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Messages - Loaf

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Jamming to Dystopia, Discharge and fucking Bach this week.

What a combo.

Loaf, I know you already know this, but Dystopia fucking slays. I challenge anyone to find me a band that reeks of misanthropy like Dystopia does.
Total Abuse - Excluded

One of the best records I've ever heard and it came out this year or last year I think.

Rectal Hygienics - Even The Flies Won't Touch You

Gay Kiss - Fault

Anything by the band Sexdrome

This is the kind of shit I listen to mostly these days, it all delivers this vibe, all of it is amazing.

this shit is awesome. It's a track from an unknown artist off a posh isolation various artist compilation


Also try Beketh Nexehmu's first LP.
I'm telling ya jim, check these out.

Jim could you imagine the music we could write?
National Socialist Twink Metal
LOL that's gay dude I'm straight.

Jim could you imagine the music we could write?

Thought I'd revisit satan worshipping doom. Not disappointed. I never did get it on vinyl, only CD.

Jamming to Dystopia, Discharge and fucking Bach this week.

What a combo.

Loaf, I know you already know this, but Dystopia fucking slays. I challenge anyone to find me a band that reeks of misanthropy like Dystopia does.
Total Abuse - Excluded

One of the best records I've ever heard and it came out this year or last year I think.

Rectal Hygienics - Even The Flies Won't Touch You

Gay Kiss - Fault

Anything by the band Sexdrome

This is the kind of shit I listen to mostly these days, it all delivers this vibe, all of it is amazing.

this shit is awesome. It's a track from an unknown artist off a posh isolation various artist compilation


Also try Beketh Nexehmu's first LP.
What the fuck is that Untitled shit? Sounds pretty rad but it's like Black Metal vocals but Emo instrumentation, only not in the fucking poser gay way.
IDk it sounds like post punk to me, not emo.

Jamming to Dystopia, Discharge and fucking Bach this week.

What a combo.

Loaf, I know you already know this, but Dystopia fucking slays. I challenge anyone to find me a band that reeks of misanthropy like Dystopia does.
Total Abuse - Excluded

One of the best records I've ever heard and it came out this year or last year I think.

Rectal Hygienics - Even The Flies Won't Touch You

Gay Kiss - Fault

Anything by the band Sexdrome

This is the kind of shit I listen to mostly these days, it all delivers this vibe, all of it is amazing.

this shit is awesome. It's a track from an unknown artist off a posh isolation various artist compilation


Also try Beketh Nexehmu's first LP.

I don't really feel like anyone who's not desperate and miserable deserves it. I just wish that everyone was.

Serious / Re: Is it wrong to be prejudice towards prejudice bigots?
« on: March 21, 2016, 06:40:13 AM »

The Flood / I feel so embarrassed to be alive
« on: March 20, 2016, 09:49:26 PM »
God I just feel sick that I was ever born.

The Flood / What do you think of this website?
« on: March 20, 2016, 08:34:46 PM »

and the little girl is like "I don't want to be brown it's an ugly color" so the mom takes the little girl aside and says "baby you are beautiful and there's a lot of girls that wish they could be your color"

Get it? I'm so sorry? Like I'm so sorry you have a retarded relative?

retarded, just tell them "I'm so sorry".

Serious / Re: Is it wrong to be prejudice towards prejudice bigots?
« on: March 18, 2016, 06:52:03 PM »
I often find myself wishing I could punch republicans in the face

The edge is real.

Why are liberals always so violent?

Who knows. One stole the Trump sign off my front lawn yesterday. Fucking morons.
LMAO. I wanna know who did that, we'd probably make good friends.

The Flood / Re: I just went on the worst date ever
« on: March 17, 2016, 01:26:58 PM »
YEah and I'm gonna lay out these rules and be very clear to them about it.

Jimmy, listen to adramalech on good speakers. The album sounds amazing that way.

The Flood / Re: I just went on the worst date ever
« on: March 17, 2016, 01:01:50 PM »
This is why you don't do online dating faggot
you have no idea. I'm gonna exercise so much caution next time. I'm gonna not give them any of my contact information, we're gonna meet up in a public location and I'm not gonna give them where I live.

The Flood / I just went on the worst date ever
« on: March 17, 2016, 09:04:19 AM »

The Flood / Re: please try to help me be a better person
« on: March 16, 2016, 08:22:49 AM »
I imagine you being the quiet kid who sits alone at lunch shit talking people under your breath as they walk by
that's me LOL

sometimes when I'm just walking around at the grocery store I will briefly glance at people and just scream the most awful stuff imaginable at them in my head. On the surface I show nothing though.

The Flood / please try to help me be a better person
« on: March 16, 2016, 06:43:33 AM »
How do you not hide the fact that you're a complete asshole, but at the same time not make everyone around you hate you? Because here's the thing, I am an aggressive, negative person. So I have to try to act nice around others, because if you don't wear a smile then people will ask what's wrong and they'll get upset. So I have to try to fake being a nice positive person, even though I'm not, I'm afraid that literally every single person in the world will dislike me. I'm so afraid to let anyone talk to me, because I just feel like everyone's gonna hate me anyways. I hate myself, I don't even care enough to try to hide that, I don't care about preserving my "image". Often times I don't even pretend to be nice, people dislike me anyways, lose/lose.

Serious / Re: Is it wrong to be prejudice towards prejudice bigots?
« on: March 16, 2016, 04:20:52 AM »
I was gonna say that it looks like someone is throwing buzzwords like around prejudice and bigots, but then I saw it was Loaf. 
Also, do you really want to punch me in the face?
no I don't want to punch you in the face, but there's certainly republicans who I do sometimes. also feminists who I want to punch in the face.

