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Messages - Loaf

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The Flood / Re: Recently read books?
« on: August 31, 2016, 02:57:04 PM »
did you ever end up getting around to the world as will and representation?
yeah, the very first page makes me fall asleep before I can get any further. I read some of his aphorisms though, "on women" is 10/10.

The Flood / Re: Recently read books?
« on: August 31, 2016, 02:11:37 PM »
holy fuck you guys are dumb

The Flood / Re: Should raping women be considered rape?
« on: August 31, 2016, 01:25:09 PM »
People calling it "rape" are actually just either women, or people being controlled by women, who are using their cunts to get what they want, to try to get more power over men. That's what women do is they try to manipulate people with their pussies.

« on: August 31, 2016, 12:39:02 PM »
I miss my old side bar. I just found it again and was looking at it, it was great

The Flood / Re: Not happy with the new Cirno plushie
« on: August 31, 2016, 09:29:09 AM »
>toho faggotry
I'm not really into touhou, I just think Cirno is cute. I am into vocaloid though.

The Flood / Not happy with the new Cirno plushie
« on: August 31, 2016, 09:18:41 AM »
There's a clear difference between the old one that was available, and the new one which is clearly of a lower quality design.

This is the old one

The is the new one

Very clearly the new one is less detailed, appears to be stitched less precisely, they're not comparable. I would go into greater detail about the disparity but you'd have to be dumb as fuck to not be able to see it yourself. You know how much the old one costs now, because it's out of print? 180 dollars. You know how much this new one is going for? 60. That's still way too much fucking moeney and it upsets me.

The Flood / Recently read books?
« on: August 31, 2016, 09:08:55 AM »
Books I've finished this year

Ian M Banks - The Wasp Factory
Ryu Mirukami - In The Miso Soup
Franz Kafka - The Metamorphosis
Oscar Wilfe - The Picture of Dorian Grey
Albert Camus - The Stranger
J D Salilger - Catcher In The Rye
George Orwell - 1984
Herman Hesse - Siddhartha

Attempted but unfinished books

Jean-Paul Sartre - Nausea (too confusing and tedious)
J K Huysmans - La Bas (too wordy)
J K Huysmans - A Rebours (too wordy)
Aldous Huxley - Brave New World (writing style tedious, literally puts me to sleep)
Dostoyevsky - Notes From Underground (too confusing)

« on: August 31, 2016, 07:08:34 AM »
Today is hatsune miku's 9th birthday! I'm listening to vocaloid albums. I ordered a kasane teto plushie to put next to my miku plushie on my computer desk.

The Flood / Re: Why did I become conscious?
« on: August 29, 2016, 09:59:47 AM »
What happens when the Internet becomes conscious?
Serial experiments lain.

The Flood / Re: Why did I become conscious?
« on: August 29, 2016, 08:51:42 AM »
All of the thoughts I had and thought were fascinating at age 10 are now perplexing you at age... you're like, 22, right?
I'm probably about to ruin your day, but, there are no other great mysteries in life.

The shit we started pondering in our youth will be the same deep enigmas that accompany us for the rest of our lives, no matter how much we might like to think that something deeper and more important will come along later.

The greatest fool is not the one who still asks the questions, he is the one who stops.

The Flood / Re: Why did I become conscious?
« on: August 29, 2016, 08:32:57 AM »
All of the thoughts I had and thought were fascinating at age 10 are now perplexing you at age... you're like, 22, right?
Yeah man being curious about the universe is sooooo immature. Think about mature things like money and your employment.

The Flood / Why did I become conscious?
« on: August 29, 2016, 08:27:11 AM »
Do you ever just wonder, why did I specifically gain consciousness, in this body, not the body of someone else, and not the body of an animal or something? Doesn't it ever just seem weird to you that you happen to become the person you are, on the planet you're in, and you're you and not someone else, and you can only experience consciousness specifically as yourself?

The Flood / Re: I haven't taken a shit for like the past 72 hours
« on: August 26, 2016, 07:50:32 PM »
You're a freak!!!
The past two days I've taken two shits a day, but today I only took one.

The Flood / Re: I haven't taken a shit for like the past 72 hours
« on: August 24, 2016, 04:11:56 PM »
Update: I've taken two shits today. All is well.

