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Messages - OnionBeetle

Pages: 1 ... 789 1011 ... 35
The Flood / Re: oh god how do the people of the uk tolerate this
« on: February 14, 2016, 08:00:32 AM »
Question: Does it make you feel safer knowing that the police officers do not carry/own guns?
They don't need to because the average citizen isn't armed for war
Neither are the citizens of any major European country, yet the police officers are armed.

Now use that little fact of yours to compare how many civilians are murdered by American 'police' compared to European police officers. Since they're both armed and all the stats should be similar no?
Because the civilians (and consequently criminals) don't have access to firearms.

You're really only proving my point that police officers being armed isn't the issue, it's armed civilians.

Nobody should be armed in any globalised society. It's archaic. Unarmed police and unarmed civilians.

The Flood / Re: oh god how do the people of the uk tolerate this
« on: February 14, 2016, 07:17:07 AM »
Question: Does it make you feel safer knowing that the police officers do not carry/own guns?
They don't need to because the average citizen isn't armed for war
Neither are the citizens of any major European country, yet the police officers are armed.

Now use that little fact of yours to compare how many civilians are murdered by American 'police' compared to European police officers. Since they're both armed and all the stats should be similar no?

The Flood / Re: Do you like Huey Lewis and The News?
« on: February 14, 2016, 07:03:40 AM »
Not bad, now check these

News / Re: Anarchy!
« on: February 13, 2016, 04:15:25 PM »
New guy here what is Anarchy?

I too have no understanding of this. Is Anarchy a meme or is it a new type of sub-forum?

Do I post my saucy memes in this thread?

The Flood / Re: The Six Nations 2016
« on: February 13, 2016, 03:49:53 PM »
New Zealand isn't playing, this is unimportant

You have the RWC let us northeners have the Six Nations in peace.

inb4 le haka scary dance meme xDD

The Flood / Re: Somebody please fuck me
« on: February 13, 2016, 03:48:33 PM »
Another quality thread posted by a quality user.

The Flood / Do you type properly?
« on: February 13, 2016, 01:40:13 PM »
I actually mainly use my index and middle fingers, I tried learning with spongebob typing for PC but nerves went all twitchy when using ring fingers.

Plus I have severe joint damage all in both arms and they will be incapacitated soon and shaky hands because nerve damage and carpel tunnel.

Ayy who else /armsandhandsfucked/ here?

Oh yeah and do you type properly?

The Flood / Re: PC Parts, buying them now
« on: February 13, 2016, 12:17:44 PM »
Mostly gaming but I may want to record gameplay or make videos which is why some of the choices seem a bit overkill.

What is the purpose of the computer you are building? What wil it be used for<

You should use it seriously then. If I invested over 15 hundred into a piece of hardware, I'd want it making money for me in the long run. Set up a stream or some shitand rake in internet bucks. Or not, I'm not your mother.

The Flood / Re: PC Parts, buying them now
« on: February 13, 2016, 11:33:40 AM »
What is the purpose of the computer you are building? What wil it be used for<

Halo 3
Republic Commando
Final Fantasy 6
Asura's Wrath

Pretty solid list to your credit. Was pleasently surprised to see Republic Commando. Nowhere near patrician unfortunately but you have potential.


The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt

That's the only game I need to prove my superior taste

If you dislike it, you're wrong about video games

Ok, all memes-aside, I'm being deathly serious here, can you please, PLEASE explain the appeal of this game? I just don't understand why people not only enjoy it (that's one thing) but think that it's actually good?
I've only watched a friend play it, but from what I've seen TW3 definitely has an abnormal awesome/second mentality in regards to the variety of things you're doing and how often those things change. I've only taken a small sampling of it, but even this alone warrants a closer inspection, I think.
It could be really damn engaging.

That being said, I've never liked being cast as someone else in an rpg, but I don't even know how much you can change geralt's personality through your actions.

What isn't appealing about it, do you think?

