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Messages - Azumarill

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The Flood / Re: Lets say Gaben fell down in the path of Mark Wahlberg.
« on: April 10, 2015, 06:11:43 PM »
I still don't get this meme.
Mr Marky Mark attacked a Vietnamese guy when he was younger and blinded him in one eye. He also called them "Vietnam fucking shits".
He's also trying to get it wiped from his permanent record because it's stopping him from operating a burger franchise with his family. Hilariously enough, he refuses to apologize for it, and says that his attendance at church has absolved him and made him a different person.

The Flood / Re: At what age are you too old to live with your parents
« on: April 10, 2015, 06:05:05 PM »
"it's pathetic and lame because i didn't do it".
the jeff winger avatar is absolutely perfect for this

everything is a potential dealbreaker, so i dont waste time valuing certain things higher than others

except for big boobs. theyre definitely better than small boobs.

The Flood / Re: Feminism, its not a synonym for equality
« on: April 10, 2015, 05:59:14 PM »
None of what she said makes her a non-feminist. Indeed, it makes her an even stronger feminist than the feminists she's responding to. Just because "third wave feminists" are rampant on the Internet doesn't mean that feminism as a holistic philosophy should not be subscribed to. So, she should retitle her video, "Why I'm not a third wave feminist." That wouldn't be as misleading and clickbait-y.
the third wave kinda hijacked the term. i think its best for real feminists to just hold onto an "equalist" label for now.

Gaming / Re: Someone run a Sep7agon 1v1 Halo tournament
« on: April 10, 2015, 05:58:17 PM »
Especially for Halo 4. On Ragnarok. With Manti on the map.
cheat stop
only cunts like the mantis

oh wait
whoooaahhhh the mantis was the best thing about h4 multiplayer

The Flood / Re: Jon Snow's parents
« on: April 10, 2015, 05:51:59 PM »

Serious / Re: Cop shoots fleeing man 8 times, plants evidence
« on: April 10, 2015, 05:47:57 PM »
Not a troll.

Stay in your vehicle. Do what the police tell you. If you're arrested because you know you have warrants, don't fight it.

99.99999% of the time if you follow my simple guidelines, you won't be injured or killed.
i agree. "obey or die."

what a damn shame.

dude shit the fuck up. You'd be the first pussy to pick up the phone and dial 911 when you're caught in a bind. Stop acting like police are terrible people.

LOL, he essentially just summed up your argument and you're upset about it.

PSU has one point though, at the end of it all, he'd be alive if he didn't run.
woulda coulda shoulda... id imagine its hard to think that way in that situation. hed just been tased, he was in the process of being arrested, and he probably wasnt the brightest bulb in the first place. he went into panic mode and lost his life because of a trigger happy pig. no one should be summarily executed like this.
He wouldn't have been tazed if he hadn't left the vehicle though.

One thing that bothers me:  If he was tazed, why didn't the officer just cuff him right then and there?
i wonder about that too. its a shame that we dont get to see what happened immediately before the guy broke free of the taser.

Serious / Re: Cop shoots fleeing man 8 times, plants evidence
« on: April 10, 2015, 05:45:00 PM »
Not a troll.

Stay in your vehicle. Do what the police tell you. If you're arrested because you know you have warrants, don't fight it.

99.99999% of the time if you follow my simple guidelines, you won't be injured or killed.
i agree. "obey or die."

what a damn shame.

dude shit the fuck up. You'd be the first pussy to pick up the phone and dial 911 when you're caught in a bind. Stop acting like police are terrible people.
calm down. corruption and excessive force are legitimate issues that need to be addressed in a public dialogue. most cops are good people. im not here to deny that. i believe that police agencies exist to help us, and that they do that in most situations. however, there is a verifiable problem in precincts around the country, wherein issues of corruption and excessive force are covered up by "internal investigations" and lawsuit settlements.

the information age has catalyzed the viral spread of videos like this, and its damaging the relationships between departments and their constituencies. it doesnt matter that these guys are the exception and not the rule, because thats not how the public perceives it, and we need to mend this wound.

