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Messages - Loaf

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Serious / Just some thoughts i wrote about rape.
« on: June 28, 2016, 06:09:42 PM »
You know, I know what I'm about to bring up is stupid and not related to Brexit or whatever and is probably a waste of time, but I can't stand that fucking "rape culture" thing the feminists are always going on about. I mean, yeah, I have a tendency to get caught in arguments because I guess I just get bored and like to have something to worry about to make me feel like my life (or anyone else's life for that matter) means a shit, but it's just... I don't care when people get raped as much as when someone is religious and trying to pass religious laws, or say some bullshit religious stuff. Rape is just something that happens like meteors and lightning strikes, there's something different about the mind of a rapist than a "normal" human mind, because as a reflection of the chaotic order of the universe, there happens to be some people who will come and hit you like a bolt of lightning because that's just the sort of world we live in. Doesn't mean that I enjoy that that happens, or that I think that it's okay, but I actually have more sympathy for someone who does something like that, because at least I know that there's probably something fundamentally different about their brain, and people don't even know about that or care and they just wanna go and say that rapists are the problem and we need to teach society not to rape.

You wanna teach people to give a shit about whether or not they rape someone? That doesn't work, society is filled with vicious fucks who don't care, and you know who is really like that? Religious people, with their self righteousness and the fact that their minds are probably even more fucked up. But no one gives a fuck about that, people think that religious people are just a totally cool normal part of our society, NO. I mean, this is just me shouting at the empty void wishing that there was some element of power that could shift in the side of good, like an actual fucking good guy, but religion is a horrible illogical stupid concept that's perpetuated because people's minds are not capable of intelligent thinking. Yet some how, when I look at these people who are rapists and I don't see the epitome of evil, I see them for what they really are which is just a bunch of people who have much different ways of thinking and probably different biology from me, I get called a fucking rape apologist. What the fuck am I apologizing for? People are fucking morons and they can't realize jack fucking shit about this planet, which is why I fucking fantasize about suicide all the time and am always muttering under my breath "I can't fucking wait to die". PS I don't actually wanna die, because I wanna live for 1000 years and watch religion finally die out.

Then you get people trying to say that rapists are evil. WHAT THE FUCK IS "EVIL"? Can you explain that concept using science? NOOOOO. If you can't explain it with science, then it's not a part of our fucking universe. Everything in our universe exists on some sort of scientific level, because we observe absolutely everything in the universe with science. The reason that evil doesn't exist is because there's no level of importance in our universe, if an astroid came and wiped out our entire fucking planet, 0 fucks would be given, because no one would be around to give those fucks, because we'd all be dead! HAH! I say fucking good riddance, to this stupid fucking planet of empty headed simpletons, of which I am one of the sole bastions of intelligence and wisdom. FUCK EM! So sick of being one of the only smart people on this entire planet, it's like a fucking god send when I see anyone who can see the world intelligently, there's people who far surpass my intelligence and I fucking ENVY THEM. Soooooooo yeah fuck the human race, and yay rape, go rape that mother fucking cunt, bitch was probably a stupid feminist cunt anyways.

The Flood / Re: Just some thoughts i wrote about rape.
« on: June 28, 2016, 06:08:41 PM »
You're really obsessed with this topic
I tend to stick with ideas until I've mastered them, like most geniuses. This one is still on my mind, I haven't stopped thinking about it like the rest of america that just forgets about every event as soon as the next one happens.

The Flood / Just some thoughts i wrote about rape.
« on: June 28, 2016, 06:05:33 PM »
You know, I know what I'm about to bring up is stupid and not related to Brexit or whatever and is probably a waste of time, but I can't stand that fucking "rape culture" thing the feminists are always going on about. I mean, yeah, I have a tendency to get caught in arguments because I guess I just get bored and like to have something to worry about to make me feel like my life (or anyone else's life for that matter) means a shit, but it's just... I don't care when people get raped as much as when someone is religious and trying to pass religious laws, or say some bullshit religious stuff. Rape is just something that happens like meteors and lightning strikes, there's something different about the mind of a rapist than a "normal" human mind, because as a reflection of the chaotic order of the universe, there happens to be some people who will come and hit you like a bolt of lightning because that's just the sort of world we live in. Doesn't mean that I enjoy that that happens, or that I think that it's okay, but I actually have more sympathy for someone who does something like that, because at least I know that there's probably something fundamentally different about their brain, and people don't even know about that or care and they just wanna go and say that rapists are the problem and we need to teach society not to rape.

You wanna teach people to give a shit about whether or not they rape someone? That doesn't work, society is filled with vicious fucks who don't care, and you know who is really like that? Religious people, with their self righteousness and the fact that their minds are probably even more fucked up. But no one gives a fuck about that, people think that religious people are just a totally cool normal part of our society, NO. I mean, this is just me shouting at the empty void wishing that there was some element of power that could shift in the side of good, like an actual fucking good guy, but religion is a horrible illogical stupid concept that's perpetuated because people's minds are not capable of intelligent thinking. Yet some how, when I look at these people who are rapists and I don't see the epitome of evil, I see them for what they really are which is just a bunch of people who have much different ways of thinking and probably different biology from me, I get called a fucking rape apologist. What the fuck am I apologizing for? People are fucking morons and they can't realize jack fucking shit about this planet, which is why I fucking fantasize about suicide all the time and am always muttering under my breath "I can't fucking wait to die". PS I don't actually wanna die, because I wanna live for 1000 years and watch religion finally die out.

