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Messages - Loaf

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The Flood / Re: Please don't be jealous of my healthy diet
« on: November 05, 2015, 02:19:35 PM »
You have a guy faux profile picture. You're nothing but an immature little kid. I don't appreciate morons speaking up against me, purely out of disrespect. You need to go hang yourself, because you have no place in this world. You're a cancer that infects this board.

The Flood / Re: Please don't be jealous of my healthy diet
« on: November 05, 2015, 02:15:31 PM »
You're a fucking moron. Get off this website and kill yourself.

The Flood / Re: Please don't be jealous of my healthy diet
« on: November 05, 2015, 02:06:44 PM »
It was decadent.
Thanks for trying to create an anti intellectual environment on /mu/. The board will thank meme shitting children like you when this becomes an intellectual vacuum and no one posts anymore.

The Flood / Re: Please don't be jealous of my healthy diet
« on: November 05, 2015, 01:16:32 PM »
tfw you don't eat much healthy food and still retain the weight of 130 lbs...
>I'm thin, therefor I'm healthy
How's actual reality treating you?

The Flood / Re: Please don't be jealous of my healthy diet
« on: November 05, 2015, 11:44:40 AM »
Sounds good minus the oatmeal. That's not that healthy.
>oatmeal isn't that healthy

The Flood / Re: Please don't be jealous of my healthy diet
« on: November 05, 2015, 10:08:06 AM »
But you're gay, so you're even worse than the hamplanets.
I'm not gay.

The Flood / Please don't be jealous of my healthy diet
« on: November 05, 2015, 09:27:37 AM »
Every single day, I either go out to a vegan restaurant or eat freshly made soup, or eat the mainstays of my diet. Yesterday I had an apple, banana, dried figs, blueberries and oatmeal, for lunch I had an avocado and a roasted sweet potato with a load of crumbled kale all over it. Then I had greek yogurt. Those are the normal mainstays of my diet, along with almond milk. I went to eat at a tai restaurant and had tofu, cabbage, rice noodle, and scallion soup. It was decadent.

Point is, I eat healthy food all the time. I don't believe in fat pride. Being fat is not beautiful, being fat is not healthy, eating unhealthy is not healthy. People who eat unhealthy because "hurr durr we're gonna die" have no respect for their own life, care less about living than people who do take care of their health. Or they're just very unintelligent, which most obese people are.

Point is my diet is amazing, my outlook on life is intelligent. I just wish that I could be surrounded with a world that felt the same. Instead we have "hurr durr america eat like an american". You can eat like slob for all you want, you're the one who takes pride in being unhealthy and don't see the irony.   

The Flood / Re: What does your name mean?
« on: November 04, 2015, 07:20:27 AM »
whatever you want it to mean.

The Flood / I just wanna share this song
« on: November 03, 2015, 09:14:26 PM »

Mittens Deluxe: why?
Mittens Deluxe: do you ever just ask the question why?
Mittens Deluxe: just why...
Vrill: why what
Mittens Deluxe: woah
Mittens Deluxe: holy shit dude
Mittens Deluxe: lik
Mittens Deluxe: why what
Mittens Deluxe: no I mean
Mittens Deluxe: without the what
Mittens Deluxe: just why alone
Mittens Deluxe: why
Vrill: no because it makes no sense
Mittens Deluxe: lol
Mittens Deluxe: that's the point vrill
Mittens Deluxe: I am trying to think deeply
Mittens Deluxe: philosophically
Vrill: to do that you dont just say why
Mittens Deluxe: .
Mittens Deluxe: um
Mittens Deluxe: so like
Mittens Deluxe: just think nothing at all
Mittens Deluxe: ?
Vrill: so if youre saying why without context how is that thinking philisophically can you explain that
Mittens Deluxe: um
Mittens Deluxe: that's the question
Mittens Deluxe: what is the answer?
Vrill: my answer is its not philisophical or intellectual at all to ask that question its just stoner bullshit usually just simply asking why with no context just ends up leading to an answer that could be asked for by asking a why question with context
leading to an answer that could be asked for by asking a why question with context
Mittens Deluxe: xD
Vrill: so if you just ask why
Vrill: it can be assumed that youre just asking the most basic fundemental question of existance, which is
Vrill: why does anything exist
Mittens Deluxe: idk vrill, that seems like kinda a cursory idea.
Vrill: its dumb okay its stoner shit
Mittens Deluxe: lol
Mittens Deluxe: lmao
Vrill: what
Mittens Deluxe: it's just hilarious
Vrill: what is
Mittens Deluxe: woah what
Vrill: ok
Mittens Deluxe: jim says hi
Vrill: who
Mittens Deluxe: spirit of sand
Vrill: o
Mittens Deluxe: fucking jew lord jim
Vrill: why doesnt he just message me then what afagf
Mittens Deluxe:
Vrill: why
Mittens Deluxe: um
Vrill: i entirely forgot about this sep7agon thing
Mittens Deluxe: obviously
Vrill: i recognise none of these fags except jim
Mittens Deluxe: true
Vrill: theyre all probably youngins

The Flood / Re: 3 Pac died
« on: November 03, 2015, 01:35:10 PM »

I have been barely listening to anything besides vocaloid and dark folk like tenhi, vali, ulver, and Empyrium.

