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I have officialy had it up to here with every single game I buy being unplayably broken

The Flood / Hardest Poll on Sep7agon
« on: December 12, 2014, 10:46:52 PM »
Pick one. That group of people will be permenantly erased from all existence. However the rest of Humanity will all become part of the other groups. Chose carfully.

The Flood / Titanfall vs Terminator
« on: December 12, 2014, 09:24:17 PM »
So. Let's assume The IMC is fighting skynet. The IMC has none of the fuel necessary for warp so they can  make it to orbit cant go FTL and leave Earth so they're stuck fighting. Both sides have their full combat force. Who wins?

Gaming / Still better storywriting than Bungie
« on: December 11, 2014, 10:13:21 PM »

I could tell you...

Gaming / Bungie literally called Destiny players "peasants"
« on: December 08, 2014, 12:59:31 PM »

About 37 seconds in

Bungie is making it so obvious now that they are playing people and the Desticles are just eating this shit up.

The Flood / Worst autistic fanbase of all time
« on: December 07, 2014, 09:00:26 PM »
Worst of the worst

The Flood / Which should I buy?
« on: December 07, 2014, 03:17:00 PM »
Muh birthday is comming up. Which one do I get?




DeeJ is a pegboy

Gaming / The Halo Community is a pile of garbage
« on: December 06, 2014, 09:17:52 PM »

>Nobody who likes Ever actualy likes any of the Halo games

>Constantlly vote Big Team ARs on Gaylo 3

>Worse Spawning than Boneyad

>Online Friends list doesn't fucking work

>Using Plasma Pistols like it's a fucking Needler

>Using needlers like they're fucking Sniper Rifles

>Using Sniper Riffles like they're playing Call of Fucking Duty

>Using Warthogs as fucking taxi cabs

>H4 Idiots Constantly betraying with grenade spam

>Reachtards constantly whining about the Battle Rifle

>Playing King of the Hill like Team Slayer

>Running over teammates while using Warthogs as taxi-cabs

>H3 and CE hit detection is shit

>Gandhi still not dead from Ebola

>Damage table glitches in H2A and H4


>Driving Warthogs into the middle of Valhalla and then leaving me to die in the Gunner seat

>Driving Warthogs into the Middle of Vallhalla and then leaving the flag carrier to die

>Custom games and forge are fucking dead because of Tourneyfags

>Splitscreen H2A still un-fucking playable

>People actually Voting For LOLMeltdown

Good Fucking Game

Gaming / Big Team ARs is the worst thing since Anita Sarkeesian
« on: December 04, 2014, 10:58:41 PM »
Who the fuck actualy thought this was a good Idea? Does 343 just sudenly fucking hate everyone who isnt a MLG stat whore who jacks off to the words map control and the number 50.

It has gotten bad to the point where everyone votes for Halo 4 as much as possible just so they dont have to start with an MA5Insult to Rifles

Gaming / Rate my Work in Progess
« on: December 04, 2014, 04:27:10 PM »
Things Istill need to do
>Add more Charachters (Issac Clarke, another mech, Others to be desiced)
>Figure out a damn title
>Adjust scale of Titan

What do you think? Anything else I should add/change?

The Flood / Attack On Titan Movie cast revealed (Looks like reaper shit)
« on: December 01, 2014, 10:12:54 PM »
Why is Armin's hair black and not blonde
Why the fuck are there trucks?
Who the fuck even are half these people?
Why do these images look like they were edited in Windows 98 Kids Pix
Why are all the Germans Japanese?
Why the fuck does Haji have an RPG?
And why does her hair look
Why am I such an asshole?
Why does everyone get so buttmad when I bring up Reach in any way other than bashing it?
Oh GodHow did this get here? I am not good with computer....

Thoughts, Flood?

