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Messages - Loaf

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To be honest it was already kind of going into ez mode when I started playing online. all of these matches that I have been playing have actually been giving me pretty big pay offs. You guys are totally right thought that this could potentially ruin my experience of the game. I dunno if I should just leave all of this shit in a trunk or something so I can keep playing the game the way that I was before. I was actually really enjoying it.

I basically just found someone who hacked the game and gave me a shit ton of items. I am talking like 99 soul of great heros, fucking 99 twinkling titan shards. I just wanna know, what should I level up? I can probably level myself up to an insanely high level but I don't want to be an idiot about this. Please tell me how I could be smart about this to max out my character so that it's a super insane build. Holy shit I can't even believe that this happened to me.

How does someone become human in this game?
Use a humanity so you get a '1' in the corner of your screen by your health bar. Then you can reverse hollowing at a bonfire and become human. And if you're human, you can use another humanity at a bonfire, boosting your Estus to 10. Not sure if you knew that.
Oh wow I actually didn't know that. I haven't been human for the entirety of the game so far.

How does someone become human in this game?

Can someone please explain to me how these people have such high health? Whenever I try to kill them I end up taking a sliver of their health, whereas when they attack me they take away like half or almost all of it. Does anyone know what I could do so I could have higher health like them? Do I have to level up my endurance? Do I have to level up my armor to an extreme level or something? It can't go any higher.

Gaming / Re: Can someone explain to me how to play online in dark souls?
« on: September 09, 2015, 06:02:39 PM »
THAT FUCKING NIGGER! THEY KILL YOU WITH ONE HIT OF PYROMANCY! I swear to fucking god I hate how all these overpowered people summon me and when I don't even stand a chance against them.

It's so fucking frustrating how everyone is so much stronger than me.
The thing about Dark Souls combat is anyone can beat anyone, you just need the skill do to it. Try practicing rolling and parrying.

I'm still terrible at it myself though
To be honest I have terrible vitality. I need to level that up like crazy before I will be able to take all of these guys on. My weapon does like 220 damage in one hit. I still only leave a tiny little scratch on all of these guys when I try to attack them. Whereas inversely, they all take away like half of all of my health, or the majority of my health in one hit. That's because my vitality is still in the teens of number levels.

Did you pick a weapon that scales with your stats? Also, upgrading your equipment is usually more important than upping stats.
At this point I need large titan shards to get my equipment leveled up that high. My favorite weapon so far is the halbert because of it's versatility. I have that thing at an ascended +2. It's powerful as fuck, it's like 224 damage. It's still not powerful enough to put much of a dent in the enemies I face online. I don't really know what you mean by finding a weapon that matches my stats.

It's so fucking frustrating how everyone is so much stronger than me.
The thing about Dark Souls combat is anyone can beat anyone, you just need the skill do to it. Try practicing rolling and parrying.

I'm still terrible at it myself though
To be honest I have terrible vitality. I need to level that up like crazy before I will be able to take all of these guys on. My weapon does like 220 damage in one hit. I still only leave a tiny little scratch on all of these guys when I try to attack them. Whereas inversely, they all take away like half of all of my health, or the majority of my health in one hit. That's because my vitality is still in the teens of number levels.

Gaming / Re: Can someone explain to me how to play online in dark souls?
« on: September 09, 2015, 03:51:32 PM »
The summoning stone has never done anything for me.

When you place it down you need to wait a while for another undead to find your summon sign (usually 5-10 mins, but it can go way over an hour for the more obscure areas).
I'm at the entrance of dark root forest where the you need the crest to open the door. I'm sure there's plenty of people who pass through there seeing as that seems to be the place I spawn for all of the battles. I dunno if there's actually anywhere else in the game where you can spawn. I hear that the online in the first dark souls game is actually pretty dead. I am curious to know what it's supposed to be like and what it's like in the other games.

Gaming / Re: Can someone explain to me how to play online in dark souls?
« on: September 09, 2015, 03:26:32 PM »
The summoning stone has never done anything for me.

It's so fucking frustrating how everyone is so much stronger than me.

Gaming / Can someone explain to me how to play online in dark souls?
« on: September 09, 2015, 03:03:36 PM »
I get summoned a ton but I want to know how to get people summoned to my world. I don't really understand how the online of dark souls works, it seems to be built into the single player mode somehow.

If you're playing the first Dark Souls, just save yourself the trouble till you "git gud" and play hollow.
You wouldn't believe how much fucking XP I get from this though. One time I entered a battle and it gave me like 30000 fucking XP just for being there. Then I get like 9000 or 5000 for helping beat one of these over powered mother fuckers. It's insane. It's probably the best way to level up I have ever seen. I have just been leveling up strength, intelligence, and endurance.
Oh. You're talking about being summoned into others world's. I thought you were getting invaded often, my mistake.
I dunno how to get invaded. It's never happened to me.

Can someone tell me what the fuck this 5 orb bullshit is? This person just summoned my phantom to battle me. It was just a naked women with no armor and the night sword, with these 5 fucking orbs. There was this other person with them too that just unfairly overpowered me. It was so fucking stupid.

If you're playing the first Dark Souls, just save yourself the trouble till you "git gud" and play hollow.
You wouldn't believe how much fucking XP I get from this though. One time I entered a battle and it gave me like 30000 fucking XP just for being there. Then I get like 9000 or 5000 for helping beat one of these over powered mother fuckers. It's insane. It's probably the best way to level up I have ever seen. I have just been leveling up strength, intelligence, and endurance.

What system are you playing on?

