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Messages - Loaf

Pages: 1 ... 606162 6364 ... 124
Jim, I never experience sonic bliss until I discovered the pure eternal glory that is vocaloid.





Loaf I don't know what you're talking about, Hell's Unholy Fire is S A V A G E

Vocals are killer
I said hell's unholy fire. lol

Goat though, if you want some good songs. He'lls unholy fire too. The song I am death is great too. There was this one split with a green album cover which had some of their best songs on it. Avoid Hex. He'lls unholy fire and goat, if i remember are 2/3 of their only full albums. For such a prolific band I really only bothered with those two, but I do remember downloading like every demo they had at one point. They just never panned out how I thought they would, they're too simple.

I wouldn't bother with nunslaughter. They're just not that impressive. They're old school to a fault.

Csgo has people playing but they use matchmaking. Go onto steam stats, there's usually like 600k people online
No one ever voice chats in that game.

I am looking at the servers for cs:go and it has less people playing it than css. The css servers have no one on them at 6am. I was hoping that I could find an fps game that's more populated, and hopefully more fun than counterstrike. It's important that it has voice chat, because pretty much the only reason I play games online is to go talk on voice chat when I'm tired and board and want to give myself a masochistic headache for some inexplicable reason.

Less than 200 years ago, the world didn't even see the first light bulb. Now, we have all these technological things. All these advancements with computer technology which are accessible to every day people have happened within only the last 50. There are people alive today who don't even know how any of this stuff works.

Pretty soon we will be rid of all the old relics of pre industrial society. People will only know what it's like to be advanced. Pretty soon we will be rid of things like religion too, because we will have reason to explain the universe, we won't need superstition to explain things we don't understand. It just makes me sad that I was born on the forefront of all of this.

At least I can say that I am a forward thinking individual, who is able to appreciate where I am at this time. People will look back and wonder if anyone could really foresee what was to come, and the implications of the advancements of their time. With the struggles and dilemmas that have yet to be solved as I type this. It gives me a melancholy feeling.

The Flood / Re: You are in a prison shower...
« on: October 18, 2015, 07:20:43 AM »
I talked to a correctional officer on counterstrike and he said that people generally don't get raped in the showers, because there's guards who stand guard while they shower. He said that people generally get raped when they're in their cells with their cell mate.

Fucking Thorr's Hammer. I love this Domedagsnatt album so much. I wish I knew more bands like Thorr's Hammer, Khanate, and Disembowelment. I should try to get into Corrupted, but I never saw the appeal that much.

The Flood / Re: does anyone know what happened to Lillithandluna?
« on: October 18, 2015, 06:05:26 AM »

So I was playing counterstrike last night. I admit that I made some people pretty annoyed. I am no hero. There were a bunch of people that were basically telling me how annoying I was. They started getting pretty rude to me though, so I basically started to get in a sour mood (which actually helped my K/D rise pretty well). So anyways, the thing that really annoyed me though was this mod. I was talking shit to this little dip shit kid who was getting pretty riled up over me. Then the mod mutes me and a couple people were like "thank god! thank you" collectively.

So the problem that I see, is that people throw around their position as a mod. Just because they hold the title of mod they think it makes the supreme all powerful overlord or something. So while I was muted I typed "unmute me nigger". So the guy is like "no racism" but still unmutes me. I challenge his manhood a little later and tell him that just because he holds the title of mod doesn't mean shit. Because I don't care about your title or who knows you, it's irrelevant to me. So when I ask him what his problem with me is, I'll cut out the other stuff he said and "you're racist" is what he told me.

So basically, I'm automatically going to be pinned with whatever false accusation they can pin on me, because they're all against me. This is what my problem with mods in counterstrike is. They have impunity from being fair at all. Can you not see why this would sort of piss me off? Because I want to talk on the mic and have a good time. I should be a mod. I would be an incredibly fair mod. I would give everyone the benefit of the doubt and I would talk it through with offenders and give people lots of leeway and chances, because I'm not a fucking moron.

The Flood / Re: I saw somebody get shot tonight
« on: October 18, 2015, 05:41:08 AM »
No like seriously. Most people only dream of getting to see zombies get shot. You got to experience it first hand. You're a very lucky man.

