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Messages - Anonymous (User Deleted)

Pages: 1 ... 777879 8081 ... 212
Septagon / Re: Regarding the mains and porn
« on: September 15, 2015, 06:17:29 PM »
Might as well just ask for a dedicated 18+ board.
That splits activity, this doesn't.
Yeah, true.

Serious / Re: Bernie Sanders' price tag? $18 trillion over a decade
« on: September 15, 2015, 02:19:20 PM »
mother of fuck

Whyyyy, Bernie?

Gaming / Re: Castle Crashers Remastered is free
« on: September 15, 2015, 02:15:43 PM »
PC version when?
We need to get a group for when the PC Version comes out.
and when your ISP stops being Beaner™ Communications®, Inc., LLC.

but ye
Buy & Pay for me a new ISP?
I'm not a charity.
Better get used to my internet then. :^3
In all seriousness im pretty sure the cause of the lag was the game's fault, you've never had problems with my internet when we played MH3U on WiiU, plus Castle Crashers lagged when I was playing with a friend who lived close by.
Yeah, good point >.> speaking of which, we should play that again soon.
Play what again soon?
MH Rekt U
Oh, you want daddy to help you defeat a monster eh ;)
from the scrub who doesn't even wear matching armor

>.> sure, whatever you say

Serious / Re: Official GOP Debtate hype thread
« on: September 15, 2015, 02:14:45 PM »
Fiorina HYPE

>.> I actually detest most of her views but she just annihilated everybody at the 'kiddy table' debate. Good thing they're not repeating the same mistake twice.

Gaming / Re: Castle Crashers Remastered is free
« on: September 15, 2015, 02:12:23 PM »
PC version when?
We need to get a group for when the PC Version comes out.
and when your ISP stops being Beaner™ Communications®, Inc., LLC.

but ye
Buy & Pay for me a new ISP?
I'm not a charity.
Better get used to my internet then. :^3
In all seriousness im pretty sure the cause of the lag was the game's fault, you've never had problems with my internet when we played MH3U on WiiU, plus Castle Crashers lagged when I was playing with a friend who lived close by.
Yeah, good point >.> speaking of which, we should play that again soon.
Play what again soon?
MH Rekt U

Gaming / Re: New Smash Bros Stage bby!
« on: September 15, 2015, 02:11:41 PM »

Cool, too bad it's already banned.

Still awaiting the next DLC fighter.
My first thoughts exactly, lol

And too bad I'm nearly out of space on my SD card  :'(

Gaming / Re: For those who cannot read what Flee typed
« on: September 15, 2015, 06:15:55 AM »
3rd person
scraping the bottom of the barrel

Gaming / Re: Suggest new Smash bros characters.
« on: September 14, 2015, 11:12:29 PM »
I have a longer list of characters who I don't want in, yet people keep insisting. <_<

Uh, I'd be cool with Simon Belmont from Castlevania. Seems overdue.

Wolf should come back, and Snake as well, to appease the fanboys. I think they both have a good chance of making it.
TBH I'd really like Snake to return, although the Kojima/Konami falling out may have ruined the chances.

I rarely ever played Snake in Brawl or Project M but I really should have. No time to play now though >.>

The Flood / Re: sometimes...
« on: September 14, 2015, 11:05:15 PM »

The Flood / Re: anime is pretty shit tbh onii-fam
« on: September 14, 2015, 11:03:21 PM »
gr8 b8 m8 i r8 8.8/8

The Flood / Re: sometimes...
« on: September 14, 2015, 10:58:59 PM »

Serious / Re: New Poll has Sanders Up 20pts in New Hampshire, 10 in Iowa
« on: September 14, 2015, 10:38:47 PM »
but I'll forever remember Krugman as the 'trillion dollar coin' guy.
It actually wasn't a terrible idea.
Wait, it wasn't? I did all that for nothing? ;_;
Read this.

