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Topics - Kernel Kraut

Pages: 12 34
The Flood / What should go into my hiking pack?
« on: October 14, 2015, 10:05:15 PM »
I have a Swedish 35L ruck sack. Milsurp, nothing unusual. But I want to start building a hiking/innadesert pack. Trying to think of things that should go into it.

So far I got the basics covered.
Hand Ax
Emergency Whistle
Water container
Some ziploc bags.

I probably should add an E-blanket and fill out my First Aid kit.

Some water purification tablets wouldn't be a bad idea.

Maybe a few MREs that I can add before a trip just in case

I should add a map of at least my area.

What else do you guys think I should add?

The Flood / What do you think is in a Tim Curry?
« on: October 13, 2015, 09:53:06 PM »

The Flood / Hey there sharp shots!
« on: October 13, 2015, 12:38:26 AM »

"Any y'all up for a ride out to the range and camp out under the stars tonight?"

The Flood / Embrace the Clank
« on: October 11, 2015, 10:55:12 PM »

Let the Clank fill your life, fill your soul. Let the Clank empower you and bring you prosperity. Let the Clank forge your future in the fires of Revolution.

Seriously though, the half I watched, fucking primo. Much Clanking to be had.

The Flood / What did you losers do today?
« on: October 11, 2015, 12:12:59 AM »
I made a Freedom table.

Serious / Gun control compromise
« on: October 07, 2015, 11:54:36 AM »
I'm willing to compromise on gun control. I'll give you a registry. In exchange you give us back sbrs, sbss, aows, autos, lift ammo import bans, and kill the sporting clause.

Sound good?

The Flood / What should I get to compliment my 45-70 Lever gun?
« on: October 03, 2015, 05:42:06 PM »
I'm toying with the idea of going full cowboy and getting a pistol to compliment my Marlin 1895.

So, I've narrowed it down between four possible models. Of the four, what would best compliment my lever gun?

1911 of some description - .45 acp
Ruger Redhawk - .44 Mag
Ruger GP100 - .357 Mag / .38 special
Ruger Vaquero - .45 LC. Clone of Colt Single Action Army (Peacemaker)

The 1911 would probably be the most expensive unless I go with a RIA, then it's the cheapest.
Redhawks retail for like 900
GP100s can he had for 800
Vaqueros retail for 700.

What do you think?

/Ruger fanboy

The Flood / Recent acquisitions thread
« on: October 01, 2015, 12:00:50 AM »
Since I was going to post this on B.shit but couldn't because I didn't buy garbage. I'll post it here.

What big purchase have you made recently?

I just finished paying off my new Rifle. All 906.28 cents worth.
Marlin 1895 GS Guide Gun.

Having this is my end goal. Or as close as possible. The lever and the buttstock aren't exactly the same, and mine has a crossbar safety while the Medicine stick has no safety.

The Flood / You might be in the hood when...
« on: June 01, 2015, 07:17:34 PM »
There is a an old weave lying in the street

The local power line has not one, not two, but three pairs of old sneakers hanging from them

All the old Caddy's and Buicks are on 24's with air brushed seasame street characters on them.

Every  house on the block has  rod iron fencing and rosebushes out side the barred windows.

Keep it going

Gaming / This is true pain
« on: May 22, 2015, 09:57:26 PM »
It really hurts when you want to play an old game and you can't find a cheap copy or a working crack.

The Flood / >TFW Berserk will never be finished
« on: May 03, 2015, 01:12:06 AM »
The only Manga I ever really enjoyed and it'll never end.

God f­u­c­king dammit, I want to see what happens.

The Flood / My new gun is here
« on: April 18, 2015, 03:29:07 PM »
Don't care that much for the finish on the stock, but I'm a wood and finish snob that I attribute to my woodworking. Still, I'm really happy with my new little rifle. Can't wait to scope it, get it zeroed, and get to varminting.

A continuation of my poorfag arsenal.

The Flood / I drove through Bagdad today.
« on: April 17, 2015, 05:54:45 PM »
It's depressing and decrepit. 0/10 would not visit again.