The Flood / Re: I saw somebody get shot tonight
« on: October 18, 2015, 05:38:10 AM »
double post

The Flood / When will they develop the loaf premium membership?
« on: October 17, 2015, 02:58:32 PM »
Why does secondclass get his own premium membership?


I have been spinning this fucking song so many times. It's a masterpiece.

The Flood / I had a really fun night last night.
« on: October 17, 2015, 06:30:42 AM »
So last night I went out to dinner with my parents and saw a play. It was really nice. I dressed up in nice clothes, except I already wear nice clothes everywhere already. It was just nice to be somewhere nice in nice clothes I guess  :D We Went out to dinner at the yacht club where our family sail boat is. I didn't know we were going out to dinner and a play, so I had eaten food before hand, so I ended up just eating bok choy and asparagus for dinner.

The play we were seeing was down town, in an old factory which had been re purposed into an art gallery and theater. There was a little shop next to the theater which was exactly like the shop from the show oddities on history channel. I ended up finding a nuclear fallout shelter sign in it. There were two actually and I got one for myself and then my brother got one as well. I had been trying to use my parent's connection to this one building they work at to get one of those signs off of it, but low and behold it was right there :D

The play was really fun. It was called bat boy. It was part musical and it took place in a small theater. The lead roll was an incredibly athletic and skinny guy, who they dressed up so his face looked like Nosferatu. It was filled with funny moments but also had a pretty strong message of open mindedness and the perils of intolerance towards others. In the beginning of the play when the first found the bat boy, he was in basically a loin cloth, so when he would be crawling around and stuff you could literally see his butt because he was wearing a thong. He gets educated and turns out to be extremely intelligent though.

It was a pretty good night. I probably had more fun doing that than I would have going to go see some hardcore punk show down town. I've been to that bar so many times and I've never had as much fun as I did last night going down to those punk shows.

The Flood / Re: does anyone know what happened to Lillithandluna?
« on: October 17, 2015, 06:12:15 AM »

The Flood / Re: Members you hate
« on: October 16, 2015, 02:15:05 PM »

The Flood / Re: Casper appreciation thread
« on: October 16, 2015, 01:41:53 PM »


The Flood / Re: Members you like
« on: October 16, 2015, 10:39:05 AM »
Nobody likes me ;-;
and they certainly won't if you try to buy attention by acting like a victim.

The Flood / does anyone know what happened to Lillithandluna?
« on: October 16, 2015, 08:04:25 AM »
The person who used to post on bnet like 5 years ago. They disappeared but I still have fond memories of their posts on bnet. There was also this person or something named imperialoverlorddiana or something, I forget exactly what their name was, but I really miss them too. They used to make these giant intellectual posts about atheism and stuff, which to my 15 or 16 year old brain was pretty amazing at the time. I really wish I could remember their name, let alone see their glorious posts on our forums once again. InquisitorDiana was their name I think, I still am not entirely sure. I think it was 3 words.

The Flood / Re: Members you like
« on: October 16, 2015, 07:39:00 AM »
Pretty much all of the active members, really.
I'm indifferent about a lot of people on this website. A few people really push my buttons and I have no patience to turn their stupid attitude into a friendly joke, hence my giant ignore list. There's also a few people who are kind of close to the edge, when it comes to things I feel like putting up with. I may seem like the kind of person who jokes around a lot, but in reality I don't want to put up with people who are just being straight up assholes. There's a difference between joking and taking the piss out of each other in good spirit and just being an asshole. People on this forum really need to learn the difference.

The Flood / Members you like
« on: October 16, 2015, 07:22:42 AM »
True Turquoise
Kupo (I vaguely remember you being pretty cool)
Lord Starch

Sorry if there's anyone I missed. I tried be thorough. :(

RIP Vrill and Reinstein.

This morning: Candlemass - Nightfall
>mfw I hear these fucking riffs

The Flood / Re: Members you hate
« on: October 16, 2015, 06:38:46 AM »
I really don't hate anyone on this website.

The Flood / Re: Plz help. Need animoos.
« on: October 16, 2015, 06:23:45 AM »
I'm about to watch Nichijou.

the early anti cimex EPs are their most god tier material. I could never get into their full lengths.

oh shit you like poison idea too. you have good taste in punk.


I prefer the crust punk band nausea.

The Flood / Re: Post in this thread for my honest opinion of you
« on: October 15, 2015, 04:40:40 AM »
Here I am.

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