The Flood / Re: Dora the explorer is fucking retarded TBH
« on: August 24, 2016, 05:43:33 AM »
Like why does this nigger Swiper come steal some random shit, throw it to wherever the fuck and just leave? What does he get out of this? Is this like dark souls where he's and invader and just does it to fuck with people? The hell does his existence even add to episodes?
It's probably trying to teach kids not to steal.

The Flood / Re: I haven't taken a shit for like the past 72 hours
« on: August 24, 2016, 05:40:15 AM »
The prunes did the trick. Hoping to take a second shit today too.

The Flood / Re: Strangest place you've nutted?
« on: August 24, 2016, 05:08:13 AM »
One time, in the old building of my highschool, in the bathroom.

The Flood / Re: I haven't taken a shit for like the past 72 hours
« on: August 24, 2016, 05:06:34 AM »
is that why they call you loaf
haha no. It's okay though, I found a bag of frozen prunes in my freezer.

The Flood / I haven't taken a shit for like the past 72 hours
« on: August 24, 2016, 03:36:38 AM »
Today's gotta be the day, I wanna purge myself of the demon.

The Flood / Re: My son had a seizure tonight
« on: August 24, 2016, 02:48:20 AM »
Btw, it looks like it's time for your son to start smoking weed. Weed cures seizures as you know.

The Flood / Re: My son had a seizure tonight
« on: August 24, 2016, 02:47:40 AM »

The Flood / Re: Rank your bottom five users
« on: August 23, 2016, 04:52:28 AM »
>Someone voted for Cheese Potato and Fruit

Imbossinble, the two most inoffensive users on the face of the planet.
You're saying I'm offensive?

The Flood / Re: Small update on my cosplay......UPDATE 2!
« on: August 22, 2016, 07:53:47 PM »
This is nerd bullshit.
Well yeah,  but when was the last time you did something productive?
I read books.

The Flood / Re: Casper, send me nudes
« on: August 22, 2016, 03:18:46 PM »
I don't see nudes of casper the sep7agon user in my inbox.

The Flood / Re: Casper, send me nudes
« on: August 22, 2016, 12:48:21 PM »
I really need to delete them off my phone
Don't play games with me. Send me nude pictures of yourself.

The Flood / Re: Casper, send me nudes
« on: August 22, 2016, 10:46:54 AM »
>wanting casper nudes
>doesn't have some already

Small lol
Send me casper's nudes.

The Flood / Re: Small update on my cosplay......UPDATE 2!
« on: August 22, 2016, 10:46:26 AM »
This is nerd bullshit.

The Flood / Casper, send me nudes
« on: August 22, 2016, 10:44:21 AM »

I recently ordered a 4 CD sun devoured earth box set limited to 100 copies, which was rather expensive. I got it for 55 dollars, but considering it's the only release they ever made besides a CD and a cassette for two of their other albums, and this one contains 7 albums of theirs, and it's one of my favorite bands ever, I figured I'd go for it.

I also got an atrax morgue CD which was limited to 120 copies, released in 2002, the last copy that was sold on discogs was sold in 2012, the album "sweetly". It's one of my favorite atrax morgue albums. Again, it was a little expensive, 30 dollars, but I figured it would be worth it because it's so rare and atrax morgue is one of my favorite bands, and it's also one of my favorite albums of theirs.

The last couple CDs I bought were another atrax morgue CD, slush of a maniac, which wasn't that expensive at all, and also the re-issue of Nuclear Death's Bride of Insect. I also bought the reissue of Life is Pain - Bloody Melancholy. I'd really like to get some more old school death metal CDs, and a beketh nexehmu CD, but unfortunately my death metal collection has always suffered because of the high prices of originals and reissues.

Going back a little further than the past couple weeks, I got a few swans CDs, to be kind, the glowing man, the new filth reissue, as well as body to body job to job (the original CD, not the reissue). I also got a swans poster from the gig I saw them live, the poster was specially made for that concert, and I got it custom framed.

Jim, it's been a while since I've heard some good new black metal. I made this chart a couple years ago, but it still pretty much reflects my taste in black metal, I haven't really found anything new in a long time. Idk if you'd have any suggestions to add to this chart.

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