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Messages - Loaf

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are you proud of me yet, jim
are you aware of a man named ian curtis?

yeah, what about him
lmao and you still like new order.

The Flood / Hi, sharing my blog with yall
« on: February 22, 2016, 07:29:24 PM »
So, I wanted to try to see what happens if I write something when I’m not feeling necessarily depressed and have nothing currently triggering anxiety. If it seems a little self indulgent to be writing about myself so much, I don’t think it is. I’m not presuming that anyone who happens to come across my little personal blog would think that, but it’s possible I guess. I personally think that I couldn’t even begin to express why I feel it’s important to me. If anything I feel that it gives me a feeling of freedom, so I can express whatever I want, or maybe feel as though I’m not as alone if people recognize what I say.

Last night was sort of creepy for me, I ended up going to bed feeling absolutely terrified. Sometimes it feels like the parts of my brain responsible for connecting to reality are falling apart. I’ve gone over this before in a recent post about anxiety, so to avoid getting redundant I’ll just skip the explanation of why I believe this happens. What may have triggered it is what I suppose I could call death anxiety or existentialism. I spent a lot of time yesterday just trying to come to terms with an interpretation of the universe (as if I could be any less vague). Basically, I was asking myself a lot how I could be okay with meaninglessness and the pervasive theme in my thoughts, was why do I feel upset with there being no purpose? Why can’t I just be happy existing, why does meaninglessness have to be “bad”?

I sometimes think I get carried away in presumptuous thinking over that, I was thinking “maybe it could be that society instilled such deep ills in my mind, that I’m trying to deprogram myself”. Sure, it could be, but I really don’t know for certain and without a real explanation, I’m just scapegoating to make myself feel better. Regardless though, when I get anxiety like I did yesterday, it feel as though I fear my perception of reality itself will start to crumble. When I’m in this state of mind, I have to be careful. I’m not entirely awake in the rational part of my brain, so I will get extremely easily frightened. Some such instances of this are being more afraid of the dark when I’m tired, or seeing my own hand move in the corner of my eye, scaring me and making me think something else is there. I’ve even had very minor hallucinations when I was having anxiety in the past (i.e. sitting at a bar and staring at some bottles, then briefly seeing them shake as if there was an earthquake).

Before I go further, I want to state for the record that I am feeling better today. I slept fine last night, regardless of my anxiety going to sleep. Yesterday was just like any normal day for me. Secluded, dark with the curtains drawn, I drank a lot of decaf coffee and herbal tea. I pretty much avoided talking to anyone, I need time to myself to just listen to music, contemplate things, follow my curiosities online. I listened to an amazing death metal album when I woke up called Le Dernier Crépuscule for the sixth time in the past few days, which that alone makes me want to write a multi paragraph review, I’m subduing the urge to just write it right here (I actually did start writing it but then I decided not to digress so much). I listened to pharmakon, white suns, and kevin drumm as well. In retrospect, maybe I could have been focusing on lighter things, the thought of thinking about lighter things annoyed me at the time though.

Theorizing about existence isn’t necessarily something you can simply do, I don’t think. Whatever I think seems so subjective sometimes, I often feel that I don’t know how I could relate what I’m thinking into words. It’s also difficult for me to relay, because at the moment I’m not experiencing the conundrum which triggers my anxiety. I feel more at peace today, there’s no muse for me to argue with and try to grapple for explanations over. Perhaps my mind was getting through it, just as your body fights off a cold, or how you feel better after you cry or vomit, perhaps I worked out some of the issues that were troubling me subconsciously when I was asleep.

I feel hesitant to try to face my fears in writing right now, of the existential thoughts. If I write something and can’t resolve what I say in the writing, it will leave my mind with unanswered questions, which I will then go on to mull over until I once again purge myself of them and feel relaxed. I often feel as though I have to avoid thinking about certain things, in order to keep myself from falling into the downward spiral of thoughts. If I see republican candidates on facebook, I will often hide the posts, because believe me, I have thought enough about them, they make my fucking skin crawl and make me feel absolutely sick to the core. Not out of hate, mind you. I feel this way because I feel it sparks a passion inside of me, that just wants the world to be a better place. I don’t care if this sounds dull to say, I am an extremely sensitive person. Thinking about these things brings back the muse and leaves me grappling.

