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Messages - Loaf

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The Flood / How do you generally ease your anxiety?
« on: September 01, 2015, 07:20:10 PM »
I was just at my next door neighbor's house. I left a note in his mail box, basically saying "I'm the next door neighbor, I talked to you like 6 months ago and you asked if I am interested in music making, I am interested now. I didn't want to bother you by knocking on your door so I decided to write a note. I have some IPA beers that I don't like if you'd be interested in having them." So we must have talked for like a couple hours about computer stuff, I just feel like I have some anxiety now, you know?

It's like I guess I feel this way whenever I talk to someone new. I don't want to because I feel bad feeling anxious over such a nice guy. He invited me in, showed me all his equipment, we talked about music for a while and our favorite music venues in the city. It should be a nice experience to anyone who is a sane human being, which as you all know I am not.

Gaming / Re: Should I get dark souls?
« on: September 01, 2015, 07:16:01 PM »
Okay so I am officially going to get it. Only one answer remains, should I get it for PC or should I get it for Xbox 360 or PS3?

The Flood / Yo I love asmr
« on: September 01, 2015, 02:21:21 PM »
I can do this shit all day bitch I am relaxin what are you doin? Bitch you a ho.

The Flood / Re: Does anyone remember metas suicide threads?
« on: September 01, 2015, 02:16:56 PM »
People who publicize their suicide unsolicited are complete assholes. It's an extremely low way of attention mongering. Don't ever try to talk to someone who says they want to commit suicide. I have talked to multiple people like that and they suck all the energy out of you, all because they want someone to give them attention. Then they will probably go ahead and try to commit suicide anyways because once the attention you give them isn't enough to satisfy them, they will just get sad again.

It's terrible that people feel the need to go on the internet to whine about suicide at all. They are usually so lonely and depressed that they have nobody to turn to, so they attempt to talk to people online to find someone who might maybe just give the slightest shit. It does seem like attention seeking, but they just want someone to share their pain with them.

Have you ever been all alone, with no friends or family, and nobody in the world giving a shit about you? It's fucked up man, real fucked up.

I'm not denying that there are cunts out there that do that kind of stuff solely for the attention, though. Fuck those assholes.
I'm not making assumptions, but have you ever talked to anyone who's suicidal? It's not like you just talk to them once really nicely and it makes them better at all. They will keep coming back to you time and time again just venting furiously, they don't really want you to talk either, they just want to vent. It's not really something that you can actually help someone with and a lot of times people like this can be a very giant negative influence on your life.

The Flood / Re: Me with 99% of rappers
« on: September 01, 2015, 10:06:57 AM »
dude i feel for them too, the thug life is hard. most of us dont know what it's like to be trappin' every day and night. servin' hella dope is a lifestyle.
Hmm that's a really interesting point.

The Flood / Me with 99% of rappers
« on: September 01, 2015, 10:02:52 AM »
"I got money"
Wow I'm so happy for you man, that's great to know.
"street life is so hard so I do all this illegal shit"
wow that sounds rough I really feel for you.

Is anyone else starting to feel that there's a pattern these rappers work off?

Jesus Christ this forum is so condescending
It can be, yeah. If anyone else but Loaf had made this post it probably would've been received positively.
It's homophobia I tells ya. I'm not even gay either.
It's not that. I'm not affected by that, RC isn't affected by that. People seem to dislike you for past posts, and thus judge even for posts like this, that there's really nothing wrong with.
All the people who dislike me can rot.

The Flood / Re: Being nice really isn't that hard
« on: September 01, 2015, 04:40:23 AM »
Not to sound rude, but you sometimes come off as quite negative yourself.

Jesus Christ this forum is so condescending
It can be, yeah. If anyone else but Loaf had made this post it probably would've been received positively.
It's homophobia I tells ya. I'm not even gay either.

The Flood / Re: Being nice really isn't that hard
« on: September 01, 2015, 04:29:22 AM »
Be the change you want to see
Nah, I'm nice, you're just being ironic.
You're not nice. You are mean especially when you're angered. You purposely try to make people upset on facebook, that's not something a nice person would do.
I deleted facebook.