I'm not a proponent of it; it'd probably do more harm than good in the long-run. It's just that more than anything it was a way of bypassing an uncooperative Congress rather than being a fix-all for national debt issues, so it's probably not stupid for the reasons you imagine.
Yeah, bypassing Congress was the only justification I could think of. Thanks for the read >.>

Serious / Re: New Poll has Sanders Up 20pts in New Hampshire, 10 in Iowa
« on: September 14, 2015, 10:25:49 PM »
but I'll forever remember Krugman as the 'trillion dollar coin' guy.
It actually wasn't a terrible idea.
Wait, it wasn't? I did all that for nothing? ;_;

Serious / Re: New Poll has Sanders Up 20pts in New Hampshire, 10 in Iowa
« on: September 14, 2015, 09:59:36 PM »
Reminder that Sanders wanted Paul Krugman in his Cabinet.
oh god

This is completely off-topic now, but I'll forever remember Krugman as the 'trillion dollar coin' guy. I mean, I'm not even an economics guy, but that was the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard a columnist say seriously.

I remember being a kid and asking my mom about the economy. 'Why are there school budget cuts?' I asked. 'The government doesn't have enough money to pay for everything, and it owes other countries a lot of money' she replied. I wondered how they would get that money, so naturally, I asked 'Where does money come from?'

'The Federal Reserve.'

'Who owns the Fed, vile woman?' (This was in the parking lot of church on the way to religious formation.)

'The government.'

'Well, why doesn't the government just print more money for itself?'

That question stumped her because she's not an economist. But as I understand, it's a complicated, esoteric reason known only by those who can comprehend it.

But the fact that Krugman apparently gets his economics from a fucking ten-year-old just had me laughing my ass off, and a bit baffled that someone could be so utterly serious presenting such a ridiculous idea, and shocked that the 24/7 news cycle would actually discuss it as if it had any merit whatsoever.


Serious / Re: New Poll has Sanders Up 20pts in New Hampshire, 10 in Iowa
« on: September 14, 2015, 09:10:21 PM »
Hillary is the definition of a partisan. I really can't imagine her doing anything else but maintaining the status quo.

A more moderate candidate has a much stronger chance of working with the opposing side than, say, someone who is far-left equivalent of Cruz.

You must agree to at least that.
Yeah, I have to agree.

But realistically, no candidate would ever accomplish half the things they set out to do (figuratively speaking, *ahem*).

Serious / Re: New Poll has Sanders Up 20pts in New Hampshire, 10 in Iowa
« on: September 14, 2015, 09:03:47 PM »
I think he's referring to partisans.
Then it's a fucking stupid thing to say. Of course partisan Republicans don't vote Democrat.

Otherwise they wouldn't be partisan.

The problem in America (Not sure how it's fairing for you Brits) is that the partisan divide has simply expanded in American politics - to the point that even the Supreme Court is getting involved in this. Of course there are voters who will always vote Republican and Democratic, but the more that happens, the more the moderate and independent voters matter in an election.

They will increasingly decide the outcome, the more that the 40-42% of Republicans vote as such, and vice versa for the Democrats.

GOPers don't vote Democrat anyway, so that point is moot. Likewise, Democrats will vote for their candidate because Sanders would be better than any Republican president (plus, he's Jewish, so he fulfills that silly little 'minority candidate' requirement). There's still over a year before the election day, so Bernie has plenty of time to motivate the base. And when looking at Bernie's actual views, he's not as much of a 'socialist' as the name would imply.

I do not even know where to begin.

First off, the notion that "GOPers don't vote Democratic", while seems nice, is false. In every elections, Presidential or Midterm, there is a good average of 5-10% of the opposing party who votes for your candidate (IE, Democrats who vote for McCain and Republicans for Obama). These moderate voters, along with the independent voters, can have a huge impact in terms of the final outcome of any election.