The Flood / The Liberals are being retarded again...
« on: December 01, 2014, 05:03:49 PM »
Just when I thought Anita and McIntosh were the biggest idiots someone from CNN literaly wrote an article about how "Lego is killing imagination." because it comes in kits

London (CNN) -- Lego might not seem like the sort of thing to make your blood boil.
The venerable toy is one of the most popular playthings of all time. People of all ages love it. And if previous years are anything to go by, Christmas stockings will soon be bulging with the stuff.
But the irony is that because people feel such visceral affection for the toy, they tend to fly into a rage when they believe its standards are slipping.
In fact, I'm getting a bit hot under the collar myself.
Jake Wallis Simons
Jake Wallis Simons
The latest furore concerns Lego's "franchise" sets, which depict scenes from movies like "Star Wars," "Lord Of the Rings," and "Marvel."
Principled Lego enthusiasts have been arguing that they undermine the whole point of the toy, as they encourage children to construct showpiece models from instruction booklets rather than building something from their own imaginations.
"Lego taught me the art of creative destruction -- the need to break something in order to make something better," wrote the blogger Chris Swan.
"Lego for me was always about creativity, remaking and improving on existing designs. Those things don't happen with the sets that are designed to build a model of a single thing.
"Good old generic Lego, with endless possibilities on offer, hasn't gone away, it's just been drowned in a sea of marketing for other brands."
 Paid to play with Legos You won't believe this is made of Lego Lego building blocks of profits
Lego spokesman Roar Rude Trangbaek contested these claims. "The bricks will probably still end up in big boxes in homes and that will act as a pool for creativity," he said.
But many believe that the complex pieces contained in franchise sets make it very difficult for children to pursue their own designs (Lego now manufactures no less than 3,000 individual pieces).
This is not the only time that Lego has found itself embroiled in controversy. In 2011, when it released "Lego Friends," a range aimed at girls that included beauty parlors, cupcake bakeries and great quantities of the color pink, it was accused of crude gender stereotyping.
As one seven-year-old girl wrote in a viral letter, "all the girls did was sit at home, go to the beach, and shop, and they had no jobs, but the boys went on adventures, worked, saved people, and had jobs, even swam with sharks."
(Lego's ham-fisted attempt to address these concerns, a new set called "Research Institute" that featured female scientists, sold out within days.)
For any discerning adult, all this makes you want to weep. Whatever happened to the idea of buying big bags of Lego for your children and letting their imaginations do the rest?
It all seems a long way from the guiding principle of Lego's founder, the Danish toymaker Ole Kirk Christiansen, that "Der bedster er ikke for godt" -- "only the best is worthy." And it supports the general impression that the classic toys of previous decades are being replaced by overly commercialized, sexualized, dumbed-down bits of tat.
Let's skip Sindy and Barbie and take, for instance, Playmobil. Its new City Life range, which is aimed squarely at girls, includes scenes like "Shopping Center," "Beauty Salon," and "Clothing Boutique," all awash with sickly pink. (Because that's what girls are supposed to be into, right?)
Boys, however, are presented with the "Top Agents" range, which includes a video camera that can be attached to a remote-control car so that kids can spy remotely on people (let's not mention the ethical tension between privacy and surveillance).
What sort of adults will today's children become? What sort of world will they create? And what are their toys actually doing to them?
Jake Wallis Simons
This bears scant resemblance to the traditional Playmobil -- those innocent little figures with the inverted crescent smile, those skinny horses to clip them on -- which fired the imaginations of generations of children over the last few decades.
Now, we all understand that toy manufacturers are not charities. They are in it for the money, and good for them.
But play is a vitally important part of a child's development, and toy manufactures are uniquely placed to influence their lives -- for the better or for the worse. Why do we stand back while they ride roughshod over our kids' moral and spiritual well-being in the pursuit of maximum profit?
Obviously, creating multiple differentials and marketing towards them is good for business. The more the consumer -- that is, the child -- can be sold the idea that this particular product is essential for a lifestyle aspiration, the more the dollars will come rolling in.
It makes for a depressing indictment of society's view of childhood.
As Christmas approaches, millions of harassed adults will stream into toy stores all over the world in search of that special something that will make their little one's eyes light up.
In the vast majority of those stores, the toys will be divided by gender. Boys' toys will be largely action-based, while girls' toys will be centered around dolls, homemaking and the attempt to conform to a specific idea of beauty, all decked out in pink and tied with a bow.
The gifts will be selected, wrapped and presented. There will follow two days of mayhem.
The girls will instantly be wearing tacky princess dresses; the boys will be armed to the teeth and roaring. Toys that appear impressive but are actually impossible to play with will be littered in the corners of rooms.
Electronic noises will blare unneeded from every corner, and children will enter a vegetative state as they sit for hour upon hour in the dystopian glow of various screens.
Now, I'm not a Christian. But it strikes me that Christmas should be more than just an orgy of consumerism.
This Yuletide, therefore, perhaps we should consider these questions seriously. What sort of adults will today's children become? What sort of world will they create? And what are their toys actually doing to them?

