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Messages - Loaf

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Nah. Not even Nick Shabazz makes watch videos that I'll bother to watch.
I know Nick Shabazz! Very Chicago esq accent, makes videos about EDC stuff. I bought a couple pens based on his reviews. Excellent EDC channel.

God out of all of the colors you can choose for your title bar, it had to be fucking bright ass pink.


I just ordered a Fortis Spacematic Pilot watch after this review.

The Flood / Re: What do you think of my selfies?
« on: March 16, 2018, 12:21:45 PM »
Y’all motherfuckers need some church in your lives
Yeah, and I also need to think there's a unicorn around every corner, and that I can speak to it telepathically. I have a close personal relationship to this unicorn, I don't know how I would live my life without it's sweet blessing!

The Flood / Re: What do you think of my selfies?
« on: March 14, 2018, 04:48:38 PM »
The way I see it, you want to be male, so you changed your gender. Loaf wants to be female, so he took the aspects he likes about females and made it his own thing. Basically you changed because you want to fit a role, and he just put on a dress while still acknowledging that he's a male.

You changed because you were uncomfortable, he didn't because he's comfortable.
I'm not transgender, dipshit. Guys can wear girly clothes too.

The Flood / Re: What do you think of my selfies?
« on: March 13, 2018, 09:41:42 AM »
shave the fucking hair off your chest and legs at least christ
Sorry, I don't conform to your gender norms :)

The Flood / Re: What do you think of my selfies?
« on: March 12, 2018, 04:18:00 PM »
You're adorable. I wanna do your makeup.
That would be awesome <3

The Flood / What do you think of my selfies?
« on: March 12, 2018, 02:16:21 PM »

The Flood / Re: Let's discuss your dream girl/guy.
« on: March 12, 2018, 07:59:10 AM »
My dream guy would cute faced muscular twink with a really cute ass who loves to dominate me, loves metal, punk, classical, industrial, slowcore, and every other meme genre, as well as philosophy, totally against the establishment and only wants to overthrow the ruling class in America through an organized revolution, loves healthy eating and doesn't believe that being fat is attractive, isn't racist at all and is totally cool with trans people and the rest of the lgbt community, loves reading classic literature and doesn't read any shitty simpleton garbage, loves shitposting and isn't overly offended by edgy shit, but at the same time isn't a bigoted edgelord, is into hardcore fetishes (nothing involving blood, death, pedos, fucking animals, rape, etc.), preferably a musician who could play music with me.

Don't be racist towards white people REEEEEEE

« on: January 25, 2018, 11:06:38 AM »
The savior we never asked for, but the savior we deserve, has finally arrived.

So I was just thinking about offensive words. I've made a lot of posts on this forum about blacks, gays, women, rape victims, etc. Ever since I've started being around more black people, I have started being more careful about saying racist jokes. I think that this is a product of being careful to suppress offensive thoughts when you're around others, and in turn training your brain to respond differently, treating the harmful negative shit that pops up as cancerous and bad, and giving a negative response to it instead of just letting it out. Not that I was ever legitimately racist, I just think that it's really fun to say the most offensive thing you can think of.

There is sort of a thresh hold though, between being careful about not saying offensive things and straight up avoiding ever offending anyone. I think that if the great comedian's like George Carlin or Bill Hicks taught us anything, it's that context matters, and you can joke about anything. A lot of my posts are just a parody of the sort of thing that I see around the internet, I like to be unrestrained and off the wall with a lot of the things I say. Everyone has offensive things that pop up in their head, but some people may try to suppress them because they don't want their thoughts to go in a prejudice direction.

I of course am progressive on social issues, and I am not anti sjw or anti feminist, or anti black lives matter. I would consider there to be a lot of problems in the united states, like the drug war, which was declared by former advisers of the Nixon administration as a way to undermine the black and hippy movement. This plays into the violence against black people and poor people, and the legalized slavery of the prison system in the united states, of which houses more inmates than any country on earth. I also have my own feminist theories about queer theory, and I am of course anti rape and for equal pay for women, and promoting a culture that teaches consent from an early age (not in regards to sex, but in just teaching the concept to kids from an early age). I am of course also a democratic socialist, because I think capitalism has failed, and it was good for getting out of the medieval era, but now it has become obsolete and we need socialism (under a democratic government).

That said, I think that people like John Cleese was right when he said that he doesn't like political correctness, because if you're around someone who can't control themselves they will try to control other people. I think it's good to not go out of your way to hurt other people's feelings, and Aristotle would say, virtue takes self discipline. Think back on what I said earlier about self control in what you say. If you had to control absolutely everything you say so that you can't be critical of anyone, even in a joking way, then we wouldn't have people like George Carlin, or Bill Hicks, and people like Donald Trump who hates the news media would control everything everyone says. John Cleese also said that all humor is critical of something. So if you give power to people to censor you, you will probably be censored yourself when you try to speak out against power.

However, there has become a problem that I've noticed, which is something I suppose I parody ironically in my writings on this board, which is the phenomena of crypto fascist trolling. I of course like to troll ironically, but there's a lot of people who do so unironically. We all know by this point that the alt right just uses "humor" as an excuse to talk anti semetically, racistly, homophobically, sexistly, etc. They can get away with it because if you say that it was just a joke, then you can deflect criticism, because humor is supposed to be critical but not taken seriously. This is one of the reasons why I do not take unironic anti sjw humor seriously. When people make serious racist, anti semetic jokes, with the idea behind them to seriously express those opinions, it ceases to be funny.

