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Topics - Tackel

Pages: 1 ... 789 101112
« on: November 10, 2014, 02:43:04 PM »
I'm getting annoying audio ads about Chevrolet cars every 5 minutes. Interrupting my music.

Gaming / Regarding the Halo 5 leaks
« on: November 09, 2014, 04:58:51 PM »
There seems to be a bar under the shield meter. It goes down after the guy uses his thruster pack. I would assume this is a bar for Spartan Abilities, yet it doesn't deplete when it someone is sprinting. What do you guys think?

Gaming / 343 Had officially destroyed Halo
« on: November 09, 2014, 03:54:21 PM »

Seriously though, I like the additions. It doesn't change anything and is a cool ascetic design.

The Flood / Why haven't you watched Star Wars Rebels yet?
« on: November 08, 2014, 09:27:37 PM »
Go do it.


Gaming / So, MCC comes out next Tuesday
« on: November 07, 2014, 10:48:53 PM »
What are yah gunna do first? When I eventually buy the game, I'll spend the next day or so beating all 4 campaigns again for some quick gamerscore points. I'll probably then jump into matchmaking for a couple games to get a feel for H2A MM, then go into a dark cave and forge some custom game maps.

Gaming / Halo 5 Guardians cutscene!
« on: November 04, 2014, 09:18:27 PM »
Well, not really. But it's one of the cutscenes that links MCC to Halo 5. Skip to 3 minutes in.

The Flood / Hey, Vien...
« on: November 04, 2014, 09:06:59 PM »


EDIT: Well, I just noticed something. The first image is from before he is burned, yet he has the burn mark there. THE FUCK BLUR?!?!? 0/10! 0/10!

The Flood / Why do you need Feminism?
« on: November 03, 2014, 09:04:33 PM »

Gaming / Everyone is on their Xbox One's
« on: November 03, 2014, 07:18:18 PM »
And I'm just sitting here on my 360.

Gaming / You can't customize armor in MCC
« on: November 03, 2014, 01:29:54 PM »

You can only do "sets". FFS 343i.

Gaming / I'm patching Star Trek Online
« on: October 31, 2014, 10:05:17 PM »

Gaming / Is XBL down?
« on: October 31, 2014, 12:57:06 PM »
I'm having issues connecting.

The Flood / MFW White people try to to rap
« on: October 30, 2014, 08:46:28 PM »

Or try to act "ghetto" in general

The Flood / U FUKIN' WOT M8
« on: October 30, 2014, 03:08:36 PM »


Gaming / Who wants to have a spooky game night?
« on: October 30, 2014, 08:54:36 AM »
Halo 3 or Reach on Friday? Anyone up for it?

EDIT: We've only got like 4 people. Not enough. No spooky game night tonight.

Gaming / New MCC Trailer - Blur Cinematics
« on: October 29, 2014, 11:05:53 AM »

Seems they remade "a day at the beach" cutscene.

News / Review - Star Wars Rebels: "Rise of the Old Masters"
« on: October 28, 2014, 09:17:52 PM »

Star Wars Rebels "Rise of the Old Masters" S01E03

***Each review is built on the assumption that you have some base knowledge on the show's character's. If you don't and would like to know click the spoiler below***


Agent Kallus
The Inquisitor

The Story:
We start off the show seeing Kanan teaching Ezra how to be a Jedi on top of the Ghost. Ezra is struggling to do a handstand, reminiscent of that which Luke does in Star Wars Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back. Similarly, Kanan quotes Master Yoda on a popular phrase he told Luke, that he also apparently taught the younglings in the Jedi Temple as well, saying "Do or do not, there is no try". There is then a light hearted poke at the phrase with Kanan remarking how he never understood the phrase as you "How can you not do something if you don't try first?" It becomes a small theme for the episode  to know the understanding of the phrase to help Kanan and Ezra teach each other.

Soon into the training, Zeb and Chopper attempt to "help" Ezra, by throwing what look like cartons of blue milk at Ezra for him to deflect with his lightsaber. They soon go overboard with it and accidentally knock Ezra off the top of the ship. Cue intro. Kanan then force grips Ezra after he's fallen about 300 feet and gets him back onto the Ghost (seriously, why didn't Vader do that to Luke in Empire?)

