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« on: April 21, 2016, 09:52:44 AM »
And they deserve to be punished. The same applies to walnuts in brownies.
Discuss the objectively wrong preparations of various foods ITT
« on: April 21, 2016, 04:25:29 AM »
If the incubators can literally CHANGE THE FUNDAMENTAL LAWS OF FUCKING REALITY why is preventing the heat death of the universe even a problem for them. Even if their powers revolve around granting someone's wishes WHY DON'T THEY JUST ASK SOMEONE TO WISH FOR THE HEAT DEATH OF THE UNIVERSE TO NOT HAPPEN?
But no, let's just rely on an inefficient and pointless cycle of suffering of children as a temporary solution until the race is inevitably wiped out by the death of the sun in 5 billion (Which is no time whatsoever in perspective with the entire universe and it's heat death) or until one of said children accidentally becomes to powerful and destroys the universe anyway....
Sounds like a great plan
« on: April 20, 2016, 08:58:14 PM »
He is very deceitful after all, but that's why in times like this we must always remind ourselves and each other that we can never compromise to black.
For now we must remain foolish in ship. May the Wish power be together with you all.
« on: April 20, 2016, 07:56:35 PM »
An Other M avatar? What did I do to deserve such a harsh and personal attack?
« on: April 14, 2016, 03:30:08 AM »
Pissed off about anything in a game? dump it here.
Fuck Active Gaydar Pulse. Niggers cant kill me without a either a giant robot with a chaingun, or having to use X-ray vision and then blind me then have their gun doing the aiming for them, and then they still lose 7/10 gunfights. I bet they use Landorus and Rotom Wash on all their teams and main Bayonetta.
« on: April 13, 2016, 04:19:51 AM »
Yu-Gi-Oh: Spoiler Dont go to a tounament unless you like playing the same exact deck over and over that blue balls you with 20 minute turns and then you essentially don't even get a chance to play . Pokemon VGC: lol Titanfall Pubs: Spoiler We all remember the camping satchel carbines from pre patch. And we're damn glad they're gone GEN 10 PILOT 200 HP 68 Damage per shot 480 Rounds fuckin per minute 12 rounds and 30 meter range (But dont tell an1 ur using enhanced targeting, u fukkin faggot)
« on: April 10, 2016, 10:19:30 PM »
And of course it sole use is for going back in time to post memes far before they would ever be invented, as was always the destiny of the technology. The future of our species is a bright one indeed.
« on: April 08, 2016, 11:47:09 AM »
Square Enix has clarified the episodic structure of its Final Fantasy 7 Remake, stating it will be comprised of multiple, full-sized games instead of a series of smaller episodes.
The details were revealed in the latest issue of Game Informer, in which producer Yoshinori Kitase said the development team was using Final Fantasy XIII series, which encompassed a total of three games, as the model.
"This reimagined epic will be the next core Final Fantasy instalment--or rather, instalments," Game Informer's writer states. "When the project was first announced, people were confused by its multi-part nature, but the goal is to structure it more like Final Fantasy XIII than an episodic series."
Kitase adds: "It will essentially be a full scale game for each part of the multi-part series. In XIII, each instalment told the story from a different angle. It was kind of like approaching an unknown territory in a sense."
"Whereas with Final Fantasy VII Remake, we already have a preexisting story, so it wouldn't really make sense if that isn't encompassed in a multi-part series... So if we're just looking at each of these parts, one part should be on par with the scale of one Final Fantasy XIII game."
Continuing, the cover feature reiterates previous statements that Square Enix is taking some liberties with the story to modernise it.
"I, along with [Tetsuya] Nomura-san and [Kazushige] Nojima-san--who are involved with the remake--were also involved with the original Final Fantasy," Kitase said. "We were the people who created it, so in that sense, we don't think anything is untouchable. That isn't to say we're changing everything!"
As of yet, the first entry in the Final Fantasy 7 Remake series has not been given a release date. The next game in the series, Final Fantasy 15, will launch on September 30.$quare €nix is selling each part of the game (Each part probably being the the extent of one of the original game's Disks) for full price, and are probably going to butcher the story too from what is being said.
« on: April 08, 2016, 12:46:10 AM »
Old topic I know, but I personally think it's a bit to early to make the call and that The Force Awakens was merely an introduction, and they already planned to have his better development in 8. And I massively doubt she's supposed to serve as some kind of self insert for Abrams. I could be wrong though and they could have intentionally wrote her to be retardedly perfect to appease SJWs and "muh stronk womyn" without any care to write a truly compelling character without anime levels of obnoxious plot armor.
What are you guys thoughts?
« on: April 07, 2016, 12:54:23 AM »
And by "legend" we mean a nameless grunt in an army of nameless grunts with identical powers all repeating the same menial chores on a weekly basis for moths on end just hoping for a weapon that isn't completely useless in the unenjoyable clusterfuck tournaments that they desperately try to coax you into joining because god knows you wouldn't play that lag-fest if they didn't threaten to withhold gear from you.