Then you get people trying to say that rapists are evil. WHAT THE FUCK IS "EVIL"? Can you explain that concept using science? NOOOOO. If you can't explain it with science, then it's not a part of our fucking universe. Everything in our universe exists on some sort of scientific level, because we observe absolutely everything in the universe with science. The reason that evil doesn't exist is because there's no level of importance in our universe, if an astroid came and wiped out our entire fucking planet, 0 fucks would be given, because no one would be around to give those fucks, because we'd all be dead! HAH! I say fucking good riddance, to this stupid fucking planet of empty headed simpletons, of which I am one of the sole bastions of intelligence and wisdom. FUCK EM! So sick of being one of the only smart people on this entire planet, it's like a fucking god send when I see anyone who can see the world intelligently, there's people who far surpass my intelligence and I fucking ENVY THEM. Soooooooo yeah fuck the human race, and yay rape, go rape that mother fucking cunt, bitch was probably a stupid feminist cunt anyways.



The Flood / Does anyone remember inquisitor diana from
« on: June 26, 2016, 01:29:40 PM »
Man I miss her, she was awesome. Her big paragraph posts that she would make arguing against other people. I also really liked Lilith and Luna (the person who claimed to be a sex slave). I miss those people, but I know Wyldfyre was using this board a while ago, he's awesome and adorable. I like him too.

The Flood / Re: Why rape is good
« on: June 23, 2016, 05:21:22 PM »
But then it wouldn't be rape. The hallmark of rape is the lack of consent. If everyone is always consenting, then there's no rape. And where's the fun in that? I make a point to rape myself regularly.
Well the point is that it's a step in the right direction. World peace.

The Flood / Re: *hugs everyone*
« on: June 23, 2016, 01:52:26 PM »

The Flood / Why rape is good
« on: June 23, 2016, 01:51:20 PM »
Think about it. In an ideal society everyone would love each other and people would be allowed to have sex with whoever they want. Stop pushing back progress.

« on: June 20, 2016, 03:56:10 PM »
Why are my nipples hard? Nevermind fuck you I'm gonna google it.

The Flood / My comrades ☭
« on: June 12, 2016, 08:52:36 PM »
♫ through days dark and stormy when great lenon led us the light of the bright star of freedom above! and stalin our leader with faith in the people, inspired us to build a land that we love! LOOOOOONG LIVE OUR SOVIET MOTHER LAND, BUILT BY THE PEOPLE'S MIIIIIGHTY HAND! LONG LIVE HER PEOPLE UNITED AND FREEEEE, STROOOOOOONG IN OUR FRIENDSHIP TRIED BY FIRE, LOOOOOOONG MAY OUR CRIMSON FLAG INSPIRE! Shining in glory for alllll men to seeeeeee.♫♫


The Flood / Re: I really respect rapists.
« on: June 06, 2016, 08:03:39 PM »

The Flood / Re: I really respect rapists.
« on: June 06, 2016, 07:53:41 PM »
Fun fact.

Loaf has the same amount of pages for Posts AND Topics.
not true

The Flood / I really respect rapists.
« on: June 06, 2016, 07:45:20 PM »
Honestly, idk why but I just don't dislike rapists. Every time someone rapes someone I just think, yeah good, go fucking stick that bitch. Idk why, I just like rooting for the underdog. You know what I fucking hate though? I fucking hate religion. Idk why, you know what I mean? I'm just a bit of a weirdo.

The Flood / Re: I love president barack obama
« on: June 04, 2016, 11:24:59 AM »
Donald Trump is a demagogue who appeals to the lowest common denominator.

The Flood / Re: I love president barack obama
« on: June 04, 2016, 09:21:31 AM »
wow. okay whatever. casper please send me nude pictures of yourself.

The Flood / I love president barack obama
« on: June 04, 2016, 09:02:50 AM »
I honestly feel like he's done a lot of great things for this country, I think he makes a lot of excellent points whenever he's speaking too. He's an extremely smart person, I think Bernie would be a step above though. They're both great in their own way, I'm not saying there's really anything bad I can say about obama, I just think Bernie is a died in the wool progressive, who seems to be way way way way way ahead of his time.

The Flood / I dare you to click on this thread
« on: June 04, 2016, 09:00:30 AM »

The Flood / Re: this forum is utter garbage
« on: June 03, 2016, 03:08:45 PM »
yeah, this forum pretty much sucks. I agree.


Loaf that Polish untitled thing was rad, albeit it went on a little too long.

