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« on: February 05, 2017, 04:20:35 PM »
So I decided to take a nap today before the Super Bowl. In this nap had a dream. Quite appropriately this dream was about Football. It took pace what would have been a few days ago. My weeb friends had convinced my to get Madden 2K18 as we discussed the our upcoming Super Bowl party, and I was rather exited to get to play as Fireteam Osiris in this one. To celebrate the purchase we decided to play some actual Football. We invited some other students to play but a few of them were British so we had to use a soccer ball instead of an American football. So the first inning starts and I'm the quarterback. We managed to get the ball about 3/4ths the way down the escalator so we were feeling pretty good about our chances. So now it's the other team's turn. There Quarterback is Carmelo Anthony. The round starts, his duded hikes the ball it to him and he bowl that shit like a little bitch. That shit went 20 feet at most and we immediately tackled that British faggot that picked it up. But here is where things go bad: The judge is a typical Konami retard and he does not call the round. He's watching and everything but he doesn't do jack shit. So the Britt is able to get up FOUR FUCKING TIMES tumbling down the fucking escalator and he goes with 3 guys clinging onto him at once (I never caught up, I cant run for shit.) and he gets a fucking Hole in One...fucking bullshit. And then I woke up and this dream made me ask myself " In this world where Halo 5 and Call of fucking Duty have the most garbage stories but graphics that look almost live action at some points, why the fuck do sports games look like actual fucking garbage still?" Like seriously why is it that every other game out there have fucking live action tier graphics that span entire fucking cities, but these sports games, relegated to like 3 fucking rooms AT MOST still have the most godawful lighting, cardboard cutouts for audiences and these lifeless fucking homonculi for character models. How is it you have been improving these game EVERY FUCKING year and yet their physics are several tier's below even Halo Combat Evolved and two characters can't so much as fall over without getting stuck making out or fucking each other in the ribcage for the next half hour. It's a fucking embarrassment and the devs aught to be ashamed of themselves. So in short the moral of this story is... Spoiler FUCK THE PATROITS. GO FALCONS Spoiler Also ADD is bad for the brain. Send help please
« on: February 04, 2017, 01:56:43 PM »
You know how on Xbox One's Live they have that share center where peope's achievements screenshots and clips pop up? Well, as of recently weebs have somehow manneged to put random anime lewds as screenshots for completely unrelated games like GTA 5 Minecrraft and even Halo 5. What unholy nip magic is this?
« on: February 02, 2017, 10:38:22 AM »
I have about 1.73 times Earth's gravity and this species can't make it out of low orbit. Can my body help in this situation.
« on: January 28, 2017, 08:00:27 PM »
INB4: >Gametheory. Yeah I know giving the pope undertale was retaded and FNAF a shit. Whatever this isnt about him but about Nintendo themselves. The typical Nintendo rhetoric that Reggie is regurgitating shows to me at least, that they still haven't learned from the Wii-U's failure, nor do they understand that the Wii's sales were a fluke and were not reflective of it's lifespan. They still don't see that the ones that bout the Wii are GONE from the console market, never to return. They will keep going at this rate making horribly underpowered consoles based on gimmicks that nobody can ir will develop for and it wont matter if they want to make new consoles or not, they wont be able to afford it. Before anyone even thinks about throwing that 'Over 80 Third Party developers' statistic at me, you should remember that the same promises were made at the start of the Wii U's life cycle. Not to mention the now steady stream of devs outright refusing to develop for the Switch like Respawn and Gearbox. I especially hate how Reggie (and nintendo's defencers) constantly write off better hardware as something unnecessary and claim it's only for graphics. This is wrong on so man levels it's not even funny. Processing power is mode than just graphics. It