I get summoned to battle people and there's all these insane builds. One guy had these long white robes and a giant scythe. He made these 5 orbs appear and they just started following me and killed me in one hit. another person literally had the exact giantdad armor that you see in that youtube video. It's fucking stupid.

The Flood / Re: Why did cartoon network become such shit?
« on: September 09, 2015, 08:59:11 AM »
Ed Edd 'n' Eddy was the pinnacle of Cartoon Network.
This is the truth.

EEnE was gold.
It was great but I wouldn't say it was the very best. Courage the Cowardly Dog and The Grim Adventures Of Billy and Mandy was my absolute favorite. I watched a shit load of EEnE though. Courage the Cowardly Dog always had a really interesting and unique story every single time, which was filled with atmosphere and went beyond mere comedy. GAOBAM was just really funny and I loved all the characters.

The Flood / Re: Why did cartoon network become such shit?
« on: September 09, 2015, 07:42:59 AM »
God fucking damn, I hate when people say shit without thinking it all the way through.

Me too man, me too.

You attribute that to not being the target audience anymore? How the fuck do you know? How do you know that if you didn't watch some of the early cartoons of cartoon network now without having seen them back then if you would still like them? How do you know if it makes a difference how old you are to determine if old cartoon network shows are good and new ones suck? HOW ABOUT YOU USE YOUR FUCKING BRAIN?!

Well first off, I never said that I wouldn't like the early CN without having seen their stuff as a kid. I merely implied that I probably wouldn't like them to the extent that I do now. You know that Nostalgia glasses thing? I'd say it's pretty safe to assume that it applies here. Maybe if so much of your brain's capacity wasn't taken up fantasizing about the latest femboy blog on tumblr, you'd fucking understand the context of my reply. Fuck me, you're actually the shittest user on this website.
Hey no hard feelings. Sorry to come across as aggressive. I think we should all de-aggro this site.

The Flood / Re: Why did cartoon network become such shit?
« on: September 09, 2015, 12:50:57 AM »
I like a few of the newer ones like Young Justice, Adventure Time and Scooby Doo!: Mystery Incorporated. I wouldn't say I love them, but I'd attribute that to not being in the Target Audience for shows like that anymore.
"I'd attribute that to not being in the Target Audience for shows like that anymore." God fucking damn, I hate when people say shit without thinking it all the way through. You attribute that to not being the target audience anymore? How the fuck do you know? How do you know that if you didn't watch some of the early cartoons of cartoon network now without having seen them back then if you would still like them? How do you know if it makes a difference how old you are to determine if old cartoon network shows are good and new ones suck?

Gaming / Re: Ummm yeah about dark souls
« on: September 08, 2015, 07:33:24 PM »
god damn it, blighttown is so fucking difficult. It was alright before they started shooting poison darts at me. It's not fucking cheap or easy to find blooming moss clumps to cure poison. Goddamn, that really sucks. It's not easy to avoid getting hit with them either.

Gaming / Re: Ummm yeah about dark souls
« on: September 08, 2015, 07:03:41 PM »
Fuck, what am I even doing now? I beat the gaping dragon, I know of nothing else I could possibly do outside of the forest. I got into the forest and I joined that cat's clan. Now none of the humans attack me so I have no way of getting a shit load of souls. There's a shit load of trees that ambush me, there's those giant impossible to kill cats. I don't even know where I should go at this point in the game, I already tried to beat nito but he was difficult as fuck. The big ass wolf that carries the sword is fucking ridiculous. I dunno where the hell I am supposed to find blighttown.
The Gaping Dragon drops the key to Blighttown. You can access it through the sewers right before the Gaping Dragon fight. Have fun.
You mean it's in the sewers that are right next to where the entrance to the battle zone are? I'll just look it up.

Gaming / Re: Ummm yeah about dark souls
« on: September 08, 2015, 06:51:56 PM »
Fuck, what am I even doing now? I beat the gaping dragon, I know of nothing else I could possibly do outside of the forest. I got into the forest and I joined that cat's clan. Now none of the humans attack me so I have no way of getting a shit load of souls. There's a shit load of trees that ambush me, there's those giant impossible to kill cats. I don't even know where I should go at this point in the game, I already tried to beat nito but he was difficult as fuck. The big ass wolf that carries the sword is fucking ridiculous. I dunno where the hell I am supposed to find blighttown.

where the fuck is blighttown? I'm going into the forest. I dunno where anything else is supposed to be.

Hahaha holy fuck. The gaping dragon is fucking insane.

You could definitely have a strength/intelligence hybrid if you want.
That's what I'm doin.

I beat the capra btw. Going up on that ledge lets you take out that fuckin dog. I am in undeadberg depths.

The Flood / Re: cute relaxing thread
« on: September 07, 2015, 03:30:03 PM »
I'm not really fond of that last one because it's been taken out of water.
I removed it <3

Sweet. Well, here's a cute spidder.


The Flood / Re: cute relaxing thread
« on: September 07, 2015, 03:27:03 PM »
I'm not really fond of that last one because it's been taken out of water.
I removed it <3

The Flood / cute relaxing thread
« on: September 07, 2015, 03:24:25 PM »

The Flood / Why did cartoon network become such shit?
« on: September 07, 2015, 06:52:55 AM »
I can still look back at the early 2000s shows and appreciate them, they were pretty good. I watch a show like adventure time and it's plot line is akin to having a conversation with a rambling toddler. They seem to have adopted all of the same art styles for all of their shows. Regular show is just as shitty and I imagine that steven universe is just as horrible.

I hate to say it, but I guess they have geared all of their shows towards kids. If you think that cartoons have always been meant for kids then you're ignorant. In the very early days of cartoons they weren't designed for kids. Kids are just the ones that cartoons are designed for nowadays.

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