The Flood / Why are drug users fucking retards who deserve to be punched?
« on: November 03, 2015, 02:12:21 AM »
 It's so stupid. I hear people say shit like "you're going to die anyways" and "well you drink coffee don't you?" I'm not even going to get into why those comments are fucking retarded. So I'm just going to ask you what you think of the stupid shit druggies say, as well as druggies in general.

The Flood / Re: I fell on my back really hard skateboarding today
« on: November 02, 2015, 07:43:50 PM »
I wonder what my approval ratings are like right now.

The Flood / I fell on my back really hard skateboarding today
« on: November 02, 2015, 07:25:27 PM »
My back hurts like shit. My sides literally hurt like fuck when I laugh. I was riding all around the neighborhood today and my board flew out from under me, I landed flat on my ribs. I thought that was broken at first, but I went and had an xray done to see if it was fractured. The rib was bruised, but it won't require that much time to heal at all. I'm really grateful. Plus I was wearing a helmet. I guess I can thank drinking half a carton of almond milk and half a tub of greek yogurt a day for all those strong bones.

The Flood / Re: Post Your Loot
« on: November 01, 2015, 04:59:23 PM »
How old are the people posting their candy?

So last night I came home from skateboarding, passing out candy, and delivering fliers to people's house with my dad about the coming election. So when I got home I literally almost passed out. I was laying on the floor and I felt like I could fall right asleep. So when I got up to go to bed, I sort of instinctively grabbed on to a lamp and nearly fell over, knocking over a plant and feeling limp and losing my vision. So when I got to bed I was laying awake for what seemed like an hour, probably because I was talking to people all afternoon which makes my thoughts race and gives me anxiety. It happens any time too. If I just fall asleep on the floor it's easier to fall asleep.

The Flood / Re: 4chan is getting a history board
« on: November 01, 2015, 03:48:48 AM »
Can you please not hate on 4chan? Thanks.

The Flood / Re: Is it getting spooky around here or is it just me?
« on: October 31, 2015, 08:29:59 AM »
Not in London
Awesome profile picture btw.

The Flood / Is it getting spooky around here or is it just me?
« on: October 31, 2015, 06:30:31 AM »
Something feels very spooky about today.

The Flood / Re: I'm not gay
« on: October 29, 2015, 09:15:35 PM »
Did yall see the new yaoi southpark episode?

The Flood / Re: My sociology class showed me hentai today.
« on: October 29, 2015, 09:12:20 AM »
School sucks so bad that something like this is day brightening. fuck the system.


It would be like an enormous catastrophic pulsating monster of a fart. Or maybe it would sound like an enormous ear shattering thunderous sound.

I've been listening to some good spaced out bands called true widow and south pacific. one's shoegaze, the other is like slowcore.
What the Christ is Slowcore even
jim... bring honor to your family and go listen to down colorful hill, I could live in hope, bedhead - bedhead, songs about leaving, true widow s/t, codeine - fridged stars, slowcore is one of the best genres ever.
I heard Codeine once and it was alright
you're gonna base half a dozen albums I recommended to you off of your impression of the one of them you heard?
Nah just saying how I felt about Codeine. I think I listened to True Widow once and shit was pretty cool
Okay man, but those two aren't the best of what I listed. I could live in hope and down colorful hill are highly recommended.

I've been listening to some good spaced out bands called true widow and south pacific. one's shoegaze, the other is like slowcore.
What the Christ is Slowcore even
jim... bring honor to your family and go listen to down colorful hill, I could live in hope, bedhead - bedhead, songs about leaving, true widow s/t, codeine - fridged stars, slowcore is one of the best genres ever.
I heard Codeine once and it was alright
you're gonna base half a dozen albums I recommended to you off of your impression of the one of them you heard?

« on: October 27, 2015, 08:49:52 AM »

I've been listening to some good spaced out bands called true widow and south pacific. one's shoegaze, the other is like slowcore.
What the Christ is Slowcore even
jim... bring honor to your family and go listen to down colorful hill, I could live in hope, bedhead - bedhead, songs about leaving, true widow s/t, codeine - fridged stars, slowcore is one of the best genres ever.

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