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Messages - Loaf

Pages: 1 ... 464748 4950 ... 124
What's some more good modern music? God damn.

What makes you so sure god exists?

Yeah I added not "totally" because that seemed more accurate.

Dude, this has been one of the most insane fucking first listens of an album I ever heard. I just keep my eyes closed, headbang, and say fuck yes over and over again, then find myself clamoring to try to find a demilich t shirt to buy online. This is just, yes, literally the best since demilich and timeghoul. I am fucking stunned, this is like transcendental.

I need to go pick up my HP lovecraft book from my parent's house.

Aw dude, they have the Chthe'ilist shirt but it has the inescapable sleeve artwork. I don't want band logos on the sleeves, I want a t shirt! I want a t shirt damn it!

Also jim, what should I read next? I read the wasp factory, the metamorphasis by franz kafka, in the miso soup, and half of story of the eye recently. I just wanna read something that will actually leave me with a lasting mind warping impression.

Dude that part at the end of the album where it sounds like all demons are being unleashed at once... dude.
I fucking KNEW you would like it. It's fucking stunning. Definitely is Demilich worship in some parts but I think it'd be doing an injustice to the band to just treat them like a Demilich worship band. It's just too unique and impressively composed to not acknowledge the band as its own entity.

And yes the outro the album is fucking unearthly.

As for books, check out The Trial if you liked Kafka. It's fucking bizarre.
No, I knew by the end of it that it's not Demilich worship, that description doesn't do it justice. Apparently it's not totally lovecraft inspired, it's zelda inspired. Kinda threw me off considering the band's called CHTHE'IST! But it still gives that vibe for sure.

Dude, this has been one of the most insane fucking first listens of an album I ever heard. I just keep my eyes closed, headbang, and say fuck yes over and over again, then find myself clamoring to try to find a demilich t shirt to buy online. This is just, yes, literally the best since demilich and timeghoul. I am fucking stunned, this is like transcendental.

I need to go pick up my HP lovecraft book from my parent's house.

Aw dude, they have the Chthe'ilist shirt but it has the inescapable sleeve artwork. I don't want band logos on the sleeves, I want a t shirt! I want a t shirt damn it!

Also jim, what should I read next? I read the wasp factory, the metamorphasis by franz kafka, in the miso soup, and half of story of the eye recently. I just wanna read something that will actually leave me with a lasting mind warping impression.

Dude that part at the end of the album where it sounds like all demons are being unleashed at once... dude.

Omg jim this is so good ;-;

I'm ordering this.

Dude, these guys are fucking worshipping demilich but I love it lol. I hear demilich may be making some new stuff, or at least that's what they seemed to hint at in some stuff I've seen them say lately. Dude this Chthe'ilist band is fucking awesome. Just the way they style the atmosphere in here is so crazy. Like, they're keeping the really lo fi aesthetic, to keep it thick and impenetrable sounding, but it has just enough of the clearness of modern production so you don't miss anything. And dude! These guys actually try to make what they're doing sound like a fucking lovecraftian horror, urrrg dude. I'm loving this so far, I've listened to the first couple songs. Not to get too overly excited, but I do really like this.

Loaf I know you like Demilich and Timeghoul (weak comparison but it gives you the idea) so listen to this fucking insane shit


Tightest Avant-Garde DM I've heard since Demilich. Fucking insane. Voidpsawn will take you somewhere else. The riffs will give you the sensation of getting fucked by innumerable eldritch horrors.
Dude, this is cool. You can totally tell how much these guys are influenced by Demilich. They sound like incantation a bit too.

The Flood / I am the mastipramigulum.
« on: February 18, 2016, 07:36:19 PM »

The Flood / Re: I hate humanity
« on: February 18, 2016, 07:35:57 PM »

The Flood / Re: I hate humanity
« on: February 18, 2016, 07:29:22 PM »

our society sure does have a short attention span these days. I have actually grow to appreciate when people type out long shit. because I type so much, I appreciate when other people type stuff out.

The Flood / Re: I hate humanity
« on: February 18, 2016, 07:11:20 PM »
Ever wish

the human race didn't exist?

and then realize

hahaha nice reference

The Flood / I hate humanity
« on: February 18, 2016, 06:59:14 PM »
no, I actually don't hate humanity. it's like, a fluctuating feeling to be honest. I always feel like I have too much of an adverse way of looking at the world on too many things to really fit into it. Like, it's so annoying how it's hard for me to not annoy everyone, you know what I mean? It's hard for other people to not annoy me. I dunno what I'm even talking about or if I'm even making sense, maybe nothing I'm thinking right now is even logical. Should I even have to be stopping to think about what I'm saying? I guess not because.. oh wait here we go. Otherwise if I were to be stopping to think about what I was saying, maybe I would catch myself saying irrational things.

Do you think that's what it really is to be stressed, is to just say some nihilistic or irrational thing in your head, and keep telling yourself the same thing until you finally tell yourself that what you're thinking is invalid or if you finally just forget about it? Because like, here's how it goes. I actually feel like I have a reason to be upset right now. I have been talking to some people, everything was going fine. This whole morning everything was going fine, I was burning incents and playing a song I'm learning. Then I started talking to people, it was difficult. One guy was a fairly cute genderqueer college person from okcupid, we talked on skype a little and he was pretty nice. Then I talked with this guy who was talking about all this stressful as fuck politics. I think that must be what made me upset.