In 2008, when Obama won in a landslide, he garnished 9% of votes from Republican voters, up from 4% for Kerry in 2004, according to the Pew Research Organization. A poll by The Economist showed even more support for Obama by Republicans, winning 22% of conservative affiliated voters, a higher proportion than any Democratic candidate since 1980, source.

Second off, the claim that Bernie's views are not "as socialist as the name implies" is even more bullshit - the guy calls himself a socialist, and his views are more align with European liberals than any other Presidential candidate in this race, or the past five elections. Not only does the guy not mention a single bit of foreign policy on his website outside of Iran (Sorry Syria, you and the migrant crisis aren't fucking important),

Instead, Bernie touts big ideas such as "Invest 1 trillion in spending against income equality, infrastructure, etc." with no set plan on how to get that money besides "More taxes!", and doubling the minimum wage in a span of three years after his election, with no plan laid out as to how that will affect the average business that isn't a god damn Wal-Mart. Even if I support an increase, I don't support such a radical one as quick.

There's also the lovely part of politicizing the Supreme Court even more, but I won't get into that.

The fact is that as many fairy tale promises that Bernie Sanders will promise, he can guarantee absolute ZERO of it, because the President Does Not Make The Laws. He is going to have to work with Congress to get anything done, which will more than likely remain, at the very least, half controlled by the Republicans. And guess what? They will go for none of this shit.

Bernie Sanders as President is going to only continue the lame-duck Presidency that has shown how broken our government system still is. If you want that, it's kind of sad.
Icy, Hillary is an establishment Democrat. She isn't even that liberal to begin with. She's been behind the times on the issues that matter most to liberals; Bernie's the actual progressive candidate who more closely reflects the current views of the party. I never claimed that the President makes laws, either; Hillary won't have congressional Republicans on her side anyway, because they still think she put on a ski mask and personally assassinated Ambassador Stevens, and that her confession (and proof that she revenge cuck'd Bill) is hidden somewhere on her suspiciously private server.

A Hillary presidency would be more like another four years of Obama, and the country's getting tired of him. That's been the gist of Bernie's campaign, and he's making the milestones they said he'd never make.

Where in that post did I even mention Clinton's name? Also, you've shared that Atlantic article before - there's no need to keep sharing it, unless they've suddenly decided to add in new information.

America does not a European liberal - they need a President candidate who can get past this shitty partisanship and actually start governing to fix the shitty issues that continue to affect our country. That is never going to be Bernie, and you're right that it probably will not be Hilary (Though she stands a better chance than Sanders).

Pending it being a Trump/Cruz GOP ticket, I'll likely actually vote for them next year, because Sanders as President is going to be a fucking disaster.

Quote me on that.
Hillary is the definition of a partisan. I really can't imagine her doing anything else but maintaining the status quo.

>.> and I would argue that a Celebrity-in-Chief would be infinitely worse than anything we can imagine. We don't need a real mockery made out of the presidency.

Trump only has like... what, two actual policies? Rounding up all the illegals would be preposterously costly, first of all.

Serious / Re: New Poll has Sanders Up 20pts in New Hampshire, 10 in Iowa
« on: September 14, 2015, 08:58:06 PM »
Bernie's the actual progressive candidate who more closely reflects the current views of the party.
Does that actually matter if his ideas are shit, though?
It's not about the money facts, it's about sending a message. (Pretty much every campaign ever.)

>.> It should matter, but it doesn't.

Serious / Re: New Poll has Sanders Up 20pts in New Hampshire, 10 in Iowa
« on: September 14, 2015, 08:52:58 PM »
I think he's referring to partisans.
Then it's a fucking stupid thing to say. Of course partisan Republicans don't vote Democrat.

Otherwise they wouldn't be partisan.

The problem in America (Not sure how it's fairing for you Brits) is that the partisan divide has simply expanded in American politics - to the point that even the Supreme Court is getting involved in this. Of course there are voters who will always vote Republican and Democratic, but the more that happens, the more the moderate and independent voters matter in an election.

