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Messages - OnionBeetle

Pages: 1 ... 192021 2223 ... 35
i wouldnt mind being asexual, but i kinda need some sort of affection to not wanna blow my brains out.

You're playing life on easy mode mate. Try not only having 0 affection from any living thing but being detested instead. FOR 28 YEARS. 

feels bad man, I'll probably get off the wild ride soon.






The Flood / How does the internet work?
« on: November 21, 2015, 04:40:36 PM »
Think about it. Where are these words go? Does it use nanofibers? Who made the first cyberweb and how did they make the connection to the second internet? What number is this internet.

It boggles the mind. Truly we are living in the age amonugst kings and queens.

The Flood / Re: Three Dimensional
« on: November 21, 2015, 04:31:57 PM »
You are OBJECTIVELY correct.

The Flood / Re: Every time I get the motivation to do schoolwork
« on: November 21, 2015, 04:25:15 PM »
Try getting  a typewriter, it's what I use

But it isn't a decision.
You can't chose to be such a loser that you have to say you're asexual to save face. It's something that's just forced upon you.

Why you spazing out so much? you an AYY-sexual or something?

But it isn't a decision.

You are literally wrong. People choose to be asexual all the time to save money. It's a great way to save.
Not pursuing sexual relationships doesn't make you asexual. Unless you're talking about being castrated.

People can choose to have no sexual drive whatsoever to save money is what I'm saying.

Watch your fucking microaggresions.

But it isn't a decision.

You are literally wrong. People choose to be asexual all the time to save money. It's a great way to save.

My friends asexual and she shares an apartment

And you ACTUALLY believe this? Jesus Christ.
I'm asexual and I believe in God

no you fucking shitlord

I LITERALLY cannot tell if you are meming or not anymore. All I'm going to say is that women can't be asexual and I'll  leave it at that.

My friends asexual and she shares an apartment

And you ACTUALLY believe this? Jesus Christ.

But then you don't get cuddly romantic affection unless you find someone else who wants an SO minus the naughty-tango.

im going to be alone forever

I'll just have to become a crazy cat lady, or something

Why be a forever alone crazy cat lady when you can just be a forever alone normal cat lady? Gotta be optimistic here.

But then you don't get cuddly romantic affection unless you find someone else who wants an SO minus the naughty-tango.

What the fuck is a SO?
Significant Other. Easier than saying botfruend/girlfriend/wife/husband/etc.

I don't like the sound of that. How about PH? Primary Ho
"Ho" implies the relationship revolves around sex, though.

It does.

But then you don't get cuddly romantic affection unless you find someone else who wants an SO minus the naughty-tango.

What the fuck is a SO?
Significant Other. Easier than saying botfruend/girlfriend/wife/husband/etc.

I don't like the sound of that. How about PH? Primary Ho

But then you don't get cuddly romantic affection unless you find someone else who wants an SO minus the naughty-tango.

What the fuck is a SO?

>no one loves you enough to want to fuck you


you forgot the xDDDDDDDDD so people know you're a memester.

You should become asexual then.

Waaaay ahead of you

The Flood / Re: How do Orcs know about menus?
« on: November 21, 2015, 01:43:07 PM »
if orcs were bred in mud pits why do they have dicks

Orcs are corrupted elves. Uruk-Hai were made in mud pits and they are as flat as a pancake down there.

The Flood / Re: How do Orcs know about menus?
« on: November 21, 2015, 12:35:33 PM »
I feel like I missed something

Looks like meat's back on the menu boys!!!

The Flood / Re: Why is it so dead here?
« on: November 21, 2015, 11:35:26 AM »
It's been a quiet couple of days really, not just on sep7 but on skype too.

I'm guessing it's just one of those weird moments where the world crawls to a halt.

It's a Saturday. Everybody dissappears on Saturday for so

It's almost as if they have things to do in the real world. Weird.

Buying gifts for the opposite sex? No need.

Dates? Nah.

Aniversarariyes? Lol.

Sharing an apartment? No thank you, I'll have it all to myself.


Big retarded car that can fit a family in it? Fuck no, get a motorbike.

You will LITERALLY unironically save over 400,000 money if you are asexual. Not even jk atm tbh imho.

The Flood / Re: Why is it so dead here?
« on: November 21, 2015, 11:21:24 AM »
Because we don't post enough memes.


The Flood / Re: Ads that make you want to kill people
« on: November 21, 2015, 10:14:44 AM »


I fucking hate ads more than I hate my own life.

The Flood / Re: Share your wordly advice
« on: November 20, 2015, 02:32:32 PM »
This isn't mine, but it's a good tale to think on all the same.


