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Messages - Loaf

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Wow I actually like all the songs in the OP :)

Also loaf what ever happened to the cute relaxing thread? I genuinely liked it
it didn't take off and people were shit posting all over it.

The Flood / Re: Voice actors who play their part well
« on: September 20, 2015, 07:24:17 PM »

Rape scenes always piss me off so much. I wouldn't be able to watch it. It would stick with me for days.
Well, maybe not days for me. I have seen a couple in anime and both times I literally put it down and walked away for a while. It's just disturbing to watch.

The Flood / Re: Voice actors who play their part well
« on: September 20, 2015, 07:07:34 PM »
um nobody knows voice actors XD

Emotion isn't objective
Neither is music
just shut up and post some music, friend.





Rape right?
yeah :/
plus sacrificing all of his friends. I couldn't believe griffith raped two people. what the hell happened? why did he decide to have sex with the princess after guts left him? did he just feel like his biggest love interest deserted him so he went insane with sexual frustration?

The Flood / Re: I just took a really huge shit
« on: September 20, 2015, 06:38:14 PM »
Would Pinocchio's nose grow if he said OP was full of shit?
Not anymore.

I love this scene

btw wtf was griffith's problem? why did he go full hitler?

The Flood / Re: I just took a really huge shit
« on: September 20, 2015, 05:58:14 PM »
i've done that before, it's fucking nasty
I think you're confusing nasty with amazing.
no while it was satisfying the thought is disgusting
wow quit whining you pussy.

The Flood / Re: I just took a really huge shit
« on: September 20, 2015, 05:10:29 PM »
i've done that before, it's fucking nasty
I think you're confusing nasty with amazing.

The Flood / Re: I just took a really huge shit
« on: September 20, 2015, 04:51:55 PM »
So just like every time you make a thread?
can you believe that loaf still hasn't replied to my post?
I was working on my avatar tbh. I was changing it back to the cute neko.
thank you I love your avatar and I love you too
You're a funny guy, I enjoy your posts on this forum :-)

The Flood / Re: I just took a really huge shit
« on: September 20, 2015, 04:50:49 PM »
So just like every time you make a thread?
can you believe that loaf still hasn't replied to my post?
I was working on my avatar tbh. I was changing it back to the cute neko.

The Flood / I just took a really huge shit
« on: September 20, 2015, 04:45:25 PM »
It felt like it hit the bottom of the toilet before it was all the way out of my butt too. You could tell it was a firm texture by the way it felt sliding out of my butt. I would say it was one of the best shits I have taken in a while.

It must be that stew I ate last night. I had lentil with broccoli, onions, peppers, kale, garlic, tomato. I had a really big bowl of it yesterday. Plus I ate a couple vegan burritos yesterday because I was basically out of food. It's been great.


Children deserve to get that inspirational crazy bursts of energy as a release to help lessen self-oppression. Kids should be heard. Their opinion matters, because they tend to see things from a more "pure" or "innocent" p.o.v., so they're not as jaded and can see it from multiple different channels.
My point of view is often pure and innocent. I was just exaggerating in the OP because I was pissed off.

I know chan. Feeling better?
Yeah I'm feeling pretty good. I ate a small caramel covered apple, went grocery shopping, and I'm drinking pumpkin and spice tea.

Children deserve to get that inspirational crazy bursts of energy as a release to help lessen self-oppression. Kids should be heard. Their opinion matters, because they tend to see things from a more "pure" or "innocent" p.o.v., so they're not as jaded and can see it from multiple different channels.
My point of view is often pure and innocent. I was just exaggerating in the OP because I was pissed off.

based on your behavior here, i would genuinely be comfortable with putting you in a strait jacket
lol. It's exaggeration you idiot.


well that turned out wrong.

The Flood / Children who are not silent deserve to be stabbed in the face
« on: September 20, 2015, 12:43:58 PM »
So do people who say "you were a child once". That statement makes no sense. You sound like a fucking moron. Honestly children are supposed to be silent, because not all of us asked to put up with them. If you give birth to them then that's your fault and you and only you should have to put up with their obnoxious behavior. There's these children outside that are always making noise and they have been playing their flutes today. I have had to put on fan and air conditioner so I don't have to hear their fucking flutes. God forbid that anyone tell their annoying shitty asses to shut up, like they so desperately deserve. Honestly they deserve to have their throats slit like cows.

