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Messages - Loaf

Pages: 1 ... 515253 5455 ... 124
The Flood / I'm banned from permanently.
« on: December 16, 2015, 04:23:06 PM »
I got unbanned, but then I got banned permanently on my third day back. It makes me sad. Please console me.

The Flood / Re: Satanic blessings to all my satanic friends
« on: December 15, 2015, 06:49:54 PM »
yo mama's house 2

The Flood / Satanic blessings to all my satanic friends
« on: December 15, 2015, 06:43:07 PM »

Jim I wanna know the super secret jazz albums.

Grimes? More like GRIMES!

Fuck it Jim. Midnight is coming to my city, but it's in that fucking dangerous as fuck bar. That fucking bar man, so many drug deals, so many fucking panhandlers. I don't want to get caught up in a fight or something or get robbed. I ride my bike down there in the dead of night, I'm an easy fucking target.
Do it pussy (don't do it)


M-maybe you were right Loaf... This is pretty great

I don't remember the vocals slaying this much
Oh my god, finally you like this album. Jimmy, I downloaded a shit load of Jazz albums.

I put all of this on my phone, today I listened to Andrew Hill - Point of departure, The Andrzej Trzaskowski Quintet, Grant Green - Idol Moments, Sun Ra - Lanquidity, The Dave Brubeck Quartet - Time Further Out,  Charles Mingus - Let My Children Hear Music

I'm just downloading a shit load of jazz albums, then listening taking in a ton of them at a time.

The Flood / Re: Is their anything good about being a conservative?
« on: December 14, 2015, 09:43:14 AM »
Once again, we've done nothing but argue semantics, attacking straw man arguments, discussing virtually 0 real issues.

The Flood / Is their anything good about being a conservative?
« on: December 14, 2015, 08:00:39 AM »
Conservatives are just people who want to preserve their way of life, regardless of if progress would be beneficial. Being conservative is a natural mindset, where new ideas and changes to the world around them make them feel afraid, make them feel frustrated when they're told their preconceived notions are wrong. It's sad to me that this mentally ill mindset exists, it's a very selfish and narrow minded way of life.

whats your definition of attractive?
Well, I like feminine guys. I also am pansexual, so I like all transgender or gender non binary people. I'm interested in girls and stuff. I'm demisexual though, which means that I'd want to have sex with someone, but if I was really close to them. I don't really know how I could define the shapes that compose the anatomy of others, but I can say that I like it when people are thin, I think thin is really sexy.

fuck my life

Fuck it Jim. Midnight is coming to my city, but it's in that fucking dangerous as fuck bar. That fucking bar man, so many drug deals, so many fucking panhandlers. I don't want to get caught up in a fight or something or get robbed. I ride my bike down there in the dead of night, I'm an easy fucking target.

The new Total Abuse is fucking amazing



Totally mind numbing shit.

fucking hell. I'm only 21, my fucking hearing is ruined.

The Flood / Re: I'm banned from 4chan,,
« on: December 12, 2015, 01:06:39 PM »
I have tried writing reviews, but I find that to put a lot of pressure on me as a writer. I have written several reviews, I've definitely improved over the years as a music reviewer.

The Flood / Re: I'm banned from 4chan,,
« on: December 12, 2015, 01:02:54 PM »
Well that sucks. I am interested in the avenues you have opened in music. You write reviews or articles at all? Would you do it for fun? Also what music have you generally been involved in.
I could tell you a litany of musical genres, but it wouldn't really mean much to do that. Here's my if you're interested /mu/ introduced me to a lot of resources for music, like the /mu/ essential charts on their wiki, free music downloading websites like soulseek and, music exploring websites like rateyourmusic, websites which keep musical statistics of the music you've listened to, and also tells you similar artists and lets your browse other people's libraries, like Not to mention the discussions I'm always involved in with music.

The Flood / Re: I'm banned from 4chan,,
« on: December 12, 2015, 11:30:34 AM »
>posting on /mu/

It's like you want to be cancer.
You have no idea how many avenues of music /mu/ opened up for me. You're elitist about music, yet I know more than any of you.
You know how I know that I know more music than you? My passion ever since I was a teenager, is spending practically every day trying to find new interesting albums. That is my favorite thing to do in the world is find new music, I don't know what you can speak on behalf of what you know about music. All I know is that if there's one thing I wish people would respect about me, it's the fact that I know a lot of music. I have no reason to believe that you know more music than me.

