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Messages - Loaf

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Wow, it's incredible you just have money to buy things to weigh down your trash can.
If by trash can you mean bookshelf then yes.

It's so sweet how sometimes on amazon you get these sellers that sell books used for the same price no matter how rare they are. I got the book of disquiet hardcover, and on the heights of despair hardcover this way, all for under 20 dollars this way. It was like 8 dollars plush shipping in 'very good' condition.

A brief flash of sensibility from Loaf, once every ten blue moons.
I'm glad to see we agree on this most critical of issues, my friend!

The Flood / Re: The underground just don't stop for hoes
« on: September 22, 2016, 10:03:38 AM »
Tupac got corny as hell sometimes.
The song's lyrics really suck, to be honest. What he's actually rhyming about sort of makes me sick. I think the rhyming is clever and catchy though, and I love the track he's rapping over. It's a good song, all at once it sort of makes me sick, but also is fun to listen to.

The Flood / The underground just don't stop for hoes
« on: September 22, 2016, 08:38:55 AM »

The Flood / Re: YouTube announces the next step of its censorship program
« on: September 22, 2016, 06:49:23 AM »
Holy fuck, what a monstrosity. I had to turn off that insipid music and turn on schoenberg's second string quartet, part 3 (with the opera vocals), because I couldn't fucking stomach that crap. It's funny how they're supporting all community members to rat out other members of the community. Youtube has been trying to do garbage like this for so long and make the site "family friendly". They have this idea of a strict, clean youtube run by anita sarkeesian values. It really does make me fucking sick.
Wow, I thought I was a faggot.
WHO ARE YOU CALLING A FAGGOT YOU FAGGOT??? That must be what you are, because obviously the idea of someone being a faggot makes you really upset. Why else would it make you upset besides if you were secretly one yourself? :)

The Flood / Re: My dentist will love me
« on: September 22, 2016, 06:45:27 AM »
Nigga it's September, at least wait till October for Halloween

The Flood / Re: YouTube announces the next step of its censorship program
« on: September 22, 2016, 06:44:49 AM »
Holy fuck, what a monstrosity. I had to turn off that insipid music and turn on schoenberg's second string quartet, part 3 (with the opera vocals), because I couldn't fucking stomach that crap. It's funny how they're supporting all community members to rat out other members of the community. Youtube has been trying to do garbage like this for so long and make the site "family friendly". They have this idea of a strict, clean youtube run by anita sarkeesian values. It really does make me fucking sick.

The Flood / Re: Which serial killer most reminds you of yourself?
« on: September 22, 2016, 06:39:13 AM »

Just think about it. If only women and feminine males existed in the world, the world would be a loving place. It would be a place of warmth and acceptance, because these are things that the masculine male denies. I believe Morrissey was right when he said that if all men were gay then there wouldn't be any wars. Now, while I'm not quoting him word for word on that, I do disagree with his connotation of the word gay, he makes it sound like gay men are always feminine. No, friends, I have a problem with masculinity, and even a straight man can be non masculine, which is a shame really.

Doesn't it annoy you how women always bitch as if they're huge victims? I get so tired of seeing all this female empowerment bullshit. It's like, oh yeah we're totally not weak, we're sick of being oppressed, yeah let's spread more 'empowering' pictures of women for us all to jill our pussies over. Doesn't it all seem like sort of a circle jerk to a bunch of insecure feminists? There's no real problems facing women in today's world, besides that they're whiny fucks.

The Flood / Re: I want to join the freemasons
« on: September 16, 2016, 08:27:53 AM »
I wonder what they do in the freemasons. Do you think they just talk about deep literature like mobi dick?

The Flood / All religions are cults
« on: September 16, 2016, 05:44:42 AM »
a system of religious veneration and devotion directed toward a particular figure or object.
"the cult of St. Olaf"

yeah idk how people don't already realize this.

The Flood / Re: I want to join the freemasons
« on: September 16, 2016, 05:43:06 AM »
Isn't that like a cult?
no sekret klub

Well have fun with that. I don't join cults.
It's not a cult. They don't worship anything, although part of the requirements to join is to affirm that you are part of any monotheistic religion.
So if anything it's a club for people already involved in cults.

