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Messages - aREALgod

Pages: 1 ... 8910 1112 ... 173
Congrats, now those 100 or 100,000 scumbags go on to kill and rape and rob thousands of others! You just contaminated the world with filth, all becuz "HURRR MUH MORALS LOL!"

It is far better to send one innocent to prison than to let free the whole fucking prison block. Shit happens boo hoo. If sending one innocent prison away every now and then ensures a safe society, then I will celebrate that man's sacrifice for the greater good of us all.
Criminals being allowed to commit more crimes before eventually rounded up and caught isn't nearly as bad as putting one person in prison for no reason. "Shit happens." Go to hell if that's really your goddamn mindset. A safe, immoral society is worse than an unsafe, moral society.


Congrats, now those 100 or 100,000 scumbags go on to kill and rape and rob thousands of others! You just contaminated the world with filth, all becuz "HURRR MUH MORALS LOL!"

It is far better to send one innocent to prison than to let free the whole fucking prison block. Shit happens boo hoo. If sending one innocent prison away every now and then ensures a safe society, then I will celebrate that man's sacrifice for the greater good of us all.

Gaming / Re: ITT games with Terrible Metas
« on: April 15, 2016, 09:21:14 AM »
World of Tanks.

Only to get gud is to have bought the broken tanks like the E-25 or Type-59 before they were removed and wreck face with the DPM and camouflage values.

Strongholds is basically Cromwells. I fucking hate that piece of shit tank.
git gud, tomato
52% w/l and 800+wn7 with no preems , solo pubs only

Psh, you call THOSE stats good? Try 63% win rate 1200+wn7 or 8 or whatever the fuck, using bitch ass tanks like the Leo
unicunt fgt pls go and stay go

Git gud casul, I don't need a team because I carry the team

(for real WoT has the worst randoms I've ever seen in a game ever)

Gaming / Re: ITT games with Terrible Metas
« on: April 15, 2016, 02:01:44 AM »
World of Tanks.

Only to get gud is to have bought the broken tanks like the E-25 or Type-59 before they were removed and wreck face with the DPM and camouflage values.

Strongholds is basically Cromwells. I fucking hate that piece of shit tank.
git gud, tomato
52% w/l and 800+wn7 with no preems , solo pubs only

Psh, you call THOSE stats good? Try 63% win rate 1200+wn7 or 8 or whatever the fuck, using bitch ass tanks like the Leo

The Flood / Re: If you hate Israel, why?
« on: April 15, 2016, 01:43:35 AM »
Why would I hate Israel? They're given a bad wrap by liberals and millennial pussies who don't understand they're trying to protect themselves against TERRORISTS and are surrounded by BAD GUYS.

You can blame PC culture and millennial brats for that


"Behold the face of tolerance in 2016 PC america."

21 is young? LOL she's barely any older, what a stuck up bitch

The Flood / Re: I think I got flaked out on again
« on: April 14, 2016, 02:09:33 PM »
It happens, man. Yeah it stings, but it just happens
Busty Puerto Rican was supposed to give me head tonight, and only a one time thing. I guess everyone just uses me for the attention and doesn't go through with it.

You're one to talk about being used

The Flood / Re: Fml might cry my eyes out
« on: April 12, 2016, 01:32:25 AM »
It's overrated anyway, bro.

Yea, raves suck

The Flood / I got hit by a car today
« on: April 12, 2016, 01:09:46 AM »
I was out cleaning the gurney talking to my partner when he suddenly goes "Watch out watch out watch out!" and I turn to see what he's talking about right as an old lady backs up into me with her car. She stops, backs up a little more, then drove away.

How many of you can say you got hit by a car and walked away?

The Flood / Re: My ballsack won't stop bleeding wat do
« on: April 11, 2016, 01:52:29 AM »
Testicular torsion

The Flood / Re: RC isn't gay
« on: April 10, 2016, 08:59:43 PM »
He's too gay for dick, he's transcended the earthly bounds of gayness

The Flood / Re: Official crybaby thread
« on: April 10, 2016, 01:34:34 PM »
I worked five days this week and have to work tomorrow

The Flood / Re: Post cute girls ITT
« on: April 10, 2016, 01:32:34 PM »
I bet this woman would give you the best head you'll ever receive your entire life.

