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Messages - Loaf

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The Flood / Re: If you don't drink beer then you're a fuckin pussy
« on: September 12, 2015, 09:28:52 PM »
wine festivals are great.

I always have to plan things and avoid spending more than 200 dollars in one day tho.
You just get a daisy chain of ticket stubs. They're good for all the booths. I couldn't believe all the drinks some people were drinking. A couple people were totally hammered. I just drank like one sample glass of beer, because honestly I don't need the calories.

The Flood / Re: If you don't drink beer then you're a fuckin pussy
« on: September 12, 2015, 09:05:29 PM »
I just got back from a beer and wine festival that I was volunteering at. I was helping poor the wine. I got some tickets of my own but I just ended up drinking a sample of a some double IPA beer, which was really good. I also had to sample the wine I was pouring. It was a lot of fun, but it ended up getting rained on and it was sort of cold for the whole night. There were still people there just drinking their drinks and getting their moneys worth. At least I got to stand under a tent.

The Flood / Re: I'm sorry if I was ever mean to you if you did nothing to me
« on: September 12, 2015, 05:20:06 PM »
you're gonna get shit for this
I get shit for everything, asshole.

The Flood / Re: If you don't drink beer then you're a fuckin pussy
« on: September 12, 2015, 05:10:47 PM »
I don't like beer...

Then again, I wont say I'm a man, I get drunk on like two glasses/bottles/whatever lol
Two bottles of wine is a lot.
that's just am average night for me
It's gotta be over 2000 or even 4000 calories tbh.

The Flood / I'm sorry if I was ever mean to you if you did nothing to me
« on: September 12, 2015, 05:07:44 PM »
Sometimes people are mean to me so often on this site I just feel like being mean to everyone.


The Flood / Re: Is having a beer a day unhealthy?
« on: September 12, 2015, 02:27:08 PM »
beer is fucking sdiusgusting
Beer is gross though
Alcohol isn't good for you in any way.

I doubt it will be detrimental, but Beer has no nutritional value besides carbs, and they aren't particularly good carbs.
More than seven drinks a week is a potential sign of alcohol dependency.

In general though, any amount of beer is unhealthy. Alcohol sugar is converted almost entirely to fat; it's all empty calories.
Damn... I kinda don't wanna drink beer anymore now that you put it that way. I don't like consuming any sort of empty calories and I realize that I should probably cut beer out of my diet. Oh dear. Well I guess thanks for bringing this to my attention because I never really thought of it, but it does hurt to think about.

The Flood / Re: If you don't drink beer then you're a fuckin pussy
« on: September 12, 2015, 01:23:45 PM »
Tried it and hated it. When I get drunk it's always off of hard liquor. Whiskey, vodka, or gin. Never fails.
I swear to god, why do people drink to get drunk?
I can't speak for others, but personally I think alcohol tastes terrible, but I like the effects. When I drink, nine times out of ten I'm about to go hard with my friends. Like I will tonight. 😉
Alcohol just makes me feel dizzy and makes my head feel weird.

The Flood / Re: If you don't drink beer then you're a fuckin pussy
« on: September 12, 2015, 01:07:53 PM »
Real men don't use crutches.
It's not a crutch if you don't drink to get drunk and just drink to appreciate the flavor like me. No one here seems to be sophisticated enough to appreciate fine alcohols. I just have a hunch that everyone here that's saying alcohol is only for getting drunk didn't have responsible sophisticated parents who introduced them to fine drinks. Has anyone here even heard of beer and wine tastings? They're not hard to find at all.

The Flood / Re: If you don't drink beer then you're a fuckin pussy
« on: September 12, 2015, 12:59:43 PM »
Tried it and hated it. When I get drunk it's always off of hard liquor. Whiskey, vodka, or gin. Never fails.
I swear to god, why do people drink to get drunk?
Because that is the purpose of drinking alcohol.
Actually the purpose for drinking alcohol like wine and beer is to appreciate the flavor. I don't know what people are so disrespectful of my taste for certain drinks. You can't be so closed minded that you only accept your own world view.