The Flood / I wanted to share a writing.
« on: September 13, 2016, 07:27:45 PM »
Between all people, there’s a purpose driven nature. The purpose is driven by the person, but it’s easy to think that every person is simply driven as if they were some sort of machine. It’s a reality that I have to face, that I don’t know the inner workings of these people, who are by nature driven by more than just mechanical predictable actions, but by their own thoughts and desires. Where I fit in with that, is something that can only come between mine and their own actions. Whatever interaction I have with others, their own motivations dictate the outcome, their reason for interacting with me is only as good as the workings of their mind, the outcome can only be in accordance to the reasons given by theirs and mine inner mechanisms.

I’ve gone by a lot of people, at this point in my life, looking at them and wondering what it is that makes them tick, wondering where I come into the picture when dealing with the decisions I make determining how I will react to them, how I will interact with them in a way that’s appropriate, in a way that is somehow purposeful and corresponds to their inner consciousness. But it’s not my decision, these people’s heads, their minds aren’t something I have any control over with whatever way I choose to interact with these people; it can only be determined by the output of whatever the outcome of their internal processes produce. Every person is on their own path, and my importance only goes as far as it’s correspondence with that person’s particular path.

All things, you wonder what it is about them that gives them their qualities which have such mechanical effectiveness, that they correspond well with their surrounding nature. What makes good music good? What makes bad music bad? What makes a person attractive and others ugly? What makes a classic book a classic and not a trashy amateur novel? In all of these things, they somehow correspond well with their surrounding nature, they somehow effect the world around them in a way that correlates with other people’s minds and effects them. This is something which truly has no clear answer, maybe even a foolish contrarian wouldn’t be able to come up with an answer, because if he could then he would be on the path to effectiveness, and if he could put it into words, he would make others effective too, quite easily.

But to effect people positively is one thing, why not effect people negatively? There’s an inner working in the consciousness, which has set up everything we feel, in us good natured human beings, to wind the spring to unwind itself to turn us in the direction of good natured thoughts. Is it also an effective action to destroy things? Haven’t you ever felt the satisfaction of playing that old arcade game called Rampage, where you control a giant monster and pursue the goal of eating as many people and smashing as many buildings as possible? Surely there’s a duel nature, between the good natured self and the bad natured self; if there isn’t a bad nature towards actual other men (which there is, no matter how glorified it may seem, between leaders who go to war with others), then there’s certainly a wild imagination which plays with these ideas, which has become taboo in our society through cultural norms and spooks.

My effectiveness will only go so far as I have something corresponding with another’s agenda. That’s really the heart of it, beyond all other deeper meanings that may lye in what I just wrote. If you have something that someone else wants, be it knowledge, charisma, looks, charm, a good listening ear, money, congeniality, the skills to perform a job they need done, or maybe they need nothing of you at all; then that is really what will determine the outcome, and if that’s not what they’re seeking then they won’t find it in you. What a lonely, confusing world. A world where you have to guess and estimate the outcomes of your actions, but can never know for sure exactly what to strive for, to never know what other people strive for and in correspondence culminate in a friendship.

It’s ugly, looking into the face of your foe, uncertainty, expecting it to change but only remaining the same. Unchanging, certain reality, what is it about you that draws all these connections in me, always back to this exact same question? Am I even thinking? Have I even begun to form a single conscious thought in my head which could blossom into what could be called a rational realization? All I realize is how little I know, and how I’m not certain if what I am doing right now can even be called thinking, all the illusive strands, I grab for them like strings, floating away inside me, all the smaller, more minute and illusive thoughts live fish, more intelligent and agile who can evade you, who are harder to catch. Is that really what wise thoughts are like, illusive fish? Or, maybe it could be simple.

It all falls away, and you fall backwards, down, down, down, up, out, away, further and further, until you’re beyond sight, in total emptiness. It’s all left behind. Unresolved.

saw you in that /mu/ thread jim lol. didn't know you still browsed there. I went to bed last night before I saw you post.
I hate that horrible goddamn forum but I get a decent thread maybe once or twice a year so I go there hoping to find a good thread.
I mostly use lit.

saw you in that /mu/ thread jim lol. didn't know you still browsed there. I went to bed last night before I saw you post.