Doubt it. Already been given great head by someone who wasn't land blubber

The Flood / Re: Bailey Jay is the only attractive tranny.
« on: April 10, 2016, 01:15:56 PM »

Enjoy confusing your penis :^ )

The Flood / Re: Didn't have sex
« on: April 10, 2016, 01:13:52 PM »
Not yet :^ )

The Flood / Re: anyone here ever tripped weed?
« on: April 09, 2016, 08:42:36 PM »

The Flood / Re: Post cute girls ITT
« on: April 09, 2016, 06:44:33 PM »
This thread is whale past a harpooning

The Flood / Re: anyone here ever tripped weed?
« on: April 09, 2016, 06:42:33 PM »
You don't trip on weed, that's fucking retarded

how obvious do I have to make my comments itt

you're straight up braindead

It's not my fault you're too stupid to make a good tongue in cheek thread, you fucking aspie
>damage control instead of just admitting you fucked up

and you're calling me the autistic one lmao

>Using "2016" as an argument

LOL yeah you're autistic, and also one of the worst trolls on this site

The Flood / Re: anyone here ever tripped weed?
« on: April 09, 2016, 06:37:48 PM »
You don't trip on weed, that's fucking retarded

how obvious do I have to make my comments itt

you're straight up braindead

It's not my fault you're too stupid to make a good tongue in cheek thread, you fucking aspie

The Flood / Re: Feelin' like a FAT BLOATED SALTY POS
« on: April 09, 2016, 02:24:30 PM »

The Flood / Re: Official crybaby thread
« on: April 09, 2016, 02:20:56 PM »
I just ate Panda Express and now I feel sick

The Flood / Re: Official crybaby thread
« on: April 09, 2016, 01:41:37 PM »
I'm really hungry but I don't want to make the effort to cook any food

The Flood / Re: Fucking Rednecks
« on: April 09, 2016, 08:57:48 AM »

Midget would live in Orange County.

Can't tell if this is good sarcasm or bad sarcasm

The Flood / Re: anyone here ever tripped weed?
« on: April 09, 2016, 01:59:41 AM »
You don't trip on weed, that's fucking retarded

Can't wait until diabetes wrecks your life and workout routine

The Flood / Re: Official crybaby thread
« on: April 09, 2016, 01:44:05 AM »
I don't get to see my gf for another two weeks but I want sex now

The Flood / Re: Fucking Rednecks
« on: April 09, 2016, 12:54:07 AM »
christ deci
how many times do we have to tell you that this shit is a scripted soap opera for autists?

I'm not denying that. Scripted or not people like this that are backwards country ass fucks are an embarrassment to this country.

I don't see what's wrong here. The brat of a son needs to get a job and stop acting like he's entitled to shit.

You a redneck?

Nope. I don't see anything wrong with the video. Those "rednecks" didn't do anything except give that brat a job. He should be grateful because meanwhile others are struggling to actually get one. Nothing to be embarrassed about at all.

Oh so that's the fence you are on. This your first time watching the Psycho series? Fake or not these clowns are irrational as fuck. The brat was actually forced out to get a job, he was already in the family business on his mom's side by making T-shirts and whatnot, and guess what, his dad forced him to quit and want him to do something else. On top of that this pecker fucker has Google Ads enabled so get generates ad revenue for it. He probably has more than he showed off because there's one video where he was rolling in $30k cash, he waved that shit to his dad and his dad threw it in the safe saying its his money.

Telling someone to get a job is one thing if they're just a lazy fuck, but these people are irrational. Believe me I don't like the brat, but in this situation with that fat hick and his batshit insane dad (fake or not, whatever) I can actually sympathize with the brat, in this case, and believe me the brat is no saint. He's done a lot of stupid shit that made me face palm, but I gotta agree with him about this being bullshit.

