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Messages - Loaf

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Gaming / Spoiler I hate this slutty bitch that follows you around in silent hill 2
« on: September 30, 2015, 06:40:12 AM »
In the hospital, first thing on the second floor there's these monsters I have to kill. I keep trying to swing at them and that fucking bitch just stands right next to me and takes the hits. Then she dies and the game is over. Could that be any more fucking annoying? To make matters worse I have only like 13 shots on my magnum because when I was fighting pyramid head I used up most of it, even though I opened up that safe that had like 40 rounds in it. Fuck it all. How did the game expect me to figure I was supposed to drop a 6 pack of juice on that garbage shoot to unclog it? I thought I was supposed to give it to Eddie who was sick in the toilet.

The Flood / Re: My house just caught on fire
« on: September 30, 2015, 06:36:12 AM »
I always keep a fire extinguisher right next to me at my desk.

The Flood / LOL! Facebook wants me to give them my ID to verify my identity
« on: September 30, 2015, 04:08:17 AM »
This is such a retarded website. As if they expect me to actually do that. I guess jesus hitler wasn't an acceptable name. They asked for my ID and I sent them this picture that said "I open my eyes to the sun and see nothing" written on a building.

It's fucking scary that the most backwards religion in the world is spreading everywhere. Islam is a disease and the fact that it's spreading deep into all these other countries is really disturbing to me.

Islam is not a race. It can be adopted by any race though. All religion should be eliminated.

Cause France needs more mooslimes, am I right?
I think you mean mudslimes.


I wish they would just mow down these fucking muslim refugees with machine guns. I'm sick of these turds going in and ruining these countries.

The Flood / Re: I think I'm already dead
« on: September 29, 2015, 07:31:10 AM »
My god, we can only hope so.
um excuse me casper? excuse me?

The Flood / Re: Well the year has gone by quick once again
« on: September 29, 2015, 07:30:05 AM »
shut the FUCK up. I'm sick of people who fucking bitch about "ohhhh the days go by so fast" there's no redeeming quality to that kind of moaning. I would happily punch you in the face for being a little bitch.

Gaming / would you play silent hill 2 in the day time?
« on: September 29, 2015, 07:29:04 AM »
I started playing silent hill 2 yesterday and I don't know if I want to play the game when it's day time or not. What would you do?

The Flood / Re: Is police brutality real?
« on: September 29, 2015, 07:10:28 AM »
Have you ever considered hitting on an attractive male officer?
LOL no because I am not gay.

The Flood / Is police brutality real?
« on: September 29, 2015, 06:58:27 AM »
I dunno.

Gaming / Re: I dunno what game I should play next. Maybe an RPG?
« on: September 28, 2015, 08:48:41 PM »
I started playing resident evil 2. It's awesome.

The Flood / Re: I think I'm already dead
« on: September 28, 2015, 06:08:44 PM »
If you were dead, you wouldn't know it.
That's where you're wrong my nigga.

Btw you guys I'm not like upset or anything, there's no need to console me. I'm like... just dead.

The Flood / Re: I think I'm already dead
« on: September 28, 2015, 05:50:10 PM »
You guys don't understand. I am literally dead and still walking around.

The Flood / Re: Dietary Conflicts
« on: September 28, 2015, 05:04:45 PM »
I dunno how this one time this chicken that I ate in NYC was so fricken tender and delicious. It's like what the hell did they do to make it so tender and delicious? I think sometimes rotisserie chickens are almost like that if you eat them on the very day you buy them.

Gaming / Re: I dunno what game I should play next. Maybe an RPG?
« on: September 28, 2015, 01:21:15 PM »
FFTactics and FF6 are kind of similar to Chrono Trigger
I saw final fantasy tactics at the game store too. I gotta play at least one before I go back and play another. I think that I am gonna settle on playing silent hill 2. I kinda want to go get my television from my bedroom in my old house.

The Flood / I think I'm already dead
« on: September 28, 2015, 01:05:54 PM »
Seriously, that's what it feels like.

Gaming / Re: I dunno what game I should play next. Maybe an RPG?
« on: September 28, 2015, 10:17:58 AM »
RPG is pretty abstruse. I recommend starting off with lower-level programming languages.

Gaming / I dunno what game I should play next. Maybe an RPG?
« on: September 28, 2015, 10:02:37 AM »
I want to plan an rpg. I mean like a classic one. I was thinking of going to my game store and getting either chrono cross or xenogears. I dunno, is there any others that come to mind? I have a lot of the major ones on snes on cartridge, but I would have to play them on an emulator because the save pack battery on them is probably dead.

