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Messages - OnionBeetle

Pages: 1 ... 678 910 ... 35
The Flood / Re: Transgenderism Is A Mental Disease
« on: March 17, 2016, 11:10:07 AM »
Are you saying you are sick and it's not your fault? Just go get the surgery

This is probably the biggest mistake out there

The surgery is NOT a cure

In fact, it stops people from continuing to look for a cure which is highly damaging to the transgender community

wtf even is a transgender community?

It's such a  bullshit term. If you're referring to a group of mentally disabled people just say 'It's highly damaging to the cross-dressers / drag-queens / ladyboys / fimbles etc etc'. Don't use community, it's not fucking reddit.

The Flood / It is St.Patrick's Day now
« on: March 16, 2016, 08:35:19 PM »
I will tell you the tale of St.Patrick now today.

1. He was born in france like all the other saints and the moved to wales and then got kidnapped by pirates to Ireland.

2. He did battle with the snakes and drown them all with his holy staff.

4. He gathered all the pagan kings together and asked god to show him a shamrock and he did and the pagan kings then turned into christians.

6. the end.

And remember, you're retarded if you call it 'Paddy's Day' or 'Patty's Day', it's fucking St.Patrick's Day.

The Flood / Re: I'm Polish
« on: March 15, 2016, 04:23:40 PM »
take a photo doing the slav pose

you mean dress in Adidas and squat with a bottle of Smirnoff and smoke a fag while wearing this hat?

Remember that soutpark episode where they saw Indie get raped on a pinball machine by Spielberg and Lucas?  Yeah.

The Flood / Re: Cringe thread
« on: March 14, 2016, 07:32:06 PM »

Alright, fair is fair, you got me man, you got me. That triggered me, triggered me hard.

The Flood / Re: I'm Polish
« on: March 14, 2016, 05:01:26 PM »
can i rub you on my car

Rub me wherever makes you happy, I'll make you shine

The Flood / AMA I'm Polish
« on: March 14, 2016, 04:59:12 PM »
Polska , nie są zapomniane

The Flood / Re: inb4 Plato fanboys post their meme votes
« on: March 14, 2016, 03:56:27 PM »
D   I  O  G  E  N  E  S



The Flood / Re: Dead morning activity
« on: March 14, 2016, 07:05:43 AM »
tfw you are the undisputed master race of time zones GMT+- 0

The Flood / Re: inb4 Plato fanboys post their meme votes
« on: March 14, 2016, 06:45:02 AM »
Socrates allowed himself to be put to death because he supported social contract bullshit. So fuck him.

>the year of our lord 2016
>still believing this meme

He literally allowed himself to die to prove how retarded everyone was. By killing 'the wisest man alive', they would prove themselves to be unwise. He didn't give a single iota of a fuck towards hippie-socialist-commie-faggot social contract.

The Flood / Re: inb4 Plato fanboys post their meme votes
« on: March 13, 2016, 07:25:56 PM »

Wow, Archimedes invented some science, big deal. Socrates unironically invented logic. I swear, Archimedes' apologists are literally the worst.

The Flood / Re: inb4 Plato fanboys post their meme votes
« on: March 13, 2016, 07:19:03 PM »
I'm making a formal request for everyone that voted Aristotle to explain their wrong choice.

The Flood / inb4 Plato fanboys post their meme votes
« on: March 13, 2016, 06:58:13 PM »
He literally never wrote down a written word that came from his own mouth.


Socrates is literally the only correct answer here.

The Flood / Re: Family Photo Thread
« on: March 13, 2016, 08:48:22 AM »
How high is the roof in your house? holy fucking shit you live in a mansion.

The Flood / Re: How does this image make you feel?
« on: March 13, 2016, 08:47:11 AM »
The fingers coming out of her shoulder makes me feel sick.

We get it you went to art school and want to show off your perspective 'skills' FUCK OFF!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The Flood / Re: Take a brief moment to look at your clock
« on: March 13, 2016, 06:23:28 AM »

Thank you, Op please. Op please I need your attention so yuo would answer me. I need to know is this the good savings where time is made to go backwards or is it the bad savings where it goes into the future???

