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Messages - Loaf

Pages: 1 ... 888990 9192 ... 124
The Flood / Re: They're using jack hammers on my back porch
« on: July 21, 2015, 08:13:11 AM »
Um loaf if you can't appreciate the post-ironic avantnoise you are false scum sorry to tell you
Good one, honestly. lol

The Flood / Re: They're using jack hammers on my back porch
« on: July 21, 2015, 08:01:46 AM »
No one fucking cares loaf
/ \

The Flood / They're using jack hammers on my back porch
« on: July 21, 2015, 07:56:00 AM »
They're literally using jack hammers to dismantle the back porch/stairwell of my apartment. It's fucking sickeningly awful.

The Flood / Re: Cute guy appreciation thread
« on: July 21, 2015, 05:33:52 AM »
This is why you have the most votes in Verbatim's Permaban thread
Zesty has the most votes.

The Flood / Re: If you were an admin, who would you permaban?
« on: July 21, 2015, 05:30:59 AM »
No, true turquoise is one of the best posters here.

The Flood / Re: Your Taste in Music
« on: July 20, 2015, 04:55:12 PM »
Hey fuck tards, I just came in here to let you know that my taste in music is better than yours

The Flood / Re: If you were an admin, who would you permaban?
« on: July 20, 2015, 04:52:38 PM »

The Flood / Re: Cute guy appreciation thread
« on: July 20, 2015, 01:16:18 PM »

The Flood / Cute guy appreciation thread
« on: July 20, 2015, 11:42:22 AM »
A place for everyone to come together, and talk about their appreciation of cute guys. Post pictures of cute guys, talk about anything that is cute guy related.

The Flood / Re: Is there anything good about black culture?
« on: July 19, 2015, 07:32:22 PM »
First in regards to the way we speak, we do this because during slavery and even well after slavery ended, you'd be killed for being able to read. Generations of black people were denied education, and it took until the mid 20th century to give black Americans good infrastructure for education, which was miles behind what whites had. So it's no surprise Ebonics is a thing.

Second, we don't really have much of a culture. Well black people like Africans do, but not black Americans. What culture can one have when you're brought in chains to a new world and then having to adopt the norms of the race that enslaved you? Over generations black culture that originated in Africa degraded due to integrating with whites. It simply couldn't be preserved.
The culture that we did build in America was either suppressed or stolen (like how most black music was ripped off by whites often).

Our culture today, at least from what I can see, mostly revolves around our sense of community, Christianity, music, and racial unity. We also have a love for comedy. Other than that it's really just American culture.
Also black culture isn't just violence and ignorance, but the media always portrays us like that so I can't be surprised when people think the way they do. The American media will never tell you how great and prosperous other parts of the world are. It breaks the  ethnocentrism.
Well put.

The Flood / Is there anything good about black culture?
« on: July 19, 2015, 05:50:16 PM »
I honestly, beyond all the shit I post, try to be open minded about race. I don't like being closed minded, because I realize that black people are not bad people. However whenever I hear about black culture, I always think of rap music, I think about the violence and crime that is often associated with the music, plus the history of slavery. I mean a lot of good music has come from blacks, like blues and jazz, which is actually good compared to hip hop. Now a days it just seems like black culture in general, as a whole, doesn't really have much redeeming value to it.

I mean, I am just really sick of always hearing about how black people have it so bad, then watching videos of them attacking cops, attacking people who have a confederate flag, starting fights on world star, it's just difficult to find much sympathy for all the blacklivesmatter# stuff. I really want to be open minded, tell me some good things that I should think about when I think of black culture, because as a whole, whenever I think about it just annoys me. I like being open minded about other things and honestly, I am being dead serious when I say that it sort of upsets me that I have trouble with this issue.

All the most intelligent people in the world who I have witnessed are all about equality in race and stuff. I am just supposed to accept these differences in race, but sometimes I just have to wonder, why bother giving so much sympathy when all I hear is bullshit? It's either they're being attacked or they're attacking others, just fucking shut up. They even have their own way of speaking, even though they have been part of american culture for generations, so it's just difficult to even feel comfortable speaking to them sometimes.

The Flood / Re: (∩ ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)⊃━☆゚*:・゚✧
« on: July 19, 2015, 01:56:36 PM »
 /o/ /o/ /o/ /o/ /o/ /o/ /o/ /o/ /o/ /o/ /o/ /o/
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The Flood / Re: (∩ ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)⊃━☆゚*:・゚✧
« on: July 19, 2015, 01:32:28 PM »
\o\ \o/ /o/ \o\ \o/ /o/ \o\ \o/ /o/ \o\ \o/ /o/
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The Flood / (∩ ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)⊃━☆゚*:・゚✧
« on: July 19, 2015, 12:28:04 PM »


I feel the same way about Hillary. Fuck liberals
As long as we can agree that there should not be a republican president. If not then I think basically if you looked up the definition of stupid in a dictionary, there would be a picture of you.

is a republican president. I don't want to feel nauseous for 4 years.

The Flood / Re: Are you ugly? I'll rate you
« on: July 18, 2015, 09:41:21 AM »


WTF are "Physical boundaries?"
I found the creeper.

The Flood / Re: I wanna make hate to you!!
« on: July 17, 2015, 04:50:49 PM »

The Flood / militant existential nihilism > anti-theism > atheism
« on: July 17, 2015, 09:02:12 AM »
objective truth.

The Flood / Re: I wanna make hate to you!!
« on: July 17, 2015, 05:45:57 AM »

The Flood / I wanna make hate to you!!
« on: July 16, 2015, 10:55:24 PM »

The Flood / Re: There's no one to talk to on skype
« on: July 16, 2015, 10:06:19 PM »
Okay so, if ya'll are tired of the cute guys, here's a blog that only posts delicious sandwiches.

The Flood / Re: There's no one to talk to on skype
« on: July 16, 2015, 08:10:19 PM »
Long body fags pls go
Long legs short Torso master race
you never heard of body proportions faggot?

The Flood / Re: There's no one to talk to on skype
« on: July 16, 2015, 08:00:38 PM »
Long body fags pls go
Long legs short Torso master race

The Flood / Re: There's no one to talk to on skype
« on: July 16, 2015, 07:30:45 PM »
That's pretty offensive to assume that just because someone posts some pictures of guys that makes them gay.


This stuff is camp as fuck.
Excuse me?
I don't think so.

The Flood / Re: There's no one to talk to on skype
« on: July 16, 2015, 07:04:31 PM »
That's pretty offensive to assume that just because someone posts some pictures of guys that makes them gay.


This stuff is camp as fuck.
Excuse me?

The Flood / Re: There's no one to talk to on skype
« on: July 16, 2015, 07:00:34 PM »
That's pretty offensive to assume that just because someone posts some pictures of guys that makes them gay.

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