Serious / Re: Cop shoots fleeing man 8 times, plants evidence
« on: April 10, 2015, 05:36:28 PM »
Not a troll.

Stay in your vehicle. Do what the police tell you. If you're arrested because you know you have warrants, don't fight it.

99.99999% of the time if you follow my simple guidelines, you won't be injured or killed.
i agree. "obey or die."

what a damn shame.

Serious / Re: Cop shoots fleeing man 8 times, plants evidence
« on: April 10, 2015, 05:26:17 PM »
PSU has one point though, at the end of it all, he'd be alive if he didn't run.
woulda coulda shoulda... id imagine its hard to think that way in that situation. hed just been tased, he was in the process of being arrested, and he probably wasnt the brightest bulb in the first place. he went into panic mode and lost his life because of a trigger happy pig. no one should be summarily executed like this.
He wouldn't have been tazed if he hadn't left the vehicle though.

he probably wasnt the brightest bulb in the first place

i cant fault someone for being stupid.

Serious / Re: Cop shoots fleeing man 8 times, plants evidence
« on: April 10, 2015, 05:23:11 PM »
PSU has one point though, at the end of it all, he'd be alive if he didn't run.
woulda coulda shoulda... id imagine its hard to think that way in that situation. hed just been tased, he was in the process of being arrested, and he probably wasnt the brightest bulb in the first place. he went into panic mode and lost his life because of a trigger happy pig. no one should be summarily executed like this.

The Flood / Re: Jon Snow's parents
« on: April 10, 2015, 05:21:16 PM »
Jon's dad is Rhaegar, who is secretly Daario who is secretly Euron who is impersonating Varys who is disguised as The Dusky Woman.
and the dusky woman serves euron, who is the real azor ahai

And Azor Ahai is the Great Other who is secretly Aegon the Conqueror who is actually...


What about Lightbringer

For a srs post real quick, I'm going for Longclaw or Dawn being Lightbringer.  They did say Dawn was "forged from a star."
It was subtly hinted at Lightbringer being a person, namely Davos
that would make sense, if melisandre is right about the mannis being AA. but i dont think she is correct. shes rather inept when it comes to reading her fires.
He was described as bringing light to a cell, also:

The wind sighed through the chamber, and in the hearth the flames gusted and swirled. He listened to the logs crackle and spit. When Davos left the window his shadow went before him, tall and thin, and fell across the Painted Table like a sword.
believe me, im familiar with this. i think mel is wrong.

The Flood / Re: Jon Snow's parents
« on: April 10, 2015, 05:16:17 PM »
Jon's dad is Rhaegar, who is secretly Daario who is secretly Euron who is impersonating Varys who is disguised as The Dusky Woman.
and the dusky woman serves euron, who is the real azor ahai

And Azor Ahai is the Great Other who is secretly Aegon the Conqueror who is actually...


What about Lightbringer

For a srs post real quick, I'm going for Longclaw or Dawn being Lightbringer.  They did say Dawn was "forged from a star."
It was subtly hinted at Lightbringer being a person, namely Davos
that would make sense, if melisandre is right about the mannis being AA. but i dont think she is correct. shes rather inept when it comes to reading her fires.

The Flood / Re: Jon Snow's parents
« on: April 10, 2015, 05:14:03 PM »
Jon's dad is Rhaegar, who is secretly Daario who is secretly Euron who is impersonating Varys who is disguised as The Dusky Woman.
and the dusky woman serves euron, who is the real azor ahai

And Azor Ahai is the Great Other who is secretly Aegon the Conqueror who is actually...


What about Lightbringer

For a srs post real quick, I'm going for Longclaw or Dawn being Lightbringer.  They did say Dawn was "forged from a star."
i think longclaw is blackfyre. dawn could very well be lightbringer though.

The Flood / Re: Jon Snow's parents
« on: April 10, 2015, 05:13:33 PM »
his mother could have been ashara dayne, by way of ned. thats the only other reasonable theory, unless ned's original story is true.