The Flood / Bring your own cup day.
« on: April 11, 2015, 10:17:47 PM »
What'd you bitches do today?

The Flood / All of the weight, none of the fun.
« on: April 10, 2015, 10:11:02 PM »
It's coming...

Sure it takes USGI mags
Sure it's in 5.56
Sure it's going to be light of recoil due to weight

It's going to be heavy because it's a fucking M249
It's going to be unwieldy because it's a fucking M249
It's a Closed Bolt copy of a Open Bolt Squad Automatic Weapon and it lacks the ability to go full retard.

It has all of the negatives of the M249 SAW with none of the perks. Why FNH? Why? Why not make a bread new batch of FALs for the civilian market? I want to get some short shorts so I can go operate inna Savannah with one.

The Flood / My area is trending on National News
« on: April 10, 2015, 01:47:25 AM »

I find this whole thing hilarious. I mean, the dude stole a fucking Horse. A FUCKING HORSE. IT was a god damn chase on horseback.

Oh, and the local deputies kicked the shit out of the guy after his actions lead to other deputies being air lifted for injuries. Not justifying their actions, just mentioning something that isn't being reported.

The Flood / I need a movie...
« on: April 09, 2015, 09:51:14 PM »
I'm about to begin a long session of hauling shit around in Elite Dangerous. I have two monitors so I can have the game on my main monitor and a something on the other one.

There are some conditions though, so not just any movie will do.
Condition 1.) It has to be on Netflix
Condition 2.) No hard dramas. If it has drama, what ever, but pure dramas are out
Condition 3.) It has to be something that I can only pay partial attention to. Flying and landing a transport takes a lot of attention over staring at my right monitor.

So with those conditions in mind, any recommendations?

Gaming / Blessed be Steam and Rockstar
« on: April 09, 2015, 02:02:36 AM »
They are letting my pre-load GTA V a week early.

Projected download finish: T-8 hours. Should be done when I wake.

Gaming / So I made a pilgrimage of sorts.
« on: April 08, 2015, 12:28:03 AM »
Playing Elite Dangerous and reading up a few bulletine board posts. The system I'm wants Ludite. Okay, I'll go look for it.

Spend a while searching for places that sell Ludite. Finally find a system. LHS 3006. I check the distance in Elite Dangerous and it's only 9 jumps and 131 light years. I then look at the system information to see what is there. One planet, an asteroid belt, and two stations. One station is orbiting the star absurdly far out. I check the other station. It's orbiting the planet which is only .2 au from the star. The planet is named Vulcan. I check the station info and realized I had to go there.

9 jumps and 131 light years completed in just under 20 minutes with Genesis blasting the entire way. I stopped every star to top off my tanks and see if there is anything worth exploring. Save for the last one, it was a shitty L class dwarf that doesn't have delicious space gas. Nothing really of note so I continue my journey.

Finally, I arrive at my destination. An unassuming orange star with a single, solitary, lonely planet in close proximity. I make my way to the planet to see a magnificent set of broken rings. My destination was on the far side of the planet, just at the fulcrum of night and day. I coasted along the rings admiring the view, taking in what I was about to see.

[Safe disengage] blares on my HUD. I could drop out of Frame Shift and witness a magnificent sight.

I request docking and make my way to the station entrance. As I pass through the threshold into the docking area, I am greeted by the station name.

Welcome: Leonard Nimoy Station

By pure chance in my quest for space bucks, I discovered the Memorial to Leonard Nimoy. A single, solitary station orbiting a lonely desolate planet in a quiet and unassuming system. A location to serve as a homage to a man who helped make science fiction what it is today. A silent testament to all who happen on it while exploring, trading, or just adventuring. I was a bit touched when I dropped out of frame shit to behold that sight. It brought a smile to my face and I'm glad I made the journey.

Oh and my stable 60fps plummeted to 40 when I entered the station. It's obviously to fancy for my computer.

Serious / I don't understand College "Communists."
« on: April 06, 2015, 10:20:21 PM »
Nor do I understand why College campuses attract so many communists.