Please, I need to know and I do not know how to google this question, please. I cannot phrase it in any searchablwe way.

I SLEP for Twenty 1 hours straight so i am DAISOTRIENTED IN TIME.

The Flood / Re: meme
« on: March 12, 2016, 08:56:49 PM »
You poposted well lad, but I'm waiting too for my time to shine. It's not a 2009 le randum post either, being serious man, straight cutting through the bullshit I mean it to you a j

The Flood / Re: Feeling Blue
« on: March 12, 2016, 08:36:08 PM »

The Flood / Re: Feeling Blue
« on: March 12, 2016, 08:32:45 PM »
I too feel blue, but thats like every day, ya just gotta keep moving on. Something something talk to someone you feel comfortable with, or ask Archer for shrink help.

Yeah I was depressed before for around 10 months so I'm no stranger too it, is just this time there's some mad bastards after my money ontop of things so I need to haul ass out of here.

The Flood / Feeling Blue
« on: March 12, 2016, 08:13:11 PM »
Look, everyones entitled to a self-absorbed thread once in a blue moon right? Well, I'm playing that card now.

Shit's hit the fan mates, shit has hit the fan hard.  I got A couple thousand anyway, thinking about going IRL afk if you get me, any ideas lads?

The Flood / Re: oh god how do the people of the uk tolerate this
« on: February 14, 2016, 09:58:35 AM »
The Republic of Ireland is not part of the United Kingdom. It is a sovereign country. The United Kingdom has no political power over our sovereign nation.
Not officially, no.

We owe more to German Banks than British Banks. Therefore, it is more logical to say that we are running on that which have a greater stake in our finances. In this case Germany.
Owing more to Germany does not somehow erase the fact that your independent country owes an astronomical amount to Britain.

The fact that you used the Daily Mail (A notoriously low-brow tabloid) as a source is, quite honestly, embarassing.
The only thing embarrassing here is how desperately you're trying to prove me wrong but you provide no sources, statistics, or numbers of any kind and that you consider being more of Germany's property and less Britain's property as respectable.

You've done nothing but spout dogmatic nonsense. Go back to shitposting kiddo.

Yes, officialy, you are wrong. The Republic of Ireland is not part of the United Kingdom. It is a sovereign country. The United Kingdom has no political power over our sovereign nation.

I never said we didn't. I said we owe more to Germany. Read that twice so you don't forget.

Using tabloid articles is less respectful than using your own opinion. It's embarassing.

Also, address all of my points. Stop cherry picking.

I used the telegraph for three of my sources and the daily mail as one, either way they're all factually correct. These aren't opinion pieces.

This is just laughable.

You trying to defend your bottom of the barrel sources is what I find laughable. Seriously, I rather you cite nothing and just use your own wild statistics than cite these, it'll make you look better.

The Flood / Re: oh god how do the people of the uk tolerate this
« on: February 14, 2016, 09:22:41 AM »
You posted a graph about the UK? I'm not talking about the UK, I never was. I'm talking about Ireland.

There's practically no difference when it comes to crime. You guys just have goofier accents. Culturally and in terms of carrying weapons it's pretty much the same.

Germany has armed police officers. So does Spain. And France. They have very little problems with police hurting anybody innocent.

Actually, you didn't mention Ireland once in that entire post, only the UK. Which, once again, has nothing to do with my arguement.
Ireland is part of the UK. Even the "independant" part.

And Ireland is run by German banks, (ECB) not British Banks.

The Republic of Ireland is not part of the United Kingdom. It is a sovereign country. The United Kingdom has no political power over our sovereign nation.

We owe more to German Banks than British Banks. Therefore, it is more logical to say that we are running on that which have a greater stake in our finances. In this case Germany.

The fact that you used the Daily Mail (A notoriously low-brow tabloid) as a source is, quite honestly, embarassing.

The Flood / Re: when you only see one post
« on: February 14, 2016, 09:16:12 AM »
I was brought up in a Christian school. We would pray hard every day. On the fifth year we were learning the way of the rosary.
Then he came in. The Vice principle. But he was not angry, nay, he had an air of serene calm about him.