You have obviously never heard of beer or wine tastings.

The Flood / Re: If you don't drink beer then you're a fuckin pussy
« on: September 12, 2015, 12:46:36 PM »
Hmm. You know I just drank a 12oz guinness draught and I do feel slightly buzzed.

Know what's strange? I'm Irish and I have never had a pint of Guinness before.
lol I imagine your profile picture when you say that. intradesting.

The Flood / Re: You know what's fucking stupid?
« on: September 12, 2015, 12:45:17 PM »
Your skin isn't 95+ degrees, you fucktard. your internal temp is.
Aren't you a teacher or something? I couldn't imagine what it would be like if your school found out about the way you talk to people online. what school do you work at? may I have a picture of you holding up your username and real name?

The Flood / Re: If you don't drink beer then you're a fuckin pussy
« on: September 12, 2015, 12:37:31 PM »
Tried it and hated it. When I get drunk it's always off of hard liquor. Whiskey, vodka, or gin. Never fails.
I swear to god, why do people drink to get drunk?

The Flood / Re: If you don't drink beer then you're a fuckin pussy
« on: September 12, 2015, 12:37:08 PM »
Hmm. You know I just drank a 12oz guinness draught and I do feel slightly buzzed.

The Flood / Re: If you don't drink beer then you're a fuckin pussy
« on: September 12, 2015, 12:32:51 PM »
Beer is absolutely fucking disgusting. The only exception is craft beers. Drinking piss with 0.00000001% alcohol content does not make you a man. Also, I can't even get drunk off beer.

I prefer Whiskey, Jagermeister and anything stronger.
I only drink craft beers...

I never have drunk craft beer before because they only sell Budweiser and other macrobrews here. I hear it is delicious, though.

However, I cannot get drunk off beer.

It takes me 8 shots to start feeling anything close to drunk. That's a disadvantage with being a giant, I suppose.
Wow if you just drink alcohol to get drunk then you're being fucking stupid. I'm not saying that you are stupid, but shit nigga, what are you doing.

The Flood / Is having a beer a day unhealthy?
« on: September 12, 2015, 12:30:19 PM »
I dunno if having one bottle of beer a day will detriment my health somehow. Is that too much alcohol?

The Flood / Re: If you don't drink beer then you're a fuckin pussy
« on: September 12, 2015, 12:29:22 PM »
Beer is absolutely fucking disgusting. The only exception is craft beers. Drinking piss with 0.00000001% alcohol content does not make you a man. Also, I can't even get drunk off beer.

I prefer Whiskey, Jagermeister and anything stronger.
I only drink craft beers...

The Flood / Re: If you don't drink beer then you're a fuckin pussy
« on: September 12, 2015, 12:21:14 PM »
I don't like beer...

Then again, I wont say I'm a man, I get drunk on like two glasses/bottles/whatever lol
That's okay true, you're the only acception. I feel buzzed off of like one beer, but since I have been drinking like one a day I have stopped feeling as much of a buzz. I wonder if drinking one a day is too much.

The Flood / If you don't drink beer then you're a fuckin pussy
« on: September 12, 2015, 12:12:11 PM »
Take a look at yourself, are you really a fuckin man? If you don't even drink beer and you think it tastes bad, then you're a mere child. What do children do? They Bitch and complain about stuff that's too complicated for their underdeveloped bodies to handle. Beer is a fine drink and if you don't really drink beer then you're a fuckin pussy. I drink like a beer a day, guinness or the local brew, great lakes, because I'm a man.

The Flood / Re: You know what's fucking stupid?
« on: September 12, 2015, 04:09:35 AM »
I think it goes like this:

Your body generates heat that dissipates much easier at lower temperatures. It's also important to note that your core temperature is something like ninety-eight degrees, but your skin temperature isn't. That's about fifteen degrees cooler, on average (If I remember this right). Anyway, heat can only move from hotter to cooler environments, so when your body temperature and the outside temperature are the same, the excess heat that your body generates doesn't really have anywhere to go.
That does explain it.