They will increasingly decide the outcome, the more that the 40-42% of Republicans vote as such, and vice versa for the Democrats.

GOPers don't vote Democrat anyway, so that point is moot. Likewise, Democrats will vote for their candidate because Sanders would be better than any Republican president (plus, he's Jewish, so he fulfills that silly little 'minority candidate' requirement). There's still over a year before the election day, so Bernie has plenty of time to motivate the base. And when looking at Bernie's actual views, he's not as much of a 'socialist' as the name would imply.

I do not even know where to begin.

First off, the notion that "GOPers don't vote Democratic", while seems nice, is false. In every elections, Presidential or Midterm, there is a good average of 5-10% of the opposing party who votes for your candidate (IE, Democrats who vote for McCain and Republicans for Obama). These moderate voters, along with the independent voters, can have a huge impact in terms of the final outcome of any election.

In 2008, when Obama won in a landslide, he garnished 9% of votes from Republican voters, up from 4% for Kerry in 2004, according to the Pew Research Organization. A poll by The Economist showed even more support for Obama by Republicans, winning 22% of conservative affiliated voters, a higher proportion than any Democratic candidate since 1980, source.

Second off, the claim that Bernie's views are not "as socialist as the name implies" is even more bullshit - the guy calls himself a socialist, and his views are more align with European liberals than any other Presidential candidate in this race, or the past five elections. Not only does the guy not mention a single bit of foreign policy on his website outside of Iran (Sorry Syria, you and the migrant crisis aren't fucking important),

Instead, Bernie touts big ideas such as "Invest 1 trillion in spending against income equality, infrastructure, etc." with no set plan on how to get that money besides "More taxes!", and doubling the minimum wage in a span of three years after his election, with no plan laid out as to how that will affect the average business that isn't a god damn Wal-Mart. Even if I support an increase, I don't support such a radical one as quick.

There's also the lovely part of politicizing the Supreme Court even more, but I won't get into that.

The fact is that as many fairy tale promises that Bernie Sanders will promise, he can guarantee absolute ZERO of it, because the President Does Not Make The Laws. He is going to have to work with Congress to get anything done, which will more than likely remain, at the very least, half controlled by the Republicans. And guess what? They will go for none of this shit.

Bernie Sanders as President is going to only continue the lame-duck Presidency that has shown how broken our government system still is. If you want that, it's kind of sad.
Icy, Hillary is an establishment Democrat. She isn't even that liberal to begin with. She's been behind the times on the issues that matter most to liberals; Bernie's the actual progressive candidate who more closely reflects the current views of the party. I never claimed that the President makes laws, either; Hillary won't have congressional Republicans on her side anyway, because they still think she put on a ski mask and personally assassinated Ambassador Stevens, and that her confession (and proof that she revenge cuck'd Bill) is hidden somewhere on her suspiciously private server.

A Hillary presidency would be more like another four years of Obama, and the country's getting tired of him. That's been the gist of Bernie's campaign, and so far he's making the milestones they said he'd never make.

9% of Republicans is negligible
Just under a tenth of Republicans is negligible?

There's ~280,000,000 adults in the US. Which puts the turnout at roughly 172,480,000. If we assume Republicans themselves had a 61.6pc turnout that would make ~81,999,999 Republicans voting. 10pc of that is ~8,000,000.

Bearing in mind we've probably underestimated Republican turnout, we have 8,000,000 votes going to Obama for whatever reason. The difference between Obama and McCain was 10,000,000.

That's not negligible.
The point of my statement should be clear. It wasn't meant to be interpreted literally. I can't think of a time when that 10% of Republicans was as critical to winning a general election as, say, the 6-7% of swing voters, especially when contrasted with similar numbers of Democrats voting for the Republican candidate. It generally evens out.