Subjectively I just don't like the art style, the setting, or the characters. The whole game just rubs me up the wrong way.
No issues there, preference is a fair point.
I understand that the game is objectively good, it has solid mechanics and I can respect that. But even putting my opinions to one side, I still wouldn't consider it to be anywhere near patrician standards
I guess it's appropriate to ask "what is patrician?" "what is plebeian?" in these circumstances. More specifically, what makes TW3 definitely not patrician, even before playing it?

The fact that it is designed to make profit by targeting a wide audience would be my main gripe. Just like it is with film really. Disney or Pixar or Marvel can by definition NEVER be patrician choices because they are created for financial gain. Only arthouse film can be patrician.

*There are some rare exceptions to this though.

X-COM Enemy Unknown
Shin Megami Tensei II
Fallout New Vegas
The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker

Deja Vu. Haven't seen a list like this before!! xDDD

Once again, not terrible but not great. Gonna put you in top 30% of plebians, so you're pretty high up the bell-curve tbqf.
Whatever mang. Although, I do find it hard to believe that you've seen SMT II, X-COM, and Mechassault on the same list before. Kind of a few pretty different kinds of games.

I wasn't having a go. I'm just saying the guy before you posted NV and Wind Waker was posted tonnes of times too. Your list is as good as anyone elses.
Wasn't trying to argue your opinion, just curious on what "brought it down". To that effect, are NV and WW detractors just because other people like them too? I'd think that'd be a bit counterintuitive to measuring taste.

They don't detract at all, if anything I think NV is the best one on your list. What brought it down was the overall selection.
Still a bit confused. Do you mean that as in, "everything is mediocre"?

Well, in short, yes that's how I see it anyway. I wouldn't consider any of the games you listed to be considered a patrician standard. But at the same time they are not ordinary plebian choices, that''s why I rated you as a high-tier plebian.
Alright, that makes sense. Regardless, I enjoy them immensely (gameplay and/or story) and that's all that really matters in the end fam.

Understnading what you personally enjoy best is the sign of a true patrician :)

X-COM Enemy Unknown
Shin Megami Tensei II
Fallout New Vegas
The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker

Deja Vu. Haven't seen a list like this before!! xDDD

Once again, not terrible but not great. Gonna put you in top 30% of plebians, so you're pretty high up the bell-curve tbqf.
Whatever mang. Although, I do find it hard to believe that you've seen SMT II, X-COM, and Mechassault on the same list before. Kind of a few pretty different kinds of games.

I wasn't having a go. I'm just saying the guy before you posted NV and Wind Waker was posted tonnes of times too. Your list is as good as anyone elses.
Wasn't trying to argue your opinion, just curious on what "brought it down". To that effect, are NV and WW detractors just because other people like them too? I'd think that'd be a bit counterintuitive to measuring taste.

They don't detract at all, if anything I think NV is the best one on your list. What brought it down was the overall selection.
Still a bit confused. Do you mean that as in, "everything is mediocre"?

Well, in short, yes that's how I see it anyway. I wouldn't consider any of the games you listed to be of a patrician standard. But at the same time they are not ordinary plebian choices, that's why I rated you as a high-tier plebian.

X-COM Enemy Unknown
Shin Megami Tensei II
Fallout New Vegas
The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker

Deja Vu. Haven't seen a list like this before!! xDDD

Once again, not terrible but not great. Gonna put you in top 30% of plebians, so you're pretty high up the bell-curve tbqf.
Whatever mang. Although, I do find it hard to believe that you've seen SMT II, X-COM, and Mechassault on the same list before. Kind of a few pretty different kinds of games.

I wasn't having a go. I'm just saying the guy before you posted NV and Wind Waker was posted tonnes of times too. Your list is as good as anyone elses.
Wasn't trying to argue your opinion, just curious on what "brought it down". To that effect, are NV and WW detractors just because other people like them too? I'd think that'd be a bit counterintuitive to measuring taste.

They don't detract at all, if anything I think NV is the best one on your list. What brought it down was the overall selection.


The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt

That's the only game I need to prove my superior taste

If you dislike it, you're wrong about video games

Ok, all memes-aside, I'm being deathly serious here, can you please, PLEASE explain the appeal of this game? I just don't understand why people not only enjoy it (that's one thing) but think that it's actually good?
I've only watched a friend play it, but from what I've seen TW3 definitely has an abnormal awesome/second mentality in regards to the variety of things you're doing and how often those things change. I've only taken a small sampling of it, but even this alone warrants a closer inspection, I think.
It could be really damn engaging.

