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Messages - Loaf

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The Flood / Re: is fucking ruined.
« on: August 17, 2015, 03:26:08 PM »
I took a screen cap of my profile before the update took over

The Flood / is fucking ruined.
« on: August 17, 2015, 02:41:53 PM »
Here's all the things that I noticed are missing.

Side bar
Recent visitors,
now listening
paste your taste
shows top tracks instead of top artists
only 5 top artists instead of 8
doesn't show recently listened to tracks by album cover
song - artist

There's tons, tons, tons more missing. Probably hundreds of things you could take about which are horrible about the new The big corporations really have no idea what the audience of the website is like. They made it designed for tablet users in the new update. The website is completely ruined.

Nah you're just racist.
>everyone who disagrees with me is a racist

I have no sympathy for criminals.

when your police stop killing them
Maybe they should try not breaking the law and resisting arrest :^)
Maybe they should try employing people that aren't racists.
That has nothing to do with what I just said, you're just assuming that they're dying because the cops are racist.
They are.
You have no proof.
Killing unarmed black people but managing to cuff armed white guys is all I need. :^ )
Michael Brown was a thug who was attacking a police officer. The I can't breath guy was a moron who resisted arrest, the police accidentally choked him. That sandra bland retard resisted arrest, then she died in a prison because she killed herself. It's not like half the people who get shot don't deserve to be, while the other people just killed themselves or died on accident. Then social justice warriors look for an opportunity to blame it on racism because they need something to make themselves feel good. Maybe if you actually had something to focus on like a real problem then we wouldn't be having this stupid argument about a non-existent murderous racism problem in the police.
Forget evidence I'll just accept whatever you say about their deaths. Totes.
Forget evidence? There was never any to begin with, you never had any to begin with. You're really reinforcing the fact that #blacklivesmatter is just total bullshit. If criminals wouldn't crim, then maybe we wouldn't have a problem.

when your police stop killing them
Maybe they should try not breaking the law and resisting arrest :^)
Maybe they should try employing people that aren't racists.
That has nothing to do with what I just said, you're just assuming that they're dying because the cops are racist.
They are.
You have no proof.
Killing unarmed black people but managing to cuff armed white guys is all I need. :^ )
Michael Brown was a thug who was attacking a police officer. The I can't breath guy was a moron who resisted arrest, the police accidentally choked him. That sandra bland retard resisted arrest, then she died in a prison because she killed herself. It's not like half the people who get shot don't deserve to be, while the other people just killed themselves or died on accident. Then social justice warriors look for an opportunity to blame it on racism because they need something to make themselves feel good. Maybe if you actually had something to focus on like a real problem then we wouldn't be having this stupid argument about a non-existent murderous racism problem in the police.

when your police stop killing them
Maybe they should try not breaking the law and resisting arrest :^)
Maybe they should try employing people that aren't racists.
That has nothing to do with what I just said, you're just assuming that they're dying because the cops are racist.
They are.
You have no proof.

when your police stop killing them
Maybe they should try not breaking the law and resisting arrest :^)
Maybe they should try employing people that aren't racists.
That has nothing to do with what I just said, you're just assuming that they're dying because the cops are racist.

when your police stop killing them
Maybe they should try not breaking the law and resisting arrest :^)

I am so fucking sick of seeing the reports about black people getting killed or whatever. I really don't give a fuck actually, because I don't think that there's a problem with black people getting killed anyways. I know that not all cops are just bloodthirsty racists and probably a vanishingly small minority of them actually are. I just wish that they would shut the fuck up about the non-existent race problem and stop vandalizing cities like retards.

The Flood / Re: Behold the mega lunch
« on: August 16, 2015, 07:08:08 PM »
Bread + potato?!

2 many carbs 4 me
Tell me how the fuck you're supposed to avoid carbohydrates? God, people are so fucking dense.

I bet you eat bread + potatoes + pasta and top it off with rice

My point being, who the hell eats bread together with potatoes?!
Fuck you.

The Flood / Re: Behold the mega lunch
« on: August 16, 2015, 05:15:36 PM »
Bread + potato?!

2 many carbs 4 me
Tell me how the fuck you're supposed to avoid carbohydrates? God, people are so fucking dense.

The Flood / Re: Behold the mega lunch
« on: August 16, 2015, 04:16:25 PM »
Lol I'm heading to a Italian place now. Pictures soon come.
Yeah you didn't make that.

How about I punch you in the face and call it a day?
Watch that edge.

The Flood / Re: Behold the mega lunch
« on: August 16, 2015, 12:51:52 PM »
You eat like a bird b

Oh damn. I really should have some oatmeal today, that would be great.

The Flood / Re: Behold the mega lunch
« on: August 16, 2015, 12:51:14 PM »
looks dry
Very, very, very contrary my sweet claire's.