The Flood / Re: Mr Repzion is actually pretty cool.
« on: September 11, 2015, 03:58:12 PM »
I don't actually know what thrash metal is, like any subgenre of it all sounds the same to me.
Can you stupid with the fucking ignorant replies? I'm starting to dislike you.

The Flood / Re: You know what's fucking stupid?
« on: September 11, 2015, 01:00:20 PM »
It's called sensitivity. Everybody feels the effects of heat differently.

There's also the fact that external temperatures affect your core temperature. You go outside in weather that's hotter than your core and you're going to start warming up a bit until you can cool off.
90 degrees is not hotter than your core temperature, it's actually less. so wouldn't it feel cold?

The Flood / You know what's fucking stupid?
« on: September 11, 2015, 12:48:08 PM »
 If your body is already 96 degrees inside or something, then how come when you go outside and it's like 90 degrees it feels hot as hell? That's not logical.

The Flood / Re: Mr Repzion is actually pretty cool.
« on: September 11, 2015, 10:14:21 AM »
the amazing atheist
very cool, outspoken and respectable, open minded people

I don't really mind/care about repzion, some people get bent out of shape over him which is cool because the internet is serious business but TAA is a category 5 bellend, well banana-end even.
He has an attitude I guess, which isn't exactly flattering. Except he's obviously very aware of that and the content he makes is pretty funny. People always bring up the banana thing, do you have any idea the kinds of things that people do in the privacy of their own home? The banana thing was FUCKING MILD. Even if you don't like his personality which I could understand, that doesn't negate that the points he makes are good and he's entertaining.
To be honest I don't even really care about the banana thing, it's just funny to bring it up and watch people chimp over it.

I think he's pretty grating, I don't exactly appreciate the kind of humour that goes
le vegetarian trole xddddd
watch me pork out like a typical yank

It's childish humour and bashing religion for fun is such a dead horse at this point that it's more like a tesco lasagne. If people enjoy him, I'm happy for them. It's not for me though, by far.
Yeah except he hardly makes videos about religion anyways. Maybe every once and awhile or something.
huh well that's a change then, when did that happen?
It's probably been a good few years since I last even saw one in the recommended vids section (thankfully)
I'm not gonna just ignore the fact that you just tried to make an argument out of false information. Do you know how much that annoys me? I was just on youtube on a comment someone replied to where I was saying new thrash metal sucks, where he was like "LOL DO YOU EVEN KNOW MEGADETH RUST IN PEACE???" Shitty ignorant dip shit, that guy. Yeah the amazing atheist has been this way for several years now, man. I have been watching him since high school, I haven't missed many episodes.
Hmm, well I must have watched his earlier shit then.

Either way this is mostly just shitposting so enjoy.

But thrash metal does suck.
Ummm you mean thrash metal as a whole sucks or just the new stuff? If you think old thrash metal sucks, I will point you towards coroner, vio-lence, rigor mortis, toxik, voivod, aspid, artillery, stygian, early exodus, early to mid career kreator, early sodom, there's so much more thrash metal that I could name that's really good. So um... yeah I'm just gonna assume that you know basically nothing about thrash metal. Modern thrash metal does suck though, avoid it.

The Flood / Re: Mr Repzion is actually pretty cool.
« on: September 11, 2015, 09:55:00 AM »
the amazing atheist
very cool, outspoken and respectable, open minded people

I don't really mind/care about repzion, some people get bent out of shape over him which is cool because the internet is serious business but TAA is a category 5 bellend, well banana-end even.
He has an attitude I guess, which isn't exactly flattering. Except he's obviously very aware of that and the content he makes is pretty funny. People always bring up the banana thing, do you have any idea the kinds of things that people do in the privacy of their own home? The banana thing was FUCKING MILD. Even if you don't like his personality which I could understand, that doesn't negate that the points he makes are good and he's entertaining.
To be honest I don't even really care about the banana thing, it's just funny to bring it up and watch people chimp over it.