The Flood / Re: What's on your current to-buy wish list?
« on: September 12, 2016, 01:20:39 PM »
a fiio x5ii portable audio player, with two 200 gig micro sd cards to go with it
An oppo pm3 pair of headphones (I just got a pair of denon ah mm400 headphones, but I want both for some variety)
a EVGA GeForce GTX 970 4GB SC GAMING ACX 2.0 graphics card
touhou plushies
Ulysses 1922 text oxford edition (with annotations)
Ulysses Annotated (a guide book for ulysses)
Beketh Nexehmu debut on vinyl or CD
Have a nice life deathconsciousness on vinyl or CD
The Complete Works of Plato (hackett publishing)
some sort of really nice camera (idk anything about cameras)
bose noise cancelling headphones (for noisy places)

I think I'll have the graphics card, oppo headphones, and fiio audio player by the end of the year.
Loaf, this is a Christmas list...
You realize that there's over 1378 dollars worth of stuff here, not including the touhou, beketh nexehmu, bose noise cancelling, and the nice camera, right? If anything I could probably get away with getting the portable audio player with the sd cards, and maybe if I'm extremely lucky the graphics card too, but idk that's an extreme amount of stuff to ask for.
Well, if you've been a good boy this year Santa could make it happen.
You've been good, right?

The Flood / Re: I finally hard that sandwich I was talking about yesterday
« on: September 12, 2016, 10:34:41 AM »
Loaf you're Elliot Rodgers 2.0
Elliot rodger is my hero no irony.

The Flood / Re: What's on your current to-buy wish list?
« on: September 12, 2016, 10:10:03 AM »
a fiio x5ii portable audio player, with two 200 gig micro sd cards to go with it
An oppo pm3 pair of headphones (I just got a pair of denon ah mm400 headphones, but I want both for some variety)
a EVGA GeForce GTX 970 4GB SC GAMING ACX 2.0 graphics card
touhou plushies
Ulysses 1922 text oxford edition (with annotations)
Ulysses Annotated (a guide book for ulysses)
Beketh Nexehmu debut on vinyl or CD
Have a nice life deathconsciousness on vinyl or CD
The Complete Works of Plato (hackett publishing)
some sort of really nice camera (idk anything about cameras)
bose noise cancelling headphones (for noisy places)

I think I'll have the graphics card, oppo headphones, and fiio audio player by the end of the year.
Loaf, this is a Christmas list...
You realize that there's over 1378 dollars worth of stuff here, not including the touhou, beketh nexehmu, bose noise cancelling, and the nice camera, right? If anything I could probably get away with getting the portable audio player with the sd cards, and maybe if I'm extremely lucky the graphics card too, but idk that's an extreme amount of stuff to ask for.

The Flood / Re: what did he mean by this?
« on: September 12, 2016, 09:32:00 AM »
Maybe it's an idea that actually started with dadaism. I do recall reading a book about dadaism where there was a work of art which said "art is dead" on it, which is a phrase I often see used about places. I think the sentiment behind the statement (and don't quote me on this) is that art as a practice is dead, the ideas behind art are dead. Dadaism was a rejection of rationalism, which they felt lead to world war 1. It was basically the first punk movement, it was a rejection of commonly held principles. Whether or not gerogerigegege's statement is really even a statement, as much as it is just a vague artistic expression, it's hard say whether or not he was referring to the sentiments behind dadaism.

The Flood / I finally hard that sandwich I was talking about yesterday
« on: September 12, 2016, 09:24:29 AM »
For lunch, I cut up fresh bell peppers, roasted them on a stove top with a whole chopped up tumeric root, and in a side pan I cut up half of a ginger root cooked that. I added a big handful of spinach. Roasted all that, and while I was waiting opened up a whole avocado and chopped it up, and put it on a tortilla wrap. Then, once everything was done cooking, I poured creamy garlic dressing with a yogurt base on top of it. All of the ingredients were fresh bought yesterday.

It was absolutely fucking incredible. I was listening to brahm's 4th symphony on my headphones while I was preparing it. I finished it with a glass of almond milk.