Total Abuse is pretty rad so far.
I've just been listening to a lot of classical music lately. My main focus hasn't been music though, lately my main focus has been reading. I just read the stranger by albert camus. I'm not quite sure what I want to read next. I do love that untitled track btw, it was part of a compilation album. It's probably limited to like 100 copies or something. It's annoying when I find a cool album and I find out that it's extremely limited and I'll never get a copy of it. That's what happened with this cool lo fi synth band called tollund men. It sold out on the very first day, like a month after I discovered it. I could only hear one track from it before someone finally leaked it like a month or two later.
Nice man. I'm gunna pick up some history books to get learned. Just finished Catch 22 and thought about starting Critique of Pure Reason.
dude holy fuck you are not reading Kant. That guy is supposed to be like, harder than Schopenhauer. I dunno what to read next. I have like, overwhelmed syndrome. I have a lot of novels I could possibly be reading next.

Blood Meridian by Cormac Mccarthy,
Do Androids Dream Of Electric Sheep by Philip K Dick,
Funeral Rites by Jean Genet,
Crime And Punishment by Dostoyevsky,
Hunger by Knut Hamson,
The Trial by Franz Kafka,
No Longer Human by Osamu Dazai,
Brave New World by Aldous Huxley,
Stoner by John Williams,
The Possibility of an Island by Michel Houellebecq
Neuromancer by William Gibson
Animal Farm by George Orwell
The Picture of Dorian Grey by Oscar Wilde
My War Gone By, I Miss It So by Anthony Loyd
Unbroken by Lauren Hillenbrand

And man, those are just the stories I bought. I bought philosophy books and books filled with poems, journal entries, philosophical essays.
Nausea by Sartre,
The World as Will and Representation by Schopenhauer,
The Myth of Sisyphus by Albert Camus,
The Book of Disquiet by Fernando Pessoa,
Thus Spoke Zarathustra by Nietzsche,
Collected Fictions by Jorhe Louis Borge,
The complete works of Edger Allan Poe,
Marque De Sade's 120 days of sodom,
Journey To The End of Night by Celine,
The Conspiracy Against The Human Race by Thomas Ligotti,
The complete works of Arthur Rimbaud,
The Passion According to G.H. by Clarice Lispector,
On The Heights of Despair by Emil Cioran,
The Problem With Being Born by Emil Cioran

That's a list of all the stuff that I've bought on paperback or hardcover lately. I've just wanted to surround myself with books. It's really something having a shelf filled with books, as opposed to having them on your kindle. I almost feel like I don't want to read a book until I have a physical copy of it. A lot of the non story books I have are pretty damn hard to read. I think Nausea will be readable. I like Cioran and Pessoa, I can probably read Camus and Poe and Rimbaud and Celine. I've picked some of those up and it's not that hard. Fucking Neizsche and Schopenhauer are way too difficult though, with ligoti I have to look up 5 new words per paragraph.

My parents gave me a few books too.
The Old Man At Sea by Ernest Hemingway (it fucking defies logic that there's not 2 Ms in his name)
Catch 22
In Cold Blood
Paradise Lost (vintage hard cover copy with illustrations by william blake)
Slaughterhouse 5

funny enough, I'm not sure I really want to tackle any of the story books I bought right now, because although they sound interesting as fuck and I want to get around to them eventually, I want to read something extremely fucked up and horrific. So I want to get the book the painted bird, or cows, or hog. I wish I could get Michael Gira's book The Consumer, but a copy is over 100 dollars. I'm just in the mood for something that's like the power electronics or old school death metal of literature.

Loaf that Polish untitled thing was rad, albeit it went on a little too long.

Total Abuse is pretty rad so far.
I've just been listening to a lot of classical music lately. My main focus hasn't been music though, lately my main focus has been reading. I just read the stranger by albert camus. I'm not quite sure what I want to read next. I do love that untitled track btw, it was part of a compilation album. It's probably limited to like 100 copies or something. It's annoying when I find a cool album and I find out that it's extremely limited and I'll never get a copy of it. That's what happened with this cool lo fi synth band called tollund men. It sold out on the very first day, like a month after I discovered it. I could only hear one track from it before someone finally leaked it like a month or two later.

The Flood / Re: hi
« on: May 17, 2016, 09:17:07 PM »
gtfo of here with your heteronormative bullshit.

The Flood / Re: hi
« on: May 17, 2016, 08:04:51 PM »
ugh that's so fucking hot

The Flood / Re: hi
« on: May 17, 2016, 08:02:16 PM »
Why don't you ever post outside of your own threads?
because the threads on this forum are boring bullshit.

The Flood / Re: hi
« on: May 17, 2016, 08:01:54 PM »
Im debating if I want to be a twink or a trap.  I might settle for emo twink
whoa. you gonna post pics of that on this forum? btw are you attracted to guys?

The Flood / hi
« on: May 17, 2016, 07:23:34 PM »
how's it going?

The Flood / Re: Obama Is Going To Pull Funding for NC Schools
« on: May 15, 2016, 02:34:04 PM »

The Flood / Re: A nigga knows
« on: May 13, 2016, 07:47:18 PM »
there can only be one.

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