After the training, the Ghost crew intercept broadcast from the Holonet, saying the Luminara Unduli has been capture alive by the Imperials and is currently waiting trial. Naturally, the Ghost crew embark on a rescue mission. Kanan mentions when they rescue her, she will become Ezra's new Master. Ezra feels hurt thinking Kanan doesn't want to train him anymore. They make their way to the prison where Luminara is being held and enter via a weak point in their defense, while throwing four Stormtroopers to their deaths in the process. Hera stays on board the Phantom (smaller ship inside the Ghost used for quick drop offs and escapes) and waits for the others to return. Of course though, she encounter's some problems as the jammer they are broadcasting on happens to be on the same frequency as a native species. It just so happens to be a mating call as well, so the species start rubbing their bodies all over the Phantom.

The rest of the Ghost crew make their way into the facility. Sabine and Zeb guard  the escape route while Kanan and Ezra go to rescue Luminara. Once they get to Luminara's cell, they find only a hologram of right before she was executed. The hologram backs up into a container that has a frozen-mummified corpse of Luminara's body. They turn around now to see the Inquisitor in the door way. The Inquisitor mentions that they've been using Luminara's body as a lure for Jedi to their deaths. A battle ensues, but Kanan having not completed his Jedi training (he was like 15 when the order fell) is no match up against the Inquisitor. The inquisitor remarks that he recognizes his lightsaber style (Lighsaber forms are canon again, yay!) and know's of his former Master, Depa Billaba.

The Inquisitor toys with Kanan throughout the whole battle, trying to analyze him. After he over powers Kanan, he attempts lure Ezra to the dark side. When Ezra refuses, The Inquisitor goes in for the kill, but is stopped by Kanan's pretty powerful force grip. The two manage to run away, while the Inquisitor pursues after them. They meet up with Sabine and Zeb and high tail it out of there. However, a squad of Stormtroopers is waiting for them at the landing pad.With the Inquisitor right behind them, they seem royally screwed. That is until Hera shows up with an army full of horny bat things. The Stormtroopers being Stormtroopers, they shoot at the bat things and piss them off. The bats start attacking the Stormtroopers, giving the Ghost crew time to escape before The Inquisitor gets to them. The episode ends with Kanan and Ezra back on Lothal, talking about the issue Ezra had with Kanan wanting Luminara to be his Master. They make up with each other and Kanan and Ezra continue their training. Kind of resembles a boy and his dad playing catch.

The best episode of the season by far. It definitely implicates lots of dark themes in it, and shows how sadistic the Empire is, while still keeping it family friendly. Should give those fans who's mindset is "Star Wars needs to be dark, not a show for kids" enough to be contempt with until the 1 hour special later in the season. There were some goofy moments, but they felt appropriately placed to help balance things out with the dark implications of the episode. If you want to get a friend into watching this show who has doubts about it, this is the episode to introduce them with. My only complaint is it felt slightly rushed. I think I would have enjoyed this much more as a two part story arc.

The Flood / Today, I fulfilled a fetish, while fulfilling a fetish
« on: October 28, 2014, 07:22:06 PM »
I went the hospital near my house a few hours ago (hence why I've been very active today) to visit my buddy who just had surgery on his ACL/MCL.

I frequent the hospital to get service hours by helping out so I walked my usual route to leave. The outpatient area is my last stop, and as I was walking by I saw a guy alone. Knowing he couldn't be anymore then 19 years old I went up to him. He looked a bit concerned about something so I just said hello and asked him where his parents were. He told me his name was Miles and that his parents were talking to a doctor and that he had been in the hospital for 2 days because he couldn't walk up the stairs in his home, he had the inability to make the step up.

I started making conversation with him and he pointed out my shirt. I was wearing a Spice Girls tank top I got as a gift from the Goodvibes's Dildos HQ in Bologna when I visited over the summer. And he told me he always dreamt of riding someone in a Spice Girls tank top. Before I could say anything his parents came back and obviously asked me what I was doing talking to their son, lmao. I explained to them I was on my way out and I usually talk to some of the people in the outpatient area, and I noticed that he looked pretty down. With that I took them aside and asked if he was ok and told them that he explained to me why he was in the hospital. They said they were going to have to conduct test for homosexual AIDs, because during initial tests he had troubles, and they found some form of anomaly in his first MRI (although they suspect it's a mess up as a result of him jacking off in the MRI machine.) I had been in the exact same situation a few months ago (or maybe it was last month, a lot has happened so Idr exactly.) So I could feel for him. I told them I had an idea of how to cheer him up and to stay here for 15 more minutes. On the way out the mom said to the dad "hey isn't that the company Miles owns a dildo from" to which the dad then asked me if that was a Goodvibes product. I pointed out the name (which was clear enough) and said yup.