Serious / Re: Is it wrong to be prejudice towards prejudice bigots?
« on: March 15, 2016, 07:38:33 PM »
I mean people who get upset at others for having prejudice points of view. I often find myself wishing I could punch republicans in the face.
Is it common for Republicans to get upset at others' prejudices? I'm not really sure what you're asking. But yes, it is generally wrong to feel violent due to someone else's views.
I mean like liberals who get upset at conservatives.

Serious / Is it wrong to be prejudice towards prejudice bigots?
« on: March 15, 2016, 02:56:43 PM »
So, I'm sure most of us have seen someone or felt the urge to say they want to punch someone else in the face, based on their political views. I'm not talking specifically about people who have prejudice views, I mean people who get upset at others for having prejudice points of view. I often find myself wishing I could punch republicans in the face. Is it wrong to feel this way though? Is there any reason that our sense of injustice would give us these feelings of hatred towards others? It seems unavoidable, because that's naturally the route some people's minds take.

Dude I wanna be a classical elitist too. I am gonna post a big picture of my recently purchased albums collection, once I get the last 4 coming in the mail.

All dogs should go to heaven
every like a dog goes to heaven, every share 10 dogs go to heaven.

Serious / Re: Your thoughts on something I wrote?
« on: March 14, 2016, 01:09:43 PM »
There's some truth to what you're saying but I don't really understand your point. I'm guessing this is a Facebook post or something? You meander quite a bit in your writing to the point where you'll lose your more target readers, especially with talk about being worse than serial killers and such.
I guess that point of what I'm saying could be taken as just edgy. Honestly though, I really never felt any hatred or disgust towards most people who commit your average crime. So what I'm saying is very honest, that really is how I feel and I'm not trying to skew how I actually think to appease the sensibilities of the reader. So take it or leave it, I'm just being honest.

Really though, since this is not the first time someone has replied to me like you have, I guess it's sort of beside the point, but I'll explain; I do not believe in rape and murder. In order to live in a safe society, we need to be at peace with each other. It's such a simple thing, but I guess that point really could get lost on the reader. Sometimes though, I just want the reader to ask themselves challenging questions, like why I would say such a thing. I like to challenge the people I write to a fuck of a lot more than they usually realize.

Serious / Re: Your thoughts on something I wrote?
« on: March 14, 2016, 01:05:11 PM »
You're not wrong about the paradox. You're falling victim to same generalizing shades of black and white as the people you're speaking against for supposedly generalizing in shades of black and white.
I believe I look at these things deeper than most people. I don't know what you're referring to when you say I generalize these sorts of things. Maybe in relation to how I view people, I do tend to have a very cynical viewpoint. I was really tired last night and my glute muscle is damaged right now, so while I still believe in the point I was making, I may be being too cynical of people in general. I really hope that I am, because I generally do not feel very positively towards other people.

I have spoken.

Serious / Your thoughts on something I wrote?
« on: March 14, 2016, 10:09:45 AM »
I wonder if people really have the capacity to care about one another. Part of me wonders if what I’m about to write is creating a paradox in my own head, but if that’s what this reveals then I’ll leave that up for you to decide.

I was thinking about my immense sympathy for the mentally disturbed, the people who do things that are considered wrong in the eyes of others. Whether it be the things which people consider taboo, or whether the things that people do really harm another individual.

I was thinking about the self righteousness that people feel, over other people who they perceive to be less respectable than them. People feel that it’s good to hate the bad guy, love the good guy, condemn those who do harm to others. That to me seems so flawed, such a damaging and skewed way of thinking, I can’t even begin to describe how it troubles me.

You see it in religions, good vs evil, the ultimate archetype of bad, the fictional character satan. I have so much respect for satan, but that’s beside the point. Looking at people as simply good and bad, it’s so clear as day to me, I feel it in the core of my being; that is a flawed way of thinking, which I believe is the root of human ignorance and prejudice.

Put simply, if you don’t understand the reason behind the way a person acts, yet you only condemn their bad deeds, you basically take blind onus in those who are perceived to be right and never understand those who you believe are wrong. This sort of thinking is wrong for so many reasons, but I feel like if why this troubles me is already lost on you, there may be no reason to even list the reasons in the first place.

I wonder what gives people such a myopic perspective. What takes away the compassion for others, gives people that bug eyed self righteous glazed look. When we encounter people who we have a distaste for, we’re shocked, we’re offended. This is the nature of human beings. Human beings stone, throw tomatoes, we have innate feelings like cringing at other human beings. I believe we’re an inherently selfish race of people.

That is part of what i believe causes the problem. Human beings have an innate fight or flight response inside of them. Some human beings are unable to face the things that frighten them right in the face, they feel uncomfortable and afraid. To me, that cowardice and prejudice and ignorance is more disgusting than any crime committed by a serial killer, or any rapist, or any of the weirdest, most outcast people in all of the world.

People simply being people, there shouldn’t be a bunch of people with picket signs protesting human nature. I guess I should add that I don’t believe it’s okay to rape and murder. because in order to live in a safe society we need to be at peace. That’s sort of beside the point of what I’m saying, but I don’t want misjudgments

The Flood / I literally took like 3 huge shits yesterday
« on: March 11, 2016, 12:47:13 PM »
I eat so many vegetables, I buy them in bulk sizes all mixed up and chopped. I throw them in the frying pan and make giant egg white vegetable omelettes, make sandwiches out of them, eat 2 pounds of shiitake mushrooms a week and oatmeal and sweet potato and garlic and avocado etc.

Are you jealous?

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