The Flood / Re: Behold the mega lunch
« on: August 16, 2015, 12:42:47 PM »
That looks like shit you leaf eating prick
Ah, it looks like you're upset. That means I have done my job. I am basking in your anger :)

Us women can kick your ass
Ah, don't worry friend. I expanded on what I said in the OP in my last comment. As you can see, you have no reason to be angry... unless of course you're a total bitch.
I like being a total bitch
Ah, you can say that all you want. You pose no real threat though. There are some women who's main goal it is to sabotage others. Since you've already made it apparent to me that you're a troll, and not a self righteous cunt, I really have no reason to dislike you. You see, things in the world are not as black and white as they seem. I am much smarter than you could have anticipated, apparently.
You got me I'm just another fat girl on the internet that has nothing better to do with her time.
I have been thinking about this lately, I just wrote a big post on my blog. Not about what you just said, but about something else. I put myself in the position of the aggressor very often, I often make myself seem like the bad guy. I should take myself out of the aggressor position and put myself into a position of righteousness. I am so used to posting in an inflammatory way, I often will say something and it will misconstrue my real feelings. It's just something I'm used to doing I guess, but I realize that it is very easy to change my entire position based on the way that I type.

The Flood / Re: Best soundtrack ever? You're already wrong.
« on: August 16, 2015, 12:28:32 PM »
I was really enjoying the silent hill 2 soundtrack this morning.

Us women can kick your ass
Ah, don't worry friend. I expanded on what I said in the OP in my last comment. As you can see, you have no reason to be angry... unless of course you're a total bitch.
I like being a total bitch
Ah, you can say that all you want. You pose no real threat though. There are some women who's main goal it is to sabotage others. Since you've already made it apparent to me that you're a troll, and not a self righteous cunt, I really have no reason to dislike you. You see, things in the world are not as black and white as they seem. I am much smarter than you could have anticipated, apparently.

Us women can kick your ass
Ah, don't worry friend. I expanded on what I said in the OP in my last comment. As you can see, you have no reason to be angry... unless of course you're a total bitch.

I like my face.
I have good news for you. If you're not a total cunt, you have no reason to worry. I have plenty of female friends I really respect and admire. It's just the females that choose to be self righteous cunts that I really hate. I probably should have specified that I don't hate all women, but women are just psychopaths and I am actually the good guy. You wouldn't know that if you didn't hear me tell you it though, which is why I am telling you it right now.

The Flood / Re: Behold the mega lunch
« on: August 16, 2015, 12:15:55 PM »
I cannot stand avocados
You know what's hilarious about you? You have been so conditioned to enjoy the corporate processed garbage that's most convenient for you, you have lost a taste for any sort of natural foods. You've become so used to consuming addictive hormone injected addictive food drugs, your taste buds can't even tell what real food is anymore. Open up your body and really analyze it, it will be like something out of a david lynch film.

I hate women, it would be so satisfying to just punch one in the face with all of my strength. See that shitty personality crumble before the might of my fist, as her self righteousness dissolves into fear.

I like my face.
I have good news for you. If you're not a total cunt, you have no reason to worry. I have plenty of female friends I really respect and admire. It's just the females that choose to be self righteous cunts that I really hate. I probably should have specified that I don't hate all women, but women are just psychopaths and I am actually the good guy. You wouldn't know that if you didn't hear me tell you it though, which is why I am telling you it right now.

Have you ever seen someone who insults a pop artist or something, then get called out over how they're just jealous or something? I am not going to lie, this really pisses me off, because it's just based off the assumption that everyone who has money and fame is automatically envyable. It really, really pisses me off, I don't understand why people can be so stupid. I know that there's a logical fallacy in here somewhere, but I just don't know what the correct name for it is.

The Flood / Re: Behold the mega lunch
« on: August 16, 2015, 10:56:08 AM »
Isn't kale that new hipster super food?
There's no need to be square.

The Flood / Re: Behold the mega lunch
« on: August 16, 2015, 10:30:14 AM »
I get like twice the protein I need in a day anyways. Yesterday for dinner I had like half a container of chobani greek non fat yogurt. There's 40% of your daily need of protein in 1 serving. There's 4 servings per container. I ate half the container yesterday. That wasn't even all the protein I ate yesterday. I think you little wannabes aught to be quiet, because I'm healthy and you know it.

The Flood / Re: Behold the mega lunch
« on: August 16, 2015, 10:23:07 AM »
Are sweet potatoes high in protein?
I am unstoppable.

The Flood / Behold the mega lunch
« on: August 16, 2015, 10:15:57 AM »

1 half avocado, 1 whole sweet potato, 2 stalks of kale, high fiber bread. I think I am gonna have some decaf coffee for a change, to wash down this delicious meal.

The Flood / Re: Anyone else have really shitty dreams?
« on: August 15, 2015, 05:24:47 PM »
I tried writing down my dreams when I woke up this morning. It was shitty. I could barely open my eyes and I tried to write down the dream with my eyes closed, just barely opening them so I could see scrawl the words barely on the lines, but it just failed and I ended up tossing the notebook and pencil on the floor.
Persistence is crucial. Did you have the journal on the bed with you? It helps a lot.
Also, trying to write the entire experience is pretty draining when you're sleepy. I just pick a descriptive phrase to "bookmark" the experience and try recounting it after I'm awake enough to write it.
The exception to this is when I have a dream so crazy I can't stand to forget anything about it, but those are rare.
It would be cool if I could record myself talking about the dream, and then write it down after that. That would require some immediate recording device or something though.

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