Wait, there's movies? Do they finish the story?

I don't like Berserk
At this point I don't either. I am seriously depressed about that ending. Like it makes me feel really uncomfortable. I only wish there was a second season to tie up all those loose ends. It was so incredibly badass at first though. No series of any show has carried my attention through 25 episodes, where I just had to watch them all back to back tirelessly. Now that I'm at the end of it though it makes me feel sick, I wish they would have given it a feel good ending. All I could think when I was watching episode 25 was "fuck, I really have to see if someone made an alternative ending for this series, because I really want to watch it."

Get ready for a cliffhanger almost 20 years old!

It's continued in the manga sure, but seeing as the manga starts off as straight up fantasy with fairies and shit, whereas the anime purposely avoided fantasy as much as it could to make things more realistic (until the ending that turns everything on it's head), you might as well read the manga from the start then bother trying to pick up where the anime leaves off.

Griffith is a fucking rapist omg. Plus I thought he was hot at first. Yikes.

Heh... oh my god. Do I have to read the manga for the story to continue? True Turquoise, you're were right, it got like 1,000,000 times worse. Holy shit I can't even stomach it. For the first 23 episodes it was a glorious masterpiece that I thought was the best show I ever saw. Now it comes to the end of it and there's not even a season 2. What the fuck. What a dark ending.

The Flood / Spoiler Oh my god I can't watch (contains spoilers for the anime berserk)
« on: September 20, 2015, 07:02:17 AM »
Griffith what the fuck is your problem? Ugh god get the fuck off the princess you toad. Holy shit I like had to pause that scene, I can't possibly stand to see things spiral downward like this. I'm gonna come back after I finish the anime to look at this thread, I am on like episode 19. It's too gut wrenching to watch at this point so I had to take a break lol.

The Flood / Re: Has anyone ever heard those retarded horrorcore rappers?
« on: September 19, 2015, 02:21:11 PM »

Bitches get Stitches.
Lol I was at this punk concert and the lead singer had that on the back of his vest. He was a burly beast, tall as fuck and pretty strong and scraggly looking.

Hardcore as fuck. Did he have a Mohawk?
I've never seen anyone with a mohawk at a punk concert.

How fail. That's like punk culture.

All in their retarded and colorful peacocking glory.
they seem like posers to me. I saw some people walking down the street who dressed like that, but I don't remember them having mohawks. Please don't link a general fashion with a style of music. There's so many people who go to punk concerts who dress like normal.

The Flood / Re: Has anyone ever heard those retarded horrorcore rappers?
« on: September 19, 2015, 02:19:47 PM »

Bitches get Stitches.
Lol I was at this punk concert and the lead singer had that on the back of his vest. He was a burly beast, tall as fuck and pretty strong and scraggly looking.

Hardcore as fuck. Did he have a Mohawk?
I've never seen anyone with a mohawk at a punk concert.

How fail. That's like punk culture.

All in their retarded and colorful peacocking glory.
Punk rock nowadays is some real pussy ass whiny shit.
you're fucking stupid.

The Flood / Re: Has anyone ever heard those retarded horrorcore rappers?
« on: September 19, 2015, 02:06:07 PM »

Bitches get Stitches.
Lol I was at this punk concert and the lead singer had that on the back of his vest. He was a burly beast, tall as fuck and pretty strong and scraggly looking.

Hardcore as fuck. Did he have a Mohawk?
I've never seen anyone with a mohawk at a punk concert.

The Flood / Re: Has anyone ever heard those retarded horrorcore rappers?
« on: September 19, 2015, 02:04:35 PM »
Bitches get Stitches.
Lol I was at this punk concert and the lead singer had that on the back of his vest. He was a burly beast, tall as fuck and pretty strong and scraggly looking.

The Flood / Re: Has anyone ever heard those retarded horrorcore rappers?
« on: September 19, 2015, 01:28:41 PM »
Like drill rappers? Or the ones before the young money era?
There was some with videos on I couldn't remember their names for the life of me. Just a bunch of nasty gory utter buttshit.

You are not contributing anything to society by not having a job, comrade.
tell me why I should care? fuck you.

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