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Topics - Kernel Kraut

Pages: 123 4
The Flood / I want to be a fish bomber
« on: March 20, 2015, 09:23:50 PM »
I found my calling, and it's in Aviation. I want to load up my Air plane, fly out to a remote lake, hit a button, and drop hundreds of fish out of the belly of my airplane into the lake.

Just look at it

It's so fucking exciting. It'd be the best fucking job ever.

The Flood / I turned my wood today.
« on: March 17, 2015, 09:52:51 PM »

A lathe turned wooden bowl made out of California Iron Bark Eucalyptus. This little bastard was almost more trouble than it was worth. But it came out quite beautiful if I don't say so my self.

It has a Friction polish finish on it.

The Flood / white people who listen to gangta rap
« on: March 16, 2015, 07:38:24 PM »
They're fucking hilarious

The Flood / Has anyone ever clicked Print?
« on: March 15, 2015, 01:55:33 PM »
Who would actually do that?

The Flood / Holy fuck Mexican parties.
« on: March 15, 2015, 12:17:37 AM »
Seriously, it's like every weekend my local area is awash with the sound of Mexican Oompah music. There is a party about two blocks away and I can hear the Mariachis clearly singing.

Seriously man, Mexican parties. I have a bottle of Tequila, should I go crash it?

The Flood / IJN Musashi expedition
« on: March 12, 2015, 10:10:27 PM »
Recently a team discovered the resting place of the IJN Musashi. The Sister ship to the IJN Yamato. The two ships with the biggest, baddest guns to ever sail the seas.

The Musashi was sunk off the coast of the Philippians while the Yamato was sunk just offshore of Okinawa.

Currently, the team who found the Musashi are live streaming their rover exploration of it.



The Flood / Ordered my gun.
« on: March 11, 2015, 09:09:04 PM »
Finally got in to order it. I feel....groovy.

Mossberg 817 .17hmr with a Walnut stock and a blued steel finish. Just need to get a scope. But a rimfire scope should be cheap.

Anyone else make a gun purchase recently?

The Flood / I think I'm going to buy it, but...
« on: March 06, 2015, 08:57:31 PM »
I can't totally commit 100%. I want it, I really do, but, I don't know. It's a big purchase even if it's only 200 dollars.

Deciding to buy a gun is a hard choice to make. I really want a .17hmr Varmint rifle, but I see a wall of fees, taxes, and 'safety tests' in front of me.

What should I do? I really want to get a Mossberg 817 with a wodden stock and blue finish. But I know I have to pay the DROS, the Sales Tax, get my Firearms Safety Certification (because the handgun safety certification is not good enough because reasons), and then ultimately a scope.

I'm torn.

The Flood / Rules are for fools
« on: February 27, 2015, 09:24:58 PM »
Prove me wrong :^)


The Flood / I'm going to a open gun store
« on: February 25, 2015, 12:29:36 PM »
It will be called "Kernel Kraut's Rooty Tooty Point and Snooty Emporium." All staff will wear funny hats. For every gun purchase you get a free funny hat. But, you have to wear the hat home, we get to choose the hat from a mystery box at random and 10% of the hats are mildly offensive.

We will really push hi-points in .40 ghetto blaster

Good idea?

The Flood / would you break the law if it made you safer?
« on: February 23, 2015, 07:36:01 PM »
I'm really considering getting my ccw and carrying on campus at college. Thing is, California has no campus carry, and I'd need the permission of the president of the school.

I have a really late class that lets out at 8-9 in a secluded part of the campus. There are 6 of us in the class. Last month two students were attacked, one girl sexually assaulte,  oneman was almost mugged at knife point. They think it was the same guy, and he was never caught. These attacks happened in the same part of campus and the same time that my class lets out.

Given my situation, would you, after taking legal steps for permission, carry regardless. Would you break the law if it meant your safety?

No, im not doing that. I dont have the permit, and if i applied, it would take more time to get it than there are weeks of class. Noy only that, but i talked to the president about it, and he seemed willing to give out permission.