Fuck farms.

The kid's a little shit, I don't blame his dad one bit. I highly doubt he's earning any sort of real living off of youtube, so it's good they're forcing him to do REAL work.

ALSO LOL did you really just say fuck farms? HAHAHAAA holy shit what the fuck is wrong with farms? That's a pretty autistic thing to say

Farms are a mistake, they're nothing but trash.


>Damage control

Damage control is a mistake. Its nothing but trash.
You're nothing but trash/

Das you're a mistake. You're nothing but trash.

Just when you think Deci can't get anymore broken

>Thinks I'm serious.

LMAO this is great.

You have no idea what I think, kiddo

Come on man, have some fun, its the internet, nobody cares. Are you a fat geyser?

I think that whenever I run into traffic on the freeway there'd better be a damned good reason for holding everyone up. Like a bus full of orphans rolled over and threw their bodies all over the road to be torn to pieces by panicking, shitty SoCal drivers who only know where the gas pedal is and cause a fuel tanker to jerk the wheel to dodge all the mayhem but slam into the median and explode in to flames and burning alive all the surviving little orphan kiddies and scarring for life the witnesses and stereotypical SoCal morons who would rather gawk with their iPhones for social media than dial 911

You're in SoCal? Where do you live?

Orange County

I came in expecting Hitchcock .45 and was sorely disappointed

The Flood / Re: Fucking Rednecks
« on: April 08, 2016, 01:22:12 AM »
christ deci
how many times do we have to tell you that this shit is a scripted soap opera for autists?

I'm not denying that. Scripted or not people like this that are backwards country ass fucks are an embarrassment to this country.

I don't see what's wrong here. The brat of a son needs to get a job and stop acting like he's entitled to shit.

You a redneck?

Nope. I don't see anything wrong with the video. Those "rednecks" didn't do anything except give that brat a job. He should be grateful because meanwhile others are struggling to actually get one. Nothing to be embarrassed about at all.

Oh so that's the fence you are on. This your first time watching the Psycho series? Fake or not these clowns are irrational as fuck. The brat was actually forced out to get a job, he was already in the family business on his mom's side by making T-shirts and whatnot, and guess what, his dad forced him to quit and want him to do something else. On top of that this pecker fucker has Google Ads enabled so get generates ad revenue for it. He probably has more than he showed off because there's one video where he was rolling in $30k cash, he waved that shit to his dad and his dad threw it in the safe saying its his money.

Telling someone to get a job is one thing if they're just a lazy fuck, but these people are irrational. Believe me I don't like the brat, but in this situation with that fat hick and his batshit insane dad (fake or not, whatever) I can actually sympathize with the brat, in this case, and believe me the brat is no saint. He's done a lot of stupid shit that made me face palm, but I gotta agree with him about this being bullshit.

Fuck farms.

The kid's a little shit, I don't blame his dad one bit. I highly doubt he's earning any sort of real living off of youtube, so it's good they're forcing him to do REAL work.

ALSO LOL did you really just say fuck farms? HAHAHAAA holy shit what the fuck is wrong with farms? That's a pretty autistic thing to say

Farms are a mistake, they're nothing but trash.


>Damage control

Damage control is a mistake. Its nothing but trash.
You're nothing but trash/

Das you're a mistake. You're nothing but trash.

Just when you think Deci can't get anymore broken

>Thinks I'm serious.

LMAO this is great.

You have no idea what I think, kiddo

Come on man, have some fun, its the internet, nobody cares. Are you a fat geyser?

I think that whenever I run into traffic on the freeway there'd better be a damned good reason for holding everyone up. Like a bus full of orphans rolled over and threw their bodies all over the road to be torn to pieces by panicking, shitty SoCal drivers who only know where the gas pedal is and cause a fuel tanker to jerk the wheel to dodge all the mayhem but slam into the median and explode in to flames and burning alive all the surviving little orphan kiddies and scarring for life the witnesses and stereotypical SoCal morons who would rather gawk with their iPhones for social media than dial 911

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