People who call them selves communist. Claim to be the voice of the people. Claim to be the voice of the revolution. Do you not see the bigger picture?

Do they not realize that they won't benefit from a revolution? Do they not realize that they are the very thing they claim to be against, the bourgeois? A college educated person IS THE BOURGEOIS. It's people like them that will have everything stripped from them and given to the proletariat. It's people like them who had strong voices for the revolution who are lined up out back and shot by commissar Joe bob, the true proletariat. It's people like them who are the enemies of the state and will be treated as such.

It boggles my mind how they can call them self revolutionaries and freedom fighters but not realize that if a red revolution were to take place, they would be the target of the proletariat. How can they be so blind? How can they not see the evidence present from the Soviet Union, from the People's Republic of China, from Vietnam, and from Cambodia?

If they're lucky, they'll have their wealth distributed. If they aren't they'll be erased from history.

It's not them who will benefit from a Communist society, it's the farmers, it's the mechanics, it's the blue collared workers. Not the rich, snobby, 'educated' college class.

The Flood / A-10C Warthog in a Border Patrol support role
« on: April 05, 2015, 01:52:46 PM »
Why not?

The A-10C has access to the LITENING pod. This serves as an advance targeting pod. It integrates with the cockpit Multifunctional displays and acts as a TV camera as well as a FLIR. You can get a target location on your map. This could be relayed by a Border patrol agent on the ground acting as a Joint Terminal Air Controller or JTAC. Once the location is marked on your Map (TAD) your LITENING pod can be slaved to that location.

With the information about the target present you can then slave that data over to your AGM-114 Hellfire Missile seeker. But rather than an HE warhead, it would have a smoke warhead. Once fired the missile will track where the LITENING is looking, impact the ground and deploy smoke to mark the location.

Once the location is marked the pilot could swap over to an NBU. It's built off the CBU-97 Cluster bomb. But rather than bombetts being deployed it deploys a net. All the pilot would have to do is get his CCRP (Continuously Calculated Release Point ) pipper on the smoked target, and release the bomb. The bomb would fall, detonate, and the net would deploy on the target detaining any illegal crossers for ground agents to take into custody.

The gun could be used to fire water bottles or something. Water bottles at 2400 bottles per minute.

Gaming / A War Thunder simulator battle
« on: April 05, 2015, 11:40:13 AM »
I've been playing a lot of sim battles in War Thunder lately. My Logitech Extreme 3D pro and TrackIR have been getting a workout as I cruise through the skies and plow through the mud. I finally decided to record it. Here, have a 12 minute example of why I am terrible at this game.


The Flood / I got my new gun.
« on: April 01, 2015, 11:40:24 PM »
It's a custom made bolt action rifle.

Pic related is the ammo I have to use.

What do you guys think?

The Flood / My College is on fire
« on: March 31, 2015, 04:06:01 PM »
Well at least a fire is close. Some 60+ acres burned, no containment, and 20mph winds.

My school is just to the right, maybe 3 miles from the fire. Winds are expected to increase as the afternoon goes on.

Such is life in California.

Gaming / This is why Mods are the best thing to happen to gaming.
« on: March 30, 2015, 11:46:34 PM »

The mod is called, "Eridanus Insurrection." It's UNSCS vs Insurrectionists. No Spartans, no Covenant. This is about the insurrection before. So Marines, ODSTS, Insurrectionists, and Colonial Militia.

So far, the mod features:
Assault Rifle
Battle Rifle
Rocket Launcher
Unarmed Warthog
Chaingun warthog
Transport Hog
ODST Drop Pod with working displays showing landing zone and teammates
Highly detailed UNSC and ODST clothing and armor
Working Visr for ODSTs that will increase low light vision
Sweet William Cigars
Detailed clothing and body armor for Insurrectionists

Planned to have a fucking UNSC Frigate...

What's there is awesome. The weapons feel great. The sounds are great. The Models are great. All of this and the mod is still in fucking Alpha for god's sake. 