 It was then that I knew, that he was about to tell us a story. A story about Jesus. We would close our eyes and he would speak. He spoke of a man that was inside all of us, his name was Jesus. He said that when you walk along the beach of life jesus is beside you.

 There would be two tracks of footprints in the sand. Then there would be one. With the plot twist of the century, we discovered that Jesus was carrying us. Because Jesus loves us and I love Jesus.

Thank you Elegiac, for you have single-handedly renewed my belief in Christianity with this thread.

The Flood / Re: oh god how do the people of the uk tolerate this
« on: February 14, 2016, 08:53:51 AM »
The Republic of Ireland is it's own country. It has it's own government and state which is internationally recognised.
That's nice.

It's still run England and British banks.

"Armed police officers are a good crime deterrent, and cause little to no issues." citation needed.
No, I'm not wasting my time on that with you. I've lived in European countries and they all have far less crime than the the shithole that is the UK, and ALL the police officers are armed.

You're going to respect a police officer with a gun telling you to stop running more than an unarmed police officer telling you to stop running. Shit, you may just take on the unarmed police officer.

"America is a different story because there are neighborhoods which are practically warzones."
I agree completely, that's why I said owning guns is archaic, because it is.
I'm not talking about civilian ownership you dipshit. I'm talking about armed police.

But if you want to talk about civilians owning guns, you can find countless stories of people defending their homes from rapists, murderers, and robbers.

the fact that you need guns in a society proves it is not functioning correctly. And as you described it aptly, there are neighborhoods which are 'warzones'. A perfect sign of a country being run well.
I'm not discussing if one country is being run better than other, I'm saying police should be armed.

And if you're going to get all pretentious and act like the shithole known as the UK is run better than America, read this

You posted a graph about the UK? I'm not talking about the UK, I never was. I'm talking about Ireland.

Actually, you didn't mention Ireland once in that entire post, only the UK. Which, once again, has nothing to do with my arguement.

And Ireland is run by German banks, (ECB) not British Banks.

The Flood / Re: oh god how do the people of the uk tolerate this
« on: February 14, 2016, 08:34:36 AM »
Pikeys? Seriously, you're resorting to  not only racism
It's anarchy you sensitive gypsy, calm down.

but ad hoc?

That's just dissapointing really.

"Unarmed police officers only encourages crime, of which there is a lot of in the UK."
Nice baselss statistic you got there! Here's my counter :
"Unarmed police officers only discourages crime, of which there is a lot of in the UK."
Just as baselss and invalid as yours as a matter of fact!
So you admit you have no argument.

And why are you talking about the UK to begin with? I was referring to my own country in my first point from which this conversation stemmed.
Because your shithole country is part of the UK, even the part that isn't officially part of the UK whether you like it or not.

I look forward to your next reply where you call me other archaic racist names in the hope of validating your self! Can't wait to see what other abusive terms you come up with!
You're insulting yourself by using all these exclamation marks and throwing a hissy fit in Anarchy.

What's anarchy? Why are using caps lock?

I never admited I have no arguement.
The Republic of Ireland is not part of the United Kingdom. it is internationally recognised as an independant country.
Pikeyland is England's bitch. independent*

Armed police officers are a good crime deterrent, and cause little to no issues.

America is a different story because there are neighborhoods which are practically warzones.

The Republic of Ireland is it's own country. It has it's own government and state which is internationally recognised.

"Armed police officers are a good crime deterrent, and cause little to no issues." citation needed.

"America is a different story because there are neighborhoods which are practically warzones."
I agree completely, that's why I said owning guns is archaic, because it is. the fact that you need guns in a society proves it is not functioning correctly. And as you described it aptly, there are neighborhoods which are 'warzones'. A perfect sign of a country being run well.

The Flood / Re: oh god how do the people of the uk tolerate this
« on: February 14, 2016, 08:24:20 AM »
Pikeys? Seriously, you're resorting to  not only racism
It's anarchy you sensitive gypsy, calm down.

but ad hoc?

That's just dissapointing really.

