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Messages - Azendac

Pages: 1 ... 192021
Serious / Re: The Case Against Democracy
« on: November 12, 2016, 10:01:03 PM »
We do have to accept the fact that for the majority of people, deciding the country's future and the living conditions of everyone in it, is just a weird burden that would rather avoid having, hence the universally low voter turn outs and disdain for all political discussion.

The results of Brexit and maga do show that rural America and rural UK are closer to eachother than they are to their respective urban populations.

I'd like to say that freedo of association is what this entire election was about. rural whites want to live with other rural whites, and multicultural (and multiracial) city slickers want to live in their cities with eachother. There's nothing wrong with this, but you have to accept that most people on either side will not change their entire way of life to suit your feelings, so leaving for somewhre else really is the best option.

Gaming / Re: Civilization 6 thread
« on: November 12, 2016, 09:53:54 PM »
I'm really enjoying the districts and suzerain system, that and making builders act as charges is so much more fun than ciV's system.

Serious / Re: Don't normalize Trump simply because he won
« on: November 12, 2016, 09:47:54 PM »
So following President Obama's advice is taking things too far, but calling Trump and his supporters nazis for two years straight is perfectly fine? This is the kind of attitude that lead to his election.

Besides, Trump is already softening up on obamacare.

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