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Messages - OnionBeetle

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The Flood / Re: What is making your hobby?
« on: October 09, 2015, 01:09:52 PM »
Hello please. I forgot mention my hobby in OP, I will post now.

My hobby is to make special painting when listening to happy music. Listening happy music makes for better quality paintinging IMHO TBH FAM.

The Flood / Re: What is making your hobby?
« on: October 09, 2015, 01:03:38 PM »
Writing. Arguing.

Why not make two birds with one brick and write argument?

The Flood / What is making your hobby?
« on: October 09, 2015, 01:00:10 PM »
Some people like collect. Some people collect caps, cards, stamps and vinyl records.
Othe rpeople hobby may be sport like squash, marko pololo, or making croquette.
Other people hobby may by more like normal people hobby like just reading or havinh happy ngihttime walk and music.

So please tell me what is your hobby please?

The Flood / Re: tfw another school shooting but in my state
« on: October 09, 2015, 12:51:52 PM »
I really don't see how calling something a meme can be considered a legitimate counter-argument. I mean, yeah, there's the implication of it being popular due to group mentality, as memes generally are, but still I find it's a bit beside the point. Just say you don't like that person's idea, and elaborate on your reasoning for fuck's sake, please.

Don't tell me how to post, faggot.

The Flood / Re: tfw another school shooting but in my state
« on: October 09, 2015, 08:45:31 AM »
Daily reminder that media semsatonalism is at fault for chain mass killings

<<America only first world country in the world where this happens.

<<Only first world country that legally sells killing devices to the mentally unstable


The Flood / Re: &gt;getting up at 9 for a lecture
« on: October 09, 2015, 08:37:32 AM »
I sleep at 12AM and get up at 5AM. Get on my level.


Jesus Christ, I hate people who brag about not getting enough sleep, worse than potheads. Clap, clap.

The Flood / Re: >getting up at 9 for a lecture
« on: October 09, 2015, 05:33:09 AM »
Why is it that all the shittiest lectures start the earliest and all the cool lectures are on near the end of the day when you're tired?

9 am : Fucking 'learning' how to conduct research, bullshit the topic with a bitch that shouts at you

5 pm : Latin, cool and interesting with a funny professor that likes everyone

The Flood / Re: What Generations 'av we got here
« on: October 09, 2015, 04:41:35 AM »
nice poll tbh op, smh fam, so tru 100 100 str8 slidin lol 👌

The Flood / Re: >getting up at 9 for a lecture
« on: October 09, 2015, 04:34:02 AM »
I've had a whole semester where I had to attend a single class Monday, Wednesday and Friday between 12:00 to 13:00. It was Web Design. In my college we also have absences; so if I skipped one too many, I'd fail the class automatically.
I have one on monday too, no attendance is taken. However it can be really hit and miss. For example 90% of the classes are genuinely irrelevant. But every once in a blue moon, there is a class held that is critical to the exam. It's too much for my little heart to take so I just go to them all and suffer.

The Flood / Re: Describe the user above you with a seven word sentence
« on: October 08, 2015, 02:26:36 PM »
Really cool guy who makes cool posts.
EDIT: fuck that was meant for challenger not beetle

I understand :'''v(((

The Flood / Re: So I Joined Film Club
« on: October 08, 2015, 02:25:59 PM »
lol, they must be complete plebs if the only watch films. True patricians only watch cinematiqué and kino.

The Flood / Re: Describe the user above you with a seven word sentence
« on: October 08, 2015, 02:24:33 PM »
Is nice person with big happy heart.

The Flood / Re: lets share some desktop backgrounds ITT
« on: October 08, 2015, 12:39:56 PM »

The Flood / Re: Any other halfbreeds around here?
« on: October 08, 2015, 12:31:59 PM »
That word gave me cancer.

I wish you a speedy recovery my friend

The Flood / Any other halfbreeds around here?
« on: October 08, 2015, 12:27:57 PM »
By halfbreed I mean half autistic, and half normal. Or in more sciéntifíc terms half your personality is neurotypical and half is neurodiverse

Halfbreeds have it pretty bad because they are normal enough to realise they are not functioning normally. For example, I know I shouldn't rock back and forth when I'm sitting down in public because that would make me look like a filthy autist. But at the same time, I'm autstic enough to want to do it.


My ONLY wish in this world is to ABIDE by the FOURM LAWS EFFECTIVELY.[/i]

I pray EVERY night before bed that my posts have met the STANDARD OF QUALITY that the MODERATORS DESIRE.


« on: October 07, 2015, 01:47:03 PM »
Do people still use vine? smh tbh (to be honest) fam
jesus fuck who let you in here

I showed myself in. Sorry I spoiled your 'le secrut club no newfags alloweddd xDDD' forum.

« on: October 07, 2015, 01:45:08 PM »
Do people still use vine? smh tbh (to be honest) fam

The Flood / Re: I say chaps, shoot the poor what what
« on: October 07, 2015, 12:26:43 PM »
lol, Germany LITERALLY owns all of Europe and nobody says anything.