Why would I put myself into those same shoes of the people who legitimately hate social justice, and are ironically making unironic statements? Because a while ago I realized that I wanted to stop trying to be what other people expect me to be. Well, because I don't think that there has to be a strict dividing line. I can differentiate between when I am being humorous, and when I am not, although sometimes I feel guilty for saying the things that I do. Sometimes I feel like I am going to vow to not say anything offensive anymore, because then I can get rid of my guilty conscience. Maybe that's what people talk about when they say white guilt. Although, I do find myself uncomfortable around those who are called SJWs sometimes. It's not easy to define where I actually fall. Because I hate anti sjws, because they tend to unironically believe in some of the bigoted things they joke about, however, I feel like I may mess up and say something wrong around SJWs, because I feel like a lot of people couldn't take a joke.

So I'm in a no man's land. But that's okay, because that ties in with my concepts of the self. Why try to be anything when the self is just an illusion? The self is just what you use to project off of everything around you, every person you love and relate to you relate back to your own experience, everything you call racism and sexism and homophobia is just a reflection of the self. I realize that it is not necessary to really try to be anything, because there is no you, and there is no them. There is only a false reality, projected by the illusion of consciousness. It is all just an illusion.

The Flood / Re: job interview today
« on: January 16, 2018, 10:59:12 AM »
sell me selling myself
Be sure to tell your employer that you have a thick juicy cock. Show him, then present him with your firm bouncy ass cheeks. Bite your lip and call him daddy, and you're sure to get the position. Tell him that you want to be spanked hard if you misbehave for bonus points.

The Flood / Re: Found a two dollar bill holy shit
« on: January 16, 2018, 10:56:39 AM »
I saved this when I worked at WH because I thought it was cool but then totally forgot about it

Drug night!!
Haha fAGGOT. You think anyone gives a shit about your two dollar bill? Lick a real boy's asshole and then come back and maybe I will be impressed.

The Flood / Re: Why aren't you a Communist?
« on: January 15, 2018, 05:03:31 AM »
I like free speech.
Have you ever considered slurping diarrhea out of the anus of a sick donkey?

The Flood / Re: Should Star Wars: The Last Jedi be removed from canon?
« on: January 14, 2018, 02:32:29 AM »
The last jedi was the best star wars movie since the original 3.

The Flood / Re: Haha I caught you in my pokeball xD
« on: January 14, 2018, 02:30:14 AM »
Shut the fuck up bitch, you didn't catch me in a pokeball for shit, you fucking retard. I'm pwning you right now.

The Flood / Re: Who else is gunna do No Fap November with me?
« on: January 14, 2018, 02:26:29 AM »
No, because I'm not retarded.

Hijacking this thread

The Flood / Re: I like richard spencer, he seems like a nice guy
« on: January 08, 2018, 11:24:10 PM »
liking nazi uniforms is the most reddit thing you could ever say

people need to stop pretending they look cool, just like people need to stop pretending that the USSR had the best national anthem
The USSR does have the best national anthem.
hello reddit

The Flood / This is what I fear
« on: January 08, 2018, 09:29:56 PM »
I am genuinely terrified that sea salt will become a commodity to capitalist liberalism in a hundred years when there's a massive shortage of C02 and the patriarchy develops a way of constructing robot women that people fuck and reproduce via artificial womb and human beings are 100% autonomous and all interactions between people becomes an elaborate ritual where people exchange bit coins.

The Flood / Re: I like richard spencer, he seems like a nice guy
« on: January 08, 2018, 12:11:36 PM »
liking nazi uniforms is the most reddit thing you could ever say

people need to stop pretending they look cool, just like people need to stop pretending that the USSR had the best national anthem
The USSR does have the best national anthem.

The Flood / Re: I like richard spencer, he seems like a nice guy
« on: January 08, 2018, 07:53:04 AM »
he's gay
Maybe. He did say that traps will be allowed in the ethno state, apparently. Also, I figured you particularly would love richard spencer, considering you're a self professed racist.
I'm not very fond of him tbh.  I don't think he's very good at speaking, but I do agree with him on traps being gay

Why aren't you fond of him?

The Flood / Re: I like richard spencer, he seems like a nice guy
« on: January 08, 2018, 07:34:29 AM »
he's gay
Maybe. He did say that traps will be allowed in the ethno state, apparently. Also, I figured you particularly would love richard spencer, considering you're a self professed racist.

The Flood / I like richard spencer, he seems like a nice guy
« on: January 08, 2018, 07:31:07 AM »
You know what I like about richard spencer? He's a clean cut, articulate, polite guy with a sense of humor. That's more than you can say for a lot of people in this day and age. I don't agree with this idea of "the ethno state", but you know what? I'm willing to put that aside because I'm not an autistic screeching cuck, I actually have a brain.

While we're at it I guess you could also say that I have a lot of respect for a person like Adolf Hitler. Hitler was a very charismatic guy, aesthetically I enjoy the third reich, I think it's cool. It has this sort of creepy fascist aesthetic, very imposing, very sinister. I don't think you could say that I love naziism as an ideology (although I don't hate it, nor do I ascribe hate to any particular thing on principle), because of course I believe in intersectional queer feminism and I'm a progressive and I hang out with a lot of marxists. It's just one of those things, you know what I mean?

The Flood / I fart in your general direction
« on: December 29, 2017, 10:02:50 PM »
I am genuinely terrified that sea salt will become a commodity to capitalist liberalism in a hundred years when there's a massive shortage of C02 and the patriarchy develops a way of constructing robot women that people fuck and reproduce via artificial womb and human beings are 100% autonomous and all interactions between people becomes an elaborate ritual where people exchange bit coins.

i am a fan of pounding moth girls
Oh cute

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