That being said, I've never liked being cast as someone else in an rpg, but I don't even know how much you can change geralt's personality through your actions.

What isn't appealing about it, do you think?

Subjectively I just don't like the art style, the setting, or the characters. The whole game just rubs me up the wrong way. I understand that the game is objectively good, it has solid mechanics and I can respect that. But even putting my opinions to one side, I still wouldn't consider it to be anywhere near patrician standards, especially when someone is comprising a list of a select few vidya to represent them.

X-COM Enemy Unknown
Shin Megami Tensei II
Fallout New Vegas
The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker

Deja Vu. Haven't seen a list like this before!! xDDD

Once again, not terrible but not great. Gonna put you in top 30% of plebians, so you're pretty high up the bell-curve tbqf.
Whatever mang. Although, I do find it hard to believe that you've seen SMT II, X-COM, and Mechassault on the same list before. Kind of a few pretty different kinds of games.

I wasn't having a go. I'm just saying the guy before you posted NV and Wind Waker was posted tonnes of times too. Your list is as good as anyone elses.

The Flood / Re: The Six Nations 2016
« on: February 13, 2016, 10:38:41 AM »

France beat Ireland, the cheese eating surrender monkeys concussed two players and almost certainly did an illegal move in an attempt to knock out Johnny Sexton.

Will be updated once I check the results of Wales V Scotland later... There's folk in kilts wandering around Cardiff since Friday.

Sexton has a death wish, he always tackles the biggest lads on the field and he wonders why he walks out injured every game, just keep him behind the 10 meter line permantley until we need him for a kick for fucks sake.

Because you posted a nice long comprehensive list, I'm just going to judge you off your SS.
Unfortunately, that list only contains two good games, them being :

Worms 2  and  Unreal Tournament 2003-2004.

What truly bamboozles me is the fact that a rational being, (which I no longer think you are), could sit-back and think to themsleves the following :

"I believe that the objective, obscure, cult-classic masterpiece that is Enemy Territory: Quake Wars belongs in the lowest slot of my rating system. Furthermore I believe that Super-Reddit Brothers 4 belongs orders of magnitude above this."

This enrages me. Truly enrages me. More than perhaps any other list here. I take no joy in this judgement, yet nor do I hesitate in dealing it.

Certified low-moderate-tier plebian.
It was a solid title, yes, but it had flaws, particularly with the AI, that hampered my enjoyment of the game. I'd often crash ingame and I found that a lot of teams were stacked with Covert Ops/Infiltrator, which severely hampered the online gameplay. One could expect to do well with kills, without reliably defending the objective, making it annoying regardless of who's team they're on. I can't tell you how many times I've seen people be killed by a disguised enemy outside the Spawn gates/in a good hiding spot because they're too stupid to recognize a teammate running straight for them. This, combined with the Tormentor and Anansi being pretty much broken unless the opposing team had a particularly proficient driver of a vehicle with a Machinegun really dragged down the grade. That said, I still enjoy the game and play it to this day.

Also Sm4sh is my current go-to game, and I haven't actually tried to be anywhere near this competitive since Halo CE in the late 2000's. It genuinely has me hooked. I don't feel I need to explain my choices further.

It saddens me that you judge a game soleley based on it's 'playability' and 'functionality', a true patrician sees through the low-budget poor budget of a game with shitty AI to see the concept. The kernel of the vidyas soul that lays at the center of every game.

It's like that special job that takes years and years of training to determine the sex of chicks by squeezing them correctly. 6 digit salary might I add. Once you learn to squeeze games correctly to determine their sex, then you will return to my thread, and you will return as a patrician but it not this day.

The Flood / Re: I am the only member that is myself on these boards
« on: February 13, 2016, 04:49:03 AM »
I act retarded at times.


