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Messages - Loaf

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The Flood / Re: Anyone else have really shitty dreams?
« on: August 15, 2015, 03:52:26 PM »
I tried writing down my dreams when I woke up this morning. It was shitty. I could barely open my eyes and I tried to write down the dream with my eyes closed, just barely opening them so I could see scrawl the words barely on the lines, but it just failed and I ended up tossing the notebook and pencil on the floor.

The Flood / Re: Lmao I just ate two crowns of broccoli
« on: August 15, 2015, 03:32:17 PM »
Yesterday i had
6 eggs with ham and kale/spinach
bagel witg cream cheese
greek yogurt

Footlong subway sandwich with chicken and bacon
cottage cheese

1lb of chicken breast
1 bag of brocolli
1&1/2 cups(dry) of rice
peanut butter
Today I had figs, a grilled cheese sandwich (cooked with cooking spray and provolone cheese on high fiber bread), sushi, yogurt, a vegan microwave burrito with carrots, shiitake, edamame, spinach, and ginger, then I had my two broccoli crowns. I usually don't eat anything processed like that microwave burrito, but I usually have some unusual things when grocery time comes around. You can expect my diet to usually consist of a ton of greek yogurt, avocado, salmon, sweet potato, figs, almond milk, bread and cheese (my guilty pleasure), and oatmeal. I am trying to start getting more kale in my diet.
great diet man. I used to make kale shakes with lots of fruit. Absolutely delicious
I wish I could get more fruit in my diet. Apples are usually too bland and textureless for me to eat unless it's like really late at night. Sometimes mid day if I try to eat an apple, I end up eating like half of it and having no taste for it. I would eat a ton of bananas but bananas only last like 3 days, which is bullshit. Same story with blueberries and blackberries. Blackberries are always way too sour and not mature enough, I don't make oatmeal often enough to warrant buying a ton of blue berries. I am not really sure what fruits to implement into my diet, it's been a struggle for me.

The Flood / Re: Lmao I just ate two crowns of broccoli
« on: August 15, 2015, 03:18:35 PM »
Yesterday i had
6 eggs with ham and kale/spinach
bagel witg cream cheese
greek yogurt

Footlong subway sandwich with chicken and bacon
cottage cheese

1lb of chicken breast
1 bag of brocolli
1&1/2 cups(dry) of rice
peanut butter
Today I had figs, a grilled cheese sandwich (cooked with cooking spray and provolone cheese on high fiber bread), sushi, yogurt, a vegan microwave burrito with carrots, shiitake, edamame, spinach, and ginger, then I had my two broccoli crowns. I usually don't eat anything processed like that microwave burrito, but I usually have some unusual things when grocery time comes around. You can expect my diet to usually consist of a ton of greek yogurt, avocado, salmon, sweet potato, figs, almond milk, bread and cheese (my guilty pleasure), and oatmeal. I am trying to start getting more kale in my diet.

The Flood / Re: Lmao I just ate two crowns of broccoli
« on: August 15, 2015, 03:13:56 PM »
Is that what you'd call being hangry?
Yes. When I am really hungry and I feel like regular food won't satisfy my appetite, I will eat large quantities of something healthy, like broccoli, egg whites, or non fat greek yogurt.

The Flood / Re: Lmao I just ate two crowns of broccoli
« on: August 15, 2015, 03:12:17 PM »
That's like 10 calories lmao
It's like 500 actually.

The Flood / Lmao I just ate two crowns of broccoli
« on: August 15, 2015, 03:10:36 PM »
I really hate being hungry.

The Flood / Re: How often do you masturbate?
« on: August 15, 2015, 11:21:34 AM »
usually twice a day
i bet you shower twice a day, too
yes, but its mostly unrelated. im a bit of a germaphobe. when the semesters in i shower before school, when i get back from school, and before i go to bed. im a very very very clean person.
You're a fucking moron.

The Flood / Re: I really don't understand anime.
« on: August 14, 2015, 09:33:00 PM »

I really don't understand movies

Besides a few super mature movies, like Saving Private Ryan and Lone Survivor, what is the appeal of the stuff? The stupid cheesy as fuck humor, the cringeworthy character acting, every person who is into movies seems like a giant troll. It's almost like my little pony a little bit, when I see the movie avatars and stuff.
Fuck you.

The Flood / Re: I really don't understand anime.
« on: August 14, 2015, 09:31:01 PM »
I really don't understand video games.