The Flood / You meet the Girl of your dreams.
« on: February 22, 2015, 11:40:21 PM »
She's everything you could have ever hoped for. She's beautiful, smart, funny, kind, loving, and loyal. She's a beast in bed and she's into everything you are. She loves you fiercely.

Problem is, she is recently divorced and she has two kids.

What do you do?

The Flood / Holy fuck, they are militarizing
« on: February 22, 2015, 11:31:46 AM »

What the fuck do we do now?


Fuck they have a 1919.

The Flood / Holy shit, learning to fly is Expensive
« on: February 21, 2015, 10:05:29 PM »
I'm looking into maybe becoming an aerial photographer. Either as a pure pilot, or as a mix. So I am going to need my Commercial license and Instrument Rating. So, as a pre-requisite I am looking at just General aviation permitting. So, basic Private Pilot stuff.

Just a rental of a Cessna 150 alone is $92/hr at my local flight school. Overall cost of the program is almost 6,000 dollars. That's just general aviation. That's Cessnas and Pipers out on pleasure flights.

Then I have to get instrument rated, which is probably another couple grand. The Commercial rated for another couple grand.

Holy shit, this is like going to a University with no scholarships.

Then once I get all that shit done, I'll have to get my own plane. Which less face it, will probably be a Cessna of some small variety. Probably either a 150 or a 172. That's another 30 to 50 thousand. Then I have to get it maintained. Then I have to Hanger it or something. That's a couple hundred a month. Then I have to fuel it. Cessna gas is not cheap.

God this shit is expensive. I really would love to do this. Getting paid to fly is a dream of mine. But the cost of everything is overwhelming.

I found one school that will get me all my ratings up to twin engine commercial with a number of accolades like High performance engine, pressurized cabin, etc... That's 70 grand...

Flying is expensive.

The Flood / Added a new member to my family yesterday...
« on: February 20, 2015, 12:51:59 PM »
He's a bit much...



See that chick over there? She wants the D


The Flood / I've been getting more and more melancholy lately.
« on: February 19, 2015, 09:25:44 PM »
I'm not really sure why. Or at least I cannot put my finger on it. Might be, I don't want to say pains of nostalgia, maybe 'sad' memories. Might be just overall lack of motivation. I've just been kinda meh lately. 

Anyone else in the same boat? What you guys doing to cope or deal with it?

Serious / >Has Flintlock Pistol >Gets arrested
« on: February 18, 2015, 12:21:04 PM »

The Flood / Have you ever considered a Bong Water enema?
« on: February 17, 2015, 04:27:20 PM »
Well, have you?

Serious / Lawmaking without Congressional oversight has got to end.
« on: February 15, 2015, 10:25:55 PM »
I am really getting pissed off with this bull shit. A Federal agency should NOT have the power to dictate law to determine what is legal and illegal. A Federal Agency should NOT be able to interpret law to suit their own agenda. A Federal Agency SHOULD BE under Congressional oversight to prevent it from making law.

The only place that law can be created is in the Capitol building, NOT on the desk of a federal agency's director.

What am I talking about? Well, it comes down to a number of agencies that have taken upon them selves to essentially write law. Guilty parties include but are not limited to:
Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives
Food and Drug Administration
Environmental Protection Agency
Bureau of Land Management

But the most egregious violation of the intent of law is from the ATF. The ATF is considering a ban on XM855 5.56x45mm 'Green tip' ammunition. Why, you may ask? Because under their own 'determination' it is an armor piercing bullet. Since 1984, manufacture and sale of, "Armor Piercing" ammunition in pistols is banned. Why is this important? Well XM855 is capable of being fired out of a pistol. What Pistol you may ask? WELL AN AR-15 PISTOL THAT IS!