Once upon a time there was a man who strayed from his own country into the world known as the Land of Fools. He soon saw a number of people flying in terror from a field where they had been trying to reap wheat. "There is a monster in that field," they told him. He looked, and saw that the "monster" was merely a watermelon.

He offered to kill the "monster" for them. When he had cut the melon from its stalk, he took a slice and began to eat it. The people became even more terrified of him than they had been of the melon. They drove him away with pitchforks, crying, "He will kill us next, unless we get rid of him."

It so happened that shortly afterward another man also strayed into the Land of Fools. But instead of offering to help the people with the "monster," he agreed with them that it must be dangerous, and by tiptoeing away from it with them he gained their confidence. He spent a long time with them in their homes until he could teach them, little by little, the basic facts which would enable them not only to lose their fear of melons, but eventually to cultivate melons themselves.

It's a little bit like the 'You can give a man a fish' story, but applied more to the fear of the unknown. Rushing in and 'solving' the problem for people doesn't really help in the long run, teaching them to solve it themselves does.

Very true, but then again you have to think who gives you the right to solve peoples fear of melons? Maybe it is better for the inhabitants of the Land of Fools to figure this out in their own time?

Or then again you could just call them retarded and walk away.
Well you could, but then the fools may starve to death.

To which you should ask yourself, is their foolishness is enough to cause you to lose compassion for other living creatures?

And thus ends the debate

The Flood / Re: Share your wordly advice
« on: November 20, 2015, 02:26:58 PM »
This isn't mine, but it's a good tale to think on all the same.


Once upon a time there was a man who strayed from his own country into the world known as the Land of Fools. He soon saw a number of people flying in terror from a field where they had been trying to reap wheat. "There is a monster in that field," they told him. He looked, and saw that the "monster" was merely a watermelon.

He offered to kill the "monster" for them. When he had cut the melon from its stalk, he took a slice and began to eat it. The people became even more terrified of him than they had been of the melon. They drove him away with pitchforks, crying, "He will kill us next, unless we get rid of him."

It so happened that shortly afterward another man also strayed into the Land of Fools. But instead of offering to help the people with the "monster," he agreed with them that it must be dangerous, and by tiptoeing away from it with them he gained their confidence. He spent a long time with them in their homes until he could teach them, little by little, the basic facts which would enable them not only to lose their fear of melons, but eventually to cultivate melons themselves.

It's a little bit like the 'You can give a man a fish' story, but applied more to the fear of the unknown. Rushing in and 'solving' the problem for people doesn't really help in the long run, teaching them to solve it themselves does.

Very true, but then again you have to think who gives you the right to solve peoples fear of melons? Maybe it is better for the inhabitants of the Land of Fools to figure this out in their own time?

Or then again you could just call them retarded and walk away.

Any country with a good Special Forces team. This is because you cannot fight them in a convential way, their leaders must be taken down.

Countries with good Special Forces could include : Poland, France, Germany, Ireland, England, Russia and Canada.

I purposely left out the US because their forces fall under the English category. And before people say HURR DURR IRELAND LOL POTATOE FAMINE XDDDD, we have the best snipers in the world, Not even jk.

The Flood / Re: Holy fuck, South Park is killing it this season.
« on: November 20, 2015, 02:19:18 PM »
I alright, but I don't think they should have dedicated a whole season to this.

Yeah, this was my thinking too. Should have had maybe 2-3 episodes set aside for it. Like Imagination Land, whole season is just stretching it too much imho tbh fam

The Flood / Share your worldly advice
« on: November 20, 2015, 02:15:44 PM »
Some lifehacks I picked up along the way. It's tough out there.

1. If you think someone is following you, turn around and ask them if they are following you.

3. If you have a paper due but didn't do it. Just copy and paste the relevant wikipedia entry and rearange the words to avoid plagarism. Use wikipedia's listed sources as your own. CHA-CHING!

3. If you need to buy food but are too poor to buy any, sell whatever you are using to read this and buy the food with that money.

5. If somebody wants to fight you, tell them you don't want to fight and to please go away.

The Flood / Re: Do you have any MULTICULTURAL friends?
« on: November 12, 2015, 02:39:13 PM »
But uh the majority of my friends in high school were Native American because that's all that's around here really

Is it true that all native americans are depressed and like to drink?

The Flood / Re: Do you have any MULTICULTURAL friends?
« on: November 12, 2015, 02:35:52 PM »
I no joke wouldn't be friends with a Muslim

There is nothing wrong with this

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