Yeah I reckon it's her. And Tyrion is a Targ.
id really hate for tyrion to end up being aerys' bastard by lyanna. its much more poetic for him to be tywin's blood. if anything, the twins are the targs.

of course, the dragon does need 3 heads... will the third head be tyrion or aegon?

i wish GRRM would fucking finish the series already.

Aerys and Lyanna? What. Do explain.

And they mention Tyrion having a purple eye I think, that's one of the Targaryen things...

Zuzy meant Joanna, I think.

As for Tyrion's eyes, they're Black and Green.  The same colors worn by the two factions during The Dance of Dragons.
yes, joanna, my bad

The Flood / Re: Jon Snow's parents
« on: April 10, 2015, 05:12:56 PM »
Jon's dad is Rhaegar, who is secretly Daario who is secretly Euron who is impersonating Varys who is disguised as The Dusky Woman.
and the dusky woman serves euron, who is the real azor ahai

And Azor Ahai is the Great Other who is secretly Aegon the Conqueror who is actually...


What about Lightbringer
what about lightbringer? the only sword that matters is Longclaw, which is actually Blackfyre

The Flood / Re: Jon Snow's parents
« on: April 10, 2015, 05:12:27 PM »
his mother could have been ashara dayne, by way of ned. thats the only other reasonable theory, unless ned's original story is true.

Yeah I reckon it's her. And Tyrion is a Targ.
id really hate for tyrion to end up being aerys' bastard by lyanna. its much more poetic for him to be tywin's blood. if anything, the twins are the targs.

of course, the dragon does need 3 heads... will the third head be tyrion or aegon?

i wish GRRM would fucking finish the series already.

Aerys and Lyanna? What. Do explain.

And they mention Tyrion having a purple eye I think, that's one of the Targaryen things...
the theory goes that, if tyrion is indeed a secret targ, its because aerys raped joanna and she became pregnant with tyrion, who "killed" her during childbirth and became tywin's responsibility, and thats why tywin hated him so much.

and tyrions eyes are green and black. there are some other non-targs who have purple eyes, notably the daynes. im pretty sure theyre valyrian.

The Flood / Re: Jon Snow's parents
« on: April 10, 2015, 05:08:48 PM »
Jon's dad is Rhaegar, who is secretly Daario who is secretly Euron who is impersonating Varys who is disguised as The Dusky Woman.
and the dusky woman serves euron, who is the real azor ahai

The Flood / Re: Jon Snow's parents
« on: April 10, 2015, 05:08:10 PM »
his mother could have been ashara dayne, by way of ned. thats the only other reasonable theory, unless ned's original story is true.

Yeah I reckon it's her. And Tyrion is a Targ.
id really hate for tyrion to end up being aerys' bastard by lyanna. its much more poetic for him to be tywin's blood. if anything, the twins are the targs.

of course, the dragon does need 3 heads... will the third head be tyrion or aegon?

i wish GRRM would fucking finish the series already.

The Flood / Re: Jon Snow's parents
« on: April 10, 2015, 04:58:48 PM »
his mother could have been ashara dayne, by way of ned. thats the only other reasonable theory, unless ned's original story is true.

Serious / Re: Should you be able to use self defense against a Cop?
« on: April 10, 2015, 04:53:11 PM »
Problem is, if you are facing a cop who has/is: i) Misunderstood your action and knows from his mind you did a criminal act or ii) Is just a shitty cop, what stops them from then beating the shit out of you, shooting/tasing you and then charging you with assault of a police officer afterwards regardless of your original innocence?

Plus police have training to deal with this sorta thing. If I was being detained and about to face police brutality I'd take my chances running than fighting them.
this. you dont fight a cop unless you want to die.
Cop training really isn't that great, at least universally.  One of my relatives went to a firearm course taught by a vietnam special forces guy and he said there were a lot of cops who showed up because they felt there regular training wasn't enough.  A quick google search can show you thousands of videos of cops getting knocked out or killed by random people.  SWAT teams are another story.

id rather not take my chances

The Flood / Re: Feminism, its not a synonym for equality
« on: April 10, 2015, 04:26:00 PM »
well spoken. i agree wholeheartedly.