I read a quote by William S. Burroughs on genesis p-orridge’s facebook, which said that if you wait then most questions will answer themselves. I haven’t read much of his work, I tried reading The Wild Boys today. This segways me into something else I’ve wanted to mention, which is that I’ve been trying to get into reading lately. Reading anything which I am not entirely enthusiastic about reading has always been difficult for me. If I am enthusiastic about reading something, I can read it much faster and I’ll pick up a lot more. I tried reading The Wild Boys today, but I couldn’t really make it past the first page. First of all, William S. Burroughs seems like an interesting guy, but I don’t really know why I should read him besides the fact that a lot of people seem to make a big deal over him. I’ll try again, I have a lot of books on my kindle (sorry if that offends some people who are into hard copies. When I’m older and not broke and have space, I’ll get book shelves and get all this expensive shit to take up space. Until then I’ll just put like 90 books on my kindle).

I’ve read a few books in the past month, I meant to read more but I’ve not been entirely as enthusiastic about it and I can’t for myself. I read In The Miso Soup, The Wasp Factory, Story of the Eye, and The Metamorphosis. I hated the metamorphosis, simply because it was depressing. In The Miso Soup was a fascinating psychological look at the mind of a serial killer, with lots of suspense and mind games. I actually lost sleep from anxiety one night because of how creepy that book got. The Wasp Factory was my favorite, it was a surreal story, it really unfolded in a way that just kept getting weirder and weirder. Story of the Eye was actually one of the most relaxing books I ever read, I felt as though the weight of the world was lifted from me when I was reading it. It’s just an incredibly perverse book, which I suppose was written by a philosopher to transgress against society’s values (this post just became something that would be awkward to share with my parents LOL).

So, I don’t think I should just let go of the things that bother me at all, if I did that then I wouldn’t be as thoughtful or as deep thinking of a person as I am right now (if you would feel honest to call me a deep thinking person). It’s funny to me, how I just came across that Burroughs quote on facebook, with just a random passing glance at my facebook feed, yet it makes so much sense to me. I guess that good things can occur at any time, and it’s often only a matter of time before you come across significance. Sometimes things with great significance aren’t presented to you on a gold plate or forced into your face, they’re found by chance. It could be your favorite album of all time, or a really good quote, it’s out there somewhere waiting for you. I hope you found something interesting in my blog, feel free to message me with your thoughts!


are you proud of me yet, jim
are you aware of a man named ian curtis?

fuck the police lol
it's shrodinger! I never saw that anime but I love that character, I watched a couple clips with him on youtube.

Dude I can't believe you didn't like as heaven turns to ash by warhorse, it's a fucking sick doom metal album.

Holy fuck I'm not prepared for this


lmao what the hell is this

The Flood / Re: Pissing your pants for fun
« on: February 21, 2016, 01:07:00 PM »
I hope you are kidding about just pissing yourself for the hell of it.  If that's true, then you truly are a failed abortion.
Some find it sexually exciting and hot.
Then those some are fucking retarded.
The poetic irony is amazing.

So that fucking cheese that I mentioned this morning, which tasted so fucking awful, I took it out of my sweet potato and decided to try it in an omelette. Honestly, I could barely even swallow this cheese. So I ended up just putting the kale and broccoli filled omelette back on the grill and just trying to bake the fuck out of it. I added fucking a shit load of chili powder, a shit load of black pepper, a shit load of cumin, even some cloves and a dash of salt. It would not fucking hide the taste of this fucking cheese. I swear to god I am an adventurous as fuck eater, but this cheese is just not edible.

The Flood / Re: Pissing your pants for fun
« on: February 21, 2016, 12:51:19 PM »
I hope you are kidding about just pissing yourself for the hell of it.  If that's true, then you truly are a failed abortion.
Some find it sexually exciting and hot.

The Flood / The problem of wanting to put things down your throat all day
« on: February 21, 2016, 12:19:58 PM »
Okay so I usually alleviate this problem with just drinking a ton of coffee and tea, because obviously I can't just eat food all day, you know what I mean? But like, after a while it starts to feel like, don't you just wish you could just constantly have something to suck on and stuff? Like, I wish that smoking were healthy, because I just wish that I could suck on a cigarette all day. I feel like it helps with concentration to have something like that to focus on, you know what I mean? I used to buy so many fucking packs of chewing gum, just so I could chew endless pieces. I wish they would legalize marijuana so I could vaporize that all day (vaporizing isn't the same as smoking, there's no smoke or burning). That sounds like it would be amazing.