« on: April 06, 2016, 11:55:39 PM »
How is everyone's day going?
« on: April 04, 2016, 07:07:33 PM »
Nintendo has created THE masterpiece. The pinnacle of human achievement.
« on: April 03, 2016, 12:26:18 AM »
>Drove her husband to madness >Psychologically traumatized her son >Continues traumatizing her son throughout his premature military career narly costing him his life >Dosn't even let him know she's alive >Tricks him into fucking a clone of herself in space >Literally induces the Apocalypse
>"Hurr durr I did it so that I could shove all of humanity into this barely functional crudely developed abomination with a literal 5 minute battery life. But it's OK because it's immortal and I destroyed the only thing that could destroy it except for just about any significant force in the fucking cosmos ranging from gamma ray bursts to black holes, not to mention said weapon I destroyed would have been our only defense against the possibly godlike precursor race that we know for a fact definitely exists and will probably destroy our said abomination that I stuffed us all in, seeing as they did everything in their power to prevent this exact thing from happening. My plan is genius"
« on: April 01, 2016, 10:11:19 PM »
Zal҉go tr̵a̷n͝s͝cend͏s̨ y̡ou͝r͏ ͘prim͠iti̴ve̶ un͜de̵r͢st͠andi̶n̴g͞.͞
Y͞o͜u҉r ͟Semi͞t̷ic̕ ͠t҉r͟icks̀ ͏ha͞ve ̶n̡o ́po̶wer͏ ove͜r̴ m̀e
I͏'҉m͏ t̷h͝e̢ Ov͝e̷r͞lor҉d now
« on: April 01, 2016, 09:49:06 PM » fromsoftwart? really? The Title too....
« on: April 01, 2016, 01:48:56 PM »
« on: March 31, 2016, 01:17:07 PM »
« on: March 29, 2016, 06:24:00 PM »
Best FPS this gen TBH
« on: March 28, 2016, 10:28:57 PM »
Heaven's Feel Movie Trilogy Discuss
« on: March 27, 2016, 02:22:30 PM »
Ok here's 18 minutes of gameplay of Call of Duty Spec Ops Metroid Prime Federation Force Now someone explain to me what about this looks fun? >There is not exploration >Levels are horribly linear >There is no meaningful Co-Op interations whatsoever >Looks easy enough to be solo'd with no problem if not for the tacked on Gears of War-like Press (x) simultaniously to progress bullshit >Isnt even flashy looking to make up for the lack of any depth >Rudimentary, Mario Bros. Tier boss design >Art style with no personality (You cant even tell they are supposed to be in mechs)
« on: March 27, 2016, 01:31:39 AM »
It's bad enough the theater has the budget of a couple of paperclips and a half eaten subway coupon, but I also have to deal with having to deal with the entire fucking Republic senate of the ghetto holding conversations over the damn movie. The mid-west was a mistake. also Spoiler Fucking dammit movie why the fuck would you bring him back!?! What was the point of faking his death?
« on: March 26, 2016, 04:44:46 PM »
This part is fucking Bullshit
I want to be able to have kids with dragon powers but at the same time I don't want to fuck a little girl, that's gross, and I want Tharja. How do I fix this?
« on: March 26, 2016, 12:13:55 PM »
Because Neither Africa nor America exist in the Star Wars Universe
« on: March 22, 2016, 08:15:32 PM »
Not even the coloring books are safe anymore
« on: March 22, 2016, 10:59:59 AM »
It's so fucking long since ive had to play one of these. Holy fuck. Third Paralouge mission in Fire Emblem Awakening and these fucking civies are literally running face first into swarms of enemies and getting themselves killed and avoid every attempt I make to try to protect them. You'd think devs would understand by now that nobody in the history of earth has ever enjoyed escort missions, and nobody ever will.
« on: March 21, 2016, 09:08:35 PM »
Is this an actual Division mod already or did somene do this in gmod or something. Maybe a 3rd person Mod for ODST with a division interface UI photoshoped on? I love how the teammates are Chips Dubbo and Dustin Echoes
« on: March 18, 2016, 10:31:26 AM »
You are the head developer of a new game being developed. Let's just assume this game is some kind of an action oriented game with a competitive multiplayer component. This could be a shooter, a fighting game, an action RPG, something along those lines
You've come to a major point in the game's production due to hardware limitations where you must now choose between expanding the game further with more features or sacrificing those to have a consistent 60 Frames per second rather than 30. Which one do you think is more important for such a game to have.
« on: March 17, 2016, 02:45:02 PM »
Video is a prime example of the idiocy surrounding the 343 hate circlejeck >Walks strait into a fucking Knight whilst barely firing his Assault Rifle >Gets bitch Slapped in the face by said Knight >"Waaaah Melee is OP Halo 4 and 343 suck nerf pls" >Claims the story is bad >likes Halo 3 Why are people who hate 343 fucking retarded 99.9? of the time
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