The Flood / Re: Just fell in love all over again [Coffee Thread]
« on: September 12, 2016, 05:45:33 AM »
I didn't buy any coffee from the store this week because it's too expensive. All the really good coffee always costs more for some reason. I'm sick of buying the bulky 2 pound bargain bags and not even enjoying them that much. All the really good coffees come in the regular size bags, but those only last like a week or a few days. I like arabica coffee, and I use my drip coffee maker.

The Flood / Re: What's on your current to-buy wish list?
« on: September 12, 2016, 05:12:09 AM »
Other than a new laptop, I don't really know.  I'm running out of Gundam kits.  I guess a few LBXs, but nothing immediate
Why don't you buy a cute dress or something?

The Flood / Re: Are you dead?
« on: September 11, 2016, 08:43:02 PM »

The Flood / What's on your current to-buy wish list?
« on: September 11, 2016, 08:26:48 PM »
a fiio x5ii portable audio player, with two 200 gig micro sd cards to go with it
An oppo pm3 pair of headphones (I just got a pair of denon ah mm400 headphones, but I want both for some variety)
a EVGA GeForce GTX 970 4GB SC GAMING ACX 2.0 graphics card
touhou plushies
Ulysses 1922 text oxford edition (with annotations)
Ulysses Annotated (a guide book for ulysses)
Beketh Nexehmu debut on vinyl or CD
Have a nice life deathconsciousness on vinyl or CD
The Complete Works of Plato (hackett publishing)
some sort of really nice camera (idk anything about cameras)
bose noise cancelling headphones (for noisy places)

I think I'll have the graphics card, oppo headphones, and fiio audio player by the end of the year.

Idk why I never thought of this sooner, but I'm really looking forward to using this on all my food this week. It's seriously got such a bite to it, and I am a huge fan of garlic. It's gonna be that zesty flavor that I have been desiring, but not quite sure how it would physically manifest itself. This is a big breakthrough for me, I feel. It's going to go sublimely on my grilled bell pepper and avocado sandwiches, with some chopped and roasted tumeric and ginger root. It's going to go really well on my sweet potatoes. It might even go well on just a piece of toast or something. Ooooooow flood I'm so excited!

I've been getting fed up with metal. It feels too harsh

Yeah I think Cheat did
No he didn't lol. Dude, hell is such a good band. I was listening to all this absolute garbage on some of the record labels of my favorite bands, and I was listening to this thinking, man it's really difficult to find actual jems among such an absolute slew of mediocre crap.
95% of everything is shit

But I was not prepared for this album


This is my first time hearing it in full.

Not even done with it and I'm blown a-fucking-way
Dude I've owned a first edition copy of Blod-draum since I was like 16, I must have mentioned it to you before. It's one of the absolute bests, enjoy it, glad you finally found it. It's incredible.
Nah man we've totally talked about it before, I remember. I just had only heard like one track so there was nothing much to say. It's like a better version of Portal before Portal. Those pure Black Metal riffs thrown into that immense, surreal pool of Death Metal is just fucking incredible.

Can't believe I never gave it the time of day until now.

Jealous you have a first edition. I've heard the re-masters make it less murky, which I feel might strip it of some of its charm.
No, fuck the remaster. The murky production is definitely part of the charm of the album, it's thickness really makes it sound like how the album cover looks. Cryptic, mystical, dense, dream like, you might as well go to an abandoned temple and say "yeah I'm gonna just cut off all the shit that's been growing on it for years that makes it so beautiful so it's 'cleaner'" is how I see remastering blod-draum. Even the new cover makes it look like mediocre crap, which is shame because the guy who remastered it is infestdead and edge of sanity and he's not a bad musician.

Yeah I think Cheat did
No he didn't lol. Dude, hell is such a good band. I was listening to all this absolute garbage on some of the record labels of my favorite bands, and I was listening to this thinking, man it's really difficult to find actual jems among such an absolute slew of mediocre crap.
95% of everything is shit

But I was not prepared for this album


This is my first time hearing it in full.

Not even done with it and I'm blown a-fucking-way
Dude I've owned a first edition copy of Blod-draum since I was like 16, I must have mentioned it to you before. It's one of the absolute bests, enjoy it, glad you finally found it. It's incredible.

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