The ATF classifies. Get this, the ATF "CLASSIFIES" not the author of the bill, not Congress, not the Supreme Court, the ATF "CLASSIFIES" as in INTERPRETS THE LAW. The ATF classifies armor piercing bullets as solid metal core that isn't lead with a copper jacket. So Solid Copper, armor piercing. Solid Steel, armor piercing. Solid what ever, Armor piercing. Copper jacket with lead core, not armor piercing.

So what is the big deal? Well "Green Tip" is NOT ARMOR PIERCING. Green tip is a copper jacketed bullet with a lead core and a steel perpetrator in the tip. It's not a solid steel projectile. It's not a solid copper projectile. It is a copper jacketed lead core projectile with a bit of steel in the cap. By the definition of the law, that is not armor piercing.

So, why is the ATF doing this? That is a difficult question to answer without sounding tin-foil hat toting. Basically it comes down to this. Green Tip was exempted from the law by the ATF. This lasted for years with AR pistols on the market. Then all of a sudden, read now, they changed their minds and decided that Green Tip was all of a sudden 'armor piercing.'

Even the author of the law, Representative Biaggi said, "Our legislation does not seek to affect in any way ammunition made originally or primarily for rifle use." So the ATF took it upon them selves to completely ignore the author of the law and ban ammunition "Made originally or primarily for rifle use." Completely ignoring the fact that the law was originally intended to protect law enforcement. Law Enforcement generally wears a level II armor plate. It's a form of soft armor. The law aimed to prevent acquisition of "armor piercing" pistol ammunition (A whole 'nother level of bull shit, but I digress.) Why is this important? Well consider this. Level II body armor is designed to stop pistol caliber bullets. Just about any, if not all, .223 bullets fired from an AR-15 or any rifle for that matter, will penetrate level II body armor with ease. It seems the author of the bill knew these which is why he exempted rifle ammunition.

But here we are. 7N6 5.45x39 ammunition banned from import because someone made an AK-74 pistol. 7.62x39 ammunition surplus banned from import because someone made a AKM pistol. XM855 banned from sale to civilians because who the fuck knows.

It boils down to the ATF interpreting and changing law to suit their own needs. This all stems from the free reign that Congress gave agencies like the ATF, the EPA, and the BLM. They get to interpret, define, and enforce the law while all being in elected positions. The Congress essentially said, "FUCK IT, YOU DECIDE MR ATF."

The BLM Does this. The EPA does this. The DEA does this. The FDA does this. The ATF does this. All these agencies can essentially make laws and enforce laws on a whim. Unelected 'officials' deciding the law. See why that is an issue?

Isn't modern Federal government fun?

Gaming / Dear god I am shaking.
« on: February 12, 2015, 03:46:20 PM »
Playing War Thunder's simulator battle event. No hud, just you, your tank/airplane, and your wits. It's Americans and Russians vs Germans. I decided to fly a P-47. Second ever game in Simulator battle. I have my trackir set up, and my joystick properly setup.

In my first 5 minutes I got spooked by a Yak-9T and dropped my bombs in panic expecting a fight. Well there went my Tank Killing ability.

 Well for a good bit nothing happened, I was just calling out targets for the ground forces and any CAS aircraft we had up. Then someone spotted a Ju-87 over our ground forces. I quickly scanned the area where I finally noticing him circling, scanning for targets. I slotted in on his six, got a good burst in and down he went. My first ever Sim battle kill.

Again for a while longer nothing happened. Continued to scan. That's when I spotted another two Jerries flying over the battle. One definite Ju-87 and one twin engined that I only caught a glimpse of. The Twin engine plane slotted in on me so I opened my throttle and hit the deck and broke contact. Once I could no longer see him I regained altitude and returned to the battle. Again this dude slots in on me and I break contact. Using the Jug's fantastic airspeed. Well this time I had his number. It was clearly a BF-110 and not the Me-410 that I feared. I watched him like a hawk this time and sure enough he broke off again. So I brought my nose around and again pushed my P-47 to the limit.