Besides a few super mature video games, like Call of Duty and Grand Theft Auto, what is the appeal of the stuff? The stupid cheesy as fuck humor, the cringeworthy character acting, every person who is into video games seems like a giant troll. It's almost like my little pony a little bit, when I see the video game avatars and stuff.
Fuck you. People who do this kind of post are assholes.

The Flood / Re: Anyone else have really shitty dreams?
« on: August 14, 2015, 08:30:47 PM »
I really should start writing down my dreams. I had one last night that I could have written multiple paragraphs about. Nothing particularly special happens and I don't feel like my dreams are usually that epic or philosophical. I think that dreams do have an immeasurable connection between our deepest thoughts. Maybe I will take a notebook and pencil to the side of my bed with me tonight.

The Flood / Re: I really don't understand anime.
« on: August 14, 2015, 07:56:50 PM »
Besides a few super mature anime, like akira and ghost in the shell, what is the appeal of the stuff?
For some people... there isn't any. They just want to watch GOOD seinen (mature) anime. Seinen isn't the only good genre, though, so those people usually miss out on other enjoyable content because they're not willing to try expanding their taste.
The stupid cheesy as fuck humor
There's a lot of humor types used in anime. If you're referring to the ones used in the trope saturated section of the medium, I'd argue that you shouldn't watch those alone if you're trying to fairly judge anime in general.
the cringeworthy character acting
English, Japanese, or both? I have a friend who just doesn't like voice acting in general.
every person who is into anime seems like a giant troll.
Oh come on OP, don't use us as a reference for all weebs (that and I'm not really sure what you mean).
It's almost like my little pony a little bit, when I see the anime avatars and stuff.
You'd have to elaborate a little on this, but animation style is widely varied and I haven't seen one emulating the animation style of mlp. Maybe I'm watching too many seinen.
Well, you know I like taking some cheap shots at people and stuff like that. I don't actually think that all people who are into anime avatars are giant trolls. I just look at people with anime avatars the same way I do people who have mlp avatars I guess. They're both kind of dopey and childish, they seem like something that tends to piss people off. It doesn't really piss me off, but I was just drawing that comparison because I like having something to talk about in the OP I guess.

When I talk about cheesy as fuck humor I dunno if it's the voice acting or the expressions of the characters. It seems like there's so many anime that I watch that just make me cringe when I watch them, because the characters are cheesy and make me embarrassed to watch it. That usually doesn't happen in really good, mature anime.

The Flood / Re: I really don't understand anime.
« on: August 14, 2015, 07:49:52 PM »

I almost want to put this on facebook.

The Flood / Re: Good bands from your state or city or something
« on: August 14, 2015, 06:35:52 PM »

The Flood / Re: I really don't understand anime.
« on: August 14, 2015, 06:35:23 PM »
Not to mention a lot of anime barely has any real plot line.

The Flood / I really don't understand anime.
« on: August 14, 2015, 06:32:53 PM »
Besides a few super mature anime, like akire and ghost in the shell, what is the appeal of the stuff? The stupid cheesy as fuck humor, the cringeworthy character acting, every person who is into anime seems like a giant troll. It's almost like my little pony a little bit, when I see the anime avatars and stuff.

The Flood / Re: How often do you masturbate?
« on: August 13, 2015, 09:40:28 PM »
Never you fucking sicko.

The Flood / Re: tfw you only fap to moms now
« on: August 13, 2015, 09:32:05 PM »

The Flood / Re: How do you usually go about offending people besides me?
« on: August 13, 2015, 07:50:24 PM »
1.) Start a conversation about something they have strong feelings for. You're attacking their feels with offense.

2.) When they say something someone could see as extreme call them out for it.

3.) This is where you begin the assault. Be hypocritical and unyielding. You have to give them reason to justify themselves (this is important later), label them with insulting adjectives and claim they're blowing the issue out of proportion even though you're really the one doing it. It also helps to summarize their points primarily in your retorts. The better you are at this the less work you'll have to do to get their goat.

4.) "Back out" past the point of no return. Pretend you don't want to address the issue because they're [insert adjective] and they've lost their composure, this is where their sense of justification comes in and they can't drop it. Now is the perfect time to make them feel bad.

5.) You've set up this overworked person and made them lose their regular composure; you've unleashed the beast. Now let them look in the mirror. The best part is that you have all the ammo need, and it's all the truth. Using the same tactics you harp on earlier points, but it's now sensible (you've just changed the context to reflect their behavior).

Or you could just ignore them and work on something more useful.
I'm just gonna quote this to make sure it's always here. This is actually really awesome, thank you so much.

The Flood / Re: How do you usually go about offending people besides me?
« on: August 13, 2015, 07:04:44 PM »
Sarcasm and lots of it. Usually while telling how much of a regurgitating cum dumpster they are.

