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Messages - Loaf

Pages: 1 ... 798081 8283 ... 124
shut the fuck up loaf
You know, for a second there I thought you were a ninja on this website. I was going to say that you are the most inappropriate person for a ninja, because ninjas don't say little snobby comments like this. You'd probably ban me for calling you out on your bullshit. Point is you're not a mod and you're full of shit. I will happily keep posting, because you're just an unintelligent little piece of shit :)

It seems like you should really kill yourself
All I have to say is stay mad.

Think of anything intelligent to say yet?

I used to think he was the epitome of eloquence and intelligence too, but then I turned 16 and realised how much of a statist faggot he is.
Do you know how often it is I see people throw out buzz words and proclaimations and just expect them to stand up on their own in an argument? You just came off as a clueless retard. Congratulations, you get the retard award. ☆

"I know that they say not to talk about controversial shit in your profile, but I am really sick and tired of all the christians and stuff who think it's cool to like my profile and stuff. I fucking hate christianity, I hate the stupid superstitious god bullshit, I think the bible is a load of crap even as a philosophical tool. I think all that superstitious pseudo moral bullshit is annoying, including astrology. It blows my mind how fucking dumb someone could be to believe in this baseless thing that is measures fucking nothing, just gets people caught up in stupid delusions. I fucking hate it.

To be honest I am only attracted to intelligent people. If someone starts acting like they don't have a clue, then to me that is a major fucking turn off. I don't mean just in a sexual way, I don't mean that I am getting a big boner or some shit for someone who speaks to me intelligently. Most of the time if someone is trying to come off as intelligent then it's just being a smarmy pretentious douche bag who thinks they're smarter than everyone. I hate when people act like they're smarter than everyone. It hasn't happened yet but I want someone who likes me, who isn't annoying and stupid like someone I would hate talking to, and who isn't a fucking insane and manipulative douche bag. Are you qualified?

If you have a problem with my profile, then woopty fucking do, don't date me or talk to me. I am not looking to offend people. Sure, I like offending people, but I don't like offending people unduly. It is my hope that people will read what I say and become enlightened, maybe start a mutually enjoyable friendship with me. I will think you're a complete moron is if you come up with some smartass bullshit that I don't care about. I am not saying that I am a complete genius, because I'm not. I say things sometimes without thought sometimes, but when I do I usually know it and figure it out sooner or later. Nothing I have ever said that was wrong negates the things I have said that are right."

I am curious to know your opinion of why you disagree with the amazing atheist, but as it usually goes with people who oppose voices of reason, you have nothing to offer but denial and trolling. Please don't smother me with your ignorance.

OP asked if you're alone in agreeing.

I said "yes."

Question answered.
Oh okay. Well first of all, since I knew that I was making a rhetorical question from the start and he answered it, it seems weird that you would try to keep any sort of real discussion from happening. You don't answer a rhetorical question with a facetious answer and then act like it's wrong to have an actual discussion. Maybe he actually does agree with the amazing atheist and he knows that there's a lot of other people who would agree with the amazing atheist too. I am guessing that is actually what is happening here.

I am curious to know your opinion of why you disagree with the amazing atheist, but as it usually goes with people who oppose voices of reason, you have nothing to offer but denial and trolling. Please don't smother me with your ignorance.

I would just like to add without editing the OP that I have watched hundreds of TAA videos.

I can't even think of a single thing he's said that I disagree with.

The Flood / There really should be a hide thread function
« on: August 26, 2015, 04:12:20 PM »
Seriously, sometimes I don't want to look at the threads on the front page. I think it would be super helpful.

The Flood / Re: The beehive look
« on: August 25, 2015, 03:40:30 PM »
The beehive? More like YOUR MOM!!!

The Flood / Re: I wish that they would legalize being cool.
« on: August 25, 2015, 12:05:20 PM »
But cool people don't follow the law.

The Flood / I wish that they would legalize being cool.
« on: August 25, 2015, 11:50:13 AM »
I'm sick of the man holding me down.

The Flood / Re: When type of pizza do you order
« on: August 24, 2015, 08:16:14 PM »
Pizza is really unhealthy and it's a shit choice in food.