Since he was a slow dumb Bf-110 I quickly caught up to him in my big fat, but surprisingly fast Jug. My 8 .50 cals roared to life. First burst knocked out his landing gear. Second burst killed his gunner. Last burst set him on fire. Boom, Bf-110 down. I just scored my second Air to Air victory in one game, which is my second ever Sim battle sortie.

The match was over and I was shaking. My palms were sweaty, and I felt exhilarated. Sim battle pilots are no slouches, and I managed to kill two. Ableit with a far superior aircraft, but still, TWO KILLS ON MY SECOND FLYOUT. Not once did I stall or lose control. That big fat lady was happy as can be and cheerfully responded to my every control. I think I'm in love.

The Flood / This place is literal cancer.
« on: February 09, 2015, 10:39:13 PM »
Now, don't get me wrong, I shit post, but you guys SHIT POST. It's like shit posting is going out of style and you fgts want to make it go faster. I feel dumber for browsing.

I only stay out of curiosity, you know, for science...

The Flood / Hey Kids! I'm a Computer!
« on: February 09, 2015, 01:22:54 PM »
Stop all the downloadin'


The Flood / All the World War II vets will die in your lifetime
« on: February 08, 2015, 08:40:49 PM »
It's a sad reality.

The Flood / Should I go see Alestorm?
« on: February 06, 2015, 06:36:40 PM »
They're going to be playing a venue in Anaheim this month and tickers are only 15 dollars. I am so incredibly tempted save for the prospects of hauling my ass to Anaheim.

I'm saving my money for a new plinking rifle, but at the same time 15 dollars to go see Pirate Metal...

I am torn.


The Flood / There is a prowler on the loose.
« on: February 06, 2015, 12:49:27 PM »
So after last night's debacle with the garage door knock and dash and subsequent tac alert level 2 for my self, things only got better by morning.

Had to stay home alone for a bit. No biggie, got my gun, a cup of coffee, and TV. So I chilled out on the couch for a bit and watched the tube. Mail finally gets here and I head outside to go grab it. When I exited the front door, it appeared that the screen on the window of the 'guest' room had been tampered with. Normally you have to life the bottom of the screen to free it so you can remove it, but this screen was pulled out from the top and was bent downward. The window was locked and no one attempted to force entry, but still.

I'd call the cops, but I cannot rule out wind or perhaps one of the cats. So I'd hate to cry wolf. But still, I am on edge now. Things have been getting real strange around here. Looks like another night of keeping my handgun next to me with a round in the pipe.

What else should I do guys? The Neighbors were broken into two weeks ago by having their security door cut into and their front door smashed. Shit is getting spooky.

The Flood / I'm watching Amazing America with Sarah Palin ama
« on: February 06, 2015, 11:10:31 AM »
It just came on.

The Flood / Loaded or unloaded?
« on: February 05, 2015, 08:48:51 PM »
Had a bit of a scare tonight. The garage is connected to the house. There is a door from the dining room that enters the Garage. Someone knocked on that door. I Went out to check and no one was there, but the front gate was slightly opened. Now, I know for a fact that I closed that gate, but there it was, open slightly.

Did a flashlight sweep of the yard but didn't see anything. But I am still a bit on edge, especially considering the number of tweekers that live in the city and the ghetto thugs that live one city over.

So I pose the question. I have my handgun next to me with a full mag ready to go. It has a safe action trigger so it's physically impossible to fire unless I pull the trigger. Should I keep a round in the chamber tonight or should I rack the slide when I need it? It's only an extra second, but at the same time, a second can be a long time.

So, Unloaded but a mag in the gun, or loaded with a mag in the gun?

Gaming / Fallout New Vegas is a better game than Fallout 3
« on: February 05, 2015, 07:11:07 PM »
You simply cannot deny the truth. From multiple standpoints, Fallout New Vegas is superior to Fallout 3.