Serious / Re: Should you be able to use self defense against a Cop?
« on: April 10, 2015, 04:21:00 PM »
Problem is, if you are facing a cop who has/is: i) Misunderstood your action and knows from his mind you did a criminal act or ii) Is just a shitty cop, what stops them from then beating the shit out of you, shooting/tasing you and then charging you with assault of a police officer afterwards regardless of your original innocence?

Plus police have training to deal with this sorta thing. If I was being detained and about to face police brutality I'd take my chances running than fighting them.
this. you dont fight a cop unless you want to die.

Serious / Re: Should you be able to use self defense against a Cop?
« on: April 10, 2015, 03:14:24 PM »
this isnt what we should be focusing on.

we have to attack this from the top down, not the bottom up. we need to conduct extremely thorough corruption investigations in each department around the nation, and weed out the bad ones. the blue code of silence prevents the good cops from speaking out. we need audits for every single use of force by police officers, and we need to stop selling surplus military equipment to departments that really dont need it. we cant just start defending ourselves against bad cops. thats the easiest way to end up 6 feet under the ground.

wheres the money for this gonna come from? the taxpayers. cities already shell out a hell of a lot of money for coverups/settlements, so we'd probably end up spending less money doing things my way.

Gaming / Re: My "MLG" friend just made his first ever montage
« on: April 10, 2015, 02:43:51 PM »
>Making montages un-ironically
a lot of montages are really good

Gaming / Re: My "MLG" friend just made his first ever montage
« on: April 10, 2015, 02:32:59 PM »
I know we like to make fun of MLG and everything, but, is this what passes for MLG these days?
im not sure these people are aware that MLG is a real thing

Gaming / Re: Here we go again
« on: April 10, 2015, 02:31:43 PM »
So as long as 343 provides the basic necessities for a branching Halo community, it should be a smooth ride. Reach and 4 missed out on some pretty big things that held the tree together so there was nothing left for the branches to hang on.

People come to only accept that the Campaign and Multiplayer (though they are the more hefty ones) are the only essentials for a "good" Halo game. But it's much more than that. Whether or not you agree with more will be decided when Halo 5 comes out. If that game comes out and it fails just as much as Reach or Halo 4 did and you come to me asking why, I'll point out all of them individually and say why.
theyve been making strides towards reconciling with the competitive community. the HCS is doing ok. not perfect by any means, but its better than what we had before.

all that matters at this point is how balanced h5 multiplayer is going to be. if its as bad as h4, the series is as good as dead.
Despite my lack of doubt that Halo 5 wont be a competitive shooter, having that as the only thing that matters wont get the game any farther than how it was before (the Halo 2 - 3 days). Like I said in my previous post about the tree analogy, to get the game to way it was before we'd require the basic needs to have the game branch out to most, if not all Halo communities. With a good Campaign and Multiplayer we would just have a stripped tree. Not a dead tree, but a tree that has no flavor to it. There has to be something for everyone. Some more so than others, but just enough to give them the basics. Be it the Machinima community, speed runs, role-play, etc.
id kill for an improved theatre mode and a return to form for custom games

The Flood / Re: Had some more Chik-Fil-A
« on: April 10, 2015, 02:25:55 PM »
wow, awesome. Going there this sunday after Holy MASS
stop spreading these filthy lies!

i'm not lying

people who go to church don't lie

Gaming / Re: Here we go again
« on: April 10, 2015, 02:20:32 PM »
So as long as 343 provides the basic necessities for a branching Halo community, it should be a smooth ride. Reach and 4 missed out on some pretty big things that held the tree together so there was nothing left for the branches to hang on.

People come to only accept that the Campaign and Multiplayer (though they are the more hefty ones) are the only essentials for a "good" Halo game. But it's much more than that. Whether or not you agree with more will be decided when Halo 5 comes out. If that game comes out and it fails just as much as Reach or Halo 4 did and you come to me asking why, I'll point out all of them individually and say why.
theyve been making strides towards reconciling with the competitive community. the HCS is doing ok. not perfect by any means, but its better than what we had before.

all that matters at this point is how balanced h5 multiplayer is going to be. if its as bad as h4, the series is as good as dead.

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