The Flood / Re: I'm banned from 4chan,,
« on: December 12, 2015, 11:20:10 AM »
>posting on /mu/

It's like you want to be cancer.
You have no idea how many avenues of music /mu/ opened up for me. You're elitist about music, yet I know more than any of you.

The Flood / Re: I'm banned from 4chan,,
« on: December 12, 2015, 11:19:42 AM »
those are all shit forums anyway
Says the guy posting on sep7agon.

The Flood / Re: I'm banned from 4chan,,
« on: December 12, 2015, 06:35:53 AM »
How did you get banned from all those places, especially 4chan, Loaf?
Listen man, people who don't even know how you can get banned from 4chan have obviously never been to 4chan. Do you really think it's just LOL EPIC TROLLING ALL THE TIME!? No, each board has rules. I'd rather not repeat why I was banned from the /mu/ (music board) but it was because I wasn't posting "music related" threads. I kind of was, but it wasn't really music related.

I got banned from atheistforums because I was talking a lot of shit I guess, but then when a bunch of people started hating me and talking shit to me I tried to report them. So the mods called me a hypocrite and banned me for reporting the other member, who was going around saying I am a "narcissistic disturbed psychopath who needs to be monitored by the fbi at all times".

On rateyourmusic I started a thread about how the dead kennedys suck, it devolved into a massive shit storm. I never use rateyourmusic that much though.

I actually frequent 4chan, I just don't post very often.

Are you banned from just /mu/ or all boards?
All boards.

The Flood / Re: I'm banned from 4chan,,
« on: December 11, 2015, 08:36:12 PM »
How did you get banned from all those places, especially 4chan, Loaf?
Listen man, people who don't even know how you can get banned from 4chan have obviously never been to 4chan. Do you really think it's just LOL EPIC TROLLING ALL THE TIME!? No, each board has rules. I'd rather not repeat why I was banned from the /mu/ (music board) but it was because I wasn't posting "music related" threads. I kind of was, but it wasn't really music related.

I got banned from atheistforums because I was talking a lot of shit I guess, but then when a bunch of people started hating me and talking shit to me I tried to report them. So the mods called me a hypocrite and banned me for reporting the other member, who was going around saying I am a "narcissistic disturbed psychopath who needs to be monitored by the fbi at all times".

On rateyourmusic I started a thread about how the dead kennedys suck, it devolved into a massive shit storm. I never use rateyourmusic that much though.

The Flood / I'm banned from 4chan,,
« on: December 11, 2015, 03:26:40 PM »
God, I have fucking nothing to do besides post here or play counterstrike. This sucks.

Idk if it's bad for you. I google searched it and I couldn't find anything.

The Flood / I sexually identify as a nigger
« on: December 11, 2015, 07:00:36 AM »

Jim, I fucking love assuck. I take it you checked my this week? I think I listened to their two albums twice each.
I've been hearing their name more frequently for whatever reason and decided to give them more of a listen. SICK shit though I love it.
Do you frequent metal forums like ultimate guitar or something?

Jim, I fucking love assuck. I take it you checked my this week? I think I listened to their two albums twice each.

but then you just put your dick away and didn't climax? Would the urge to climax just be overwhelming? If you fell asleep would you cum in your sleep? would it be agonizing torment?

The Flood / Re: I had no idea that Tru was a large black man.
« on: December 10, 2015, 06:08:20 AM »
Ugh, rap.

It was so awesome. It was only 25 calories, but it made eating a half a tub of non fat greek yogurt taste indulgent and delicious.

The Flood / How do you stand wanting to punch someone in the face?
« on: December 07, 2015, 03:33:11 PM »
How do you stand wanting to punch someone in the face so hard that all of the skin becomes separated from the muscles and nothing but a big black and blue pus and blood filled sack of bursted guts balloon remains?

The Flood / Mind my pronouns, fucker.
« on: December 07, 2015, 02:54:11 PM »
My pronouns are it. Please only refer to me as it.

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