Fallout 3 claims to be a choice based story. But how many choices can really be made? How many choices have any effect on the main story arc? Lets look at the main arc. You essentially have two choices to make, purify the water, or help the Enclave, but only one choice really matters in the end. Helping the Enclave provides no benefit the player whatsoever. The Enclave is still destroyed, and nothing is gained. The Enclave remain hostile to you, and they are still hunted down in later expansions. In the end, you have one choice. Then the choice about who turns on the purifier. Again, it holds no weight to the overall story, but what happens in the end slides.

Fallout New Vegas is all about choice. Your actions directly affect the story progression. Three factions fight for power over the strip and you can influnce everything that happens with those factions, or you can even say f­u­c­k it all and go it alone. You have the choice on which minor faction you will support, from wiping them out to bringing them into your fold and gaining their aid. In Dead Money you have the choice of how to deal with Ely and that choice directly effects how the rest of the story will progress. In Honest Hearts you make the choice on weather to lead the tribes to war or just evacuate them. In Old World Blues you make the choice on which, if any, of the manicaic scientists to support for your escape. In Lonsome road, you decide who you want to f­u­c­k­ing NUKE, if anyone.

Fallout 3 features V.A.T.S as well as a crafting mechanic where you can produce weapons or mines

Fallout New Vegas features V.A.T.S, Aiming down sights, Faction specific Gear, Crafting, reloading ammunition, follower based perks, reputation system, hardcore mode.

Fallout 3 Features Two factions. Brotherhood of Steel and the Enclave. Outcasts are still members of the Brotherhood, well of the true Brotherhood. Only of which you can join.

Fallout New Vegas features many factions. New California Republic, Caesar's Legion, House's New Vegas, Independent New Vegas, Enclave Remnants, Boomers, Great Khans, The Kings, Powder Gangers, Primm, Van Graffs, Crimson Caravan, Novac, Fiends, Sloan, Good Springs, Followers of the Apocalypse, Bright Followers. Almost all of them can be joined or befriended or spoofed by wearing faction clothes.

Fallout 3 is set in a post apocalyptic Washington DC area. The environment is generally grey and brown with little deviation from that color scheme. People are divided and only small settlements have popped up with limited forms of government. Civilization has not taken root even 200 years after the bombs

Fallout New Vegas is set in a post apocalyptic Las Vegas area. The Environment ranges from Deserts, dry lakes, fresh water lakes, snow capped mountains, forests, and city spaces. People are unified in one way or another under major government banners. Civilization has taken root only 100 years after the bombs and the process of rebuilding has begun.

Fallout 3 has no direct connection to the Fallout lore. It makes no mention of what happened in the west with the Vault Dweller and the Chosen One save for a few quips here and there from Harold. It takes established cannon and turns it on it's head with the actions of the Brotherhood of Steel, though the Outcasts remain true to the original intent of the Brotherhood.

Fallout New Vegas has a direct connection to the established Fallout Lore. It makes numerous references to the actions of the Vault Dweller and the formation of the NCR. Events of the previous games are talked about and serve as key story points in the New Vegas story line and help bring the story together. Then there is Marcus...

You have a lot of mods that bring Fallout 3 some of the same features that New Vegas shipped with

In New Vegas you can bring Fallout 3 and have the best of both worlds. Seriously, no reason not to run Tale of Two Wastelands.

Both are great games and I love both, but it's hard to deny New Vegas' superiority.

The Flood / Already considering my next gun purchase.
« on: January 31, 2015, 05:53:13 PM »
Since I am getting a bit of income in now it's starting to enter my mind as a consideration. Thinking something small bore. Probably a bolt action that I can eventually scope. Can't decide between .17 HMR or .22 WMR

.22 WMR has more mass, but .17 HMR has more velocity.
.17 HMR is great for varmint hunting up to Coyotes
.22 WMR is also great for varming hunting up to Coyotes.
Both are about the same price for ammo
Both are about the same price for a rifle

OR I can get an AR15 lower and build it over a year or so.

Pages: 123 4