Question: When the fuck has lego being in kits ever stoped someone from making something that wanst the kit's intended purpouse?

Yes just look at how ruined all our creativity is....

#Invalid YouTube Link#



Septagon / How do i make one of those custom nameplates everyone has?
« on: November 29, 2014, 11:37:16 PM »

Problems with DMR/bloom:

>Fire in 2-3 shot bursts
>Stop standing still
>Go for the noobs at long range and out in the open
(Not quite 100% guaranteed to work everytime but you will win most gunfights)

Issues with armor lockers
>Throw grenades (Takes practice getting the timing right but once you do it gets em every time)
>Stand back unless you want to get EMP'd  and instapunched
>Dont drive ghosts into people who are obviously baiting you. You have guns for a reason

Sprint & AA's
>Play Classic Slayer

Gaming / ITT: Post Bungie Logic
« on: November 26, 2014, 07:11:39 PM »
Employee #1: Hey you know those Two guys who actually did their jobs well?

DeeJ™:         Yeah Joe and Marty, right?

Employee #1: Lets fire em!

DeeJ™:         But Joe is already leaving for Microsoft

Employee #1: Fine we will just throw his work out and still fire Marty.

DeeJ™:         But what will we do with the story?

Employee #1: I could tell you™

Gaming / Halo: Nightfall Episode 3 Discusion Thread
« on: November 25, 2014, 08:56:44 PM »
Who the hell detonated the Genesis Device on Installation 04?

Gaming / MCC Halo 4 is using the Godawful Pre TU Settings
« on: November 24, 2014, 10:47:57 PM »
5 shot kill BR
Awfull Spawns
Vehicles on insta-Respawn
Splattered by vehicles that are Practicly standing still

Halo CE also has an absolutely godawfull netcode. Poured at least 4 Clear heashots with a Sniper Rifle into a guy and he took no damage until we both stood perfectly still.

CE Warthogs also have Godawful Monster Hunter Hitboxes

The Flood / Metroid Vs Halo vs Mass Effect Vs Star Trek vs Star Wars
« on: November 22, 2014, 02:32:43 PM »
Let's assume that all major factions to have exisedt within said universes still existed exept for ones we don't know enough about (So no Precursors)

Q is Banned for the same reason I dont include Superman Thanos and Gurren Laggan in fights

Non Cannon Factions and events Are also banned (Meaning no Spartan1337 no Shitroid Other MW3 and no Prime Pinball, Hunters,Manga Or 1.5)

I also beleve the Star Wars video games were Demoted from cannon. Not sure. I need confirmation on this

Gaming / Collector Ship from Mass Effect 2 in Metroid Prime?
« on: November 22, 2014, 12:55:36 AM »
So earlier today I was looking at the Mass Effect 2 Artbook , then after playing Super Smash Bros. U I decided to pop in Metroid Prime 3 Coruption for the first time in years and I noticed something oddly familiar

Metroid Prime 3: Corruption (2007)
Space Pirate Battleship

Mass Effect 2 (2010)
Collector Cruiser

They aren't quite the same but the ovrall designs are eerily similar IMO. The one from from kind of looks like a collector ship fused with a Reaper

Gaming / 3Fail3 Idiocracy is Brokering canoes
« on: November 21, 2014, 01:52:25 PM »
This Article is a stub. Please add more up to date information

3Fail3Idiocracy ltd is an American Based Canoe Broker and a Subsidiary of Micro$shaft Corperation tasked with preserving the Halo canoe brand.
3Fail3Idiocracy's headquarters are located on Kirkland Street in Washington DC

Founded in July of 2009 and named after a Cannon Operative (Tim "3fail3GuttingSpork" Dabado) The company was charged with Assisting Bungee in creating PR events and phone apps to help the company interact easier with the canoe community.