Cameron talks shit for five minutes and everybody starts having a seizure.

maybe you can help by sharing you own experience. I share simple story with you, and you say what you would do to appear un-autistic.

Meet person and introduce selfs, have talk and happy conversation. Time now to part way for the day, is time to go home and make work and make sleep ready for next day.

Question is, is it autistic to add person on social-cybernetworking site that day? Is it better to wait non-autistic time like 3 months?

The Flood / Re: Worst democide in human history
« on: October 06, 2015, 04:45:09 PM »
Imperator's decimation of legions.

Not the most numerically obviously but one of the worst ways to go about it.

The Flood / Re: Why do you go here?
« on: October 06, 2015, 04:41:38 PM »
for a bit of craic lad
how do you know that word, ya mad cunt?

cause I live in ireland sir
Where abouts?

Co. Tyrone

lol, I was literally having a conversation today with someone discussing how nobody ever talks about Co.Tyrone.

The Flood / Re: If I were to construct a run of the mill RPG
« on: October 06, 2015, 04:38:42 PM »
So yeah, continuing on from yesterday...

I'm pretty sure you already have a vision for your game, right? Plot, characters, maybe music, environment and gameplay ideas.
You should focus on one of those especially, but don’t abandon the other elements.
Assuming you use RPG Maker, use the programming boundaries to your advantage. A few pixels in the right places can tell a wonderful (or horribly sad) story to those who are looking for it without the use of words. In which, in my opinion, lies the art of some of those games.

A great example of what I am talking about is Ib:
It’s quite obvious what the focus of this game is after either playing it or watching a playthrough;
Its story. It is about a little girl, Ib, that finds herself in a painting after she went to the museum with her parents. In there she has to try to survive the treacherous dangers of the painted world, while most of the artworks want her untimely demise. Luckily enough she finds a red rose that corresponds to her current well-being and whenever the rose regains its blooming state after being put in a vase with water Ib herself feels better too. Eventually she meets other people who are trapped in the painted world… (presumably).
While there are many different locations you’ll visit in the painted world, it still follows a consistent aesthetic. Nothing seems out of place or weird in some way. (An example for a game that has a weird/contradicting aesthetic would be ‘Mario is missing’ on the NES.
Anyways depending on how you interact with the environment and other characters you get a better understanding of the situation you are in and maybe even learn some hidden truths (I mean now you can read about that stuff on the Internet but that’s besides the point).
The game is relatively slow and so I is the music. It also convey a sense of mystery of this weird world you are trapped in.
You can try it out yourself – it’s free and a single playthrough doesn’t take long.

About my points:
‘Loveable Characters’
It’s not as much as that they should be loveable, but convincing/believable.
Make a profile for the major characters of your game. What is their background, what are their hobbies, their fear, their quirks? Does it match with their design? They should always have a reason for their actions. If you plan a character out that way it’s it a lot easier for you to let him/her respond to the events of the story. For side/unimportant characters you can just look at TVTropes and use some of the tropes – I mean, of course I’d appreciate it if you take your time to plan out your side characters too.
For example a tired, old veteran, will have a rather cynical view on the world, maybe they have a fear of losing close friends, like he once did in a war, thus he shuts himself off of society. Maybe he went AWOL and now lives on the street. Maybe he has a drinking problem. And he does look the part; rugged, ruffled hair, old scars and other injuries from war.
You can take the same background but make him a man who often jokes and laughs, maybe too often; as a way for him to cope with what he experienced.
Or he’s actually finished dealing with this part of his life and can act as a sort of mentor figure.
There are many possibilities.

The player character is a different kind of calibre though. If you plan to let player explore freely then it’d be better to use a rather blank slate, and let people name the character.
Maybe plan out multiple general personalities for the PC.
If the player acts brutal in most instance make the NPC be scared and/or abhor the PC (doesn’t necessarily apply to all NPC. Some might approve of it). Maybe even take the control of the player character in scripted instances that reflect the previous actions of the player (I just really appreciate that kind of thing in games since it makes choices matter).

Firstly, may I thank you for your well-constructed and considerate answer.

I see the truth in what you say and your advice is most wise. Due to my lack of core-programming skills however, I will be using the RPGmaker you mentioned. To make up for this I will try to focus my creative energy on the art, music and most importantly (in my opinion) the characters and story. As you have said, I do indeed have a very comprehensive view of the world and story. So much so that the RPG I intend to make has stemmed from the characters created in a novel I am writing. I believe if the game has a compelling story, with an immersive world, the player should feel as if they got their money's worth. And that is my ultimate goal, to have players enjoy a story I have created. And that the players will be happy with what they bought.

 If this project is completed, I will be sure to gift you a copy in way of thanks.


Here's a few examples :

What I propose as an answer to this situation is that we choose our own intelligent results. Logic that is intelligent.

This is nonsencial. Logic is by definition intelligent.

This is an example of unintelligent logic prevailing because it's good logic.

Logic cannot be good or bad, it just is.

we're stupid, and so is nature.

This is by far the most nonsensical comment you made. If you believe everything is stupid. Then what you wrote is stupid, because you are not intelligent enough to write anything coherent because you are stupid.

and so is nature.