Yo man, have you been playing vinyl records or something? Your is barren.
I just buy CDs and listen on Youtube/Spotify now. I feel like it's a hassle to keep up with my links, and I hate the new layout so I'm kind of over it.
That's legit man. I buy records a lot now a days too. Vinyl pisses me off though to be honest. For one I don't like how I have absolutely 0 space in my apartment to put them anywhere, unless I just wanna like put them in weird ass places like in drawers or on my open television shelf. Like, basically there's nowhere to put them that's a proper place for vinyl. The only place I have is on top of my bedroom book shelf which is filled with clothes and dolls and my christian death only theater of pain vinyl overlooks my bed. Not to mention how vinyl records are looked at more like an investment, and they also deteriorate over time more than CDs. CDs are awesome. They all just fit in my glass window book case, I don't have to worry about them and they don't take up that much space / SLASH FUCKING RANT

Not to mention how fucking expensive vinyl is. I want to buy this Theo Hilton, Toby Foster, and Ryan Woods LP from bandcamp because it's only like 10 bucks, but I figure what am I gonna do with another vinyl record?

And then there's cassettes. What the hell am I supposed to do with cassettes?

Yo man, have you been playing vinyl records or something? Your is barren.

The Flood / Re: incense are so fucking relaxing
« on: February 21, 2016, 11:57:24 AM »
lick a wiener lofe

The Flood / incense are so fucking relaxing
« on: February 21, 2016, 11:50:15 AM »
so I just burned a satya incense stick. I swear, it gives your head a feeling like it's warm and fuzzy. I'm a little worried about the smoke and stuff, I don't want to get all that bad stuff in my lungs. I swear though, after I burned the whole stick I remember just feeling sorta high afterwards. It's cool stuff.

Yo, Loaf, you like Type O Negative?

I love Carnivore, but never got into Type O, but I'm thinking about trying Bloody Kisses out again.
I always thought type o negative was for pussies after I listened to carnivore. I listened to carnivore and I felt like drunk with aggression. Then I listen to type o negative and I'm like hold on, where's the grit? Where's the atmosphere of the dirty streets of new york? Nah man, type o negative is okay but they don't have my official seal of approval.

I'm listening to chthe'ist again for like the fifth time.

yeah, no. have fun drinking mountain dew and eating doritos OP.

The Flood / Re: Pissing your pants for fun
« on: February 21, 2016, 09:23:40 AM »
Have you ever done this before? I've done it before out of sheer boredom.
That's hot af. Yes I have.

IMO, children shouldn't be allowed on the internet, period.
I agree so much. Kids should be growing up in healthy environments, kids these days are being raised on computers. 3 year olds have a tablet in their hand before they can even read. They should be going out and having fun, not sitting around staring at a fucking screen like I do all the time. I remember when I was a kid, I would go over to people's houses, build forts, go play with pretend guns we'd make ourselves in the park. That's what being a kid is about, not learning about fucking bdsm on google and looking at memes all day.
I'm not coming from the perspective that "kids should be kids", but moreso that the internet just isn't an appropriate place for them, both for their sake and everyone else's. Some of the most annoying people I've ever come across on the internet are under 18, and most of those under 16.

I'm sick of fucking stupid parents pushing our Government to restrict the internet more and more because they can't raise their wombspawn properly. Like, the child is the parent's responsibility, not the Goverment's or ours. Do your fucking duty as a parent instead of blaming everyone else when you/they fuck up.
I think so, but I do believe that the internet isn't a great place for someone to spend time in general anyways. I feel strongly that children should just enjoy their childhood, but yeah parents really need to take responsibility for their kids. It's depressing to me when I hear kids come on counterstrike or halo or call of duty or something. They're just shit talkers who are mimmicking all the people around them and it's really sad.

IMO, children shouldn't be allowed on the internet, period.
I agree so much. Kids should be growing up in healthy environments, kids these days are being raised on computers. 3 year olds have a tablet in their hand before they can even read. They should be going out and having fun, not sitting around staring at a fucking screen like I do all the time. I remember when I was a kid, I would go over to people's houses, build forts, go play with pretend guns we'd make ourselves in the park. That's what being a kid is about, not learning about fucking bdsm on google and looking at memes all day.

The Flood / Re: I just tried the most disgusting cheese I have ever tasted
« on: February 21, 2016, 08:21:34 AM »
I thought you ate healthy? Cheese is terrible for you.
besides being a nutrient dense source of food, I eat one large slice of it on my sweet potato every morning, which sums up to about a whole brick of cheese per week. You really have no ethos with me either, because you're not a nutritionist and you're annoying me, so there. Cheese is not bad for you.

Enjoy all that sodium and saturated fat
Get the fuck out of here you dumb cunt, my diet is 10x as healthy as yours and you know it.

The Flood / Re: I just tried the most disgusting cheese I have ever tasted
« on: February 21, 2016, 08:04:45 AM »
I thought you ate healthy? Cheese is terrible for you.
besides being a nutrient dense source of food, I eat one large slice of it on my sweet potato every morning, which sums up to about a whole brick of cheese per week. You really have no ethos with me either, because you're not a nutritionist and you're annoying me, so there. Cheese is not bad for you.


