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Messages - Loaf

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Please comfort me in my time of need.


Anything pre-1970 is pretty amazing.

Oh my god. You all are pretty pedantic.

If I said "Anything Deep Purple is great", obviously I'm not being literal. Because not everything Deep Purple made is great, but some of it is really good.
Looks like someone was born in le wrong generation.

The Flood / Trying to unlearn
« on: October 23, 2015, 11:50:31 AM »
I think a lot about how society bases it's socialization of all of us around guilt. Some of it is good and some of it is bad. We put restrictions on ourselves. I think that sometimes low self esteem is caused by internalizing the sense of being told you're wrong. I have been trying to focus on my thoughts, so that I can tell which one of them is learned and which one of the, is logical. For me at least, I have been trying to focus on what thoughts in my head are lies and which ones are truth.

People who win grammies should be assassinated.
Lorde won one and I wanna marry her
Alright. Well the argument I said before still applies and correlates with assassinating shitty grammy artists.

People who win grammies should be assassinated.

copy pasting some insight I wrote this morning, which is shit everyone should already know but probably doesn't. cept you jim.

I hate how people talk about music as if it’s popularity means anything. It’s about it’s marketing, not about it’s musical merit. People market their music and therefor more people listen to it, which is what the charts are based off of. Charts are artificially inflated in popularity because they have marketing teams. That is what I hate about these people who act like these fucking squid like putrid reaking piles of shit like Maclmore, talk about him like he’s better because of his ratings. People need to understand marketing, because there is such a thing as shitty vapid music.

The Flood / Re: Anyone here like Rise Against
« on: October 23, 2015, 09:03:33 AM »
They suck.

The Flood / Re: So Daniel Craig doesn't want to do any more Bond movies
« on: October 23, 2015, 08:19:47 AM »
Pierce Brosnan and Sean Connery were the only good Bonds.

This guy wasn't exactly bad but he had zero personality.
It was so fucking annoying how he was just dark and brooding all the time. James Bond is supposed to be a chilled out ladies man with lots of class. He's not supposed to be some gritty action hero type. It's so fucking annoying that they turned him into a douche bag.

Lmao yes that is all I listen to. Every single thing I listen to is grindcore. You got me.

The Flood / It's so fucking hard not to insult people's taste in music
« on: October 23, 2015, 07:53:00 AM »
You know what really fucking pisses me off? How come people have to act like when you say a band they like is shit it's like a personal attack or something? It's like, the band isn't a fucking part of you, you moron. I am always telling people I think they music they like is shit, except then they say that I am just an asshole who is fighting them over their taste in music. I can't help but think that the music that people listen to is garbage, but they don't have to act like I said something offensive just because the music they listen to is fucking shit.

How do you explain to people on steam who only listen to really shitty metalcore that it's not even good? It's fucking impossible, because they will just pull that stupid "music is subjective" argument.


The Flood / Re: Favorite mass shooter?
« on: October 23, 2015, 06:21:49 AM »
When you think about it though they kind of were heroes, because they killed a bunch of people.

The Flood / Re: Girls Only Thread (& me & tru, ect)
« on: October 22, 2015, 05:29:23 PM »
Here I am.

The Flood / Re: I Will Rate You Out Of 1O
« on: October 22, 2015, 02:37:56 PM »
Rate me yall.

The Flood / Re: Official 2015 MLB playoffs thread
« on: October 22, 2015, 02:22:52 PM »


I do gotta listen to electric doom synthesis after looking at your profile picture.

I have been enjoying vocaloid lately. This album 初音ミクベスト ~impacts~ has most of my favorite songs on it.

Loaf since I know you aren't gay, would you tap Jo Bench from Bolt Thrower

That's a girl.

The Flood / Re: Official 2015 MLB playoffs thread
« on: October 22, 2015, 09:07:03 AM »
lmao anyone who cares about sports is retarded.

The Flood / Re: Favorite mass shooter?
« on: October 21, 2015, 08:20:44 PM »
Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold. The classics. I also like Sandy hook and Virginia Tech too. Eric and Dylan are the best though. They had such fucking style, if their bombs went off they would be permanently the most badass anti heros of all time.
But they weren't anti-heroes loaf.  Dylan was just a loser betamax autist worse than me and Eric was just Ted Bundy 2: electric boogaloo.

The only thing I like about Columbine is the myths surrounding it because they make for good stories.
idk now that I look at it I already knew what you were saying, I just chose the wrong choice of words. I know that an anti hero is just a non traditional hero who is a hero without typical hero traits. They were definitely heros. LOL what the hell is an electric boogaloo?
How were they heroes? They didn't even kill all their bullies like cool guys would do. They just shot up random shmoes. Lame-o.

And idk it's some archaic meme
no I was saying they weren't heros and I was misusing the word anti hero.

The Flood / Re: Favorite mass shooter?
« on: October 21, 2015, 08:17:24 PM »
Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold. The classics. I also like Sandy hook and Virginia Tech too. Eric and Dylan are the best though. They had such fucking style, if their bombs went off they would be permanently the most badass anti heros of all time.
But they weren't anti-heroes loaf.  Dylan was just a loser betamax autist worse than me and Eric was just Ted Bundy 2: electric boogaloo.

The only thing I like about Columbine is the myths surrounding it because they make for good stories.
idk now that I look at it I already knew what you were saying, I just chose the wrong choice of words. I know that an anti hero is just a non traditional hero who is a hero without typical hero traits. They were definitely heros. LOL what the hell is an electric boogaloo?

The Flood / Re: Favorite mass shooter?
« on: October 21, 2015, 05:54:39 PM »
Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold. The classics. I also like Sandy hook and Virginia Tech too. Eric and Dylan are the best though. They had such fucking style, if their bombs went off they would be permanently the most badass anti heros of all time.

The Flood / Re: Girls Only Thread (& me & tru, ect)
« on: October 21, 2015, 08:36:30 AM »
Hey yall.

The Flood / How do you raise your IQ?
« on: October 21, 2015, 07:28:43 AM »
I just want to be smarter, I feel so stupid all the time.


Loaf do you like Danzig?
Yeah I think it sounds pretty cool. Just remember though, danzig got punched in the face and knocked out, plus he had a pile of bricks in his front yard once.

The Flood / Re: Jive Turkeys ass is not human (pics) (sfw)
« on: October 20, 2015, 07:39:21 PM »
Nice ass jive turkey :)

I think you need to open your heart Jimmy.

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