Following Bungee's departure from Mico$haft however 3fail3Idiocracy's role changed from management to the preservation and brokering of the Halo cannoe brand.

The first product released by 3fail3 was the 10 year anniversary of bungee's original Halo Canoe, The CE which made updates and improvements while leaving it's core workings relatively untouched.

At the same time, 3Fail3 was also responsible for managing Bungie's Halo: Reach canoe which received mixed reception from the Canoe line's fanbase. The structure of the Reach canoe would break the cannons that were made during the previous Halo canoes' cycle. Many competitive canoe racers also felt that the ability to use several augmentations in races as well as the new bloom automatic drag breaks made the canoes unsuitable for competitive matches.

3Fail3 would make free updated versions of the cannoes that removed the bloom breaks and tweaked some of the augmentations that gave pro's isues. This update recived mixed reception despite directly addressing the community's concerns.Other than this 3fail3 would also repair holes the Reach Cannoe left in the cannons.

3Fail3's first Original product however would come in 2012 in the form of the highly controversial Halo 4 canoe. This brand expanded on the concepts set forth in the Reach line, focusing more on customization, rather than the equal grounds, High skill focus that made people love the original Halo products so much. The Halo 4 was in no way a low quality canoe, but it deviated from the line too much and alienated it's core audience. Many have accused 3fail3idiocracy of trying to broker to COD fishermen rather than competitive canoe racers  Months after the initial launch, the userbase and attendees of Halo Canoe events dropped dramatically. However many agree that the Cannoe's addition to the line of Cannons was well done. Despite some overly streamlined "Quicktime" segments, a few cracks and the requirement to have read a separate set of instructions to fully understand the Didact components the cannon of the Halo 4 canoe is considered excellent especially compared to the Halo 3's flawed Cannon.

Gaming / Halo: Nightfall Second Stories Disussion
« on: November 19, 2014, 10:26:12 PM »
Why hasn't Admirals or somone already made this thread?

Anyway, how about the fact that the Covies may have reverse engeniered Halo's tech to only kill humans, and on that note, I thought Halo killed sentient life in a completel different way than what Nightfall discribed. Someone care to fill me in?

Lastly what do you think those worms actually are. I highly doubt those are lekgolo,.and I doubt the flood would only react to technology the way those worms did.

Gaming / Map Testing in Halo 2 Aniversary
« on: November 18, 2014, 03:23:16 PM »

First Map remake complete. I need help testing with a full loby

GT: ChaosMetalDrago

Gaming / Anybody up to help Forge in H2A
« on: November 15, 2014, 11:36:10 AM »

I am attempting to remake this map. I am up to the second floor. Anybody care to help?

Gaming / Rate my Gaming Setup
« on: November 14, 2014, 11:54:01 AM »

Got an Xbox One, Wii U, Wii, 3DS and a Lenovo Laptop

Gaming / Call of Destiny 5 Guardians: Advanced Titanfall
« on: November 10, 2014, 10:55:32 PM »
I don't know what to think now

Sprint: Sheilds no longer recharge
Slide: Same as CoD
Shoulder Charge: Same as Density Shoulder charge (OHK Confirmed)
Thruster pack: Now standard just like Advanced Warfare but I like it
Slam: essentialy a combination of Advanced warfare slam and Destiny Fist of Havoc  (Also OHK)
Mantling same as cod/bf (Can be done in air)
Smart scope Not quite ADS. Shouldn't beat practical or be nessisary  in close quarters. Applies to all weapons including AR

Overall Looks like a better Advanced Warfare with a Halo skin. I kind of like the gameplay
 but on the other hand its Too much of a departure....It's probably going to be beaten back into a Halo 3.5.


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