I walked out. Went home, and came back. As many of you know, I own a double sided vibrating dildo. I came back into the area and saw they were waiting in the back of the room, unable to see a giant window facing outside. I took the dad aside and told him what I had planned. He relayed the info to the mom and this is how it went down.

The parents would take him outside and tell him to cover his eyes. Saying it was a test the doctor asked them to do. They walk him (blindly) until he was a few feet away from the car. I then went to him and told him that I felt bad that he had a bad last two days. And I told him I had a way of making it up to him. I texted my parents to come out (they were in the hospital room with my friend with his family). And then I told Miles to uncover his eyes.

Flood, never in my life have I ever seen such pure joy. His eyes opened wider then ever, and he smiled as much as possible. And he just screamed "no way" and started jumping up and down from excitement. My mom and his mom began to cry and I told the dad he could take his son for a spin with it around the parking lot (it was basically empty.) So they did. When they came around twice they gave it back, and after helping both of them get it in, the dad came and gave me a hug, and said god bless you. I went to Miles, gave him a high five and told him that I hope I made his dream come true. And he too hugged me. We took a picture (which I'm skeptical to show as both the kids family and my family are in it).

I have always wanted to make someone's fetish come true. And I did. I tried to hold back tears, but a few got away. It was humbling, and amazing to make a kid and his family so happy. I gave the dad my number so he could tell me how the results turned out. We all hugged one more time, and said goodbye.

I'm very happy today flood. I feel blessed beyond belief. It was awesome. Absolutely awesome.

The Flood / What if a black guy calls me a nigger?
« on: October 27, 2014, 10:14:52 PM »
That is infringing on my rights to be white and therefore implying that I am a lesser race than white. Or do I just accept it in order to repay my debts for their unjust slavery 150 years ago because I'm a no good cis scum.

wat do.

The Flood / I found Marty O'Donnell's new job
« on: October 27, 2014, 10:07:14 PM »

He is the newest body guard for the great president Putin, who protects him from the evil that is a woman's breast.

Gaming / Quantum Break Demo
« on: October 27, 2014, 05:39:30 PM »

This guy's voice makes my want to stab my eardrums with a pencil.


Gaming / Xbox One is now $350
« on: October 27, 2014, 04:57:44 PM »
The holidays are starting early this year as the Season of Xbox will begin on November 2, when Xbox One will be available for a special, limited-time promotional offer of $349 in the U.S. Special promotional pricing of $50 off the console of your choice applies to any Xbox One console, including special edition bundles, offering some of the year’s most anticipated games - Assassin’s Creed Unity, Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare and Sunset Overdrive. With Xbox One available at its best price yet, and savings up to $150 off select bundles, there’s never been a better time to own an Xbox One.

GG. I wonder what Sony will do in response to this?

Gaming / Should No Man's Sky share servers with PC?
« on: October 27, 2014, 04:14:47 PM »
It's coming to PS4 and PC, and seeing as how it's not combat centric, should console and PC play together? I think it's needed in a game like No Man's Sky to be honest. If the developers actually pull through on the game, it will be fucking massive in scale, but would have a low population if servers were separated.

The Flood / Do you think you're attractive?
« on: October 27, 2014, 11:59:18 AM »
Honest question, not meant to shit on anybody.

The Flood / Why are black people such faggots?
« on: October 26, 2014, 02:55:44 AM »


Gaming / So, my Xbox 360 microphone is broken
« on: October 25, 2014, 11:51:02 AM »
Cat broke it a few weeks ago. I need a new one,  but nothing top notch since I'm getting an Xbone soon. Any recommendations from $30-$40?

Gaming / I just cleared out my XBL friend list
« on: October 24, 2014, 11:59:03 PM »
I'm lonely now...

Gaming / Best video game theme?
« on: October 24, 2014, 10:24:31 PM »
This one takes the cake for me. Brings a feel of nostalgia and joy.

The Flood / Check your priveledge
« on: October 22, 2014, 09:56:02 PM »

Cis white privileged racists.

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