HURRRR I was only pretending to be retarded guize!!! xDDDD

The Flood / Re: Which is better, "mommy" or "mama"?
« on: February 13, 2016, 04:44:55 AM »
>Not calling your parents by their Christian names

Oh I'm laffin'


The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt

That's the only game I need to prove my superior taste

If you dislike it, you're wrong about video games

Ok, all memes-aside, I'm being deathly serious here, can you please, PLEASE explain the appeal of this game? I just don't understand why people not only enjoy it (that's one thing) but think that it's actually good?

I'll rank my like for them in tiers (down to B class)

-Unreal Tournament 2003-2004
-Super Smash Bros. 4
-Road Rash 64
-The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess
-Need for Speed: Underground 2
-F-Zero X
-Lego Racers
-Worms 2
-Midtown Madness 3

-Rayman 2
-The Legend of Zelda II: Link's Adventure
-Super Mario World 2: Yoshi's Island
-SSB64 & Melee
-Mario Kart 64 & 8
-Mech Warrior 2
-Lylat Wars (Star Fox 64 in NTSC regions)
-Super Mario Bros. 3
-Advance Wars 1-3
-Pokemon Gen 3
-Halo Custom Edition
-Road Rash 2
-Need for Speed: Underground
-Tony Hawk Pro Skater 1-3
-Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets (PC), Prisoner of Azkaban (GBA)

A(yy lmao):
-Halo 5
-Pokemon Gen 1
-NFS: High Stakes
-Guitar Hero 3 & 5
-The Legend of Zelda: OoT
-Halo 3 (and ODST) babyyyyy
-Warcraft II

-BioShock Infinite
-Halo: Combat Evolved, 2, Wars, Reach, 4
-3D Space Pinball
-Enemy Territory: Quake Wars
-Super Mario 64

Because you posted a nice long comprehensive list, I'm just going to judge you off your SS.
Unfortunately, that list only contains two good games, them being :

Worms 2  and  Unreal Tournament 2003-2004.

What truly bamboozles me is the fact that a rational being, (which I no longer think you are), could sit-back and think to themsleves the following :

"I believe that the objective, obscure, cult-classic masterpiece that is Enemy Territory: Quake Wars belongs in the lowest slot of my rating system. Furthermore I believe that Super-Reddit Brothers 4 belongs orders of magnitude above this."

This enrages me. Truly enrages me. More than perhaps any other list here. I take no joy in this judgement, yet nor do I hesitate in dealing it.

Certified low-moderate-tier plebian.

New Vegas
Wind Waker
Demon's Souls
Battlefront II
Dungeon Keeper
Mount and Blade: Warband

No game is in any particular order. Each of them does something special for me to enjoy them so much.

1. Good

2  Good

3. hmmm, not sure about that one

4. Basic

5. A'ight

6. Pretty fucking good.

You're high tier-plebian, that's a pretty favourable outcome tbqh.

X-COM Enemy Unknown
Shin Megami Tensei II
Fallout New Vegas
The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker

Deja Vu. Haven't seen a list like this before!! xDDD

Once again, not terrible but not great. Gonna put you in top 30% of plebians, so you're pretty high up the bell-curve tbqf.

Dark Souls
Alan Wake
Dragon's Dogma
Rayman Legends
The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth
Max Payne 3
Deus Ex: Human Revolution
Shadow of Mordor (on PC - so it had the nemesis system)
Either Valiant Hearts or Undertale (swaying more towards Valiant Hearts)

Those te(leve)n games had the biggest impact on me. They are not in order.
I didn't play a lot of classics like MGS:2 and the like.

I'm going to sleep now so if there's any new ones I'll do them tomorrow.

You've given me a tough list man. I'm struggling, genuinely, to find anything positive to say here. Perhaps, PERHAPS
Rayman Legends could be considered good (even then it's a bit of a stretch) but the rest are close to irredeemable.
Fuck it. I'll give you a free pass on Shadow of Mordor that's alright.

Regardless you're a certified plebian, check out the battle for middle earth II, you might like that, plus it is a patrician's choice.