The Flood / I hate that click bait bullshit posted on Facebook.
« on: March 25, 2015, 11:46:19 PM »
Seriously, it pisses me off to no end.

"She put the water in the cup and what happens next blew my mind!"

Fuck that shit, fuck it with a 10 foot rake. Fuck it fuck it fuck it. It's simple click bait bullshit. Rather than try to come up with an interesting title, they write bullshit. God dammit, why does this piss me off so fucking much?

Why can't they write, "Watch what happens when you put water in a glass?" It's more descriptive and it's less asinine.

Fuck this shit, I'm going to bed. 

The Flood / Glock's commercial for the Glock 43
« on: March 25, 2015, 01:59:13 PM »

Never wanted to buy a Glock so much after that. Also, where can I get one of those blond, country music singing, Glock carrying girls like what was shown off in the video? Think Glock offers financing on one?

The Flood / If you're going to commit a gang land slaying...
« on: March 23, 2015, 10:36:39 PM »
For the love of god, don't use a Semi-automatic pistol. I know you love your Glawk 40 (Hi-Point .40,) but it's more likely going to get you marked as the perp.

Either use a Single Shot or break action smooth bore shotgun or a Revolver. Both allow you to collect your spents without anyone ever knowing. That's one less piece of evidence for the popo to collect.

Also avoid using Ball ammunition. I know that shit is cheap and really attractive when you don't have a pot to piss in, but when you have to 'put a bitch ass nigga down,' eliminate all possibility that they'll get back up to rap about how you shot their punk ass while you rot in prison. Lord knows we don't need more .50 cent's.Choose a hollowpoint of some variety. The more fragmentation the better. If you can, get some polymer tipped bullets. These hide a hollowpoint and further facilitate penetration of thicker clothing like you thugs like to wear.

The best solution is a smooth bore single shot shotgun. Load up with a slug or 00 buck and you got your self a 'fine ass gat.' If you need to, cut down the barrel and stock. Like you care about Short Barreled Shotgun laws in the first place. You now pack enough firepower to stop even the most ornery 'nigga' in his tracks. Of course the added benefit of a smooth bore is the lack of rifling which could identify you. No, bird shot is not an acceptable choice of ammunition. You're more likely to piss the 'punk ass bitch' off more than anything else.

Any questions?

The Flood / Fuck Lenovo with a rusty metal spoon
« on: March 21, 2015, 04:20:49 PM »
I recently had my EVGA Geforce GTX 550ti essentially die on me. Or rather, it's on it's death bed. So I used this opportunity to do some light upgrades to a 700 series card. I said, "Hey, the 750ti looks like a nice upgrade. I'll even get the super clocked edition for good measure."

So, I did. I ordered a new card.

I was so excited when I got it. I expected to have it swapped inside of 10 minutes and get back to gaming. Nope, not that simple.

Turns out, the pre-built Lenovo machine I am running has not had a BIOS update since 2012. The last update was the release version. The 700 series of cards doesn't require a 6 pin power connector like the 550ti did. The BIOS chip cannot understand what's plugged into it and refuses to POST. I spent the last 3 fucking hours trying to find a solution only to learn that the BIOS is woefully out of date and that Lenovo never intended to release an update for it after release.

So here I am, sitting on what is essentially a 150 dollar piece of scrap aluminum, plastic, and silicon as well as a card that is not long for this world, running sluggishly off my integrated graphics on my motherboard.

I either replace the whole god damn fucking computer, or I downgrade to a 600 series card and lose the performance boost I would have gotten. All because Lenovo has shit for brains when it comes to foresight.

I couldn't give a shit about superfish. But this, this has pissed me off more than I have ever been pissed off before. I've never not been able to upgrade because of a manufacturer's terrible customer support.

God dammit I'm mad.


The Flood / I may be forced to kill a Mocking Bird
« on: March 21, 2015, 02:00:33 AM »
This fucker is across the street chriping away like the smug cunt he is, and its fucking Midnight.

The city is against firearm discharge in town, but this fucker may see me break the rules.

What should i do?

Pages: 12 34