Again, nonsensical. Nature is not something that can be 'dumb' or 'intelligent', it just is.

we choose our own intelligent results.

Not as bad as your other comments but how can one determine if a result is intelligent beforehand if the person you said by your definition is already stupid? As is the system of logic they are working under.

This is a huge contradiciton.

The Flood / Re: r9k users should honestly just kill themselves
« on: October 06, 2015, 09:04:40 AM »
I am so done with these fucking permavirgin losers

Why were you invovled with them to begin with if you hate them so?

Remind me again why that whole site hasn't been shut down?

Freedom of speech.

Your argument (I suppose you are trying to outline one?) is incredibly disjointed. Your area of inquisition states that you wil be looking into history, I was curious when I read that and thought you would have an interesting point to make.

However, from my understanding you are arguing for a literal mind of binary. Black or white, yes or  no, 1 or 0. Where is your dislike of all of history present here? Did you forget that that was relevant to your argument? Also, the idea of having a binary mind, is inherently impossible. Not only that, it is objectively inferior to having a 'flowing' mind as Aristotle, Plato, Socrates, Virgil, Homer, Cicero, Plautus and Aeschylus will confirm.

I don't understand what point you are trying to make, if any. What does your example of abortion have to do with your distaste of common occurances in reality and history and why is a binary mind even remotely preferable? What are you referring to by reality?
Abortion? I'm talking about parents abusing a child, and that instead of being intelligent and walk away from the relationship and survive on its own, it's incapable of doing so, and thus it tries to be even closer to the parents. It's a reaction to a situation that has been seen as the most favourable to surviving, and thus the reaction has been inherited by most of us.

This reaction has been favoured throughout history - or other peoples' realities, or lives, whatever you want to call what has happened in the past - even though it's not an intelligent one. It makes sense from a logical perspective, but the fact that it's logical, yet not intelligent, leaves us with the conclusion that to apply logic that's not intelligent, the situation must be stupid. That situation is us humans; we're stupid, and so is nature.

What I'm saying is that I don't like how nature has brought forth results.

What I propose as an answer to this situation is that we choose our own intelligent results. Logic that is intelligent.

Another example of logic that is stupid:
This bright genius who has the potential to solve the question of converting salt water to sweet water in an efficient way so that there won't ever be any problems concerning drinkable water is killed by his village because he stands out. They don't really think intelligently, but more primally, because in the past, people who stood out could be a danger to your tribe, and this trait has now shown itself.

This is an example of unintelligent logic prevailing because it's good logic.

I'll reread to see if I need to change stuff after I eat food.

Are you purposely trying to contradict every single point you make? I'm not sure if you're trolling or not anymore. But since your reply is so long, you are probably serious.

In which case I see no point in 'arguing' further. There are too many logical fallacies, disconnects and straight up contradictions for me to ignore.

The Flood / Re: If I were to construct a run of the mill RPG
« on: October 05, 2015, 02:01:33 PM »

What would you like to see in an 8bit RPG? What would make you buy one for 2$$???
A quick to the point trailer, showcasing the setting and elements of the game, which also compliemnts the overall mood of the game.
Rogue Legacy:
Snappy, humorous like the game itself and showing almost all of the features that make this game special (the changing dungeon, the adventurer's quirks, the castle and the legacy system). While there's a lot of text thrown at you at the beginning, you don't feel overwhelmed by it since the important text is clearly more emphasised.

I can't really say much about it (since it just the second time I've seen this one) - it simply leaves you with an impression you won't forget so easily. And frankly it makes me want to explore this twisted world.

If trailers aren't an option try to make some screenshots that capture what you want your game to convey.

Thank you, those were of great help. I should be able to make trailer for game, since I have the software, but my editing skills are not the best they could be. Anyway, if I make trailer I will post here and you can see if you like it or not.

Well that's a good goal. I hope it goes well for you and lets you improve.
You should post details when you start making it.

Thank you, if game is published, I will give free copies to all on this site (If I can figure out how to) 

Depends.  Are you making it in RPGmaker/GameMaker?

I first tried to code the game myself in Unity but I soon realise I have not enough knowledge. I could only make basic jumping and movement scripts. However, I made very nice art and original music, so i think that is strong point.

To answer you question friend, I would more than likely use what you mentioned, but I would do my very best to incorporate as much as my original ideas, music and art as I could to replace my lack of coding skills.

The Flood / Re: If I were to construct a run of the mill RPG
« on: October 05, 2015, 01:37:43 PM »

Or make the Red Panda a playable character. :o

Hmmmm, maybe secret playable character, enter special code at title screen and you can play him.

The Flood / Re: If I were to construct a run of the mill RPG
« on: October 05, 2015, 01:34:04 PM »
Make a 8-bit game about Red Pandas and being a Ree Panda. Everything must be about and for the Red Pandas. You will become the Red Panda god in the game.

It will be priced at $9.

If game is made with success, I will make Red Panda enemy with super-powerful stats for you. Maybe he could drop good treasure.

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