Gaming / >People still concider telltale's interactive comic books to be "games"
« on: May 04, 2015, 02:23:17 PM »
>LOLWalkingDead wins Game of the Year
>And you wonder why the retarded Hipster brigade think that their power point presentation twilight fanfics about depression belong on steam, or why Anita Sarkeesian thinks Mirrors edge 2 should be a documentary on feminism with a "skip all gameplay button"
In the meanwhile I would like to petition MLG to open a Pro Circut for Chose your own Adventure books
>And you wonder why the retarded Hipster brigade think that their power point presentation twilight fanfics about depression belong on steam, or why Anita Sarkeesian thinks Mirrors edge 2 should be a documentary on feminism with a "skip all gameplay button"
In the meanwhile I would like to petition MLG to open a Pro Circut for Chose your own Adventure books