The Flood / Re: Army Called
« on: September 14, 2015, 08:40:24 PM »
I haven't gotten any good news today  :'(

I am close to Legendary

Serious / Re: New Poll has Sanders Up 20pts in New Hampshire, 10 in Iowa
« on: September 14, 2015, 08:31:49 PM »
9pc of Republicans voted for Obama. . .
9% of Republicans is negligible, but I should have said 'vast majority'.
I don't know why that's funny.

Serious / Re: New Poll has Sanders Up 20pts in New Hampshire, 10 in Iowa
« on: September 14, 2015, 08:24:21 PM »
>preferring Hillary


>preferring someone unelectable

Not with that attitude.

Again, tell me.

How many independents and GOP voters do you honestly think are going to vote for a self-proclaimed "socialist" - especially from the swing states of Iowa, Wisconsin, North Carolina, Virginia, etc?

He is not going to win on false promises and far-left liberals. That will not happen.
GOPers don't vote Democrat anyway, so that point is moot. Likewise, Democrats will vote for their candidate because Sanders would be better than any Republican president (plus, he's Jewish, so he fulfills that silly little 'minority candidate' requirement). There's still over a year before the election day, so Bernie has plenty of time to motivate the base. And when looking at Bernie's actual views, he's not as much of a 'socialist' as the name would imply.

But more importantly, Hillary will continue to be dogged by the email scandal as long as it plays out. She's handled it horribly and it's a huge distraction from her campaign efforts. She's literally her own worst enemy.

The first Dem primary is in February--that's plenty of time for Sanders to catch up.

conservative sense of humor is so primitive
Not that many people actually see me as a conservative.

Serious / Re: If you didn't think Walker was enough of a joke....
« on: September 14, 2015, 08:00:16 PM »
Unions wouldn't need to exist if businesses didn't treat their employees like dirt.

Serious / Re: New Poll has Sanders Up 20pts in New Hampshire, 10 in Iowa
« on: September 14, 2015, 07:56:06 PM »
>preferring Hillary


>preferring someone unelectable

Not with that attitude.

Serious / Re: New Poll has Sanders Up 20pts in New Hampshire, 10 in Iowa
« on: September 14, 2015, 04:10:21 PM »

The hero the Dems need, but not the one they deserve.

Sanders, if he were to win the primary, will end up as Dukakis did.

Not in the White House.
I have to disagree with you there.

Serious / Re: New Poll has Sanders Up 20pts in New Hampshire, 10 in Iowa
« on: September 14, 2015, 04:02:57 PM »
I've heard about it. It's just one poll though, so I wouldn't get too giddy over it.

Basically how I feel about Hillary, minus the ridiculous amount of entitlement she has.

The hero the Dems need, but not the one they deserve.

The Flood / Re: Anarchy afterparty
« on: September 14, 2015, 03:59:22 PM »
TBH I miss the drama that used to happen there.

Gaming / Re: Castle Crashers Remastered is free
« on: September 14, 2015, 09:30:01 AM »
PC version when?
We need to get a group for when the PC Version comes out.
and when your ISP stops being Beaner™ Communications®, Inc., LLC.

but ye
Buy & Pay for me a new ISP?
I'm not a charity.
Better get used to my internet then. :^3
In all seriousness im pretty sure the cause of the lag was the game's fault, you've never had problems with my internet when we played MH3U on WiiU, plus Castle Crashers lagged when I was playing with a friend who lived close by.
Yeah, good point >.> speaking of which, we should play that again soon.

The Flood / Re: Anarchy afterparty
« on: September 14, 2015, 12:31:36 AM »
You were all useless pieces of shit in all of your own very special, in every way shape or form, unique way.
No problem lover.
no homo
At least not for me. A hole's a hole.

The Flood / Re: Anarchy afterparty
« on: September 14, 2015, 12:25:12 AM »
You were all useless pieces of shit in all of your own very special, in every way shape or form, unique way.
No problem lover.
no homo

Pages: 1 ... 777879 8081 ... 212