I could play chrono trigger again because I put the game down years ago when I was on the final castle, because I have a propensity to do shit like that. I never returned to it and that would be a good incentive to play the game again. I am also looking forward to the remake of resident evil 2, which I will probably be getting when it comes out.

Orrrrr I could just play silent hill 2 which I already have on PS2, or castlevania symphony of the night which I never actually got around to playing (I have it on ps1). Or I could go get psychonauts. I dunno what game to get, maybe I should be saving up my money for the oculus rift? So many choices, I am not sure what I want to do next.

The Flood / Re: Eating that awesome meal that makes you feel great
« on: September 27, 2015, 10:20:39 PM »
They say you eat with your eyes, so I'd wager that could be a factor in the science of good food.
Not really. I ate this shit out of a Styrofoam bowl with plastic fork, it tasted amazing though and it made me feel great. I'm gonna go have another small sip of wine.

The Flood / Re: Dietary Conflicts
« on: September 27, 2015, 07:45:12 PM »
Chicken is yummy.

The Flood / Eating that awesome meal that makes you feel great
« on: September 27, 2015, 07:08:10 PM »
damn for dinner my nigga I had a can of lentils with these tomatos, goat cheese and a swig of wine my nigga. Like for real I took some of those tomatos that aren't as small as cherry tomatos and not as big as regular tomatos and I chopped them up over the meal. I swear I was in a bad mood and then I ate that and now I feel great. I wish I knew the science of what makes food make you feel so good. I wanna really learn about the human experience, you know what I mean? After that meal I finished it off with two little sips of wine just to smooth over the taste. Omg it was so fricken good.

The Flood / Re: Drake and Futures album sells 378K.
« on: September 26, 2015, 03:06:00 PM »
I respect you lord starch, but big name artists are cancer.

The Flood / Re: Fellow limeys. What supermarket do you shop at?
« on: September 26, 2015, 03:03:50 PM »
This is important
I don't shop at a fucking super market because I'm not a creepy low life. I shop at a local grocery store which is up scale and they fill your trunk with your groceries for you.

I was just listening to the whole soundtrack, sampling bits of it so I could pull out my favorite songs and put them on a list. You know that feeling when you listen to an old favorite song for the first time in years and you get a surge of memories that come back to you? I want this thread to be about those video game songs that make you feel that way.

Best VGM 168 - Chrono Trigger - Secret of the Forest

[High Quality] Chrono Trigger OST 36 - The Brink of Time
Best VGM 62 - Chrono Trigger - Corridors of Time
[High Quality] Chrono Trigger OST 50 - At the Bottom of Night
chrono trigger ost - The Day The World Revived.
Chrono Trigger - Chrono Trigger Main Theme
Chrono Trigger - Memories of Green
Chrono Trigger ~ 27 - People without Hope
Chrono Trigger OST 24 - Ruined World

Dearly Beloved (Title Theme) - Kingdom Hearts II OST

Final Fantasy VI - Omen

I really want to go back and play chrono trigger again. I actually got to the very end of the game, but I just put it down and never came back to it, because I have a propensity to do that. I also want to play silent hill 2, final fantasy 7,

The Flood / NSFW this shit I just took was absolutely massive
« on: September 26, 2015, 12:02:33 PM »
I was sitting at my computer listening to video game soundtrack music. Chrono trigger, kingdom hearts 2, the halo 2 theme song, when all of a sudden I felt the urge. I decided I didn't want to wait in agony as I listened to the halo 2 theme, so I got up and I went to unleash the beast. I sat down and at first it came out slow, my asshole was tight and I could feel it being pushed outwards by the firm long shit. It was one of those shits that feels like it hit the bottom before it's all the way out, no splash or anything. I even moved my butt back and forth to see if it was still partially in there and still connected to the turd. It only took one wipe because there was hardly debris on my ass. Then I took a really big piss. Even as I type this I can still feel my asshole stretched out.

The Flood / Re: You now are your avatar, how screwed are you?
« on: September 24, 2015, 11:20:08 AM »
I'm adorable \^u^/

The Flood / Re: Animals you used to kill when you were a child
« on: September 24, 2015, 11:04:06 AM »
um guys, I just posted in this thread. please don't ignore my last post. thanks.

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