"Unarmed police officers only encourages crime, of which there is a lot of in the UK."
Nice baselss statistic you got there! Here's my counter :
"Unarmed police officers only discourages crime, of which there is a lot of in the UK."
Just as baselss and invalid as yours as a matter of fact!
So you admit you have no argument.

And why are you talking about the UK to begin with? I was referring to my own country in my first point from which this conversation stemmed.
Because your shithole country is part of the UK, even the part that isn't officially part of the UK whether you like it or not.

I look forward to your next reply where you call me other archaic racist names in the hope of validating your self! Can't wait to see what other abusive terms you come up with!
You're insulting yourself by using all these exclamation marks and throwing a hissy fit in Anarchy.

What's anarchy? Why are using caps lock?

I never admited I have no arguement.
The Republic of Ireland is not part of the United Kingdom. it is internationally recognised as an independant country.

The Flood / Re: oh god how do the people of the uk tolerate this
« on: February 14, 2016, 08:17:12 AM »
Oh, so you can speak on behalf of thousands of people you don't know? Wow! I never knew you had that authority!
Actually if you carefully read what I wrote, you can clearly see I said they disagree with you.

This is why pikeys shouldn't be allowed on the Internet.

In that case, I can speak on behalf of people too! I know millions of people that are not victims of any violent crime that disagree with you! :)   Guess I win the numbers round! :)
You don't, though.

Unarmed police officers only encourages crime, of which there is a lot of in the UK.

Pikeys? Seriously, you're resorting to  not only racism but ad hoc? That's just dissapointing really.

"Unarmed police officers only encourages crime, of which there is a lot of in the UK."
Nice baselss statistic you got there! Here's my counter :
"Unarmed police officers only discourages crime, of which there is a lot of in the UK."
Just as baselss and invalid as yours as a matter of fact!

And why are you talking about the UK to begin with? I was referring to my own country in my first point from which this conversation stemmed.

I look forward to your next reply where you call me other archaic racist names in the hope of validating your self! Can't wait to see what other abusive terms you come up with!

The Flood / Re: oh god how do the people of the uk tolerate this
« on: February 14, 2016, 08:08:31 AM »
Question: Does it make you feel safer knowing that the police officers do not carry/own guns?
They don't need to because the average citizen isn't armed for war
Neither are the citizens of any major European country, yet the police officers are armed.

Now use that little fact of yours to compare how many civilians are murdered by American 'police' compared to European police officers. Since they're both armed and all the stats should be similar no?
Because the civilians (and consequently criminals) don't have access to firearms.

You're really only proving my point that police officers being armed isn't the issue, it's armed civilians.

Nobody should be armed in any globalised society. It's archaic. Unarmed police and unarmed civilians.
See how that works out for you when 10 unarmed men decide to use you as a piñata

I've lived in a country all my life with unarmed men and unarmed police. Never had any problems at all actually, so yeah it's going good :)
Good for you.

Thousands of rape, murder, and robbery victims disagree with you though.

Oh, so you can speak on behalf of thousands of people you don't know? Wow! I never knew you had that authority!

In that case, I can speak on behalf of people too! I know millions of people that are not victims of any violent crime that disagree with you! :)   Guess I win the numbers round! :)

The Flood / Re: oh god how do the people of the uk tolerate this
« on: February 14, 2016, 08:05:14 AM »
Question: Does it make you feel safer knowing that the police officers do not carry/own guns?
They don't need to because the average citizen isn't armed for war
Neither are the citizens of any major European country, yet the police officers are armed.

Now use that little fact of yours to compare how many civilians are murdered by American 'police' compared to European police officers. Since they're both armed and all the stats should be similar no?
Because the civilians (and consequently criminals) don't have access to firearms.

You're really only proving my point that police officers being armed isn't the issue, it's armed civilians.

Nobody should be armed in any globalised society. It's archaic. Unarmed police and unarmed civilians.
See how that works out for you when 10 unarmed men decide to use you as a piñata

I've lived in a country all my life with unarmed men and unarmed police. Never had any problems at all actually, so yeah it's going good :)

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