmatized. People acting like they're traumatized from rape are pussies, because it's actually the natural way that animals have sex, is to just go and have it with whatever female the male wants. Feminism has made our species a bunch of overly sensitive, selfish nut jobs.

I don't get to ask for anything for Christmas
You don't deserve anything, you're racist.
How intolerant of you
Intolerant is wanting a whole race of people to stop existing. Being tolerant of intolerance is being complicit in the degradation of a whole race of people. If everyone in the world tolerated the intolerant, then the intolerant would wipe out the tolerant. The end goal of fascism is to eliminate those who are different, and I do not tolerate fascism.

I don't get to ask for anything for Christmas
You don't deserve anything, you're racist.

A t-shirt with word "Slut" on it or maybe... what price counts expensive for you?
I don't know, things over 1000 dollars, or things so superfluous they wouldn't justify a price tag of 300 dollars, like the kanna plushy.
Maybe a musical instrument, cooking tools or tablet for drawing would be a good pick?
I already have a piano, a guitar and a bass, an electronic drum kit, a wacom tablet, and a decent kitchen.
I see. Well, I guess only thing left is to ask your family to adopt SecondClass, cause he`s cute and can do other stuff like writing, making photos, sucking dicks etc.
lol good idea.

A t-shirt with word "Slut" on it or maybe... what price counts expensive for you?
I don't know, things over 1000 dollars, or things so superfluous they wouldn't justify a price tag of 300 dollars, like the kanna plushy.
Maybe a musical instrument, cooking tools or tablet for drawing would be a good pick?
I already have a piano, a guitar and a bass, an electronic drum kit, a wacom tablet, and a decent kitchen.

A t-shirt with word "Slut" on it or maybe... what price counts expensive for you?
I don't know, things over 1000 dollars, or things so superfluous they wouldn't justify a price tag of 300 dollars, like the kanna plushy.

The only things I could possibly want besides leatherbound books are too expensive to ask for. A new computer, a pair of headphones higher end than the pair I have right now, a new car or house, whatever. It's weird not being able to think of anything to ask for for christmas. I asked for the complete works of jk tolkien in leatherbound from easton press, a signed leatherbound copy of fight club, the complete works of heuronymous bosch leatherbound by easton press, and the modern science collection from folio society (a luxury book publishing company), as well as a bottle of crown royal maple, a leather bomber hat with rabbit fur on the inside, and the complete works of fritz wunderlich on deutsche grammophon (my favorite tenor vocalist). I got all As in college this year so I am expecting to get quite a few of these things :)

Other than that though, there's not really anything else besides books. Clothes are cool, but I have no idea of what clothes to ask for, and I already went shopping for a whole new wardrobe for this semester of college before college started this year. There's one plushy which I want which is a 300 dollar hand made custom order kanna plushy, but that's way too much money to spend on a plushy and the plushy doesn't even look that high quality.

The Flood / Re: If the girl wants it, is it still rape?
« on: December 10, 2017, 08:55:07 AM »
How is it the woman suspects nothing when she's being courted?
By giving birth you are an executioner; you sentence those you spawn to inevitably die. The disease you inflict is called life; a terminal disease.

The Flood / Re: If the girl wants it, is it still rape?
« on: December 10, 2017, 08:27:48 AM »

women who "enjoy" being raped are probably mentally ill, and anyone who takes advantage of that should probably be shot
They waited a thousand years for it's awakening. Sitting in mental agony and discipline, they stood still and watched the thing slumber. After centuries passed, the thing all at once opened it's eyes and looked up, no warnings given. I looked around as though it were clueless, as if it knew nothing, it's eye lids thick and porcelain over delicate glassy white opal eyes. It was as though the thing were a child being born, looking at the world for the first time. The people got up, abandoning altogether their task of waiting, and run to the thing and kill it.

The Flood / Re: whos cuter me or loaf
« on: December 10, 2017, 07:47:44 AM »

The Flood / If the girl wants it, is it still rape?
« on: December 10, 2017, 07:47:03 AM »
Answer me this, denizens of the flood. If a woman is raped and she wanted it, could it still be considered rape? Say a man  courts and unsuspecting woman, and it turns out that she enjoys the experience. Could said man still be held accountable afterwards if he did the woman a service?

Gaming / Re: Playing Nier: Automata; fuck this first level
« on: December 06, 2017, 02:21:31 PM »
I want this game but only cuz I've fapped to a bunch of Nier cosplayers

dumb frogposter
>I Masturbate To Boys Wearing 2B's Costume: The Poster
Post pictures of guys wearing 2B's costume please.

The Flood / Re: whos cuter me or loaf
« on: December 05, 2017, 05:18:16 PM »
Boy I'd fuck you like a nigger.

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