Yeah now that I think about it, I think that was actually the thing that was causing me to feel the anxiety. I feel sort of like, a little lighter now that I realize this, you know what I mean? Because like, maybe it's not that it's difficult for me to get along with people in general, but it's just difficult because I was talking with this guy and he was talking about a lot of really stressful stuff. Because like he's not a bad guy but it was making me think about how everywhere I go people basically think I'm annoying, you know what I mean? So when I'm stressed out by this guy, it makes me think to all the people who I actually don't get along with, so I sort of give myself this irrational line of bullshit thought that tells me that I just don't get along with people in general. Because while it's true that a lot of times I just don't relate to people and I tend to get on people's nerves, I wasn't feeling that way until this other stuff happened.

The Flood / Re: ;)
« on: February 18, 2016, 03:06:47 PM »
If that's you, a hope you sniff a bee and it stings your brain
this is me

The Flood / ;)
« on: February 18, 2016, 01:48:57 PM »

The Flood / Re: What do you think of my about me on my dating profile?
« on: February 16, 2016, 06:37:37 PM »
You sound pretty psycho tbh, I'd still hit it.

The Flood / Re: What do you think of my about me on my dating profile?
« on: February 16, 2016, 05:57:03 PM »
I tried reading it, but I got bored
No one cares about you anyways.
I mean, at least you tried being catty.
I will cut you bitch.

The Flood / Re: What do you think of my about me on my dating profile?
« on: February 16, 2016, 05:52:38 PM »
I tried reading it, but I got bored
No one cares about you anyways.

The Flood / I feel like I'm going to fucking snap and lose my mind
« on: February 16, 2016, 05:02:21 PM »
Seriously, the anxiety and loneliness are really just too much today. I worry that I'm going to just lose my fucking mind.

The Flood / Re: What do you think of my about me on my dating profile?
« on: February 16, 2016, 03:35:06 PM »
Although now that I've actually read the whole thing.... I'll be blunt.

Sounds like you've got a stick up your ass. I mean the plus side is, you went in depth and specific, which'll help other folks when they look at your profile. But the only folks you're gonna attract with a post like that are other people with sticks up their asses.

Then again, maybe that's your thing. Good job loaf. 10/10

No sarcasm there. It's about as in depth as you could go.
Well thank you. It hasn't really worked so far. Two of the people I was most hoping to talk to visited my profile and didn't respond to my greeting. Sort of painful, but that's how she blows.

The Flood / Re: What do you think of my about me on my dating profile?
« on: February 16, 2016, 03:16:08 PM »
I wish I knew more people like you.
I miss bnet wyldfyre. are you the skinny furry from bnet for real?

I'm getting a death in june wrist watch for my birthday.
Where do I start with Death in June fam

also happy bday < 3
Well, it depends on if you like their more post punk stuff or their neofolk stuff. I personally found my first favorite death in june album to be the guilty have no pride. After that there's a few more good post punky albums, like the world that summer and nada. I think that brown book is when they start getting more folky. Rose clouds of holocaust, but what ends when the symbols shatter are their pure neofolk (which they're most known for), then all pigs much die which is neofolk with more industrial added into the mix (one of my favorite albums of theirs). After that I dunno what to describe their stuff. There's more acclaimed stuff, but I never really clicked with wall of sacrifice. I think I remember take care and control being pretty good too.
I think I might just start with What Ends... since that's the most popular one.
It may be difficult if you do that, you may be put off because it's so simplistic. If that happens, try something else. They're so fucking diverse. Nada is super solid too, which is also more post punky.

I'm getting a death in june wrist watch for my birthday.
Where do I start with Death in June fam

also happy bday < 3
Well, it depends on if you like their more post punk stuff or their neofolk stuff. I personally found my first favorite death in june album to be the guilty have no pride. After that there's a few more good post punky albums, like the world that summer and nada. I think that brown book is when they start getting more folky. Rose clouds of holocaust, but what ends when the symbols shatter are their pure neofolk (which they're most known for), then all pigs much die which is neofolk with more industrial added into the mix (one of my favorite albums of theirs). After that I dunno what to describe their stuff. There's more acclaimed stuff, but I never really clicked with wall of sacrifice. I think I remember take care and control being pretty good too.

I'm getting a death in june wrist watch for my birthday.

Imprecation is so fucking suck.
I was gunna listen to this shit cus I hear them thrown around a lot along with Profanatica.
Theurgia Goetia Summa is a masterpiece. It's just fucking sadistic sounding. It sounds a little like infester too.

Imprecation is so fucking suck.

The Flood / Re: Do you have a moment to talk about femboy santa?
« on: February 04, 2016, 05:47:00 PM »

Anime people aren't attractive.
Then you have no choice but to cosplay as the picture I posted in the OP.
No, I'm too weird looking.
Plus I have a better costume in mind.
That works too. Just make sure you post it here.
I will around Halloween
Post it now please, and not the one where you're covered in toilet paper. Something more revealing.

The Flood / Re: Do you have a moment to talk about femboy santa?
« on: February 04, 2016, 05:32:16 PM »

Anime people aren't attractive.
Then you have no choice but to cosplay as the picture I posted in the OP.
No, I'm too weird looking.
Plus I have a better costume in mind.
That works too. Just make sure you post it here.

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