I think he's pretty grating, I don't exactly appreciate the kind of humour that goes
le vegetarian trole xddddd
watch me pork out like a typical yank

It's childish humour and bashing religion for fun is such a dead horse at this point that it's more like a tesco lasagne. If people enjoy him, I'm happy for them. It's not for me though, by far.
Yeah except he hardly makes videos about religion anyways. Maybe every once and awhile or something.
huh well that's a change then, when did that happen?
It's probably been a good few years since I last even saw one in the recommended vids section (thankfully)
I'm not gonna just ignore the fact that you just tried to make an argument out of false information. Do you know how much that annoys me? I was just on youtube on a comment someone replied to where I was saying new thrash metal sucks, where he was like "LOL DO YOU EVEN KNOW MEGADETH RUST IN PEACE???" Shitty ignorant dip shit, that guy. Yeah the amazing atheist has been this way for several years now, man. I have been watching him since high school, I haven't missed many episodes.

The Flood / Re: Mr Repzion is actually pretty cool.
« on: September 11, 2015, 09:50:14 AM »
the amazing atheist
very cool, outspoken and respectable, open minded people

I don't really mind/care about repzion, some people get bent out of shape over him which is cool because the internet is serious business but TAA is a category 5 bellend, well banana-end even.
He has an attitude I guess, which isn't exactly flattering. Except he's obviously very aware of that and the content he makes is pretty funny. People always bring up the banana thing, do you have any idea the kinds of things that people do in the privacy of their own home? The banana thing was FUCKING MILD. Even if you don't like his personality which I could understand, that doesn't negate that the points he makes are good and he's entertaining.
To be honest I don't even really care about the banana thing, it's just funny to bring it up and watch people chimp over it.

I think he's pretty grating, I don't exactly appreciate the kind of humour that goes
le vegetarian trole xddddd
watch me pork out like a typical yank

It's childish humour and bashing religion for fun is such a dead horse at this point that it's more like a tesco lasagne. If people enjoy him, I'm happy for them. It's not for me though, by far.
Yeah except he hardly makes videos about religion anyways. Maybe every once and awhile or something.

The Flood / Re: Mr Repzion is actually pretty cool.
« on: September 11, 2015, 09:38:25 AM »
the amazing atheist
very cool, outspoken and respectable, open minded people

I don't really mind/care about repzion, some people get bent out of shape over him which is cool because the internet is serious business but TAA is a category 5 bellend, well banana-end even.
He has an attitude I guess, which isn't exactly flattering. Except he's obviously very aware of that and the content he makes is pretty funny. People always bring up the banana thing, do you have any idea the kinds of things that people do in the privacy of their own home? The banana thing was FUCKING MILD. Even if you don't like his personality which I could understand, that doesn't negate that the points he makes are good and he's entertaining.

The Flood / Mr Repzion is actually pretty cool.
« on: September 11, 2015, 09:23:20 AM »
I dunno why anyone would dislike him. To be honest I am not sure why anyone would dislike the amazing atheist either. You guys know that they are both pretty much past just making videos about religion right? They both have their own agenda of sorts now, they deal with social issues and politics a lot, but mr repzion also makes a lot of video game videos now too. I think they're both very cool, outspoken and respectable, open minded people. I think it's really great how they can speak up honestly and not let fear of backlash bring them down. How anyone else can't comprehend that is kinda disappointing, especially since I don't think anyone who dislikes them has ever really listened to what they have to say. I see a ton of bandwagon hopping, where people just hate something in a completely uninformed way just because they think they're supposed to.

Fuck I am in blightown right now after leveling up my character like crazy with the online matches. I swear I only leveled up like maybe 4 or 5 times with all of the hero souls that I found. I mean, right now it's just fricken insanely easy to kill these enemies. The little guys with the short swords die in like two hits. Damn, yeah. I really shouldn't have used any of that stuff that person dropped lol.

Did you put it in the chest at the bonfire or throw it on the ground?
To be honest I put it in a chest at the bonfire. Once I beat the game I want to have it again so I can just pown people like fucking crazy in the online mode.

Yeah I leveled up a few times out of this but I decided that I would just drop all this shit off in a trunk and leave it there. I don't wanna ruin the challenge. I did level up the fuck out of my elite armor and halberd though.

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