Gonna need at least 5 games before I can pass judgement accurately. So far both of you are looking good.
Chrono Trigger
LoZ: A Link to the Past
Gran Turismo 4


Although i would have picked Gran Turismo 1 over 4

Halo 3
LoZ Twilight Princess
Super Mario Sunshine
The Last of Us
Smash Bros Melee

Honorable Mentions:

Witcher III
Payday 2
Wind Waker
Gears of War
Battlefield 3 & 4 (the working PC versions)

1. Yes

2. Passable

3. No.

4. Jesus Christ no. I didn't realise I posted this thread on reddit, holy shit.

5. Come on man, that's not a very creative choice is it?

Your honourable mentions are better than your actual list tbqh and even then you would still be considred a medium-tier plebian.

The only redeeming factor I can see is H3 and POSSIBLY Wind Waker.


Finally, someone who has great taste with Final Fantasy.

Supreme Commander: Forged Alliance.


Gonna need at least 5 games before I can pass judgement accurately. So far both of you are looking good.

Halo 3 and the rest of the Bungie trilogy
Star Wars Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy
Borderlands 1 and 2
Portal 1 and 2
Fallout: NV
Saint's Row 2
Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood
Wolfenstein: The New Order

1. Halo 3? Yes. Rest of the Bungie Trilogy? lolno.

2. Basic.

3. Incredibly Basic.

4. Not bad.

5. BL1? No. BL2? Yeah maybe.

6. Portal 1? No. Portal 2? Acceptable.

7. Good.

8. Meh.

9. Come on now, you're taking the piss.

10. hahahaha

Dude, you're a wet match in a dark cave

Dark souls
Fallout 3, 4, New Vegas
Cod mw
Witcher 3
Metal gear solid

1. Ok

2. Shit

3. Shit, Shit, Good

4. By that do you mean COD4? If so Good

5. Shit

6. MGS for PS1? If so Good

7. Good

8. Absolutely fantastic

If it wasn't for FFXII I would have rated you moderate-tier plebian but that SINGLE-HANDEDLY (and MGS a little bit) has turned you into a patrician.

It takes a very special taste to fully appreciate the black sheep of FFas the best of the entire franchise by a large margin.

I have no clue why people didn't like FFXII.
The story was kinda meh but I spent 200+ hours on one playthrough. Best combat system by far.

Definitely check out the FFXII IZJS then, that'd be right up your ally.

I'm trying to get the world record fastest time in beating Omega Mrk.XII, just need to get lucky with his elemental weakness spawn and I should be set. After that I want to get 99 of his rare weapon drop, (the worst weapon in the game) That alone will probably take me a few thousand hours, but it'll be worth it.

- Super Metroid
- The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker
- Super Mario World

lol i'm such a nintendo kid xDDD

Others in my top 10 include:

- Pokémon Silver
- Super Smash Bros. Melee
- LittleBigPlanet
- Ratchet & Clank 2: Going Commando
- Street Fighter III: Third Strike
- Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door
- Klonoa 2: Lunatea's Veil

I'll throw in Sonic CD as an honorable mention.

Whether these games are especially "good" in an objective sense wasn't really a factor going into this--the games I mentioned are all important to me for my own heavily-biased reasons, but I genuinely do think that my top 3 are some of the greatest games of all time, indisputably.

Not caring what is obejctively good is the sign of a patrician. A true patrician is one who understand what they personally enjoy, despite what others think.

Regardless, your list is objectively good. Not the greatest of all time or anything but definitely better than others in the thread. Wind Waker and SFIII are good choices.

Conker's Bad Fur Day
Perfect Dark
Jet Force Gemini
Diddy Kong Racing
Super Mario Galaxy

Rare Ware Baby!

Conker's Bad Fur Day. Nice.

Once again, not a bad list by any means but nowhere near patrician standards. Super Mario Galaxy didn't do you any favours.

Pajama Sam 3: you are what you eat from your head to your feet.


Clayfighter 63 1/3

Legend of Zorro link to the past.

FXII. No more need be said. This game basically serves as the litmus test for patricians.

The Flood / Re: My friends are fucking idiots
« on: February 12, 2016, 03:50:46 PM »
You actually have the street-smarts of a cosmopolitan from Geneva.

ie none.

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