allows you to to develop bigger, better and more complex games, simple as that. We have come a long way from the small corridors that made up Metroid Prime to save on processing power to games like Battlefield or GTA which can put out massive areas but also manage the tiniest details on said map from the positions of bullets for 64 players at once and all of the destruction going on at once. But lets also go back to the topic of graphics, YES GRAPHICS ARE IMPORTANT, and not just for making the game look pretty. Stable framerates are CRUCIAL to fast paced or competitive games like Devil May Cry, Street Fighter, Counter Strike, Halo or even Smash Bros. require their hardware to run them smoothly for a good game play experience. You wouldn't want say a map like Norfair in Smash Bros to chugg to slideshow performance as if it was Blight town in Dark Souls, especial not at a tournament where even a split second of that kind of issue could ruin the out come of a match. Mods take processing power, and how embarrassing it will be for Ninty to be the only console at this point without mod support, just look at how bad Sony got chewed out for it. It takes a high processing power to accommodate for things like VR. And you know what? Why not have games look prettier too? Good graphics can only make a good experience in a game even better. Just look at Metroid Prime, it was an absolute brilliant masterpiece of a game that only managed to garner even more praise for how it was one of, if not THE BEST looking game of it's time.Not everyone will aim to make their games look hyper realistic, and not everyone should, but give the developers something to work with rather than forcing them to make downgraded ports of gimped last gen games in order to put something on your system. (Sorry for the textwall. I copy-pasted this from a post I made elswhere)
« on: January 27, 2017, 05:21:55 PM »
Need I remind you this man has KILLED DECEPTICONS, one of them being Megatron himself. At most they have merely delayed his inevitable conquest. in fact the last time this man was incarcerated he broke a curse on his entire bloodline. He can not be stopped. You fools have already sealed your fate,
« on: January 26, 2017, 03:47:28 PM »
Fate/Stay Night: In which a man attempts to evade police brutality by going back in time to kill himself before he becomes black.
Neon Genesis Evangelion: Christian propaganda where a boy has to kill his gay boyfreind or their god will destroy the world.
Fullmetal Alchemist: Literal Nazis save the world from Islam.
« on: January 25, 2017, 03:24:27 PM »
I thought he wanted all life on earth to go extinct?
« on: January 24, 2017, 08:52:21 PM »
« on: January 22, 2017, 04:49:25 PM »
 We've named her Phoenix and she already seems to feel right at home. Even in the car ride she seemed more concerned with exploring than anything. And then when we finaly got inside, she took the breifest look arround the hallway and living room before climbing onto my lap and falling asleep. I love her so much already
« on: January 21, 2017, 11:20:52 PM »
I probably deserve it for being a lazy nigger and shopping at Wal-Mart int stead of going to the real damn stores.
« on: January 19, 2017, 08:31:36 PM »
« on: January 16, 2017, 01:46:05 PM »
 And surely he will be proud to know that No mods were used at allSpoiler Seriously why did gamespot feature this? Fear not this is only for trying out new builds. I wont use them to advance past any place I havent done legit. (currently being Cainhurst Castle)
« on: January 10, 2017, 01:16:20 PM »
« on: January 10, 2017, 01:25:02 AM »
« on: January 08, 2017, 10:25:52 PM »
« on: January 08, 2017, 01:31:36 AM »
« on: January 04, 2017, 11:39:22 PM »
Destiny's Crucible, but it's a mod for Launch day Battlefeild 4 with BF4s player count using Peer to Peer connection on nintendo Wi-Fi. No browser, No region filter, no skill or connection based matchmaking. No anti-cheat. Unlocking weapons can only be done with GTS. When you find a match the players include Verb, Jono, PSU and 59 other Brazilian and Russian Leauge of Legends and Halo players. FoV is 60 and the game is only compatible with the Dualshock 3.
Avalable maps include: Assasination Tower Crash Site Orion Rainbow Road Operaion Metro Poke-Floats or any of Destiny's actual maps
And of course you live in the Australian outback.