The Flood / Re: Trying out Swans
« on: August 24, 2015, 07:55:25 PM »

1. Body to body, Job To Job
2. Children Of God
3. Public Castration Is a Good Idea
4. Cop
5. Soundtracks For The Blind
6. White Light From The Mouth Of Infinity
7. Filth
8. The Burning World
9. The Seer
10. Too Be Kind
11. Love Of Life
12. The Great Annihilator


I agree. There needs to be more gay love stories. If you disagree you're homophobic.

The Flood / Re: Trying out Swans
« on: August 24, 2015, 07:39:09 PM »
Go away and start a blog somewhere, because no one fucking cares. I have listened to that whole album a bunch of times, you don't even have the patience to listen to music. You know what else I have done? I have listened to almost all of swans albums multiple times, you have only listened to one fucking track, you probably don't even know any other bands like swans. So, unequivocally fuck you, your taste in music fucking sucks.

The Flood / Re: We're all teetering on doom
« on: August 24, 2015, 02:07:13 PM »
It's not a small fucking world I hate when people say that.
I actually do too lmao. I have hated when people say ever since I was young.


The Flood / We're all teetering on doom
« on: August 24, 2015, 10:13:26 AM »
It sure is a small world.

The Flood / Re: I got removed from the skype group
« on: August 23, 2015, 01:00:18 PM »
What the fuck kind of a reason for not inviting me back to the skype thread is "no femboys allowed"? I didn't know that trolling was part of moderating the skype group. Why don't you just unban me? Pretty please with sprinkles on top?

The Flood / Re: I got removed from the skype group
« on: August 23, 2015, 12:38:19 PM »
Nuka stop being homophobic.
no femboys allowed
You're fucking wrong about me inviting a bunch of people from the chat to another group. What probably happened was I invited people from your chat to one of my own groups. so that is what happened, this is the first time I actually invited people from my friends list to your group. Get your facts straight and invite me back to the skype group. Pretty please with sprinkles on top.

The Flood / should I install my foobar on the harddrive my music is on?
« on: August 23, 2015, 12:28:05 PM »
It has been running really fucking slow and I tried it on my 3 year old laptop, foobar ran just fine. I try it on my computer though, foobar is laggy as fuck. I guess it's worthy a try. My whole computer has been lagging like hell. I tried running malwarebytes on it a few times. I dunno if I should get more ram. I was gonna get like 8 more gigs of ram, but I decided that I was going to get more memory for my phone instead.

The Flood / Re: When type of pizza do you order
« on: August 23, 2015, 12:21:37 PM »
Just ordered from pizza hut and got garlic parmesan cheese, topped with Italian sausage and diced tomatoes with stuffed cheese crust coated in garlic and butter.

And breadsticks bruh
typical american right here

if I have to order pizza, I would prefer to have thin crust with quadruple veggies and no cheese or extremely light cheese.

The Flood / Re: Do you have any really bad fears/phobias?
« on: August 23, 2015, 08:33:23 AM »

The Flood / Re: Loaf approval rating
« on: August 23, 2015, 07:41:22 AM »

The Flood / Re: I got removed from the skype group
« on: August 23, 2015, 07:40:14 AM »
yeah um since you keep flooding the chat with random people, you've been banned from it
it was a joke you stupid nigger
you've done it way too many times for it to be okay
No, I actually haven't.
this is at least the 3rd or 4th time you've done it in this particular chat
That's not fucking true.

The Flood / Re: I got removed from the skype group
« on: August 23, 2015, 07:39:55 AM »
would you like to join fox clan?

The Flood / Re: I got removed from the skype group
« on: August 22, 2015, 08:34:42 PM »
yeah um since you keep flooding the chat with random people, you've been banned from it
it was a joke you stupid nigger
you've done it way too many times for it to be okay
No, I actually haven't.

The Flood / Re: I got removed from the skype group
« on: August 22, 2015, 07:49:46 PM »
Do you think maybe it's not coincidence that you get removed from every Skype group you join?
how many skype groups with me in them have you been to?
Well this is about the third time you've been bitching about it on this site. My point being you're an annoying little shit and that's why people remove you from their Skype groups.
annoying little sissy slut*

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