The Flood / Re: How do you usually go about offending people besides me?
« on: August 13, 2015, 06:26:11 PM »
It isn't hard. People get offended by everything these days
I know that, but it seems like usually it's other people who are trying to offend me. So I usually find myself on the receiving end when I am posting on facebook. I will see a post that someone makes and I will call it out, then sometimes a swarm of people will come and reply to me about how I am a moron. What I want to do is be tactical, make sure that instead of them throwing in all the bait at me, I get a ton of people raving at me for how much they hate my guts. That is the ultimate goal.

The Flood / How do you usually go about offending people besides me?
« on: August 13, 2015, 06:21:52 PM »
I have been using facebook a lot lately. I realize that there's a vast sea of people who I really fucking despise on there. It would be great if I could get really creative in the ways I could really piss them off. That means getting offensive and getting really mean, like I was some sort of sociopath. I just want to see people squirm and suffer, but I feel like I don't have a really strong grasp on how to do that. I have tried google searching "how to offend people", but there's no results for any type of search I try to make like that.

The Flood / Re: If you were an admin, who would you permaban?
« on: August 12, 2015, 01:26:09 PM »
who the fuck is zesty?

Serious / What would happen if the government legalized everything?
« on: August 07, 2015, 07:30:15 PM »
Give your hypothetical.

The Flood / Re: Can I viciously murder all pro lifers?
« on: August 07, 2015, 07:22:01 PM »
have you tried yoga Loaf
Oh, maybe that would finally make me right, just like you, right?

The Flood / Re: Can I viciously murder all pro lifers?
« on: August 07, 2015, 06:04:58 AM »
Dailey reminder that if you are getting an abortion for anything other than a medical reason or because you were raped (and probably failed birth control), you are simply an irresponsible peice of shit and deserve the pain of childbirth, and your child should be taken away to a loving family.
Go kill yourself, fucking faggot.

The Flood / Re: Can I viciously murder all pro lifers?
« on: August 07, 2015, 06:04:41 AM »
Pro life for the unborn, pro death for the living. It makes complete fucking sense...

yea because killing an innocent child is ok, but dont you ever lay a finger on a convicted murderer.
Every child is innocent until they grow up to be adults. Except by your definition of innocent, it's a matter of doing something wrong while being aware of the consequences. It seems like that's an awfully easy rule to break for a lot of people, which makes me wonder why you hold people to such an impossible standard in the first place. Do you realize that most people who murder, experienced some sort of extremely traumatic physical and sexual abuse as a child? These people, who you call "children" who are aborted, are fetuses. It doesn't mean JACK FUCKING SHIT, if they are aborted or not, because the families that want to abort them, either can't afford to take care of them, or they simply don't want to. So if you want children to grow up with no parents, or be raised by redneck shit heads who don't want them, or who can't take care of them, you're a blithering piece of shit. This is why I hate people, because people like you are so incredibly stupid. I wish I could punch you.

The Flood / Re: Can I viciously murder all pro lifers?
« on: August 07, 2015, 05:59:57 AM »
I don't know where I stand on this. I mean, it's beyond unfair on the unborn child, as it's impossible for them to have a say in whether they get aborted or not. and ideally, everyone should be able to make their own life decisions. However, undesirable/unforeseen pregnancies do happen, and raising the Child could seriously impact the quality of living of the entire family, especially in the case of young/financially insecure parents. The prospect of an extremely painful childbirth/fear of getting a C-section can also be motivation enough for the Pregnant one to abort the child, instead of at least giving birth and putting their Kid up for adoption.
It's a fucking fetus, it's not a human being.

The Flood / Re: Can I viciously murder all pro lifers?
« on: August 06, 2015, 06:46:23 PM »
Pro life for the unborn, pro death for the living. It makes complete fucking sense...

The Flood / Can I viciously murder all pro lifers?
« on: August 06, 2015, 06:33:19 PM »
All these dumb fucks infesting this planet, I honestly hate people because of stuff like this.

The Flood / Re: I crucified Jesus Christ
« on: August 06, 2015, 09:11:57 AM »
It’s kind of funny to me how people actually believe that some guy 2000 years ago claiming to be the son of god was legit. It’s insane to believe that some dude convinced a following of people that he was this divine being, and billions of people millenniums later still believe it. It’s pretty fucking sad. It makes me wonder if Charles Manson was alive like 2000 years ago if we would all be worshiping Charlie. I can’t even fathom the scam artist that it would take to pull off what Jesus did.

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