« on: January 04, 2017, 08:44:17 PM »
Dear all, After much deliberation, we regret to announce the difficult decision to halt the development of Cardfight!! Online. Our team had high hopes for the release of Cardfight!! Online and wanted to widen the reach of our existing trading card game, Cardfight!! Vanguard, by providing new and veteran players with a different platform to enjoy the game. However, the project was afflicted with multiple difficulties, hence, the decision to ultimately cancel Cardfight!! Online. We would like to express our sincere gratitude for all the support and interest received through Cardfight!! Online and hope you will continue your support, as we focus our efforts on future Cardfight!! Vanguard projects. More details regarding the handling of Cardfight!! Online promo codes received through various avenues will be announced in the coming months on the official website and social media channels. Please email us at should you have anything you wish to ask or clarify, and we will try our best to assist you. For more information: I imagine Cheat and Big Boss will have simmilar news for us soon regarding their own project
« on: January 02, 2017, 09:17:09 PM »
"They were all accelerating" -BuzzFeed She also discussed the studio's approach to storytelling going forward, saying, "while we love our transmedia, sometimes I do think we tell a little bit too much story in our games." So, with future Halo titles, Ross said 343 plans to keep the game stories simpler and use transmedia to tell the deeper narratives.
« on: December 31, 2016, 12:23:14 PM »
Smeter demon is quite literally impossible on my current build. I need help.
Dead thread that some weeb bumped to inflate his post count. I dont need help anymore. From now on this will be dedicaed to my new Carfight vanguard deck so thatt people stop responding.
Main Deck: Grade 3 x1 Majesty Lord Blaster x4 Seeker Thing Saver Dragon x1 Solitary Knight Gancelot
Grade 2 x4 Blaster Blade x4 Blaster Blade Seeker x4 Favored Pupil of Light and Dark Liew x1 Blaster Dark
Grade 1 x4 Blaster-Friend Barcgal x2 Grynngal Seeker x4 Laural Knight Sicilus x4 Defending Seeker, Shriron
Grade 0 x4 Floral Paladin Flogal x4 Seeker Hallowed Breath Dragon x2 Margal x2 Sarugal x4 Seeker, Loving Healer x1 Wingal Brave
Generation Zone Strides x4 Holy Dragon Religios Soul Saver x4 Snow Elementa; Blizza x3 Harmonics Messiah x1 Miracle Element Atmos
G-guardians x4 Holy Dragon, Laserguard Dragon
« on: December 30, 2016, 12:48:26 AM »
Jesus lord what is wrong with this network? Bloodborne is 14GBs On Xbox Life it would not take me an hour to download this, yet 45 minnutes in and yet im barely past 300 fucking megabytes. This is my connection  Is this shit normal?
« on: December 22, 2016, 12:56:16 PM »
Fuck this city. That's not even the worst of it either. Last week the fucking barbarians tried to kill my dad at a funeral. And to top it off the place is still one giant fucking spider web.
« on: December 20, 2016, 07:58:05 PM »
« on: December 20, 2016, 07:07:15 PM »
because he's not in jail.
« on: December 10, 2016, 09:52:51 PM »
I havent watched Fellowship Of The Ring in probably a decade, dudes. My disk is deas so I have to settle for starting with Two Towers
Why live?
« on: December 08, 2016, 06:07:57 PM »
Espesialy the weeb part
I just woke up from a dream nightmare where there was a sequel to Terminator: Salvation except like 90% of the characters were from either F/SN or (looked like they were form) Medal of Honor, everyone was using modified paintball guns and everything took place in Philidalphia for some reason.
This shit is not healthy. Somebody send help.
« on: December 07, 2016, 11:34:44 PM »
How will blighttown run?
« on: December 04, 2016, 12:34:50 PM »
30 vigor 30 Attunment 30 endurance 8 Vitality 14 Strength 40 Dexterity 40 Intelligence 40 Faith
Rings: Chloranthy Favor Priestess Scholar
Right hand: Dancer's Swords/Briggand twindaggers Composite Bow/Blackbow of Pharis/Oni-chan Slayer Greatbow
Left Hand: Crystal Chime Dark Hand
Attunment slots: Great Farron Dart Crystal homing Soulmass Crystal Hail Divine Pillars of Light
Covenant: Fun Police
« on: December 03, 2016, 01:31:25 AM »
343i aught to fire everyone there who has drawn so much as a stick figure and hire the people from Halo Wars 2. And bring back Chris Schlerff. Literally the entire franchise fixed
« on: November 30, 2016, 07:30:17 PM »
I need to get the manga, legally, fam.