The Flood / Re: Being nice really isn't that hard
« on: August 31, 2015, 08:43:59 PM »
I try to be >_>
You should just keep being you tru. You're one of my favorite posters.

Gaming / Re: Should I get dark souls?
« on: August 31, 2015, 08:23:33 PM »
Dumb bitch, fuck outta my thread.

The Flood / Re: Being nice really isn't that hard
« on: August 31, 2015, 08:22:55 PM »
Be the change you want to see
Nah, I'm nice, you're just being ironic.

Gaming / Should I get dark souls?
« on: August 31, 2015, 07:57:40 PM »
It has been a while since I played a video game. I was thinking about either playing Resident evil 2 or Silent Hill 2. I want to play dark souls, because it has been forever since I played a decent modern game with a really epic story. I do want to play something that has a lot of action, which is apparently what you get with dark souls. I just want to get back into video games, but it hasn't been a great method of escapism for me for the past few years. I am hoping that maybe I can break out of this funk and get back into it.

The Flood / Re: Your mom?
« on: August 31, 2015, 07:25:01 PM »

The Flood / Re: Being nice really isn't that hard
« on: August 31, 2015, 07:22:35 PM »

Looks like you just experienced sonder, brother.
Yo how many spikey face avatars do you have? I have a collection of spikey face pictures too. I dunno if it was you and a different person but I saw two spikey face pictures on people's avatar.


Was it this, by any chance? That's Craig "133" Jones. If it was, that was just a case of me finding a better avatar after uploading one.
EWWWWWW! I hate slipknot. I take back my complements on the avatar.

The Flood / Being nice really isn't that hard
« on: August 31, 2015, 06:53:59 PM »
If you haven't noticed, the people who I like most are the ones who are nice. Is it really that fucking difficult to not be an asshole? It's just so pathetic, the way some people just have to lash out. I have amassed quite a large list of people on this website who I have determined are completely negative. Why would you want to be that person? That's not cool.

Looks like you just experienced sonder, brother.
Yo how many spikey face avatars do you have? I have a collection of spikey face pictures too. I dunno if it was you and a different person but I saw two spikey face pictures on people's avatar.

I haven't just come to this revelation you condescending prick. You're one of the people closest to getting blocked tbh, you and das. I have such a big list of haters, I hope you know I don't need your negativity.
Please block me.
Doesn't work like that beh beh.

We're not colossal faggots like you
Yeah and you're colossal blocked.

This revelation is called sonder.

But most healthy people achieve this by, like, age 12.
I haven't just come to this revelation you condescending prick. You're one of the people closest to getting blocked tbh, you and das. I have such a big list of haters, I hope you know I don't need your negativity.

I just think about all the people on this website, they probably all have people who they recognize. It's not like they're all me and thinking from my perspective, they're just there and they probably are focused on their own life. That troubles me, I just find it difficult to accept that there's other people around me, all experiencing unique lives. I am loaf. I am mother fucking loaf.

The Flood / Your mom?
« on: August 31, 2015, 06:28:55 PM »
Objectively or subjectively?

The Flood / Re: Do you wear shoes inside your house?
« on: August 31, 2015, 06:27:54 PM »
I take them off because it's more comfortable that way?

The Flood / Re: Just realized this story is a loophole to Rule 34
« on: August 31, 2015, 06:25:27 PM »
It really fucking pisses me off that we can only see a certain array of colors.
I'm quite glad that we do not have to gaze at UV rays on a daily basis.

The Flood / Re: Just realized this story is a loophole to Rule 34
« on: August 31, 2015, 06:04:13 PM »
It really fucking pisses me off that we can only see a certain array of colors.

The Flood / Re: I'll have a mountain dew coke
« on: August 31, 2015, 11:36:43 AM »
I say toxic corporate sludge.

The Flood / Re: Casper appreciation thread
« on: August 31, 2015, 11:16:12 AM »
Like I said before, your taste  in men is shit.
You're blocked. Thanks bye. I don't need your negativity.

The Flood / Re: Casper appreciation thread
« on: August 31, 2015, 10:54:55 AM »
He gives me a boner.

you should probably be concerned by that.
Oh look. You know I am gonna be really wear of people who just say stuff with no facts or reasoning to back it up. Leave your stupid empty proclamations at the door.

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