The Flood / Re: Draw each others avatars thread? (I am really bored)
« on: February 21, 2016, 07:38:14 AM »


On steam I'm in this fetish chat room. The thing about this fetish is that it could partially be not a fetish, but pretty much everyone who comes into the chat room is into erp and bdsm. So, I was arguing that they should absolutely exclude people from the chat room. They argue that some 13 year olds are more mature than me, plus they're already educated about fetishes and stuff, so it's not like we're teaching them. It's so fucking annoying, it makes me uncomfortable that I have to be in a chat room where people talk about bdsm and kinks, yet there's fucking kids allowed in the chat room. Does that not fucking piss you off?

The Flood / I just tried the most disgusting cheese I have ever tasted
« on: February 21, 2016, 05:50:46 AM »
Okay so like, this is even stronger than blue cheese, but has a way different flavor. Instead of being sharp, this has that sort of old corpse flavor, Like honestly, I took one bite of this and the inside of my mouth just tasted foul. The cheese is called Vacherin Fribourg Veeler. It's just some cheese I grabbed off the cheese rack in the specialty cheese isle at the grocery store. The woman there, I guess did do me a favor, by giving me exactly what I asked for (a very strong cheese which also melts well). Well she gave me a strong cheese, it's just that this tastes what I imagine dead people taste like.

The Flood / I got all this incent shit on my hands and now they smell
« on: February 20, 2016, 10:17:16 PM »
Incents, you know, the shit you burn? Well, I opened up a new package of them, I realized there was all this powder on them, so I stupidly dumped them all out onto a paper towel, but all the powder and shit was all dumped out. So, being the unthinking giant vegetable that I am, I poured the powder off the paper towel into my hand and back into the little tissue paper holder the incents go into. So like, now I'm totally fucked and I hope I'm not sick of this smell by the next time I go to burn these things LMAO!!!

The Flood / Re: What requirements would it take for you to date someone?
« on: February 20, 2016, 09:39:39 PM »
That's some pretty low standards for an individual like you tbh fam.

anyone who could put up with my shit tbh

Sometimes it's better to have someone who might not have the same interests. Gets you to try new things, gets you out of your comfort zone (I know I'm the last person that should be making this claim).

Because like, beyond being able to have a civil conversation, isn't there certain interests you should share with a person you date?

OT: I dunno, over the years my biggest requirement basically boiled down to: No fatties and I feel I was being reasonable in bending the curve as to what counted as "overweight" considering the fact I myself am not really fat, I certainly ain't not body builder either. However, recent events in the last two and a half months or so has scrambled my viewpoint like eggs over what I want/look for in a partner, so I guess in reference to my previous comment about getting out of your comfort zone, I feel I'm being thrown out the window by force (not that in this situation it's a bad thing).
Yeah I hear you, I just don't think you really know what you're saying when you say I have low standards lol. There's been like so many guys who message me on okcupid, I reject them all. I even went out to lunch with 2 and almost went out to lunch with another one, they just weren't on par what so ever. I just completely ignore a shit load of messages on okcupid because I look at their profile and they don't look like the material at all.

The Flood / Re: What requirements would it take for you to date someone?
« on: February 20, 2016, 09:18:21 PM »
I'm pretty low maintenance here. If someone liked me and weren't too psychologically damaged or physically grotesque then I could date them.
I totally hear you about psychological damage. Psychologically damaged people can be some of the sweetest people, but also way more trouble than they're worth though, I'm sorry to say. It's really just a matter of not being able to handle someone with extreme psychological issues, it can become too much of a strain on yourself to make anything worth while.

The Flood / What requirements would it take for you to date someone?
« on: February 20, 2016, 09:09:22 PM »
So, I have been talking with this person from okcupid, it's nothing serious. We've just been talking on skype a bit. They're a genderqueer person, very sweet and intelligent and nice to talk to. The thing is, idk like if I could ever date someone who doesn't have certain things in common. They're not very into art or artistic, they don't really have any interest in heavy music at all. I dunno if I could date someone if they weren't into heavy music like metal or industrial or something.

Because like, beyond being able to have a civil conversation, isn't there certain interests you should share with a person you date? This is all just hypothetical, for when I find someone I want to date. I was thinking that if I can't like, go to concerts with them and share a common deep interest in art, I dunno what we could possibly do. You know what I mean? Also healthy eating, that seems like something that I would have to have in common with someone too. I mean, it's just my lifestyle, I'm incredibly strict with what I eat.

But yeah, we talked on skype for like 5 hours today about just stuff.

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